It is NOT racism

It is not racist to point out that 12 percent of the US population is black yet 50 percent of all murders are committed by blacks, nor is it racist to note that in all categories of violent crime blacks account for 30 percent or more of those criminals.Further it is NOT racist to point out that black communities do NOT care and do nothing to help themselves from this rampant crime. In fact they complain when the cops are forced to shoot a black criminal while he is committing a crime.

Pointing out stats is not inherently racist. However, the context those stats are presented in, the intention behind pointing them out, certainly can be racist.

Saying black communities do not care and do nothing to help themselves may not be racist, but it certainly is a generalization or stereotype at the least.

The problem is no such stats are mentioned.
Regarding the total number of crimes vs the rates of crime by race:

Based on the available crime statistics, yes, whites commit the most crimes by total numbers. Yes, blacks commit the most crimes per capita.

It is important to note a couple of facts, however, when trying to draw any conclusions from those numbers.

First: there is a difference between the total number of crimes committed and the total number of crimes reported. Further, there is a difference between the total number of crimes committed and the number of crimes for which a conviction was obtained. Further still, there is a difference between total number of crimes committed, or reported, and total number of crimes for which the race of the perpetrator(s) is known.

So while something like the FBI crime statistics can be a valuable tool and provide some helpful statistics regarding crime, they are not the entirety of the story.

Second: there is no rule that says crimes are committed at a rate of 1 per person. In other words, one would need to know the actual number of perpetrators of crimes to get a more accurate breakdown of how often crimes are committed by a particular group. For example, let's use a sample of 100 people and the percentages that have been shown about crimes committed. If 69% of crimes are committed by whites, and 28% are committed by blacks, one might look at those numbers and say that 69 whites of 100 people committed a crime, while 28 blacks of the 100 people committed a crime. However, it's entirely possible that 69 whites could have committed crimes, while only 5 blacks committed enough crimes to equal 28%. Alternatively, it's possible that 28 blacks committed crimes while only 15 whites committed 69% of the crimes.

Yet again, we see that the statistics do not tell the entire story. How many black perpetrators committed those 28% of crimes? How many white perpetrators committed those 69% of crimes? Is there a widespread crime problem among either racial population, or is it a small minority of each? There is not enough data provided to draw many conclusions when you are limited to only knowing the percentage of total crime without having the number of perpetrators.

Of course, there's no way to know what changes might be shown with more data. Perhaps only 2% of blacks actually commit crimes, while 5% of whites do. Perhaps it's the other way around. What about multiple offenses? How many people commit more than 1 crime, and is that an important consideration? It's certainly troubling that blacks commit such a high percentage of crimes per capita, but there are many possible interpretations and reasons that could be ascribed to that. Is there a problem with a small subsection among blacks that commit a disproportionately high number of crimes? Is there more of a widespread cultural issue? Is the problem more related to bias in arrests and prosecutions than to actual commission of crimes?

As with most statistics, there are facts to be taken away, and there are inferences that can be made, but the inferences are often very subjective and open to debate.
White suprimacists? There in lies your problem with being honest. You suppose or believe that all whites in charge are supremacists. Until you realize that isn’t the case you can never have informative or logical dialog.
Does racism exist ?
Yes it does. On both sides. You make the assumption that all whites are racist and supremacists.
OK. So how are black people practing racism to white people ?

So, name the list of Blacks on this forum which don't participate in prejudices against Whitey?
Regarding the total number of crimes vs the rates of crime by race:

Based on the available crime statistics, yes, whites commit the most crimes by total numbers. Yes, blacks commit the most crimes per capita.

It is important to note a couple of facts, however, when trying to draw any conclusions from those numbers.

First: there is a difference between the total number of crimes committed and the total number of crimes reported. Further, there is a difference between the total number of crimes committed and the number of crimes for which a conviction was obtained. Further still, there is a difference between total number of crimes committed, or reported, and total number of crimes for which the race of the perpetrator(s) is known.

So while something like the FBI crime statistics can be a valuable tool and provide some helpful statistics regarding crime, they are not the entirety of the story.

