Israeli youth killed in West Bank ax attack

says the disingeuous creep who likes dead jews.

If this is not 'trolling' then I don't know what is...

hey.... it's Princess. She's used to her double standard. It's what being chosen is all about.

Funny thing too... She's bitching at me via PMs that I should not be responding to you about her. Check your UI and you'll see that she visited your page. But THIS is the kind of shit she'll post here in the threads along with neg repping you. Classic, really.

Funny, haha, you know her puurrrrdy well. :lol: She sure gets off on neg repping and leaving little offensive messages... but who knows, maybe we should be nice to her - maybe that's all the joy she gets in a day...

Is it fine and dandy when the IDF massacres civilians as long as doing so, according to them, isn't their intent?

Its not fine, but its acceptable. Purposely targeting civilians is NOT acceptable however, which is why i side with Israel and not the terrorist Palestinian government.

Are there situations where some Israelis break the law and purposely hurt or kill Palestinians? ...of course it happens, but its not policy, unlike with Hamas.

Ok ok ... haha ... so, IDF can massacre civilians AS LONG AS it is not 'purposely targeting them'... Ok, so... as long as IDF makes it look to the outside observers as if it didn't purposely target civilians, it's fine when Palestinian innocents get massacred. And if it does happen and civilians get massacred, all IDF has to do is to say "Oops, our bad!" Is that what you're saying? Besides that, Israel has engaged in INDISCRIMINATE attacks on Palestinian population and not only there - but also in Lebanon - which is a fact. Bombing a village just because there might be some enemy combatants there is an indiscriminate attack that is NOT fine under international laws of war. Isn't that what distinguishes a terrorist from a soldier - jus in bello (and of course, the concept/notion of just war)?

Here... you have an article about 27 Israeli IDF soldiers who REFUSE to target civilians....

''We refuse to participate in air force attacks on civilian populations,'' said the letter, which was sent to the head of the air force, Maj. Gen. Dan Halutz. ''We refuse to continue harming innocent civilians.''

The petition is similar to a letter signed by hundreds of reserve soldiers who have pledged not to serve in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip. Most of the pilots who signed the petition have not been on active duty in recent years, the air force said. It was not clear whether any had been involved in the strikes.

Israel calls the strikes ''targeted killings.'' They have broad support among Israelis, with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's government saying they are the most effective way to attack terrorists who hide among civilians.

The Israeli news media said one of the petition's signers was Yiftach Spector, a brigadier general in the reserves, who took part in the bombing of the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981.

Source: 27 Israeli Reserve Pilots Say They Refuse to Bomb Civilians - The New York Times (from 2003, but still to the point)

Here's a report by Human Rights Watch - about the above mentioned indiscriminate killing of civilians by IDF:

This report documents serious violations of international humanitarian law (the laws of war) by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in Lebanon between July 12 and July 27, 2006, as well as the July 30 attack in Qana. During this period, the IDF killed an estimated 400 people, the vast majority of them civilians, and that number climbed to over 500 by the time this report went to print. The Israeli government claims it is taking all possible measures to minimize civilian harm, but the cases documented here reveal a systematic failure by the IDF to distinguish between combatants and civilians.

Source: Fatal Strikes | Human Rights Watch
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Yes, that's precisely why I'm opposed to those groups as well as to the current Israeli regime. When it comes to killing innocents, I don't apply double standards. How about you? Is it fine and dandy when the IDF massacres civilians as long as doing so, according to them, isn't their intent?

Sure you don't! :eusa_eh: As long as the dying side are Jewish! :evil:

Quote any statement of mine suggesting that I harbor any enmity towards Jews. Crying anti-Semite seems to be a very popular act of recourse among supporters of Israel here.

Nutting in your pants when Jews children get hacked to death by a homicidal manic seems to the the anti-semites recourse!
If mendaciously attacking opponents as anti-Semites was not a recourse for the Israel lobby, their claims would have been exposed as disingenuous and empty long ago. So obviously there's political interest in maintaining the belief that opponents are anti-Semites, eugenicists, and persons of a similar nature.
If mendaciously attacking opponents as anti-Semites was not a recourse for the Israel lobby, their claims would have been exposed as disingenuous and empty long ago. So obviously there's political interest in maintaining the belief that opponents are anti-Semites, eugenicists, and persons of a similar nature.

All you hear from you is blahblahblah blah! Dude get any education!
Yes, that's precisely why I'm opposed to those groups as well as to the current Israeli regime. When it comes to killing innocents, I don't apply double standards. How about you? Is it fine and dandy when the IDF massacres civilians as long as doing so, according to them, isn't their intent?

Sure you don't! :eusa_eh: As long as the dying side are Jewish! :evil:

Quote any statement of mine suggesting that I harbor any enmity towards Jews. Crying anti-Semite seems to be a very popular act of recourse among supporters of Israel here.

dude.. you 've got ARABIC in your signature. did you NOT THINK that dude already had you pegged as a jooo hating antisemite for that alone?
Sure you don't! :eusa_eh: As long as the dying side are Jewish! :evil:

Quote any statement of mine suggesting that I harbor any enmity towards Jews. Crying anti-Semite seems to be a very popular act of recourse among supporters of Israel here.

Nutting in your pants when Jews children get hacked to death by a homicidal manic seems to the the anti-semites recourse!

