Issue 1 in Ohio

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If you want to see all my posts on the realities about the biological miracle that occurs at birth when it goes well, please take a moment to search this message board on my screen name for the word “shunt” .

If you were Jewish seeing your child’s arrival you would have witnessed at your son’s first breath, the miracle of God breathing life into a new human being giving him a soul.

When you watched you son’s birth was there a County Sheriff or anyone wearing a law officer’s badge just to make sure nobody committed a crime before baby fetus took that first breath?

nf.23.08.11 #10,013
hvdvt.23.08.11 #660
nf.23.08.11 #671
Don't need one when I'm there. The point is that cutting the cord doesn't start a baby breathing. They can do that on their own without that stimulus.
You are saying the eggs we get from the supermarket are fertilized?

It will eventually flap it's wings.

By your logic pre-pubescent girls aren't human beings because they aren't menstruating yet.

You are confusing developmental stages with species identification, because you simply can't admit abortion kills a human being.
And that is the point. Zygote, embryo, fetus, infant, adolescent, pubescent, and adult are all words that describe a human being at various stages of development. Apparently, the need to de-humanize those who are at very early stages of life is so strong that we need to pretend humans are not human until they are born, and that's incorrect.

It can be argued that a baby is not assigned PERSONHOOD until birth because that's a legal term, not a biological one. Heck, Canada just granted a river personhood so it could be granted rights, but no one is arguing that it is a human being. Let's look at it this way. An unborn human can be legally granted personhood by a simple change in the law while his/her humanity can neither be granted nor rescinded by a law, it is a biological fact. At one time, we attempted to classify humans of African descent as less human than European humans. We recognize today that law had no impact on their humanity.
You are saying the eggs we get from the supermarket are fertilized?

It will eventually flap it's wings.

By your logic pre-pubescent girls aren't human beings because they aren't menstruating yet.

You are confusing developmental stages with species identification, because you simply can't admit abortion kills a human being.
No, I'm seeing the world around me as it is, not looking for excuses to support my church's theology.

A chicken egg is a chicken egg. It is not a chicken.

But you go on sitting under your acorn eating your special chicken cake and i'll laugh at you all day long.





60% of the people in Ohio are not as insane as you.

The point is that cutting the cord doesn't start a baby breathing. They can do that on their own without that stimulus.

At birth, major changes take place. The umbilical cord is clamped and the baby no longer receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother.

clamping, a cord starts a baby breathing and all the physiological changes during this transformation involving temporary shunts.

What is your point? My point has been that a fetus cannot breathe on its own and begin an independent life unless the brain and nervous system develops to a point around 24 weeks making it reasonably possible.

That when I consider a state may have a limited interest in protecting the life of a fetus from its mother. But that point is moot.

Statistically, every elective abortion takes place a month or two before 24 weeks. Which means women with similar beliefs on reproduction, are policing themselves and electing to have abortions as early as possible. It’s time the orange evangelicals, butted out.

At birth, major changes take place. The umbilical cord is clamped and the baby no longer receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother.

clamping, a cord starts a baby breathing and all the physiological changes during this transformation involving temporary shunts.

What is your point? My point has been that a fetus cannot breathe on its own and begin an independent life unless the brain and nervous system develops to a point around 24 weeks making it reasonably possible.

That when I consider a state may have a limited interest in protecting the life of a fetus from its mother. But that point is moot.

Statistically, every elective abortion takes place a month or two before 24 weeks. Which means women with similar beliefs on reproduction, are policing themselves and electing to have abortions as early as possible. It’s time the orange evangelicals, butted out.

And I've told you that I personally witnessed my son breathing and screaming BEFORE the cord was cut.
I have no idea what that even means. How does it relate to what I've been saying?
You want a fertilized egg and subsequent development to be a “person” with a right to life same as you with government protection.

THE only way you can regulate that is to inspect menstrual pads for when that protected person might be flushed down the toilet after a miscarriage so to give it a proper death certificate and proper ceremony saying farewell to the remains.
You want a fertilized egg and subsequent development to be a “person” with a right to life same as you with government protection.

THE only way you can regulate that is to inspect menstrual pads for when that protected person might be flushed down the toilet after a miscarriage so to give it a proper death certificate and proper ceremony saying farewell to the remains.
If you can't distinguish between a natural miscarriage and a deliberate abortion, there's no helping you, so peddle your extremist viewpoint somewhere else.
No, I'm seeing the world around me as it is, not looking for excuses to support my church's theology.

A chicken egg is a chicken egg. It is not a chicken.