Second: there is no rule that says crimes are committed at a rate of 1 per person. In other words, one would need to know the actual number of perpetrators of crimes to get a more accurate breakdown of how often crimes are committed by a particular group. For example, let's use a sample of 100 people and the percentages that have been shown about crimes committed. If 69% of crimes are committed by whites, and 28% are committed by blacks, one might look at those numbers and say that 69 whites of 100 people committed a crime, while 28 blacks of the 100 people committed a crime. However, it's entirely possible that 69 whites could have committed crimes, while only 5 blacks committed enough crimes to equal 28%. Alternatively, it's possible that 28 blacks committed crimes while only 15 whites committed 69% of the crimes.

Yet again, we see that the statistics do not tell the entire story. How many black perpetrators committed those 28% of crimes? How many white perpetrators committed those 69% of crimes? Is there a widespread crime problem among either racial population, or is it a small minority of each? There is not enough data provided to draw many conclusions when you are limited to only knowing the percentage of total crime without having the number of perpetrators.

Of course, there's no way to know what changes might be shown with more data. Perhaps only 2% of blacks actually commit crimes, while 5% of whites do. Perhaps it's the other way around. What about multiple offenses? How many people commit more than 1 crime, and is that an important consideration? It's certainly troubling that blacks commit such a high percentage of crimes per capita, but there are many possible interpretations and reasons that could be ascribed to that. Is there a problem with a small subsection among blacks that commit a disproportionately high number of crimes? Is there more of a widespread cultural issue? Is the problem more related to bias in arrests and prosecutions than to actual commission of crimes?

As with most statistics, there are facts to be taken away, and there are inferences that can be made, but the inferences are often very subjective and open to debate.

" How many black perpetrators committed those 28% of crimes? How many white perpetrators committed those 69% of crimes?"

Since 28% is less than 69% its not hard to figure out whites committed the vast majority of the crime. Lets say its a 1 to 1 ratio. Whites still committed more crime.
White suprimacists? There in lies your problem with being honest. You suppose or believe that all whites in charge are supremacists. Until you realize that isn’t the case you can never have informative or logical dialog.
Does racism exist ?
Yes it does. On both sides. You make the assumption that all whites are racist and supremacists.
OK. So how are black people practing racism to white people ?

So, name the list of Blacks on this forum which don't participate in prejudices against Whitey?
Prejudice isnt racism dummy.
There is FAR less crime in white neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. I stand by that statement.
OK. In that case then Bernie Madoff (a white man who lived in a white neighborhood) got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars. The fact that you probably have not heard of him is telling.

Can you imagine a black man stealing 65 billion dollars and not heard of him ?

Robert De Niro just made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies"

And that's another thing when white people do crime it's glorified and sexy and they're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

Now, I would like you to show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

Should be easy...right ? That is, if you stand by your statement that black neigbourhoods and black people are just so criminal

But to you robbing some 7-11 and getting a few 100 bucks or whatever is the ultimate evil act. See I’m pretty certain Bernie Madoff would not rob in stores but he robs in others ways.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
what are you saying?? people haven't heard of Madoff???
they made movies/documentaries/etc of him

difference is the violence used
A white man Bernie Madoff has stole more money (65 billion) than all the black robberies combined. One white man.
one robber vs many black robbers-many violent black robbers--
I ask you, who would you want to live by..many violent black robbers or Bernie??
I do not even have to ask---I know the answer
Your answer to everything.
Blame the black man.

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White suprimacists? There in lies your problem with being honest. You suppose or believe that all whites in charge are supremacists. Until you realize that isn’t the case you can never have informative or logical dialog.
Does racism exist ?
Yes it does. On both sides. You make the assumption that all whites are racist and supremacists.
OK. So how are black people practing racism to white people ?

So, name the list of Blacks on this forum which don't participate in prejudices against Whitey?
Prejudice isnt racism dummy.

So says the Black racist.
Does racism exist ?
Yes it does. On both sides. You make the assumption that all whites are racist and supremacists.
OK. So how are black people practing racism to white people ?

