It has become painfully, even fatally, obvious we have a police problem in this country......

My guess is, in the Minnesota incident, it started out as just another racist cop fishing expedition. They were hoping to find any 'justification' for taking this man to jail.

African Americans deal with that type of racist harassment all the time. So i'm not buying the 'broken tail light' story. He died because he was a black man. I know most white people don't wanna accept that, but it is the ugly reality.

Yeah....I don't know if they see him as black....he was a latino....looked like a Latino....

This guy looks Latino, huh?



You're just another bigoted conservative in glee to see one more dead black man.

Yeah let's be real, a white person with a broken tail light would have had a much better chance of surviving the encounter. But he wasn't white. He was a black man with a broken tail light. He received a death sentence for it.
You don't think he looks Latino? Then I guess you're the one who is the bigot eh? In any case the cop was don't expect too much news coverage. There's nothing there for the skin pimps.

And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

There is, indeed, a problem with the "police". And, as a black man, I'm going to explain what it is. The problem lies (not all cases) with "attitude". Black people have, for years, shown attitude - rather than complying with officers. I'm no fool. If a Cop approaches me and directs me to lie down - you can bet your ass - I'm going to lie down.

Now - white police officers are far too quick to draw their weapons and fire. That is a FACT.

The video in LA (in my opinion) clearly shows the police murdering this man. The video in Minnesota CLEARLY shows the officer murdering the man.

AS a former federal agent, and, a CCW permit holder, I can say with certainty, this young man was ABSOLUTELY correct in his actions. He told the officer that he as a CCW permit holder and that he was armed. EXACTLY what you are taught to do when interacting with the Police. He did nothing wrong. This police officer fired before thinking.
Hopefully, he is charged with murder. This man SHOULD have been riding a desk - rather than patrolling streets. You are correct in saying that he acted as a "child scared shitless". No business being on the street and, if they still had the Psychology based testing - they might have caught this.

However, you still have to understand the psychology of the situation. Police are far too used to encountering "attitude" when approaching black people. That is wrong and will ONLY change with extensive training.
The CCW holder told the officer he had a gun, then reached under the seat for his license and registration. Wrong move. Once you tell the officer that you are armed, don't move. Do not move your hands out of the officer's sight. Tell the officer where your gun is and where your license and registration are. The routine is for the officer to secure that firearm, then let you get your license.

This man did it wrong.
You don't think he looks Latino? Then I guess you're the one who is the bigot eh?


I'm pretty sure if he was white dude with a broken tail light, he would have survived the encounter. But a black dude with a broken tail light? Man good luck.
Bullshit..... you wanna be a cop? I suggest you try it before you mouth off with all of this high experience at law and society.

You want to criticize Obama? I suggest you try sitting behind the desk of the Oval Office before you mouth off with all of this high experience at running the country.
The country would be better run if we had a border collie in the oval office running the country.
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

There is, indeed, a problem with the "police". And, as a black man, I'm going to explain what it is. The problem lies (not all cases) with "attitude". Black people have, for years, shown attitude - rather than complying with officers. I'm no fool. If a Cop approaches me and directs me to lie down - you can bet your ass - I'm going to lie down.

Now - white police officers are far too quick to draw their weapons and fire. That is a FACT.

The video in LA (in my opinion) clearly shows the police murdering this man. The video in Minnesota CLEARLY shows the officer murdering the man.

AS a former federal agent, and, a CCW permit holder, I can say with certainty, this young man was ABSOLUTELY correct in his actions. He told the officer that he as a CCW permit holder and that he was armed. EXACTLY what you are taught to do when interacting with the Police. He did nothing wrong. This police officer fired before thinking.
Hopefully, he is charged with murder. This man SHOULD have been riding a desk - rather than patrolling streets. You are correct in saying that he acted as a "child scared shitless". No business being on the street and, if they still had the Psychology based testing - they might have caught this.

