It is now time to bring up articles of impeachment against Trump

Russian collusion, money laundering, emoluments, Bribing a USSC to retire


LOL There is not one iota of evidence that Trump did any of this. Not one.

Plenty of evidence. Ask Bob.

Seeings as how you have no idea what evidence "Bob" has or doesn't have , it's utterly stupid of you to make that claim.

Seeings as how you have no idea what evidence "Bob" has or doesn't have , it's utterly stupid of you to make that claim that there is no evidence.

In fact, if there was no evidence, the investigation would have ended a long time ago.
That is right support the House to waste time and resources on a doomed cause because you are butt hurt. Really smart move Democrats. Two years of gridlock coming right up.
Nothing doomed about a proven criminal who is guilty of stealing an election by way of foreign enemies.
You boy Obama said it was impossible for a foriegn leader to affect the outcome of our elections. Was he lying?
Nice racial slur, asshole.
Don't use them. Get your head out of your ass.
That is right support the House to waste time and resources on a doomed cause because you are butt hurt. Really smart move Democrats. Two years of gridlock coming right up.
Nothing doomed about a proven criminal who is guilty of stealing an election by way of foreign enemies.
You boy Obama said it was impossible for a foriegn leader to affect the outcome of our elections. Was he lying?
I am not nor ever have been a supporter of Mr. Obama, Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton or Mr. Bush. I have no idea what you are asking.
So, you just bitch?
There are others who deserve and have earned my support. Democrats nor Republicans have a sterling record worthy of unquestioned support. Yes when the actions taken by either party deserve it I bitch loud and clear. Don't like it? Go pound sand fool.
That is right support the House to waste time and resources on a doomed cause because you are butt hurt. Really smart move Democrats. Two years of gridlock coming right up.
Nothing doomed about a proven criminal who is guilty of stealing an election by way of foreign enemies.
You boy Obama said it was impossible for a foriegn leader to affect the outcome of our elections. Was he lying?
Nice racial slur, asshole.
I guess i should call him a negro like cnn called Kayne West?
Trump has become unhinged.

Soon we will have President Pelosi. Proving that the Republicans backed the wrong horse. They should have impeached Trump the first year. At least they would still have a Republican President. Now Pence has become mired & will follow Trump.
They knew that from jump.

They went in supporting Trump like this...


But the bastards knew full-well what Trump was about.

Chickens coming home to roost.

Why do you want to overturn the will of the people?

Are you really looking for a civil war?

So impeaching Clinton wasn't trying to overturn the will of the people?

Why is it that it's ok to impeach Clinton over a lie about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who wasn't his wife but it's not ok to impeach trump for conspiring with a foreign hostile nation that attacked our election system?

So according to republicans it's not ok to lie about oral sex but it's ok to to cheat on an election and conspire with a hostile nation.

You people have no idea what patriotism is about.

I personally don't want him impeached. pence will just pardon him. I want the truth of all his crimes to be exposed so the people can vote him out of office in 2020 then the full force of our justice system be brought down on him.

trump is a criminal and has committed treason. He should face justice for all his crimes.
Trump has become unhinged.

Soon we will have President Pelosi. Proving that the Republicans backed the wrong horse. They should have impeached Trump the first year. At least they would still have a Republican President. Now Pence has become mired & will follow Trump.
They knew that from jump.

They went in supporting Trump like this...


But the bastards knew full-well what Trump was about.

Chickens coming home to roost.

Why do you want to overturn the will of the people?

Are you really looking for a civil war?

So impeaching Clinton wasn't trying to overturn the will of the people?

Why is it that it's ok to impeach Clinton over a lie about consensual oral sex with an adult woman who wasn't his wife but it's not ok to impeach trump for conspiring with a foreign hostile nation that attacked our election system?

So according to republicans it's not ok to lie about oral sex but it's ok to to cheat on an election and conspire with a hostile nation.

You people have no idea what patriotism is about.

