Republicans Screwing It Up Again On Obamacare!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Republicans on Obamacare are a big disappointment they haven't learned anything over the last seven years! Here they go again with their bills to repeal Obamacare. What is it going to take to get the Republicans to accept that the majority of the American people don't want to go back to the pre-Obamacare days where if you had healthcare insurance and you got sick you discovered your insurance wouldn't cover all the treatments you needed to get well or worse your insurance company would just drop coverage on you. Before Obamacare America's healthcare system did not work for too many people, Republicans are not addressing this fact - REPUBLICANS NEED TO ACCEPT THE BASIC PREMISE THAT HEALTH INSURANCE IS TO COMPLICATED FOR ORDINARY AMERICANS THEY NEED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO REQUIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES TO COVER ESSENTIAL SERVICES SO IF THEY GET SICK THEIR INSURANCE WILL PROVIDE THE MEANS FOR THEM TO GET WELL AGAIN!

The Republicans are right that the cost of health care insurance due to Obamacare is way too high it is at a crisis level and the cost are spiraling higher at even more an alarming rate! The solution is too apply fiscally prudent principles to the system not throw out the system. These principles would include making essential benefits exactly that essential benefits not benefits one would like to have. For example, do away with the free preventive care benefit although make preventive care not subject to the deductible. Mandate only emergency health care coverage and only an initial addiction treatment program be covered not making such services on par with non-mental health services. Eliminate the mandate for free contraceptive services this is not an essential service essential means necessary to diagnose and cure a significant health problem. Of course, allowing American to purchase health insurance across state lines is supported by these principles.

The Republicans have to stop being partisan about Obamacare, Obamacare is based on Republican principles of marketplace solutions to problems. It is unconscionable for Republicans not to embrace the framework of healthcare exchanges for creating large pools of healthcare insurance enrollees so the higher cost of enrollees with preexisting conditions can be spread out throughout these pools so that health insurance can be made affordable. A multitude of experts will tell you there is only really two problems with the implementation of this good model, first, is that the insurance offered on these exchanges had too many mandates which jacked-up the prices of the exchange insurance and these high prices deterred people that would not get subsidies in the exchanges from buying on the exchange and deterred young people from buying on the exchange who because of their age likely won't need insurance anyway and the high cost just makes it easy for them to make that choice. The second problem is people jumping on the exchanges and buying the insurance only when they need healthcare services and this can be remedied by the common talked about solution of denying access to the exchanges outside of the open enrollment period unless their is a legitimate excuse like a person changed jobs and lost their employer sponsored healthcare insurance. The Republican proposed solution to the pre-existing medical condition problem of having these individual state programs where these people can buy health insurance is not a solution it is a failure response to the problem; states cannot even afford their current Medicaid expenses and the Federal Government wants to throw a huge healthcare program, the sick people program, on top of that it would be laughable if it wasn't so scary you would paralyze state governments across the nation.

Republicans need to stop living in their own world get some courage and work with the current system and reform it and listen to the mass of experts that going back to the legislative process of 2009 and 2010 said all these mandates the Federal Government was planning on health care insurance were going to cause health care insurance to rise at least twenty to forty percent they were spot on and Republicans should get to the business of rolling back these non-essential mandates! If Republicans do this they will be leading with wisdom and goodness and will eventually prevail bringing a success story for the American People. If the Republicans persist on their repeal and replace agenda for Obamacare which offers "sucky" health insurance for a huge portion of the American people they will get their head handed to them in the upcoming election. Because the Democrats have an easy identifiable "bad" guy for the skyrocketing health insurance problem "the pharmaceutical companies" and this guy is easy to hate and it will be easy to rally the American people to take down this bad guy. The only thing the Democrats have to do is reference the list of drugs that have been on the market for years and over the last two to three years have experienced double and triple digit increases in price completely unjust increases. Or Democrats could reference these drugs where the drug company CEO is clearly maximizing profit at the expense of sick Americans for example the Hepatitis C pill that cost over a thousand dollar a pill. If Republicans want the Oval Office they need to stop working for Big Business and start working for the American People!
In defense of the Repub know-nothings, they are instructed what to think and believe by their solitary tv channel
So you liberals pass the Affordable Care of the most badly written pieces of legislation ever passed by Congress and signed by a US President...a piece of legislation that you had to lie to the American people about in order to get it passed...a piece of legislation that your leaders KNEW wouldn't work as drawn up...but the problem is that the GOP doesn't like it?
Here's a radical idea! Why didn't you pass something that was good legislation in the first place?
The Republicans on Obamacare are a big disappointment they haven't learned anything over the last seven years! Here they go again with their bills to repeal Obamacare. What is it going to take to get the Republicans to accept that the majority of the American people don't want to go back to the pre-Obamacare days where if you had healthcare insurance and you got sick you discovered your insurance wouldn't cover all the treatments you needed to get well or worse your insurance company would just drop coverage on you. Before Obamacare America's healthcare system did not work for too many people, Republicans are not addressing this fact - REPUBLICANS NEED TO ACCEPT THE BASIC PREMISE THAT HEALTH INSURANCE IS TO COMPLICATED FOR ORDINARY AMERICANS THEY NEED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO REQUIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES TO COVER ESSENTIAL SERVICES SO IF THEY GET SICK THEIR INSURANCE WILL PROVIDE THE MEANS FOR THEM TO GET WELL AGAIN!