However, you still have to understand the psychology of the situation. Police are far too used to encountering "attitude" when approaching black people. That is wrong and will ONLY change with extensive training.
The CCW holder told the officer he had a gun, then reached under the seat for his license and registration. Wrong move. Once you tell the officer that you are armed, don't move. Do not move your hands out of the officer's sight. Tell the officer where your gun is and where your license and registration are. The routine is for the officer to secure that firearm, then let you get your license.

This man did it wrong.

He shouldn't have been executed. The cop did wrong.
Bullshit..... you wanna be a cop? I suggest you try it before you mouth off with all of this high experience at law and society.

You want to criticize Obama? I suggest you try sitting behind the desk of the Oval Office before you mouth off with all of this high experience at running the country.
The country would be better run if we had a border collie in the oval office running the country.

And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

There is, indeed, a problem with the "police". And, as a black man, I'm going to explain what it is. The problem lies (not all cases) with "attitude". Black people have, for years, shown attitude - rather than complying with officers. I'm no fool. If a Cop approaches me and directs me to lie down - you can bet your ass - I'm going to lie down.

Now - white police officers are far too quick to draw their weapons and fire. That is a FACT.

The video in LA (in my opinion) clearly shows the police murdering this man. The video in Minnesota CLEARLY shows the officer murdering the man.

AS a former federal agent, and, a CCW permit holder, I can say with certainty, this young man was ABSOLUTELY correct in his actions. He told the officer that he as a CCW permit holder and that he was armed. EXACTLY what you are taught to do when interacting with the Police. He did nothing wrong. This police officer fired before thinking.
Hopefully, he is charged with murder. This man SHOULD have been riding a desk - rather than patrolling streets. You are correct in saying that he acted as a "child scared shitless". No business being on the street and, if they still had the Psychology based testing - they might have caught this.

However, you still have to understand the psychology of the situation. Police are far too used to encountering "attitude" when approaching black people. That is wrong and will ONLY change with extensive training.
The CCW holder told the officer he had a gun, then reached under the seat for his license and registration. Wrong move. Once you tell the officer that you are armed, don't move. Do not move your hands out of the officer's sight. Tell the officer where your gun is and where your license and registration are. The routine is for the officer to secure that firearm, then let you get your license.

This man did it wrong.

Couldn't agree more. Like I said, this was a bad move by BOTH parties involved. Again, when there is a gun pointed at you - err on the side of caution. Unfortunately, now there is a dead guy. Something that I'm relatively certain - neither side wanted.
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

There is, indeed, a problem with the "police". And, as a black man, I'm going to explain what it is. The problem lies (not all cases) with "attitude". Black people have, for years, shown attitude - rather than complying with officers. I'm no fool. If a Cop approaches me and directs me to lie down - you can bet your ass - I'm going to lie down.

Now - white police officers are far too quick to draw their weapons and fire. That is a FACT.

The video in LA (in my opinion) clearly shows the police murdering this man. The video in Minnesota CLEARLY shows the officer murdering the man.

AS a former federal agent, and, a CCW permit holder, I can say with certainty, this young man was ABSOLUTELY correct in his actions. He told the officer that he as a CCW permit holder and that he was armed. EXACTLY what you are taught to do when interacting with the Police. He did nothing wrong. This police officer fired before thinking.
Hopefully, he is charged with murder. This man SHOULD have been riding a desk - rather than patrolling streets. You are correct in saying that he acted as a "child scared shitless". No business being on the street and, if they still had the Psychology based testing - they might have caught this.

However, you still have to understand the psychology of the situation. Police are far too used to encountering "attitude" when approaching black people. That is wrong and will ONLY change with extensive training.
The CCW holder told the officer he had a gun, then reached under the seat for his license and registration. Wrong move. Once you tell the officer that you are armed, don't move. Do not move your hands out of the officer's sight. Tell the officer where your gun is and where your license and registration are. The routine is for the officer to secure that firearm, then let you get your license.