I personally don't want him impeached. pence will just pardon him. I want the truth of all his crimes to be exposed so the people can vote him out of office in 2020 then the full force of our justice system be brought down on him.

trump is a criminal and has committed treason. He should face justice for all his crimes.
First off, I never had a problem with impeaching Clinton, and secondly, what Clinton did, did not compromise national security through black mail. Oral sex does not compromise my safety. What Trump is doing, does.
Lawrence: This should be an article of impeachment

Not that we haven't seen this before, but the desperation by Trump to tamper with a witnesses testimony, must and will be addressed in Mueller's report. This latest stunt by Trump on twitter about Roger Stone, just confirms what we have known about Trump since the beginning. He is a desperate criminal who has gotten so sloppy with his obstruction activity, that there is no other option left to deal with other than impeachment.

Everything that we suspected about Trump is being revealed, and this latest desperate tweet proves it.

Of course we all know how accurate Lawrence O'Donnell has been with his predictions and opinions about Donald Trump, dating back to the time Trump announced his intention to run for president.

His splendid record will remain unblemished.
He was right. Trump's election has already been found illegal. He is not a real president, and the law will bear that truth out.

It was legal.

No law says otherwise.

Dream on loser
Lawrence: This should be an article of impeachment

Not that we haven't seen this before, but the desperation by Trump to tamper with a witnesses testimony, must and will be addressed in Mueller's report. This latest stunt by Trump on twitter about Roger Stone, just confirms what we have known about Trump since the beginning. He is a desperate criminal who has gotten so sloppy with his obstruction activity, that there is no other option left to deal with other than impeachment.

Everything that we suspected about Trump is being revealed, and this latest desperate tweet proves it.

Of course we all know how accurate Lawrence O'Donnell has been with his predictions and opinions about Donald Trump, dating back to the time Trump announced his intention to run for president.

His splendid record will remain unblemished.
He was right. Trump's election has already been found illegal. He is not a real president, and the law will bear that truth out.

Trump was elected according to the US Constitution.
It can't be illegal. lol.
But it is. The conspiracies that have been exposed, reveals the election was illegal on many fronts.
No it is not.

You cannot provide any evidence whatsoever.
There are no articles of impeachment. No matter how many times you close your eyes and click your heels together three times.
Trump has been caught with multiple conspiracies against the U.S. in our election, and has obstructed justice many times in the public sphere. Without impeachment, Trump is above the law. That isn't how the Constitution works. Trump has to go. It's the only way to bring back the rule of law and our Republic.
Not he has not.

No matter how many times you repeat this lie it is still a lie.
There are no articles of impeachment. No matter how many times you close your eyes and click your heels together three times.
Trump has been caught with multiple conspiracies against the U.S. in our election, and has obstructed justice many times in the public sphere. Without impeachment, Trump is above the law. That isn't how the Constitution works. Trump has to go. It's the only way to bring back the rule of law and our Republic.
You retards were calling for impeachment on Inauguration Day. Keep this shit up and President Trump will reopen Hillary's case and we'll put her ass in jail.
A tweet is grounds for impeachment and Trump is the one who's unhinged yeah right.
Tweet, T.V., radio, a speech, whatever! It's still obstruction. Got any evidence to the contrary hot shot? Of course not. You're just a bull shitter. Move along.
A president cannot obstruct performing his constitutional duties. Every 9th circuit injunction has been overturned by SCOTUS.
You haven't read the Constitution.
The election was for the states to choose their electors.

The electors elected the President.

Why would democrat conspiracies, led by Hillary make the election of Trump illegal?
Nothing in the Constitution reads that a sitting president is above the law. You definitely have not read the Constitution.

Nobody has said that he is.
But he is the POTUS and he is using the powers of his office as allowed by the Constitution and US law.

What conspiracy theory are you hanging your hat on this time?
The powers of open obstruction are not his to exercise. He is openly tampering with a witness. That is a text book case for obstruction. If you can prove that witness tampering is not obstruction, then please, the floor is yours. If however you have no defense, then shut the hell up.

