It appears Obamacare is working

. So that's the new lie they're pushing now? Obama and the democrats made the rules so strict that every policy had to be cancelled. Dont insult our intelligence and embarrass yourself.

When Citibank, Amazon, eBay, Apple, etc., or whoever you have your credit card with, changes their terms of service do they cancel your account and make you sign up for another one?

Why didn't the insurance companies just modify the existing policies?

Synth on the 5:00 news out here the guy they had on....a so called consumer expert .... said they were not able to do that...because of the new laws..they had to drop you and then offer you one of their new plans and it may or may not be as good as what you had.......hey thats what this guy said.....

Remember what the adults sound like in Peanut cartoons? That's what Synthetic hears when we tell him ObozoCare isn't working and never will.
You really should pay attention to current events.

I do.

The GOP will do very well in 2014 (as I have said something like 50 times). I think they hold the House and easily take the Senate.

There are more DEM seats up for grabs than there are GOP seats and the House is gerrymandered by both parties into being almost a formality every other November during the election.

Twenty-sixteen is more problematic for the GOP candidate since their party has basically painted them into a corner on taxes, immigration, and soon to be healthcare. When you're giving up 3 issues out of the gate and have no path to follow except 3 unpopular's not good for the candidate. Add that into the pronounced deficit the GOP has to start with in the Electoral College and 2016 is going to be a very close election. Obama fatigue will be a factor but I get the feeling that the candidate is going to counter-program her/him self well
In fact, I think that the Senate in 2014 will go GOP, but not enough to matter, and that in 2018, the Presidency will go GOP but the Senate will flop back to Democrat.

In either case, the American people lose until an independent leader manages to take the White House.

At that time, the Dems are going to rue the runaway, power hungry Obama and the GOP is going to seethe and acquiesce as the Independent simply does away with any need to consult Congress.

That will be the price we will have paid for these past 8 years.

This is why wingnuts are laughed at.
Guys, I'm sorry to have to keep reminding you (not really :) ) but dimocraps are some lying scum.

It's what they do. ALL of them.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube

Obamacare didn't cancel a single policy.

Bush didn't kill on person in the war in Iraq.

Failed analogy. Bush sent them to war and there was no alternative to being killed if you were dealt a lethal injury.
Claims that ObamaCare is "working" are just as suspect as claims that ObamaCare is "failing".

However, it is a safe bet that ObamaCare is here to stay. The Republicans have no comprehensive replacement for it on the table. They are the party of "Repeal ObamaCare...and Then What?" That's a platform plank made of balsa wood.

By 2016, one of two things will begin to emanate from the Republican Party. You will either see a slow turn toward rhetoric about "fixes" that are needed for the ACA (they will stop calling it ObamaCare), or you will see a comprehensive replacement plan put on the table.

I will lay heavy odds you will see the former. The GOP no longer has the intellectual weight or the courage to offer workable alternative solutions to our country's problems. They have become so used to pointing out the flaws in the other guy's plans their brains and spines have turned to mush.

The only guy who has shown any guts is Paul Ryan, but not even his recently released plan has an alternative to ObamaCare in it! Just a repeal.


Thanks for letting us move on from the well-made points before pointing out that the ACA is working at least in part while other portions are getting up to speed and that acceptance is just a matter of time.

Now moving on...

Do you think that the GOP candidates who recommend "fixes" instead of total annihilation run the risks of being labeled a RINO? No GOP candidate can recommend amnesty or tax increases of any kind at this point. Do you think any mere mention of modifying the ACA is a third "third rail" for a GOP contender?

You don't get to announce victory and tell us we're moving on. Obamacare will be repealed if we have to vote out every politician to do so.

Never. The Right-Wing doesn't even talk about this as an option any longer. They know they aren't going to throw 14 million people off of their insurance.
Exactly how am I being benefited?

Society has benefited.

It ain't about you, you, you. Damn, you are a Republican.

Hey dipwad, the post I replied to made it personal. That is why I asked how I benefitted. Because that is what HE posted.

Well you know what? You may not benefit at all. Tough shit.

When Bush started an illegal war based on cherry-picked intelligence, gas went through the roof, food went through the roof, and everything got more expensive. I didn't benefit from that!
None of this means anything.

49 to 48% approve it, 59% want it updated and reformed, 65% or more fully expect ACA to remain.

The GOP leadership knows this fight is over with 10 million now affected (new Medicare recipients, new insured, other insured with better programs), 50 state narratives.

The election is only about who gets elected, not the overthrow of ACA.
By January, 2015 there will be closer to 14 million with insurance. Even harder to repeal.
Guys, I'm sorry to have to keep reminding you (not really :) ) but dimocraps are some lying scum.

