Who really made up the "20 million" covered by Obamacare?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Health insurance enrollment data show that the number of Americans with private health insurance coverage increased by a bit less than 2.5 million in the first half of 2014.
While enrollment in individual market coverage grew by almost 6.3 million, 61 percent of that gain was offset by a reduction of nearly 3.8 million individuals with employer-sponsored coverage.
During the same period, Medicaid enrollment increased by almost 6.1 million—principally as a result of Obamacare expanding eligibility to able-bodied, working-age adults. Consequently, 71 percent of the combined increase in health insurance coverage during the first half of 2014 was attributable to 25 states and the District of Columbia adopting the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.
Obamacare’s Enrollment Increase: Mainly Due to Medicaid Expansion

Now as I've frequently submitted here Obama's phony baloney "46 million uninsured Americans" consisted of these totally phony numbers!

Obama admits that of that 46 million 10 million were NOT CITIZENS!
Falsehood 1)
"It's an overcount because it counts noncitizens. Take out the 9.7 million noncitizens and the actual number is closer to 36 million.
So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.

Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
Falsehood 2)
14 million Americans were Eligible for MEDICAID BEFORE ACA!
Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. .
There was NO NEED for Obamacare to cover these 14 million as all they needed to do is REGISTER!!!
Those 14 million should have been told they were eligible under EXISTING LAWS and there was NO NEED for ACA!
So NOW under Obamacare's 20 million... 6.1 million from people that were eligible BEFORE Obamacare!
Falsehood 3)
18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.

Falsehood 4)
Many veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors. NOTE Total Unique Patients of VA: 5,830,130
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

So all this wasted money! Wasted energy for how many truly uninsured? ZERO!

A gross lie and in fact the INSURED number paying into employer health insurance was decreased by 4 million all due to Obamacare's screwing up the health care system!

Totally fabricated numbers folks and let's hope Trump can totally destroy this junk piece!!!
Health insurance enrollment data show that the number of Americans with private health insurance coverage increased by a bit less than 2.5 million in the first half of 2014.
While enrollment in individual market coverage grew by almost 6.3 million, 61 percent of that gain was offset by a reduction of nearly 3.8 million individuals with employer-sponsored coverage.
During the same period, Medicaid enrollment increased by almost 6.1 million—principally as a result of Obamacare expanding eligibility to able-bodied, working-age adults. Consequently, 71 percent of the combined increase in health insurance coverage during the first half of 2014 was attributable to 25 states and the District of Columbia adopting the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.
Obamacare’s Enrollment Increase: Mainly Due to Medicaid Expansion

Now as I've frequently submitted here Obama's phony baloney "46 million uninsured Americans" consisted of these totally phony numbers!

Obama admits that of that 46 million 10 million were NOT CITIZENS!
Falsehood 1)
"It's an overcount because it counts noncitizens. Take out the 9.7 million noncitizens and the actual number is closer to 36 million.
So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.

Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
Falsehood 2)
14 million Americans were Eligible for MEDICAID BEFORE ACA!
Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. .
There was NO NEED for Obamacare to cover these 14 million as all they needed to do is REGISTER!!!
Those 14 million should have been told they were eligible under EXISTING LAWS and there was NO NEED for ACA!
So NOW under Obamacare's 20 million... 6.1 million from people that were eligible BEFORE Obamacare!
Falsehood 3)
18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.

Falsehood 4)
Many veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors. NOTE Total Unique Patients of VA: 5,830,130
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

So all this wasted money! Wasted energy for how many truly uninsured? ZERO!

A gross lie and in fact the INSURED number paying into employer health insurance was decreased by 4 million all due to Obamacare's screwing up the health care system!

Totally fabricated numbers folks and let's hope Trump can totally destroy this junk piece!!!

Don't know if you are 100% accurate, but I believe you are pretty close. We all know the left is NOT about healthcare, or fairness, or anything else they spout. They are about CONTROL!

So you ask, how does this narrative happen? Simple, I am sure you have seen me post it in different threads, and it is accurate just like your numbers are, pretty.....damn.....close. It is time we educate the independents, and start arresting the rioters, and the illegals.

Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation and Gas Lighting — Tactics Used by the Far Left & Main Stream Media to Protect Obama
Health insurance enrollment data show that the number of Americans with private health insurance coverage increased by a bit less than 2.5 million in the first half of 2014.
While enrollment in individual market coverage grew by almost 6.3 million, 61 percent of that gain was offset by a reduction of nearly 3.8 million individuals with employer-sponsored coverage.
During the same period, Medicaid enrollment increased by almost 6.1 million—principally as a result of Obamacare expanding eligibility to able-bodied, working-age adults. Consequently, 71 percent of the combined increase in health insurance coverage during the first half of 2014 was attributable to 25 states and the District of Columbia adopting the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.
Obamacare’s Enrollment Increase: Mainly Due to Medicaid Expansion

Now as I've frequently submitted here Obama's phony baloney "46 million uninsured Americans" consisted of these totally phony numbers!

Obama admits that of that 46 million 10 million were NOT CITIZENS!
Falsehood 1)
"It's an overcount because it counts noncitizens. Take out the 9.7 million noncitizens and the actual number is closer to 36 million.
So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.

Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
Falsehood 2)
14 million Americans were Eligible for MEDICAID BEFORE ACA!
Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. .
There was NO NEED for Obamacare to cover these 14 million as all they needed to do is REGISTER!!!
Those 14 million should have been told they were eligible under EXISTING LAWS and there was NO NEED for ACA!
So NOW under Obamacare's 20 million... 6.1 million from people that were eligible BEFORE Obamacare!
Falsehood 3)
18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.

Falsehood 4)
Many veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors. NOTE Total Unique Patients of VA: 5,830,130
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

So all this wasted money! Wasted energy for how many truly uninsured? ZERO!

A gross lie and in fact the INSURED number paying into employer health insurance was decreased by 4 million all due to Obamacare's screwing up the health care system!

Totally fabricated numbers folks and let's hope Trump can totally destroy this junk piece!!!

Don't know if you are 100% accurate, but I believe you are pretty close. We all know the left is NOT about healthcare, or fairness, or anything else they spout. They are about CONTROL!

So you ask, how does this narrative happen? Simple, I am sure you have seen me post it in different threads, and it is accurate just like your numbers are, pretty.....damn.....close. It is time we educate the independents, and start arresting the rioters, and the illegals.

Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation and Gas Lighting — Tactics Used by the Far Left & Main Stream Media to Protect Obama

Did you follow these links?
Falsehood 1)Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
Falsehood 2) http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
When you realize that the Obama should have BEFORE Obamacare enrolled 14 million that qualified for
Medicaid there would have been no need for Obamacare!
Falsehood 3) CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
Falsehood 4) Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

How can there be any dispute over the "accuracy"? Pretty simple.
18 million under 34 making over $50,000 didn't want employers' health plans... NOW they are just paying the taxes! Stupid!
10 million illegals! 14 million didn't know who's fault? Obama's administration!
Health insurance enrollment data show that the number of Americans with private health insurance coverage increased by a bit less than 2.5 million in the first half of 2014.
While enrollment in individual market coverage grew by almost 6.3 million, 61 percent of that gain was offset by a reduction of nearly 3.8 million individuals with employer-sponsored coverage.
During the same period, Medicaid enrollment increased by almost 6.1 million—principally as a result of Obamacare expanding eligibility to able-bodied, working-age adults. Consequently, 71 percent of the combined increase in health insurance coverage during the first half of 2014 was attributable to 25 states and the District of Columbia adopting the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.
Obamacare’s Enrollment Increase: Mainly Due to Medicaid Expansion

Now as I've frequently submitted here Obama's phony baloney "46 million uninsured Americans" consisted of these totally phony numbers!

Obama admits that of that 46 million 10 million were NOT CITIZENS!
Falsehood 1)
"It's an overcount because it counts noncitizens. Take out the 9.7 million noncitizens and the actual number is closer to 36 million.
So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.

Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
Falsehood 2)
14 million Americans were Eligible for MEDICAID BEFORE ACA!
Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. .
There was NO NEED for Obamacare to cover these 14 million as all they needed to do is REGISTER!!!
Those 14 million should have been told they were eligible under EXISTING LAWS and there was NO NEED for ACA!
So NOW under Obamacare's 20 million... 6.1 million from people that were eligible BEFORE Obamacare!
Falsehood 3)
18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.

Falsehood 4)
Many veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors. NOTE Total Unique Patients of VA: 5,830,130
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

So all this wasted money! Wasted energy for how many truly uninsured? ZERO!

A gross lie and in fact the INSURED number paying into employer health insurance was decreased by 4 million all due to Obamacare's screwing up the health care system!

Totally fabricated numbers folks and let's hope Trump can totally destroy this junk piece!!!

Don't know if you are 100% accurate, but I believe you are pretty close. We all know the left is NOT about healthcare, or fairness, or anything else they spout. They are about CONTROL!

So you ask, how does this narrative happen? Simple, I am sure you have seen me post it in different threads, and it is accurate just like your numbers are, pretty.....damn.....close. It is time we educate the independents, and start arresting the rioters, and the illegals.

Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation and Gas Lighting — Tactics Used by the Far Left & Main Stream Media to Protect Obama

Did you follow these links?
Falsehood 1)Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
Falsehood 2) http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
When you realize that the Obama should have BEFORE Obamacare enrolled 14 million that qualified for
Medicaid there would have been no need for Obamacare!
Falsehood 3) CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
Falsehood 4) Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

How can there be any dispute over the "accuracy"? Pretty simple.
18 million under 34 making over $50,000 didn't want employers' health plans... NOW they are just paying the taxes! Stupid!
10 million illegals! 14 million didn't know who's fault? Obama's administration!

I have heard many economists address what you did, even a few from the left........not far leftists, but actual Democrats. They came to different conclusions in actual numbers, but most of them were within the realm of close to what you said your links said. Nobody was far away from the assessment your links produced, just the outcome from the left was single payer, which was their plan the whole time as a solution.

This debate having its own thread is excellent, because we both know the left has lied through their teeth on this......along with most everything else, lol! But the reason to need both REPEAL AND REPLACE is false if the insurance companies are allowed to put back in force what was originally there, AND they are forced to give the insurance back to everyone who had it to start with.

Listen.....the left is REALLY going to get MILITANT soon, much more than today; if you can imagine that. Their whole agenda that is NOT law is going to be thrown out the window, and a few things that are actually laws, will probably be overturned to boot. The far left is going to be in a mode we haven't yet seen. They are going to try EVERYTHING to convince people that Trump is a tyrant, and yet if he uses laws, the tyrant was actually Obama who used EOs! It is our jobs to point this out! If they want to stop Trump, then they need to put in different people in congress, and if they can't......it proves their agenda is null, and void!

That is how we should approach this. Their agenda has been swept out, and if their whining doesn't get them more power but in fact less, they are persona-non-grata in Washington, period, end of story-)
Health insurance enrollment data show that the number of Americans with private health insurance coverage increased by a bit less than 2.5 million in the first half of 2014.
While enrollment in individual market coverage grew by almost 6.3 million, 61 percent of that gain was offset by a reduction of nearly 3.8 million individuals with employer-sponsored coverage.
During the same period, Medicaid enrollment increased by almost 6.1 million—principally as a result of Obamacare expanding eligibility to able-bodied, working-age adults. Consequently, 71 percent of the combined increase in health insurance coverage during the first half of 2014 was attributable to 25 states and the District of Columbia adopting the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.
Obamacare’s Enrollment Increase: Mainly Due to Medicaid Expansion

Now as I've frequently submitted here Obama's phony baloney "46 million uninsured Americans" consisted of these totally phony numbers!

Obama admits that of that 46 million 10 million were NOT CITIZENS!
Falsehood 1)
"It's an overcount because it counts noncitizens. Take out the 9.7 million noncitizens and the actual number is closer to 36 million.
So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.

Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
Falsehood 2)
14 million Americans were Eligible for MEDICAID BEFORE ACA!
Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. .
There was NO NEED for Obamacare to cover these 14 million as all they needed to do is REGISTER!!!
Those 14 million should have been told they were eligible under EXISTING LAWS and there was NO NEED for ACA!
So NOW under Obamacare's 20 million... 6.1 million from people that were eligible BEFORE Obamacare!
Falsehood 3)
18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.

Falsehood 4)
Many veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors. NOTE Total Unique Patients of VA: 5,830,130
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

So all this wasted money! Wasted energy for how many truly uninsured? ZERO!

A gross lie and in fact the INSURED number paying into employer health insurance was decreased by 4 million all due to Obamacare's screwing up the health care system!

Totally fabricated numbers folks and let's hope Trump can totally destroy this junk piece!!!

Don't know if you are 100% accurate, but I believe you are pretty close. We all know the left is NOT about healthcare, or fairness, or anything else they spout. They are about CONTROL!

So you ask, how does this narrative happen? Simple, I am sure you have seen me post it in different threads, and it is accurate just like your numbers are, pretty.....damn.....close. It is time we educate the independents, and start arresting the rioters, and the illegals.

Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation and Gas Lighting — Tactics Used by the Far Left & Main Stream Media to Protect Obama

Did you follow these links?
Falsehood 1)Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
Falsehood 2) http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
When you realize that the Obama should have BEFORE Obamacare enrolled 14 million that qualified for
Medicaid there would have been no need for Obamacare!
Falsehood 3) CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
Falsehood 4) Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

How can there be any dispute over the "accuracy"? Pretty simple.
18 million under 34 making over $50,000 didn't want employers' health plans... NOW they are just paying the taxes! Stupid!
10 million illegals! 14 million didn't know who's fault? Obama's administration!

I have heard many economists address what you did, even a few from the left........not far leftists, but actual Democrats. They came to different conclusions in actual numbers, but most of them were within the realm of close to what you said your links said. Nobody was far away from the assessment your links produced, just the outcome from the left was single payer, which was their plan the whole time as a solution.

This debate having its own thread is excellent, because we both know the left has lied through their teeth on this......along with most everything else, lol! But the reason to need both REPEAL AND REPLACE is false if the insurance companies are allowed to put back in force what was originally there, AND they are forced to give the insurance back to everyone who had it to start with.

Listen.....the left is REALLY going to get MILITANT soon, much more than today; if you can imagine that. Their whole agenda that is NOT law is going to be thrown out the window, and a few things that are actually laws, will probably be overturned to boot. The far left is going to be in a mode we haven't yet seen. They are going to try EVERYTHING to convince people that Trump is a tyrant, and yet if he uses laws, the tyrant was actually Obama who used EOs! It is our jobs to point this out! If they want to stop Trump, then they need to put in different people in congress, and if they can't......it proves their agenda is null, and void!

That is how we should approach this. Their agenda has been swept out, and if their whining doesn't get them more power but in fact less, they are persona-non-grata in Washington, period, end of story-)

Especially when you heard Obama "
"I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer universal health care program. I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent of its gross national product on health care, cannot provide basic health insurance to everybody.
Obama statements on single-payer have changed a bit

Now this idiot wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies. That pay $100 BILLION a year in taxes! Put out of work 450,000 people. For what????
Not one word in Obamacare though for Tort Reform.
Now you appear to be scholarly so bear with the following information...
90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
Don't be confused because lawyers claim defensive medicine concerns are that malpractice insurance premiums!
NOT. It's because doctors attest the do the above and who cares? NO one not even insurance companies that pay the claims BECAUSE they simply raise the premiums!
If doctors that aren't under federal contract law of 1946 were covered by tort reform that taxed lawyers 10%
of their $270 billion income and use that for the premium for the truly uninsured...you can bet that the $800 BILLION a year in defensive medicine costs would drop. And if it did! Premiums drop! Because state laws
look at the medical loss ratio and if it's below 80% the insurance companies have to lower premiums!
That is a law and yet obama and congress didn't want to tax lawyers as they did tanning salons in ACA!
Stupid waste of over $800 billion/ year in wasted practices, duplicate tests.etc.
Follow the link!

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