Israel's attorney general to investigate Arab MK for incitement to violence


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015
Her blood libels are nothing new, this member of the 'Joint list'-
the third largest faction in the 20th Knesset has a loooong history of inciting violence and taking part in anything anti-Israel, this time her words were published in a Hamas newspaper saying-

“Hundreds of thousands of worshipers should go to the Al-Aksa Mosque to stand up against Israel's conspiracy to condone violence against east Jerusalem residents...
Today there are only actions of individuals, and what is needed is popular support...
If individual attacks will continue without popular support they will die out in a matter of days – thousands of people going out will turn these events into a true intifada.”

Hanin Zuabi

Not a bad interview except the blabbermouth host kept interrupting with Israeli talking points. But that is common for the MSM.

You mean he was interrupting islamonazi terrorist talking points don't you ?
You mean he was interrupting islamonazi terrorist talking points don't you ?
You are full of shit. Hanin is a Christian.

Doesn't stop her from lying in the first sentence.
In the knesset she uses 'SHUT Up' a lot when her lies get exposed-
Then CURSES and immediately demands an acology...

Hanin Zoabi- "They don't deserve to live in safety'-
no wonder you like her

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Female Arab soldiers interviewed after Zoabi demaned to ban them from the IDF-
'We serve with pride. One who thinks he's a palestinian- in my opinion doesn't have to stay, he's a 'zero' lowlife. He has to go to Gaza like Hanin Zoabi, they'll accept them happily.
Who gave her the right to speak in our name at all? No one. She's an Arab yes, I'm not an Arab- I'm an Israeli. Here's the mobilization order, if Zoabi wants I'll send her one too'

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