So, name the list of Blacks on this forum which don't participate in prejudices against Whitey?
Prejudice isnt racism dummy.

So says the Black racist.
So says youre white dictionary. One would think since youre white you would at least be proficient at your own language.
Yes it does. On both sides. You make the assumption that all whites are racist and supremacists.
OK. So how are black people practing racism to white people ?

So, name the list of Blacks on this forum which don't participate in prejudices against Whitey?
Prejudice isnt racism dummy.

So says the Black racist.
So says youre white dictionary. One would think since youre white you would at least be proficient at your own language.


Well, how do you figure English is anymore my language than yours?

My Polish speaking family came to the English speaking U.S.A around WW1, your African language speaking family came to the English speaking U.S.A presumably at least 100 years before mine, if not much earlier.
There is FAR less crime in white neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. I stand by that statement.
OK. In that case then Bernie Madoff (a white man who lived in a white neighborhood) got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars. The fact that you probably have not heard of him is telling.

Can you imagine a black man stealing 65 billion dollars and not heard of him ?

Robert De Niro just made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies"

And that's another thing when white people do crime it's glorified and sexy and they're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

Now, I would like you to show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

Should be easy...right ? That is, if you stand by your statement that black neigbourhoods and black people are just so criminal

But to you robbing some 7-11 and getting a few 100 bucks or whatever is the ultimate evil act. See I’m pretty certain Bernie Madoff would not rob in stores but he robs in others ways.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
what are you saying?? people haven't heard of Madoff???
they made movies/documentaries/etc of him

difference is the violence used
A white man Bernie Madoff has stole more money (65 billion) than all the black robberies combined. One white man.

Jews aren't exactly "White" at least not in the traditional Northern European sense, they trace about 50% of their DNA to Semitic Mid-Easterners, another 35% to Italians, and then only 15% to Germans, Poles, French, Russians etc.
The only thing about what you just said is that the number of people arrested are recorded.
Sane people call that SCIENCE.
Only retarded people call it science.

So says the expert on retardation who eschews FACTS because they do not agree with his myths, claims, innuendo, and hate-filled, racist propaganda that bleeds from his every post that he wishes WERE true.
White facts are like farts. They gas up your white heads and they stink. Just because I am an expert on your retardation that has nothing to do with real facts. Your OP is an exercise in ignorant bullshit designed to make you feel better about being from a race of criminals and savages.

You are just as racist as any of the racists I’ve seen on here. You don’t like/don’t trust/demonize and make assumptions about white people for no other reason than for the color of their skin. If I went around saying the things you say about whites about POC, I would accurately be dubbed a racist. Perhaps every time you type out the word “white” in reference to skin color, put “black” in its place and see how it sounds. Maybe that would be a reality check for you but I highly doubt it.
Whites were last to civilization....

Hardly, the Vinca Culture, and Cucenti - Trypillian cultures of Eastern Europe are actually good candidates for the origins of civilization.
Only retarded people call it science.

So says the expert on retardation who eschews FACTS because they do not agree with his myths, claims, innuendo, and hate-filled, racist propaganda that bleeds from his every post that he wishes WERE true.
White facts are like farts. They gas up your white heads and they stink. Just because I am an expert on your retardation that has nothing to do with real facts. Your OP is an exercise in ignorant bullshit designed to make you feel better about being from a race of criminals and savages.

You are just as racist as any of the racists I’ve seen on here. You don’t like/don’t trust/demonize and make assumptions about white people for no other reason than for the color of their skin. If I went around saying the things you say about whites about POC, I would accurately be dubbed a racist. Perhaps every time you type out the word “white” in reference to skin color, put “black” in its place and see how it sounds. Maybe that would be a reality check for you but I highly doubt it.
Whites were last to civilization....

Hardly, the Vinca Culture, and Cucenti - Trypillian cultures of Eastern Europe are actually good candidates for the origins of civilization.
Those were Black cultures
Regarding the total number of crimes vs the rates of crime by race:

Based on the available crime statistics, yes, whites commit the most crimes by total numbers. Yes, blacks commit the most crimes per capita.