It's what they do. ALL of them.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube

Obamacare didn't cancel a single policy.

they changed mine.....and i was told after i got my letter from the Feds about what they will cover and what they wont,what is going to cost more or less ....dont call your Ins Co.....the alterations are premium went up and on some coverages the co-pay went way Blue Shield Policy was better before these guys got their hands on it....just sayin....
OK, but you are proof that they didn't need to cancel policies, just modify them.
Awesome!!!! :lol:

More proof ObamaCare is working - The Week

The uninsured rate fell to 15.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to new Gallup data released Monday — the lowest it's been since 2008. And the rate has been falling since late last year, signaling that ObamaCare is indeed having its intended effect of extending insurance to more and more people. (The scale of the y-axis overstates the slope of the trend line, but you get the idea.)

Moreover, the rate fell precipitously in March, dropping from 15.8 percent at the month's outset to 14.7 percent come April. Such a steep drop is most likely an indication that many people raced to get insured right before ObamaCare's end-of-month enrollment deadline. And indeed, the administration reported that signups spiked in the month's closing days, pushing the total enrollments to 7.1 million.

Fucking hilarious.
By law (as implemented by the ACA), 100% of people are supposed to have health insurance.
Prior to that law somewhere around 14% of people didn't have health insurance.
Post implementation of the law somewhere around 13.5% don't have health insurance.
And it is a success in your mind.
Yer not very bright, are you?
Society has benefited.

It ain't about you, you, you. Damn, you are a Republican.

Hey dipwad, the post I replied to made it personal. That is why I asked how I benefitted. Because that is what HE posted.

Well you know what? You may not benefit at all. Tough shit.

When Bush started an illegal war based on cherry-picked intelligence, gas went through the roof, food went through the roof, and everything got more expensive. I didn't benefit from that!

Of course nothing has increased in price under your dear leader have they? You hypocritical ass.
Obamacare didn't cancel a single policy.

they changed mine.....and i was told after i got my letter from the Feds about what they will cover and what they wont,what is going to cost more or less ....dont call your Ins Co.....the alterations are premium went up and on some coverages the co-pay went way Blue Shield Policy was better before these guys got their hands on it....just sayin....
OK, but you are proof that they didn't need to cancel policies, just modify them.

but the Ins Co. wasnt the one doing the was the Govt......
Obamacare was implemented to reduce the number of uninsured Americans. A 4% drop is significant given that the program just started

Like it or not, Obamacare is here to stay

Time for Republicans to start calling it ACA

so will it stop the situations where if you get one of them "expensive" diseases you wont have to sell the house or go bankrupt?.....just askin ....

RW? going to answer this question?.....i have asked it in other threads and i get the same response...
Guys, I'm sorry to have to keep reminding you (not really :) ) but dimocraps are some lying scum.

It's what they do. ALL of them.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube

If you're stupid enough to believe ANYTHING a dimocrap scumbag says, then you deserve whatever befalls you.

SHOCK! Hillary Clinton argues - What difference, at this point, does it make about how it happened? - YouTube

But, then again, dimocraps are some seriously stupid fucks

Obama Bucks! - YouTube

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.


You forgot the biggest liar of them all Edgetho....

[ame=]Harry Reid Says He Never Called ObamaCare Stories Lies - YouTube[/ame]
I look deeper into the numbers before making a decision. For instance when you consider the cost to tax payers per person enrolled its actually not that impressive at all. More like a rip off. Thats the type of thing Im looking at when I ponder if its successful or not.

Is Obamacare working? Sure it is if you have no cap on cost with an ultimate goal on getting people insured. Many are basically getting free insurance. Others we are setting up for failure with the high cost to not go to the doctor.

There are still a lot that is going to happen in time. We have to figure out how many paid premiums. We need a true break down of enrolees. We need to see what the cost is for next year. We need to see what happens when someone uses their health care and gets a real shock.

Guess all we can do is wait. So far Im not impressed at all given Im not using it and its going to cost me big time down the line. Money that could be going to my childrens college fund will be taxes to support socialist programs like Obamacare. At least my kids will get free healthcare and welfare when they are poor later in life with no education
More proof ObamaCare is working - The Week

The uninsured rate fell to 15.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to new Gallup data released Monday — the lowest it's been since 2008. And the rate has been falling since late last year, signaling that ObamaCare is indeed having its intended effect of extending insurance to more and more people. (The scale of the y-axis overstates the slope of the trend line, but you get the idea.)

Moreover, the rate fell precipitously in March, dropping from 15.8 percent at the month's outset to 14.7 percent come April. Such a steep drop is most likely an indication that many people raced to get insured right before ObamaCare's end-of-month enrollment deadline. And indeed, the administration reported that signups spiked in the month's closing days, pushing the total enrollments to 7.1 million.