But you go on sitting under your acorn eating your special chicken cake and i'll laugh at you all day long.





60% of the people in Ohio are not as insane as you.


It's amazing the lengths people like you will go to deny that abortion kills a human being.

The rest of your blather is just that.
And I've told you that I personally witnessed my son breathing and screaming BEFORE the cord was cut.
Not before the cord was clamped Your son received oxygen from your wife until the cord was clamped. What is your point that your kid took his first breaths between the time the cord was clamped and when it was cut.

Ever heard the expression “cut off” Like cut off the newborn infant’s oxygen supply from the mother?

Currently, most hospitals in the United States practice early (immediate) cord clamping. This means cutting the umbilical cord 10 to 15 seconds after birth or soonerTrusted Source.​
Before the mid-1950s, it was standard practice to wait one to five minutes before cutting the cord. Around this time, the number of births in hospitals began to rise.​
If you can't distinguish between a natural miscarriage and a deliberate abortion, there's no helping you

I fervently distinguish between a natural abortion through a miscarriage and an elective abortion. Both are a private matters however.

In my opinion both are none of your business.

I have no idea why you make it your business because elective abortion causes absolutely no harm to your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
It's amazing the lengths people like you will go to deny that abortion kills a human being.
Elective abortions in this country kill undeveloped human beings while the developing human being’s life is sustained by a fully developed female human being who has a natural right to kill it.,

Abortion prior to 24 weeks kills a potential human being.

Why is it any of your business is the question you won’t answer.
Elective abortions in this country kill undeveloped human beings while the developing human being’s life is sustained by a fully developed female human being who has a natural right to kill it.,

Abortion prior to 24 weeks kills a potential human being.

Why is it any of your business is the question you won’t answer.

Because for some people that developing human being is worthy of protection?

This isn't someone just cutting off their hand, although the State may have some say in someone doing that, or encouraging others to do that.
It's amazing the lengths people like you will go to deny that abortion kills a human being.

The rest of your blather is just that.
No, it's not a human being.
Your lies are the reason I have to belittle your obvious lack of understanding of the topic.

But no matter the lengths of your twisting and and lying. The people know the truth and



I can't wait for November.


When you and yours are smashed in the election.


"Compromise? US? NEVER!!!!"

We'd rather die.
And you know...I'm OK with that.

One lesson you should be takaway from Ohio 1 results is that the propagandistic political shaming of alleged sinful behavior by so many who stand up for reproductive freedom, is too stupid to even think about for more than a few seconds. Let alone make it part of your arguments.

nf.23.08.11 #678
You do not stand for reproductive freedom otherwise you would stand up for the father having rights also
No, it's not a human being.
Your lies are the reason I have to belittle your obvious lack of understanding of the topic.

But no matter the lengths of your twisting and and lying. The people know the truth and



I can't wait for November.


When you and yours are smashed in the election.


"Compromise? US? NEVER!!!!"

We'd rather die.
And you know...I'm OK with that.

What is it a dinosaur
It is a term that denotes the first stage of a developing human. From the single cell to the blastocyst stage, growing all by itself and looking for the uterus to attach to.
Zygote and blastocyst are terms used to dehumanize that very human.

Since Roe vs Wade has been overturned, the Left has begun an all-out assault to recodify abortion back into the law of states that opted out, like Ohio. In Ohio, they are now trying to add abortion to the state Constitution via a direct vote to circumvent lawmakers who restrict abortion. Voting no on issue one would allow a simple majority to add abortion to the Ohio Constitution. But as we all know, the Left will not be honest about advertising it, since they own the media. They will sell it as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but that would be a lie. The proposed amendment would do much more than that as I will explain later. However, voting yes would require more than just a simple majority to change the Constitution.

The Amendment has already been written and will not only allow abortion on demand, but it does away with the Roe vs Wade mandate that abortions not occur on viable infants. That means abortions up to the partial birth abortion. Anything goes now.

But it does not end there. It would also allow children to have abortions without their parents' consent.

But it doesn't even end there. It would also allow children to begin to transition into another sex without their parents' notification or approval.

Imagine your child making the most difficult decisions of their lives that will alter their lives forever, without they help of their parents.

Parental rights would become nonexistent with the proposed Constitutional amendment, but again, it is not being advertised this way.

In fact, why even have parents since the state can only be trusted with the welfare of children and not the parents? After all, we see what a swell job the state does with children in foster care.

No, parents need to be targeted because they cannot be trusted. America really is that bad, all of them.

Isn't that right democrats?

Voting is on August 8th.

How'd that go for ya?

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