This man did it wrong.

He shouldn't have been executed. The cop did wrong.

Yeah...he shot too many times....but he was right to shoot.....once would have been enough.

It's like being arrested for 'Being Black on a Friday Night.' Don't be black and have a broken tail light. You might not survive.
Here's some sobering wise advice... Fix your tail lights folks. It could be a death sentence for ya. Especially if you're a black man. Peace.

But...But...But.. .. he was a second amendment gun nut there bugsy boy.......I mean isn't it better that a bitter clinger is gone?

and if he had defended himself and shot the cop how long would the police have waited before killing him or sent him to prison for life.

probably about half the time they took putting the cop on paid leave ...

The major difficulty with raising standards and getting better police is that judges and juries keep finding that the police did nothing wrong.

Exactly, public complacency is another problem too. Juries rarely convict police for crimes they would quickly convict anyone else for. The American public still gives too much deference to people in uniform. The Kelly Thomas case in Los Angeles was a great example of this and absolutely disgusting.
I wonder how many prosecutors deliberately tank cases against bent cops.
My guess is, in the Minnesota incident, it started out as just another racist cop fishing expedition. They were hoping to find any 'justification' for taking this man to jail.

African Americans deal with that type of racist harassment all the time. So i'm not buying the 'broken tail light' story. He died because he was a black man. I know most white people don't wanna accept that, but it is the ugly reality.

Yeah....I don't know if they see him as black....he was a latino....looked like a Latino...but the same principal might apply....this was a bad one....the Sterling shooting....that was a blessing for the neighborhood.

Cops routinely pull black folks over for fishing expeditions. So i don't buy the 'broken tail light' sham. They were targeted because they were black. The poor guy really did die because he was a black man.

I agree, but there is more here. The kid told the cop that he was armed and a CCW holder. The cop then says "Let me see your license and registration". Question...where do most people keep their license?

The cop, when hearing that the guy had a gun and a CCW should have IMMEDIATELY directed the guy to get out of the car and then ask him - "Where is your weapon" and, at that time, disarmed the guy, cleared the weapon and put it aside. Instead, he fired without thinking. And, to be honest here - the guy probably should not have reached into his pocket. I know it isn't right, but when someone - ANYONE - has a gun pointed at you, ALWAYS err on the side of caution.
Bingo! That's the way it's done. The man should never have reached anywhere for anything. If the cop gets rattled and asks for license and registration, tell him where they are. Do not under any circumstances take your hands out of the officer's sight.
Here's some sobering wise advice... Fix your tail lights folks. It could be a death sentence for ya. Especially if you're a black man. Peace.

But...But...But.. .. he was a second amendment gun nut there bugsy boy.......I mean isn't it better that a bitter clinger is gone?
and if he had defended himself and shot the cop how long would the police have waited before killing him or sent him to prison for life.

probably about half the time they took putting the cop on paid leave ...


The Police are always right in Police States.
I doubt we have a widespread problem, I think the availability of video today, and the internet give the impression things are much worse today than in the past.
Alton Sterling was armed and the gun recovered.

The major difficulty with raising standards and getting better police is that judges and juries keep finding that the police did nothing wrong. How many Freddie Gray trials or Mike Brown trials do we need to have?
This isn't Freddie or Mike. The two most recent incidents appear to be murder without justification. Based on what I've seen & heard I expect all officers involved to be charged. As they should be. Let the justice system do its job. A badge is not a licence to kill at will.
All of these incidents appear to be murder without justification. Until they aren't anymore. The officers will be charged and exonerated.
Probably...cops have a license to kill now. Anyone, anytime, and anywhere.
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

There is, indeed, a problem with the "police". And, as a black man, I'm going to explain what it is. The problem lies (not all cases) with "attitude". Black people have, for years, shown attitude - rather than complying with officers. I'm no fool. If a Cop approaches me and directs me to lie down - you can bet your ass - I'm going to lie down.