The Republicans are right that the cost of health care insurance due to Obamacare is way too high it is at a crisis level and the cost are spiraling higher at even more an alarming rate! The solution is too apply fiscally prudent principles to the system not throw out the system. These principles would include making essential benefits exactly that essential benefits not benefits one would like to have. For example, do away with the free preventive care benefit although make preventive care not subject to the deductible. Mandate only emergency health care coverage and only an initial addiction treatment program be covered not making such services on par with non-mental health services. Eliminate the mandate for free contraceptive services this is not an essential service essential means necessary to diagnose and cure a significant health problem. Of course, allowing American to purchase health insurance across state lines is supported by these principles.

The Republicans have to stop being partisan about Obamacare, Obamacare is based on Republican principles of marketplace solutions to problems. It is unconscionable for Republicans not to embrace the framework of healthcare exchanges for creating large pools of healthcare insurance enrollees so the higher cost of enrollees with preexisting conditions can be spread out throughout these pools so that health insurance can be made affordable. A multitude of experts will tell you there is only really two problems with the implementation of this good model, first, is that the insurance offered on these exchanges had too many mandates which jacked-up the prices of the exchange insurance and these high prices deterred people that would not get subsidies in the exchanges from buying on the exchange and deterred young people from buying on the exchange who because of their age likely won't need insurance anyway and the high cost just makes it easy for them to make that choice. The second problem is people jumping on the exchanges and buying the insurance only when they need healthcare services and this can be remedied by the common talked about solution of denying access to the exchanges outside of the open enrollment period unless their is a legitimate excuse like a person changed jobs and lost their employer sponsored healthcare insurance. The Republican proposed solution to the pre-existing medical condition problem of having these individual state programs where these people can buy health insurance is not a solution it is a failure response to the problem; states cannot even afford their current Medicaid expenses and the Federal Government wants to throw a huge healthcare program, the sick people program, on top of that it would be laughable if it wasn't so scary you would paralyze state governments across the nation.

Republicans need to stop living in their own world get some courage and work with the current system and reform it and listen to the mass of experts that going back to the legislative process of 2009 and 2010 said all these mandates the Federal Government was planning on health care insurance were going to cause health care insurance to rise at least twenty to forty percent they were spot on and Republicans should get to the business of rolling back these non-essential mandates! If Republicans do this they will be leading with wisdom and goodness and will eventually prevail bringing a success story for the American People. If the Republicans persist on their repeal and replace agenda for Obamacare which offers "sucky" health insurance for a huge portion of the American people they will get their head handed to them in the upcoming election. Because the Democrats have an easy identifiable "bad" guy for the skyrocketing health insurance problem "the pharmaceutical companies" and this guy is easy to hate and it will be easy to rally the American people to take down this bad guy. The only thing the Democrats have to do is reference the list of drugs that have been on the market for years and over the last two to three years have experienced double and triple digit increases in price completely unjust increases. Or Democrats could reference these drugs where the drug company CEO is clearly maximizing profit at the expense of sick Americans for example the Hepatitis C pill that cost over a thousand dollar a pill. If Republicans want the Oval Office they need to stop working for Big Business and start working for the American People!

And in case you didn't get the memo...Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama cut a deal with Big Pharma when they wrote up the ACA. It isn't the GOP that's working for "Big Business" on this was your liberal leadership!
The Republicans on Obamacare are a big disappointment they haven't learned anything over the last seven years! Here they go again with their bills to repeal Obamacare. What is it going to take to get the Republicans to accept that the majority of the American people don't want to go back to the pre-Obamacare days where if you had healthcare insurance and you got sick you discovered your insurance wouldn't cover all the treatments you needed to get well or worse your insurance company would just drop coverage on you. Before Obamacare America's healthcare system did not work for too many people, Republicans are not addressing this fact - REPUBLICANS NEED TO ACCEPT THE BASIC PREMISE THAT HEALTH INSURANCE IS TO COMPLICATED FOR ORDINARY AMERICANS THEY NEED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO REQUIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES TO COVER ESSENTIAL SERVICES SO IF THEY GET SICK THEIR INSURANCE WILL PROVIDE THE MEANS FOR THEM TO GET WELL AGAIN!