It is important to note a couple of facts, however, when trying to draw any conclusions from those numbers.

First: there is a difference between the total number of crimes committed and the total number of crimes reported. Further, there is a difference between the total number of crimes committed and the number of crimes for which a conviction was obtained. Further still, there is a difference between total number of crimes committed, or reported, and total number of crimes for which the race of the perpetrator(s) is known.

So while something like the FBI crime statistics can be a valuable tool and provide some helpful statistics regarding crime, they are not the entirety of the story.

Second: there is no rule that says crimes are committed at a rate of 1 per person. In other words, one would need to know the actual number of perpetrators of crimes to get a more accurate breakdown of how often crimes are committed by a particular group. For example, let's use a sample of 100 people and the percentages that have been shown about crimes committed. If 69% of crimes are committed by whites, and 28% are committed by blacks, one might look at those numbers and say that 69 whites of 100 people committed a crime, while 28 blacks of the 100 people committed a crime. However, it's entirely possible that 69 whites could have committed crimes, while only 5 blacks committed enough crimes to equal 28%. Alternatively, it's possible that 28 blacks committed crimes while only 15 whites committed 69% of the crimes.

Yet again, we see that the statistics do not tell the entire story. How many black perpetrators committed those 28% of crimes? How many white perpetrators committed those 69% of crimes? Is there a widespread crime problem among either racial population, or is it a small minority of each? There is not enough data provided to draw many conclusions when you are limited to only knowing the percentage of total crime without having the number of perpetrators.

Of course, there's no way to know what changes might be shown with more data. Perhaps only 2% of blacks actually commit crimes, while 5% of whites do. Perhaps it's the other way around. What about multiple offenses? How many people commit more than 1 crime, and is that an important consideration? It's certainly troubling that blacks commit such a high percentage of crimes per capita, but there are many possible interpretations and reasons that could be ascribed to that. Is there a problem with a small subsection among blacks that commit a disproportionately high number of crimes? Is there more of a widespread cultural issue? Is the problem more related to bias in arrests and prosecutions than to actual commission of crimes?

As with most statistics, there are facts to be taken away, and there are inferences that can be made, but the inferences are often very subjective and open to debate.

" How many black perpetrators committed those 28% of crimes? How many white perpetrators committed those 69% of crimes?"

Since 28% is less than 69% its not hard to figure out whites committed the vast majority of the crime. Lets say its a 1 to 1 ratio. Whites still committed more crime.

Yes, whites committed more crimes.

The question you quoted, however, regarded number of perpetrators. It would be possible, even if exceedingly unlikely, for there to have been more black perpetrators committing the 28% of crimes than white perpetrators committing the 69% of crimes. Knowing the actual number of perpetrators, rather than just the number of crimes, would give a better view of the data.

If someone is interested in only 1 limited statistic (total number of crimes committed, per capita number of crimes committed) they will not be looking at the whole picture.
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So, name the list of Blacks on this forum which don't participate in prejudices against Whitey?
Can you point to any black poster that has said white people are intellectually inferior to black people ?

I mean should be easy if this place is full of black supremacists. Right ?
So says the expert on retardation who eschews FACTS because they do not agree with his myths, claims, innuendo, and hate-filled, racist propaganda that bleeds from his every post that he wishes WERE true.
White facts are like farts. They gas up your white heads and they stink. Just because I am an expert on your retardation that has nothing to do with real facts. Your OP is an exercise in ignorant bullshit designed to make you feel better about being from a race of criminals and savages.

You are just as racist as any of the racists I’ve seen on here. You don’t like/don’t trust/demonize and make assumptions about white people for no other reason than for the color of their skin. If I went around saying the things you say about whites about POC, I would accurately be dubbed a racist. Perhaps every time you type out the word “white” in reference to skin color, put “black” in its place and see how it sounds. Maybe that would be a reality check for you but I highly doubt it.
Whites were last to civilization....