Told you. The standard issue jewhook reaction is about as predictable as calender days, to be honest.
Sure you don't! :eusa_eh: As long as the dying side are Jewish! :evil:

Quote any statement of mine suggesting that I harbor any enmity towards Jews. Crying anti-Semite seems to be a very popular act of recourse among supporters of Israel here.

Nutting in your pants when Jews children get hacked to death by a homicidal manic seems to the the anti-semites recourse!

That sounds like something you should take up with the anti-Semites.
Quote any statement of mine suggesting that I harbor any enmity towards Jews. Crying anti-Semite seems to be a very popular act of recourse among supporters of Israel here.

Nutting in your pants when Jews children get hacked to death by a homicidal manic seems to the the anti-semites recourse!

That sounds like something you should take up with the anti-Semites.

That is what I am doing! :hmpf:;)
I still think the Arab that did this is nothing less than a monster that deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But it is ironic that the victim in this vicious attacks was the son of a Jewish terrorist that planned a horrible attack! Thank GOD the Israeli police discovered the bomb before it went off.

But there is another irony here. Gamliel, a Jewish terrorist, is condemned by his fellow Israels, hunted down by the Israel police and sentence to prison without mercy. If the bomb went off, Israelis would be celebrating in the street nor praising this man, they would be out for his head, as they should!

The Arab child killer that commited this crime is being protected by the Palestinian people, praised by the Palestinian people (including its leaders) and the death of these children are celebrated all over the Arab world, since Jews are less than humans to them.

Yair Gamliel, the seven-year-old boy whose skull was fractured by an ax-wielding terrorist in the settlement of Bat Ayin on Thursday, is the son of Ofer Gamliel, one of three men convicted in 2003 and sent to prison for 15 years for a failed bomb plot against a Arab girls school in east Jerusalem.

In 2003, the Jerusalem District Court convicted Gamliel, together with Yarden Morag and Shlomo Dvir, of attempted murder. The cell came to be known as the Bat Ayin Underground. It had planted an explosives-packed cart in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of A-Tur in 2002, between Mokassed Hospital and an Arab girls elementary school across the street.

The bomb was found by police officers passing through the area. A police bomb squad safely detonated the explosives and the police and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) traced them back to the Jewish militant cell set on causing heavy Arab casualties
Here is what the boy looked like to all you heartless anti-semites that are jerking off to this barbaric act! Yep that means you Shogun, Epsilan, Agnapostate, Neser, Rohshi and Strolling bones!


  • $Ax.jpg
    15.3 KB · Views: 89
Here is what the boy looked like to all you heartless anti-semites that are jerking off to this barbaric act! Yep that means you Shogun, Epsilan, Agnapostate, Neser, Rohshi and Strolling bones!

You NEED to get back on your meds, seriously... you might present danger to yourself and/or others...

You're off your effin' rocker...

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Here is what the boy looked like to all you heartless anti-semites that are jerking off to this barbaric act! Yep that means you Shogun, Epsilan, Agnapostate, Neser, Rohshi and Strolling bones!

You NEED to get back on your meds, seriously... you might present danger to yourself and/or others...

You're off your effin' rocker...


I'm not the one that gets off on a child getting hacked to death!
Here is what the boy looked like to all you heartless anti-semites that are jerking off to this barbaric act! Yep that means you Shogun, Epsilan, Agnapostate, Neser, Rohshi and Strolling bones!

You NEED to get back on your meds, seriously... you might present danger to yourself and/or others...

You're off your effin' rocker...


I'm not the one that gets off on a child getting hacked to death!

no but watch his eyes light up when a young woman is ran over by a dozer

and why do you keep saying i was happy about the axing of the are a liar...
i have posted the comments i made on the other thread..alas you continue to lie?

Here is what the boy looked like to all you heartless anti-semites that are jerking off to this barbaric act! Yep that means you Shogun, Epsilan, Agnapostate, Neser, Rohshi and Strolling bones!

You NEED to get back on your meds, seriously... you might present danger to yourself and/or others...

You're off your effin' rocker...


I'm not the one that gets off on a child getting hacked to death!

You, my dear, need to check into a mental institution. Please, do a service to yourself and the rest of the world...
The son of a terrorist is killed and it's a heinous murder...

hundreds of Palestinian children are killed and it's excusable collateral damage, somebody else's fault, or a mixture of the two.
The son of a terrorist is killed and it's a heinous murder...

hundreds of Palestinian children are killed and it's excusable collateral damage, somebody else's fault, or a mixture of the two.

Apples to oranges! If the Jewish Terrorist who have succeed in blowing up the girl's school in East Jerusalem, that would have been tradgic, a HUGE TRADEGY! But this horrendous murder is just as tradgic! And the man that did this is a monster.

Cast Lead was a military operation in which Israel was responding to over a year of military attacks. Hamas forced their hand and Israel needed to react. War is hell, but Israel was targeting militants who hide within civilian locations. Every civilian that was killed during Cast Lead was TRADGIC and VERY UNFORTUNATE, but Hamas declared war by constantly firing missiles into Israel. Israel needed to react and the reaction was justified. Palestinian children bleed just like Israeli children bleed. They are innocent in a deathly game between adults. Every child that dies during this conflict is highly regretable!

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