The Republicans are right that the cost of health care insurance due to Obamacare is way too high it is at a crisis level and the cost are spiraling higher at even more an alarming rate! The solution is too apply fiscally prudent principles to the system not throw out the system. These principles would include making essential benefits exactly that essential benefits not benefits one would like to have. For example, do away with the free preventive care benefit although make preventive care not subject to the deductible. Mandate only emergency health care coverage and only an initial addiction treatment program be covered not making such services on par with non-mental health services. Eliminate the mandate for free contraceptive services this is not an essential service essential means necessary to diagnose and cure a significant health problem. Of course, allowing American to purchase health insurance across state lines is supported by these principles.

The Republicans have to stop being partisan about Obamacare, Obamacare is based on Republican principles of marketplace solutions to problems. It is unconscionable for Republicans not to embrace the framework of healthcare exchanges for creating large pools of healthcare insurance enrollees so the higher cost of enrollees with preexisting conditions can be spread out throughout these pools so that health insurance can be made affordable. A multitude of experts will tell you there is only really two problems with the implementation of this good model, first, is that the insurance offered on these exchanges had too many mandates which jacked-up the prices of the exchange insurance and these high prices deterred people that would not get subsidies in the exchanges from buying on the exchange and deterred young people from buying on the exchange who because of their age likely won't need insurance anyway and the high cost just makes it easy for them to make that choice. The second problem is people jumping on the exchanges and buying the insurance only when they need healthcare services and this can be remedied by the common talked about solution of denying access to the exchanges outside of the open enrollment period unless their is a legitimate excuse like a person changed jobs and lost their employer sponsored healthcare insurance. The Republican proposed solution to the pre-existing medical condition problem of having these individual state programs where these people can buy health insurance is not a solution it is a failure response to the problem; states cannot even afford their current Medicaid expenses and the Federal Government wants to throw a huge healthcare program, the sick people program, on top of that it would be laughable if it wasn't so scary you would paralyze state governments across the nation.

Republicans need to stop living in their own world get some courage and work with the current system and reform it and listen to the mass of experts that going back to the legislative process of 2009 and 2010 said all these mandates the Federal Government was planning on health care insurance were going to cause health care insurance to rise at least twenty to forty percent they were spot on and Republicans should get to the business of rolling back these non-essential mandates! If Republicans do this they will be leading with wisdom and goodness and will eventually prevail bringing a success story for the American People. If the Republicans persist on their repeal and replace agenda for Obamacare which offers "sucky" health insurance for a huge portion of the American people they will get their head handed to them in the upcoming election. Because the Democrats have an easy identifiable "bad" guy for the skyrocketing health insurance problem "the pharmaceutical companies" and this guy is easy to hate and it will be easy to rally the American people to take down this bad guy. The only thing the Democrats have to do is reference the list of drugs that have been on the market for years and over the last two to three years have experienced double and triple digit increases in price completely unjust increases. Or Democrats could reference these drugs where the drug company CEO is clearly maximizing profit at the expense of sick Americans for example the Hepatitis C pill that cost over a thousand dollar a pill. If Republicans want the Oval Office they need to stop working for Big Business and start working for the American People!

And in case you didn't get the memo...Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama cut a deal with Big Pharma when they wrote up the ACA. It isn't the GOP that's working for "Big Business" on this was your liberal leadership!
The Republicans on Obamacare are a big disappointment they haven't learned anything over the last seven years! Here they go again with their bills to repeal Obamacare. What is it going to take to get the Republicans to accept that the majority of the American people don't want to go back to the pre-Obamacare days where if you had healthcare insurance and you got sick you discovered your insurance wouldn't cover all the treatments you needed to get well or worse your insurance company would just drop coverage on you. Before Obamacare America's healthcare system did not work for too many people, Republicans are not addressing this fact - REPUBLICANS NEED TO ACCEPT THE BASIC PREMISE THAT HEALTH INSURANCE IS TO COMPLICATED FOR ORDINARY AMERICANS THEY NEED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO REQUIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES TO COVER ESSENTIAL SERVICES SO IF THEY GET SICK THEIR INSURANCE WILL PROVIDE THE MEANS FOR THEM TO GET WELL AGAIN!

The Republicans are right that the cost of health care insurance due to Obamacare is way too high it is at a crisis level and the cost are spiraling higher at even more an alarming rate! The solution is too apply fiscally prudent principles to the system not throw out the system. These principles would include making essential benefits exactly that essential benefits not benefits one would like to have. For example, do away with the free preventive care benefit although make preventive care not subject to the deductible. Mandate only emergency health care coverage and only an initial addiction treatment program be covered not making such services on par with non-mental health services. Eliminate the mandate for free contraceptive services this is not an essential service essential means necessary to diagnose and cure a significant health problem. Of course, allowing American to purchase health insurance across state lines is supported by these principles.