See that is the problem....I know you don't believe this.
So the question remains - why are you still trying to make ACA something that is good?

If being "insured" means you get a plastic card to carry around with you, then yes - Obamacare succeeded in increasing people carrying plastic cards around. Yay! :(
If being insured means you go to the doctor - hand them the card and it pays them money, then ACA is an abysmal failure. Because for most people, they will never get beyond the very high deductible, and still have to pay 40% of the cost after that.
We already went over this...again...and again.


In SOME states (mostly red) the costs of healthcare have gone up, but that's largely due to the ACA outlawing pisspoor kick-you-off-the-minute-you-get-sick plans.

In other states (mostly blue) costs have not exceeded normal inflation rates, or have even gone down.

Most people DON'T have to pay 40%, as there's a cap on yearly out-of-pocket expenses.
There is one flaw in the ACA - insurance policies don't have to cover over-the-counter medicines.

With all the upcoming butthurt over the program's success, the rw'ers will go broke buying Preparation H.
More proof ObamaCare is working - The Week

The uninsured rate fell to 15.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to new Gallup data released Monday — the lowest it's been since 2008. And the rate has been falling since late last year, signaling that ObamaCare is indeed having its intended effect of extending insurance to more and more people. (The scale of the y-axis overstates the slope of the trend line, but you get the idea.)

Moreover, the rate fell precipitously in March, dropping from 15.8 percent at the month's outset to 14.7 percent come April. Such a steep drop is most likely an indication that many people raced to get insured right before ObamaCare's end-of-month enrollment deadline. And indeed, the administration reported that signups spiked in the month's closing days, pushing the total enrollments to 7.1 million.

Fucking hilarious.
By law (as implemented by the ACA), 100% of people are supposed to have health insurance.
Prior to that law somewhere around 14% of people didn't have health insurance.
Post implementation of the law somewhere around 13.5% don't have health insurance.
And it is a success in your mind.
Yer not very bright, are you?

No, it is YOU who aren't very bright.

Over 47 million nonelderly Americans were uninsured in 2012. Decreasing the number of uninsured is a key goal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which will provide Medicaid or subsidized coverage to qualifying individuals with incomes up to 400% of poverty beginning in 2014. This brief answers some basic questions about the uninsured, including why people are uninsured, trends in the uninsured, who the uninsured are, access and financial implications of not having coverage, and the likely impact of the ACA on Medicaid and the uninsured.

Key Facts about the Uninsured Population | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
More proof ObamaCare is working - The Week

The uninsured rate fell to 15.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, according to new Gallup data released Monday — the lowest it's been since 2008. And the rate has been falling since late last year, signaling that ObamaCare is indeed having its intended effect of extending insurance to more and more people. (The scale of the y-axis overstates the slope of the trend line, but you get the idea.)

Moreover, the rate fell precipitously in March, dropping from 15.8 percent at the month's outset to 14.7 percent come April. Such a steep drop is most likely an indication that many people raced to get insured right before ObamaCare's end-of-month enrollment deadline. And indeed, the administration reported that signups spiked in the month's closing days, pushing the total enrollments to 7.1 million.

BFD- I could care less how many have insurance now.

Yep- All the load side of Obamacare is piling on but the young payers are not.

Anchors to the system- Unsustainable :lol:

Poll: Obamacare fails to gain support

Despite a late surge in sign-ups, support for President Barack Obama's health care law is languishing at its lowest level since passage of the landmark legislation four years ago, according to a new poll.

The Associated Press-GfK survey finds that 26 percent of Americans support the Affordable Care Act. Yet even fewer — 13 percent — think it will be completely repealed. A narrow majority expects the law to be further implemented with minor changes, or as passed.

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There is one flaw in the ACA - insurance policies don't have to cover over-the-counter medicines.

With all the upcoming butthurt over the program's success, the rw'ers will go broke buying Preparation H.

What "success"? Because a lazy parasite like you gets to force me to pay for your healthcare coverage, you consider it a "success"?

What about the fact that cancer patients were forced out of their perfect healthcare insurance and this loss access to treatment? Watching people die so your greedy, lazy ass can have more government table scraps is "success" in your selfish mind?

What about the fact that the government spent billions and still can't get a website working properly? What about the fact that the website is populating previous visitors highly sensitive information (like Social Security numbers) for subsequent visitors?

What about the fact that people are unconstitutionally forced to purchase a good or service so that your greedy and lazy ass can get more government table scraps? Watching our government turn to a communist government is "success" in your selfish mind?

Watching you declare "victory" after you were annihilated during the game is comical. Hell, even hard core lefties like John Stewart have absolutely torn Obamacare to shreds. And here you sit falsely declaring it a "success" as cancer patients die so your lazy and greedy ass can get more free shit.

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