Doesn't witness tampering involve direct communication with the witness?
Witness tampering can be accomplished in various ways. You are having to ask. That's good. That means you can't disprove my point. Take a hike and stop wasting my time. You're done.
. The only witness tampering being done is by Mueller the homo.
There are no articles of impeachment. No matter how many times you close your eyes and click your heels together three times.
Trump has been caught with multiple conspiracies against the U.S. in our election, and has obstructed justice many times in the public sphere. Without impeachment, Trump is above the law. That isn't how the Constitution works. Trump has to go. It's the only way to bring back the rule of law and our Republic.
You retards were calling for impeachment on Inauguration Day. Keep this shit up and President Trump will reopen Hillary's case and we'll put her ass in jail.
Lol! For what? You know what happens when folks chant about locking her up don't you? Just ask Flynn.
Nothing in the Constitution reads that a sitting president is above the law. You definitely have not read the Constitution.

Nobody has said that he is.
But he is the POTUS and he is using the powers of his office as allowed by the Constitution and US law.

What conspiracy theory are you hanging your hat on this time?
The powers of open obstruction are not his to exercise. He is openly tampering with a witness. That is a text book case for obstruction. If you can prove that witness tampering is not obstruction, then please, the floor is yours. If however you have no defense, then shut the hell up.

Doesn't witness tampering involve direct communication with the witness?
Witness tampering can be accomplished in various ways. You are having to ask. That's good. That means you can't disprove my point. Take a hike and stop wasting my time. You're done.
. The only witness tampering being done is by Mueller the homo.
That is so stupid.
A tweet is grounds for impeachment and Trump is the one who's unhinged yeah right.
Tweet, T.V., radio, a speech, whatever! It's still obstruction. Got any evidence to the contrary hot shot? Of course not. You're just a bull shitter. Move along.
A president cannot obstruct performing his constitutional duties. Every 9th circuit injunction has been overturned by SCOTUS.
Getting caught up in a conspiracy and obstruction is no constitutional duty.
A tweet is grounds for impeachment and Trump is the one who's unhinged yeah right.
Tweet, T.V., radio, a speech, whatever! It's still obstruction. Got any evidence to the contrary hot shot? Of course not. You're just a bull shitter. Move along.
Funny faces by cowards does not rebut my claim.
Trump was elected according to the US Constitution.
It can't be illegal. lol.
But it is. The conspiracies that have been exposed, reveals the election was illegal on many fronts.

You haven't read the Constitution.
The election was for the states to choose their electors.

The electors elected the President.

Why would democrat conspiracies, led by Hillary make the election of Trump illegal?
Nothing in the Constitution reads that a sitting president is above the law. You definitely have not read the Constitution.

Nobody has said that he is.
But he is the POTUS and he is using the powers of his office as allowed by the Constitution and US law.

What conspiracy theory are you hanging your hat on this time?
The powers of open obstruction are not his to exercise. He is openly tampering with a witness. That is a text book case for obstruction. If you can prove that witness tampering is not obstruction, then please, the floor is yours. If however you have no defense, then shut the hell up.
When was it proven he tampered with a witness? You do realize that tweeting and calling out the media is not tampering with a witness, right?
But it is. The conspiracies that have been exposed, reveals the election was illegal on many fronts.

You haven't read the Constitution.
The election was for the states to choose their electors.

The electors elected the President.

Why would democrat conspiracies, led by Hillary make the election of Trump illegal?
Nothing in the Constitution reads that a sitting president is above the law. You definitely have not read the Constitution.

Nobody has said that he is.
But he is the POTUS and he is using the powers of his office as allowed by the Constitution and US law.

What conspiracy theory are you hanging your hat on this time?
The powers of open obstruction are not his to exercise. He is openly tampering with a witness. That is a text book case for obstruction. If you can prove that witness tampering is not obstruction, then please, the floor is yours. If however you have no defense, then shut the hell up.
When was it proven he tampered with a witness? You do realize that tweeting and calling out the media is not tampering with a witness, right?
Here comes another coward to change the subject. No one knows what you are talking about. Witness tampering involves using any method necessary to influence a person or person's testimony. Calling out the media has nothing to do with Trump's tweet. Trump was sending a message to Stone.

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