The Republicans have to stop being partisan about Obamacare, Obamacare is based on Republican principles of marketplace solutions to problems. It is unconscionable for Republicans not to embrace the framework of healthcare exchanges for creating large pools of healthcare insurance enrollees so the higher cost of enrollees with preexisting conditions can be spread out throughout these pools so that health insurance can be made affordable. A multitude of experts will tell you there is only really two problems with the implementation of this good model, first, is that the insurance offered on these exchanges had too many mandates which jacked-up the prices of the exchange insurance and these high prices deterred people that would not get subsidies in the exchanges from buying on the exchange and deterred young people from buying on the exchange who because of their age likely won't need insurance anyway and the high cost just makes it easy for them to make that choice. The second problem is people jumping on the exchanges and buying the insurance only when they need healthcare services and this can be remedied by the common talked about solution of denying access to the exchanges outside of the open enrollment period unless their is a legitimate excuse like a person changed jobs and lost their employer sponsored healthcare insurance. The Republican proposed solution to the pre-existing medical condition problem of having these individual state programs where these people can buy health insurance is not a solution it is a failure response to the problem; states cannot even afford their current Medicaid expenses and the Federal Government wants to throw a huge healthcare program, the sick people program, on top of that it would be laughable if it wasn't so scary you would paralyze state governments across the nation.

Republicans need to stop living in their own world get some courage and work with the current system and reform it and listen to the mass of experts that going back to the legislative process of 2009 and 2010 said all these mandates the Federal Government was planning on health care insurance were going to cause health care insurance to rise at least twenty to forty percent they were spot on and Republicans should get to the business of rolling back these non-essential mandates! If Republicans do this they will be leading with wisdom and goodness and will eventually prevail bringing a success story for the American People. If the Republicans persist on their repeal and replace agenda for Obamacare which offers "sucky" health insurance for a huge portion of the American people they will get their head handed to them in the upcoming election. Because the Democrats have an easy identifiable "bad" guy for the skyrocketing health insurance problem "the pharmaceutical companies" and this guy is easy to hate and it will be easy to rally the American people to take down this bad guy. The only thing the Democrats have to do is reference the list of drugs that have been on the market for years and over the last two to three years have experienced double and triple digit increases in price completely unjust increases. Or Democrats could reference these drugs where the drug company CEO is clearly maximizing profit at the expense of sick Americans for example the Hepatitis C pill that cost over a thousand dollar a pill. If Republicans want the Oval Office they need to stop working for Big Business and start working for the American People!

And in case you didn't get the memo...Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama cut a deal with Big Pharma when they wrote up the ACA. It isn't the GOP that's working for "Big Business" on this was your liberal leadership!

Understanding the Corporate Welfare Giveaway known as the ACA... - Democratic Underground
The Republicans on Obamacare are a big disappointment they haven't learned anything over the last seven years! Here they go again with their bills to repeal Obamacare. What is it going to take to get the Republicans to accept that the majority of the American people don't want to go back to the pre-Obamacare days where if you had healthcare insurance and you got sick you discovered your insurance wouldn't cover all the treatments you needed to get well or worse your insurance company would just drop coverage on you. Before Obamacare America's healthcare system did not work for too many people, Republicans are not addressing this fact - REPUBLICANS NEED TO ACCEPT THE BASIC PREMISE THAT HEALTH INSURANCE IS TO COMPLICATED FOR ORDINARY AMERICANS THEY NEED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO REQUIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES TO COVER ESSENTIAL SERVICES SO IF THEY GET SICK THEIR INSURANCE WILL PROVIDE THE MEANS FOR THEM TO GET WELL AGAIN!

The Republicans are right that the cost of health care insurance due to Obamacare is way too high it is at a crisis level and the cost are spiraling higher at even more an alarming rate! The solution is too apply fiscally prudent principles to the system not throw out the system. These principles would include making essential benefits exactly that essential benefits not benefits one would like to have. For example, do away with the free preventive care benefit although make preventive care not subject to the deductible. Mandate only emergency health care coverage and only an initial addiction treatment program be covered not making such services on par with non-mental health services. Eliminate the mandate for free contraceptive services this is not an essential service essential means necessary to diagnose and cure a significant health problem. Of course, allowing American to purchase health insurance across state lines is supported by these principles.