Hardly, the Vinca Culture, and Cucenti - Trypillian cultures of Eastern Europe are actually good candidates for the origins of civilization.
Those were Black cultures

How do you figure that one?

I've seen Vinca Culture remains on PCA plots, and they come out similar to Basque, Irish, Scottish etc.
Regarding the total number of crimes vs the rates of crime by race:

Based on the available crime statistics, yes, whites commit the most crimes by total numbers. Yes, blacks commit the most crimes per capita.

It is important to note a couple of facts, however, when trying to draw any conclusions from those numbers.

First: there is a difference between the total number of crimes committed and the total number of crimes reported. Further, there is a difference between the total number of crimes committed and the number of crimes for which a conviction was obtained. Further still, there is a difference between total number of crimes committed, or reported, and total number of crimes for which the race of the perpetrator(s) is known.

So while something like the FBI crime statistics can be a valuable tool and provide some helpful statistics regarding crime, they are not the entirety of the story.

Second: there is no rule that says crimes are committed at a rate of 1 per person. In other words, one would need to know the actual number of perpetrators of crimes to get a more accurate breakdown of how often crimes are committed by a particular group. For example, let's use a sample of 100 people and the percentages that have been shown about crimes committed. If 69% of crimes are committed by whites, and 28% are committed by blacks, one might look at those numbers and say that 69 whites of 100 people committed a crime, while 28 blacks of the 100 people committed a crime. However, it's entirely possible that 69 whites could have committed crimes, while only 5 blacks committed enough crimes to equal 28%. Alternatively, it's possible that 28 blacks committed crimes while only 15 whites committed 69% of the crimes.

Yet again, we see that the statistics do not tell the entire story. How many black perpetrators committed those 28% of crimes? How many white perpetrators committed those 69% of crimes? Is there a widespread crime problem among either racial population, or is it a small minority of each? There is not enough data provided to draw many conclusions when you are limited to only knowing the percentage of total crime without having the number of perpetrators.

Of course, there's no way to know what changes might be shown with more data. Perhaps only 2% of blacks actually commit crimes, while 5% of whites do. Perhaps it's the other way around. What about multiple offenses? How many people commit more than 1 crime, and is that an important consideration? It's certainly troubling that blacks commit such a high percentage of crimes per capita, but there are many possible interpretations and reasons that could be ascribed to that. Is there a problem with a small subsection among blacks that commit a disproportionately high number of crimes? Is there more of a widespread cultural issue? Is the problem more related to bias in arrests and prosecutions than to actual commission of crimes?

As with most statistics, there are facts to be taken away, and there are inferences that can be made, but the inferences are often very subjective and open to debate.

" How many black perpetrators committed those 28% of crimes? How many white perpetrators committed those 69% of crimes?"

Since 28% is less than 69% its not hard to figure out whites committed the vast majority of the crime. Lets say its a 1 to 1 ratio. Whites still committed more crime.

Yes, whites committed more crimes.

The question you quoted, however, regarded number of perpetrators. It would be possible, even if exceedingly unlikely, for there to have been more black perpetrators committing the 28% of crimes than white perpetrators committing the 69% of crimes. Knowing the actual number of perpetrators, rather than just the number of crimes, would give a better view of the data.

If someone is interested in only 1 limited statistic (total number of crimes committed, per capita number of crimes committed) they will not be looking at the whole picture.
The stats dont include how may whites committed 69% of the crime or how many Blacks committed 28% of the crime. The odds are that number percentage wise is going to be roughly the same for both groups or less for Blacks. Since we cant tell I specified taking a 1 to 1 ratio.

I gave this analogy earlier. if 12 out of 100 people stole 2 apples they would have 24 apples. If 70 out of 100 people stole 1 or even half an apple that would still be greater than 24 at 70 and 35 respectively.
So, name the list of Blacks on this forum which don't participate in prejudices against Whitey?
Can you point to any black poster that has said white people are intellectually inferior to black people ?

I mean should be easy if this place is full of black supremacists. Right ?

Black users here consistently imply that Whites are inferior in terms of morality, and in terms of prowess.