Now - white police officers are far too quick to draw their weapons and fire. That is a FACT.

The video in LA (in my opinion) clearly shows the police murdering this man. The video in Minnesota CLEARLY shows the officer murdering the man.

AS a former federal agent, and, a CCW permit holder, I can say with certainty, this young man was ABSOLUTELY correct in his actions. He told the officer that he as a CCW permit holder and that he was armed. EXACTLY what you are taught to do when interacting with the Police. He did nothing wrong. This police officer fired before thinking.
Hopefully, he is charged with murder. This man SHOULD have been riding a desk - rather than patrolling streets. You are correct in saying that he acted as a "child scared shitless". No business being on the street and, if they still had the Psychology based testing - they might have caught this.

However, you still have to understand the psychology of the situation. Police are far too used to encountering "attitude" when approaching black people. That is wrong and will ONLY change with extensive training.
The CCW holder told the officer he had a gun, then reached under the seat for his license and registration. Wrong move. Once you tell the officer that you are armed, don't move. Do not move your hands out of the officer's sight. Tell the officer where your gun is and where your license and registration are. The routine is for the officer to secure that firearm, then let you get your license.

This man did it wrong.

He shouldn't have been executed. The cop did wrong.

Yeah...he shot too many times....but he was right to shoot.....once would have been enough.


These 2 cases are disturbing. Minnesota in particular.

But the numbers just don't support that there is a widespread national crisis in this stuff happening.

In fact.....lefties are claiming Hillarys emails....only 0.01% were classified and tiny a number to be significant. That's a LARGER number than the % of cops who kill someone.

So.....let's discuss it. Especially Minnesota (which I think charges should be brought on the officer). But be honest. The numbers don't show a widespread problem.

You are correct, there is no "widespread problem" with LEOs killing blacks. I believe that more Whites are killed by LEOs. Where the problem lies (and it is a definite problem) is the black on black crime in cities like Chicago. It's a war zone there. But hell, lets ignore that one....
.....However, you still have to understand the psychology of the situation. Police are far too used to encountering "attitude" when approaching black people. That is wrong and will ONLY change with extensive training.

You're exactly right. Once these minorities are trained how to properly deal with police officers, things will improve.

I'm suggesting a simple program, similar to what all kindergartner are taught about fires.... Stop, Shut Up, Do What You're Told. That's how you avoid lead poisoning.
Think of the meatheads you went to high school with only to find out years later that they became cops !

Think of the meatheads you went to high school with only to find out years later that they became cops !

Usually dumb jock bullies.

Heh. It's not necessarily always the jock bullies and meatheads. Look closer, and you'll find that it's actually almost the opposite...guys who were bullied as kids and grow up seeking to have a level of power and control over others as a sort of unconscious response.

You have to look at the psychological makeup of a person who wants to become a cop in the first place. Why does someone want that job? What's the payoff? They aren't doing it for the pay and pension plans. I went to school with a guy who was a great friend for many years and he became a cop. I never saw that coming. Hell, I learned more about cop culture and the type of people who become cops from him than anything else. He told me about the things they do that people just wouldn't believe. The stories he has are un-fucking-believable. For every incident where an officer gets caught doing something wrong, there's 10 more that get away with it. He works in a southern california pd (not LA), and he told me that they would routinely beat the living shit out of gang members in the area. He loves it when people resist arrest. Loves it.

Another major problem is that police officers tend to have a very black & white, authoritarian mindset, and they almost have to because it's about survival in the field. This mindset is what leads to excessive violence in some cases in my opinion. Some cops are vulnerable to thinking they are judge, jury and executioner -- Judge Dredd style in the heat of the moment, and this is a problem that might not ever go away. They seem to forget that it isn't their job to issue punishment, that's up to the courts. Better training is needed in this particular area.

My friend also told me that virtually all cops are conservative. Never any liberals. Interesting observation, though hardly surprising.

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