The Republicans have to stop being partisan about Obamacare, Obamacare is based on Republican principles of marketplace solutions to problems. It is unconscionable for Republicans not to embrace the framework of healthcare exchanges for creating large pools of healthcare insurance enrollees so the higher cost of enrollees with preexisting conditions can be spread out throughout these pools so that health insurance can be made affordable. A multitude of experts will tell you there is only really two problems with the implementation of this good model, first, is that the insurance offered on these exchanges had too many mandates which jacked-up the prices of the exchange insurance and these high prices deterred people that would not get subsidies in the exchanges from buying on the exchange and deterred young people from buying on the exchange who because of their age likely won't need insurance anyway and the high cost just makes it easy for them to make that choice. The second problem is people jumping on the exchanges and buying the insurance only when they need healthcare services and this can be remedied by the common talked about solution of denying access to the exchanges outside of the open enrollment period unless their is a legitimate excuse like a person changed jobs and lost their employer sponsored healthcare insurance. The Republican proposed solution to the pre-existing medical condition problem of having these individual state programs where these people can buy health insurance is not a solution it is a failure response to the problem; states cannot even afford their current Medicaid expenses and the Federal Government wants to throw a huge healthcare program, the sick people program, on top of that it would be laughable if it wasn't so scary you would paralyze state governments across the nation.

Republicans need to stop living in their own world get some courage and work with the current system and reform it and listen to the mass of experts that going back to the legislative process of 2009 and 2010 said all these mandates the Federal Government was planning on health care insurance were going to cause health care insurance to rise at least twenty to forty percent they were spot on and Republicans should get to the business of rolling back these non-essential mandates! If Republicans do this they will be leading with wisdom and goodness and will eventually prevail bringing a success story for the American People. If the Republicans persist on their repeal and replace agenda for Obamacare which offers "sucky" health insurance for a huge portion of the American people they will get their head handed to them in the upcoming election. Because the Democrats have an easy identifiable "bad" guy for the skyrocketing health insurance problem "the pharmaceutical companies" and this guy is easy to hate and it will be easy to rally the American people to take down this bad guy. The only thing the Democrats have to do is reference the list of drugs that have been on the market for years and over the last two to three years have experienced double and triple digit increases in price completely unjust increases. Or Democrats could reference these drugs where the drug company CEO is clearly maximizing profit at the expense of sick Americans for example the Hepatitis C pill that cost over a thousand dollar a pill. If Republicans want the Oval Office they need to stop working for Big Business and start working for the American People!

And in case you didn't get the memo...Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama cut a deal with Big Pharma when they wrote up the ACA. It isn't the GOP that's working for "Big Business" on this was your liberal leadership!

Understanding the Corporate Welfare Giveaway known as the ACA... - Democratic Underground
I do recall the Bush administration's deal with Big Pharma on Medicare forbids Medicare from bargaining prices on prescriptions. Thereby we pay full price, dictated by Big Pharma, and other countries pay a fraction of that, because they do bargain.
The Republicans on Obamacare are a big disappointment they haven't learned anything over the last seven years! Here they go again with their bills to repeal Obamacare. What is it going to take to get the Republicans to accept that the majority of the American people don't want to go back to the pre-Obamacare days where if you had healthcare insurance and you got sick you discovered your insurance wouldn't cover all the treatments you needed to get well or worse your insurance company would just drop coverage on you. Before Obamacare America's healthcare system did not work for too many people, Republicans are not addressing this fact - REPUBLICANS NEED TO ACCEPT THE BASIC PREMISE THAT HEALTH INSURANCE IS TO COMPLICATED FOR ORDINARY AMERICANS THEY NEED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO REQUIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES TO COVER ESSENTIAL SERVICES SO IF THEY GET SICK THEIR INSURANCE WILL PROVIDE THE MEANS FOR THEM TO GET WELL AGAIN!

The Republicans are right that the cost of health care insurance due to Obamacare is way too high it is at a crisis level and the cost are spiraling higher at even more an alarming rate! The solution is too apply fiscally prudent principles to the system not throw out the system. These principles would include making essential benefits exactly that essential benefits not benefits one would like to have. For example, do away with the free preventive care benefit although make preventive care not subject to the deductible. Mandate only emergency health care coverage and only an initial addiction treatment program be covered not making such services on par with non-mental health services. Eliminate the mandate for free contraceptive services this is not an essential service essential means necessary to diagnose and cure a significant health problem. Of course, allowing American to purchase health insurance across state lines is supported by these principles.

The Republicans have to stop being partisan about Obamacare, Obamacare is based on Republican principles of marketplace solutions to problems. It is unconscionable for Republicans not to embrace the framework of healthcare exchanges for creating large pools of healthcare insurance enrollees so the higher cost of enrollees with preexisting conditions can be spread out throughout these pools so that health insurance can be made affordable. A multitude of experts will tell you there is only really two problems with the implementation of this good model, first, is that the insurance offered on these exchanges had too many mandates which jacked-up the prices of the exchange insurance and these high prices deterred people that would not get subsidies in the exchanges from buying on the exchange and deterred young people from buying on the exchange who because of their age likely won't need insurance anyway and the high cost just makes it easy for them to make that choice. The second problem is people jumping on the exchanges and buying the insurance only when they need healthcare services and this can be remedied by the common talked about solution of denying access to the exchanges outside of the open enrollment period unless their is a legitimate excuse like a person changed jobs and lost their employer sponsored healthcare insurance. The Republican proposed solution to the pre-existing medical condition problem of having these individual state programs where these people can buy health insurance is not a solution it is a failure response to the problem; states cannot even afford their current Medicaid expenses and the Federal Government wants to throw a huge healthcare program, the sick people program, on top of that it would be laughable if it wasn't so scary you would paralyze state governments across the nation.

