It grows Punish fascist thought

EvilCat Breath

Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2016
Anti-Israel Academics Launch Campus Antifa Group for Faculty

CAN has created an open-access "anti-fascist syllabus" that "analyzes past and present contours of fascist thought and organizing in their various forms, and provides tools for understanding and for fighting fascism today … Primarily, the syllabus articulates fascism as an historical expression of capitalism's tendency to exploit and dominate poor, working class, and oppressed people."

And who are the anti fascists?

Trinity College's Williams wrote on social media after GOP House Whip Steve Scalise was shot that white people are "inhuman a-holes" who need to "die." Drexel University's Ciccariello-Maher tweeted in 2016, "All I want for Christmas is white genocide," and this year tweeted that he wanted to "vomit" when he saw someone give their first-class seat on a flight to a uniformed soldier. Both were investigated by their respective academic institutions for these comments.

But, enough of white hating. What do they really want?

Meanwhile, both Palumbo-Liu and Mullen have been leading figures in the academic campaign to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel. In 2014, Mullen issued a call on anti-Israel site Electronic Intifada to "de-Zionize our campuses." Palumbo-Liu, in a 2016 piece titled, "9 things you need to know about the Israeli occupation of Palestine," recommended readers look to alternative news sources for their information on the region, including several sites accused of publishing anti-Semitic content.

They turn out to be nazis themselves.

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