It doesn't have to be mental inferiority, to be "Racist"

Where would you get an idea like that, exactly?
dave p comment's illustrate how to create his own racist comments.

Sure, blacks can be racists.

Most of them are not as vile as dave p, though.
Regarding the total number of crimes vs the rates of crime by race:

Based on the available crime statistics, yes, whites commit the most crimes by total numbers. Yes, blacks commit the most crimes per capita.

It is important to note a couple of facts, however, when trying to draw any conclusions from those numbers.

First: there is a difference between the total number of crimes committed and the total number of crimes reported. Further, there is a difference between the total number of crimes committed and the number of crimes for which a conviction was obtained. Further still, there is a difference between total number of crimes committed, or reported, and total number of crimes for which the race of the perpetrator(s) is known.

So while something like the FBI crime statistics can be a valuable tool and provide some helpful statistics regarding crime, they are not the entirety of the story.

Second: there is no rule that says crimes are committed at a rate of 1 per person. In other words, one would need to know the actual number of perpetrators of crimes to get a more accurate breakdown of how often crimes are committed by a particular group. For example, let's use a sample of 100 people and the percentages that have been shown about crimes committed. If 69% of crimes are committed by whites, and 28% are committed by blacks, one might look at those numbers and say that 69 whites of 100 people committed a crime, while 28 blacks of the 100 people committed a crime. However, it's entirely possible that 69 whites could have committed crimes, while only 5 blacks committed enough crimes to equal 28%. Alternatively, it's possible that 28 blacks committed crimes while only 15 whites committed 69% of the crimes.

Yet again, we see that the statistics do not tell the entire story. How many black perpetrators committed those 28% of crimes? How many white perpetrators committed those 69% of crimes? Is there a widespread crime problem among either racial population, or is it a small minority of each? There is not enough data provided to draw many conclusions when you are limited to only knowing the percentage of total crime without having the number of perpetrators.

Of course, there's no way to know what changes might be shown with more data. Perhaps only 2% of blacks actually commit crimes, while 5% of whites do. Perhaps it's the other way around. What about multiple offenses? How many people commit more than 1 crime, and is that an important consideration? It's certainly troubling that blacks commit such a high percentage of crimes per capita, but there are many possible interpretations and reasons that could be ascribed to that. Is there a problem with a small subsection among blacks that commit a disproportionately high number of crimes? Is there more of a widespread cultural issue? Is the problem more related to bias in arrests and prosecutions than to actual commission of crimes?

As with most statistics, there are facts to be taken away, and there are inferences that can be made, but the inferences are often very subjective and open to debate.

" How many black perpetrators committed those 28% of crimes? How many white perpetrators committed those 69% of crimes?"

Since 28% is less than 69% its not hard to figure out whites committed the vast majority of the crime. Lets say its a 1 to 1 ratio. Whites still committed more crime.

Yes, whites committed more crimes.

The question you quoted, however, regarded number of perpetrators. It would be possible, even if exceedingly unlikely, for there to have been more black perpetrators committing the 28% of crimes than white perpetrators committing the 69% of crimes. Knowing the actual number of perpetrators, rather than just the number of crimes, would give a better view of the data.

If someone is interested in only 1 limited statistic (total number of crimes committed, per capita number of crimes committed) they will not be looking at the whole picture.
The stats dont include how may whites committed 69% of the crime or how many Blacks committed 28% of the crime. The odds are that number percentage wise is going to be roughly the same for both groups or less for Blacks. Since we cant tell I specified taking a 1 to 1 ratio.

I gave this analogy earlier. if 12 out of 100 people stole 2 apples they would have 24 apples. If 70 out of 100 people stole 1 or even half an apple that would still be greater than 24 at 70 and 35 respectively.

I don't know why you would assume the number is the same for both groups or less for blacks. Is there some reason to assume whites might commit fewer crimes per perpetrator?

Again, I'm not arguing that blacks commit more total crimes. That would be foolish, as it's one of the statistics that is clear. However, simply saying whites commit more of the total crimes committed is far from the whole story.
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