Republicans need to stop living in their own world get some courage and work with the current system and reform it and listen to the mass of experts that going back to the legislative process of 2009 and 2010 said all these mandates the Federal Government was planning on health care insurance were going to cause health care insurance to rise at least twenty to forty percent they were spot on and Republicans should get to the business of rolling back these non-essential mandates! If Republicans do this they will be leading with wisdom and goodness and will eventually prevail bringing a success story for the American People. If the Republicans persist on their repeal and replace agenda for Obamacare which offers "sucky" health insurance for a huge portion of the American people they will get their head handed to them in the upcoming election. Because the Democrats have an easy identifiable "bad" guy for the skyrocketing health insurance problem "the pharmaceutical companies" and this guy is easy to hate and it will be easy to rally the American people to take down this bad guy. The only thing the Democrats have to do is reference the list of drugs that have been on the market for years and over the last two to three years have experienced double and triple digit increases in price completely unjust increases. Or Democrats could reference these drugs where the drug company CEO is clearly maximizing profit at the expense of sick Americans for example the Hepatitis C pill that cost over a thousand dollar a pill. If Republicans want the Oval Office they need to stop working for Big Business and start working for the American People!

And in case you didn't get the memo...Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama cut a deal with Big Pharma when they wrote up the ACA. It isn't the GOP that's working for "Big Business" on this was your liberal leadership!

Understanding the Corporate Welfare Giveaway known as the ACA... - Democratic Underground
I do recall the Bush administration's deal with Big Pharma on Medicare forbids Medicare from bargaining prices on prescriptions. Thereby we pay full price, dictated by Big Pharma, and other countries pay a fraction of that, because they do bargain.

LOL...can't bring yourself to admit that Barry cut a deal with Big Pharma...can you? Typical, Junkie...
Here's a radical idea! Why didn't you pass something that was good legislation in the first place?

What democrats got done against all odds, is miles ahead of anything the repubs cobbled together.

The ACA is terrible legislation...the Democratic leadership HAD to lie to the American people about what it consisted of and what it would cost because if they hadn't they would have all been voted out of office.
The Republicans on Obamacare are a big disappointment they haven't learned anything over the last seven years! Here they go again with their bills to repeal Obamacare. What is it going to take to get the Republicans to accept that the majority of the American people don't want to go back to the pre-Obamacare days where if you had healthcare insurance and you got sick you discovered your insurance wouldn't cover all the treatments you needed to get well or worse your insurance company would just drop coverage on you. Before Obamacare America's healthcare system did not work for too many people, Republicans are not addressing this fact - REPUBLICANS NEED TO ACCEPT THE BASIC PREMISE THAT HEALTH INSURANCE IS TO COMPLICATED FOR ORDINARY AMERICANS THEY NEED THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO REQUIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES TO COVER ESSENTIAL SERVICES SO IF THEY GET SICK THEIR INSURANCE WILL PROVIDE THE MEANS FOR THEM TO GET WELL AGAIN!

The Republicans are right that the cost of health care insurance due to Obamacare is way too high it is at a crisis level and the cost are spiraling higher at even more an alarming rate! The solution is too apply fiscally prudent principles to the system not throw out the system. These principles would include making essential benefits exactly that essential benefits not benefits one would like to have. For example, do away with the free preventive care benefit although make preventive care not subject to the deductible. Mandate only emergency health care coverage and only an initial addiction treatment program be covered not making such services on par with non-mental health services. Eliminate the mandate for free contraceptive services this is not an essential service essential means necessary to diagnose and cure a significant health problem. Of course, allowing American to purchase health insurance across state lines is supported by these principles.

The Republicans have to stop being partisan about Obamacare, Obamacare is based on Republican principles of marketplace solutions to problems. It is unconscionable for Republicans not to embrace the framework of healthcare exchanges for creating large pools of healthcare insurance enrollees so the higher cost of enrollees with preexisting conditions can be spread out throughout these pools so that health insurance can be made affordable. A multitude of experts will tell you there is only really two problems with the implementation of this good model, first, is that the insurance offered on these exchanges had too many mandates which jacked-up the prices of the exchange insurance and these high prices deterred people that would not get subsidies in the exchanges from buying on the exchange and deterred young people from buying on the exchange who because of their age likely won't need insurance anyway and the high cost just makes it easy for them to make that choice. The second problem is people jumping on the exchanges and buying the insurance only when they need healthcare services and this can be remedied by the common talked about solution of denying access to the exchanges outside of the open enrollment period unless their is a legitimate excuse like a person changed jobs and lost their employer sponsored healthcare insurance. The Republican proposed solution to the pre-existing medical condition problem of having these individual state programs where these people can buy health insurance is not a solution it is a failure response to the problem; states cannot even afford their current Medicaid expenses and the Federal Government wants to throw a huge healthcare program, the sick people program, on top of that it would be laughable if it wasn't so scary you would paralyze state governments across the nation.

Republicans need to stop living in their own world get some courage and work with the current system and reform it and listen to the mass of experts that going back to the legislative process of 2009 and 2010 said all these mandates the Federal Government was planning on health care insurance were going to cause health care insurance to rise at least twenty to forty percent they were spot on and Republicans should get to the business of rolling back these non-essential mandates! If Republicans do this they will be leading with wisdom and goodness and will eventually prevail bringing a success story for the American People. If the Republicans persist on their repeal and replace agenda for Obamacare which offers "sucky" health insurance for a huge portion of the American people they will get their head handed to them in the upcoming election. Because the Democrats have an easy identifiable "bad" guy for the skyrocketing health insurance problem "the pharmaceutical companies" and this guy is easy to hate and it will be easy to rally the American people to take down this bad guy. The only thing the Democrats have to do is reference the list of drugs that have been on the market for years and over the last two to three years have experienced double and triple digit increases in price completely unjust increases. Or Democrats could reference these drugs where the drug company CEO is clearly maximizing profit at the expense of sick Americans for example the Hepatitis C pill that cost over a thousand dollar a pill. If Republicans want the Oval Office they need to stop working for Big Business and start working for the American People!

And in case you didn't get the memo...Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama cut a deal with Big Pharma when they wrote up the ACA. It isn't the GOP that's working for "Big Business" on this was your liberal leadership!

Understanding the Corporate Welfare Giveaway known as the ACA... - Democratic Underground
I do recall the Bush administration's deal with Big Pharma on Medicare forbids Medicare from bargaining prices on prescriptions. Thereby we pay full price, dictated by Big Pharma, and other countries pay a fraction of that, because they do bargain.

LOL...can't bring yourself to admit that Barry cut a deal with Big Pharma...can you? Typical, Junkie...
More rewriting of history by the Right.
Here's a radical idea! Why didn't you pass something that was good legislation in the first place?

What democrats got done against all odds, is miles ahead of anything the repubs cobbled together.

The ACA is terrible legislation...the Democratic leadership HAD to lie to the American people about what it consisted of and what it would cost because if they hadn't they would have all been voted out of office.

Yes all very true. I couldn't agree more with every single part of your reply.

So in light of your facts, all of which are true and correct, what do the republicans have cooking to replace Obama care with?

Please be specific.
Many people think that since Obamacare has been around for a while it is proof that the law works, but the fact is it will be several more years before its sustainability can be verified. One thing impossible to refute is the cost of healthcare insurance has soared for many Americans since it was enacted into law. Gone is the infamous promise Obama made on how the average family will save $2,500 a year on healthcare coverage, it has been supplanted by frustration about affordability.

What Washington may be underestimating is how many people drop coverage, regardless of the penalty because they simply cannot afford to buy what is being served, or worse for America quit their job and move onto the government roll. The article below titled, "Healthcare Is Still A Broken System" delves into why the system may collapse under the weight of soaring cost.

Advancing Time: Healthcare Is Still A Broken System!
Here's a radical idea! Why didn't you pass something that was good legislation in the first place?

What democrats got done against all odds, is miles ahead of anything the repubs cobbled together.

The ACA is terrible legislation...the Democratic leadership HAD to lie to the American people about what it consisted of and what it would cost because if they hadn't they would have all been voted out of office.

Yes all very true. I couldn't agree more with every single part of your reply.

So in light of your facts, all of which are true and correct, what do the republicans have cooking to replace Obama care with?

Please be specific.

We should go back to what we had before. All that the ACA has done is give discounted health insurance to the poor and have those costs picked up by the Middle Class. It's unfair. It's unjust. Free market healthcare has always given the US some of the best healthcare in the world. What the ACA will eventually lead to is government run healthcare that by necessity will have to be rationed. The rich won't be affected because they will continue to pay for "private care" by doctors who will opt out of the government run system. The people who have to get screwed by the ACA are the Middle Class workers that used to get their insurance through their employers. That is going to become a thing of the past. The Middle Class will now be paying far more for their insurance and getting far less for what they pay.

The American people asked government to make their healthcare more affordable. The Obama Administration didn't do that. What they did was redistribute wealth from the Middle Class to the poor while lying to the Middle Class about what they were doing.

If you want to keep provisions that insurance companies can't deny for pre-existing conditions or can't cap payments then fine but be honest with the American people about what that will cost.
And in case you didn't get the memo...Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama cut a deal with Big Pharma when they wrote up the ACA. It isn't the GOP that's working for "Big Business" on this was your liberal leadership!

Understanding the Corporate Welfare Giveaway known as the ACA... - Democratic Underground
I do recall the Bush administration's deal with Big Pharma on Medicare forbids Medicare from bargaining prices on prescriptions. Thereby we pay full price, dictated by Big Pharma, and other countries pay a fraction of that, because they do bargain.

LOL...can't bring yourself to admit that Barry cut a deal with Big Pharma...can you? Typical, Junkie...
More rewriting of history by the Right.

Rewriting it? You can't even admit what took place, Junky! The Democrats DID cut a deal with Big Pharma to get them to support the just don't want to admit that it was Barry doing that and not some unscrupulous Republican! I show you that Democrats cut a deal and you bring up Bush?
Here's a radical idea! Why didn't you pass something that was good legislation in the first place?

What democrats got done against all odds, is miles ahead of anything the repubs cobbled together.

The ACA is terrible legislation...the Democratic leadership HAD to lie to the American people about what it consisted of and what it would cost because if they hadn't they would have all been voted out of office.

Yes all very true. I couldn't agree more with every single part of your reply.

So in light of your facts, all of which are true and correct, what do the republicans have cooking to replace Obama care with?

Please be specific.

We should go back to what we had before. All that the ACA has done is give discounted health insurance to the poor and have those costs picked up by the Middle Class. It's unfair. It's unjust. Free market healthcare has always given the US some of the best healthcare in the world. What the ACA will eventually lead to is government run healthcare that by necessity will have to be rationed. The rich won't be affected because they will continue to pay for "private care" by doctors who will opt out of the government run system. The people who have to get screwed by the ACA are the Middle Class workers that used to get their insurance through their employers. That is going to become a thing of the past. The Middle Class will now be paying far more for their insurance and getting far less for what they pay.

The American people asked government to make their healthcare more affordable. The Obama Administration didn't do that. What they did was redistribute wealth from the Middle Class to the poor while lying to the Middle Class about what they were doing.

If you want to keep provisions that insurance companies can't deny for pre-existing conditions or can't cap payments then fine but be honest with the American people about what that will cost.

So you're saying repubs ain't got nothing to replace Obama care ! Is that about the size of it?

As for the old way that saddled everyday Americans with the most costly healthcare system anywhere, that's killing a half million patients a year, you're ok with that, even though millions of people will be denied care.
That's third world dude.
Here's a radical idea! Why didn't you pass something that was good legislation in the first place?

What democrats got done against all odds, is miles ahead of anything the repubs cobbled together.

The ACA is terrible legislation...the Democratic leadership HAD to lie to the American people about what it consisted of and what it would cost because if they hadn't they would have all been voted out of office.

Yes all very true. I couldn't agree more with every single part of your reply.

So in light of your facts, all of which are true and correct, what do the republicans have cooking to replace Obama care with?

Please be specific.

We should go back to what we had before. All that the ACA has done is give discounted health insurance to the poor and have those costs picked up by the Middle Class. It's unfair. It's unjust. Free market healthcare has always given the US some of the best healthcare in the world. What the ACA will eventually lead to is government run healthcare that by necessity will have to be rationed. The rich won't be affected because they will continue to pay for "private care" by doctors who will opt out of the government run system. The people who have to get screwed by the ACA are the Middle Class workers that used to get their insurance through their employers. That is going to become a thing of the past. The Middle Class will now be paying far more for their insurance and getting far less for what they pay.

The American people asked government to make their healthcare more affordable. The Obama Administration didn't do that. What they did was redistribute wealth from the Middle Class to the poor while lying to the Middle Class about what they were doing.

If you want to keep provisions that insurance companies can't deny for pre-existing conditions or can't cap payments then fine but be honest with the American people about what that will cost.

So you're saying repubs ain't got nothing to replace Obama care ! Is that about the size of it?

As for the old way that saddled everyday Americans with the most costly healthcare system anywhere, that's killing a half million patients a year, you're ok with that, even though millions of people will be denied care.
That's third world dude.

What I'm "saying" is that what the American people wanted was legislation that would lower the cost of their healthcare. They didn't get that. What they got was a redistribution of the costs of healthcare. Middle Class Americans are still saddled with the most costly healthcare system anywhere only now they get less care for more money!

You liberals sold the American people a lie! You said the ACA was to fix healthcare and you knew all along that it would do no such thing.

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