"Israeli policies don't affect anti-Semitism"

Palestinians have never targeted Americans or American targets.
Ah so Palestinians like Nidal Hasan the Fort Hood terrorist Jihadi, isn't considered an attack. And neither are the hundreds of Americans killed by Palestinian animals abroad, nor are American soldiers stationed in countries where Palestinian animals can get their hands on them. Good to know.

The reason there aren't that many attacks on American soil is because they can't, not because they don't want to. :cuckoo:

I'll say it again and I'm sure I'll have to repeat this fact further.

Americans have never been targeted by Palestinians.
I already proved you are totally wrong about that.
are you intentionally clueless?

I'm sure you can explain how american's are not targeted to the family and friends of victims like Leon Klinghoffer

Klinghoffer was not targeted because he was an American.

Want to try another?

Want to play semantics do we, then he was an American targeted by Palestinian terrorists because they only ever go for soft targets. The cowards wont go against soldiers unless they have women and children to act as human shields.

Now what about Bobby Kennedy assassinated by a palestinian terrorist scum.
palestinians have never targeted americans or american targets.
ah so palestinians like nidal hasan the fort hood terrorist jihadi, isn't considered an attack. And neither are the hundreds of americans killed by palestinian animals abroad, nor are american soldiers stationed in countries where palestinian animals can get their hands on them. Good to know.

The reason there aren't that many attacks on american soil is because they can't, not because they don't want to. :cuckoo:

i'll say it again and i'm sure i'll have to repeat this fact further.

Americans have never been targeted by palestinians.

bobby kennedy
folks here have condoned war crimes against non-jews yet you remain silent.

So unless you're going to apply your love of humanity equally, go away.

define the war crime.
I do not extend my love of humanity to murderers.

misuse of confiscated private land in occupied territory.

Collective punishment against protected persons in occupied territory.

Illegal restrictions upon the lives of protected persons in occupied territory.

Ethnic cleansing

these are war crimes that israel has committed.

geneva conventions cover it all but you refuse to extend them to the joooos
You condone murder; that says enough.

I condone attacks upon military personnel. That's it.

You however, like others here, have failed to even attempt to condemn frequent calls for ethnic cleansing against the non-Jews of the West Bank.

Your love of humanity is two faced.
How does one react to people who blow themselves up in public places?

How many Arabs in the West Bank are suicide bombers?

And yet you think its ok to want to treat all of them like criminals.

Like I said, your love of humanity has two faces.
you condone murder; that says enough.

i condone attacks upon military personnel. That's it.

You however, like others here, have failed to even attempt to condemn frequent calls for ethnic cleansing against the non-jews of the west bank.

Your love of humanity is two faced.

you condone the murder of innocent children when you claim that palestinians only return fire.
Totally not.

Israel is a soveriegn nation, and Jews around the world are no more responsible for it's actions and policies than Muslims around the world are for policies in Muslim dominant countries or Christians around the world are for policies are in Christian dominant countries.

The author of the article makes a good point:

]Anti-Semitism has been a constant in Europe, and that hasn't changed irrespective of what goes on in the Middle East, the president of the European Parliament, who is in Israel to deliver a speech to the Knesset later Wednesday, told The Jerusalem Post.

"Anti-Semitism always existed in Europe," said EU Parliament chief Martin Schulz. "I thought that after World War II we were stronger in fighting such demons in politics. This is a deception. Nothing disappeared, all the prejudice is there."

I think we saw that in the Norway anti-semitism thread where there was plenty of historic evidence to support this, unfortunately.

But there are two parts to this:

Do Israel's policies have an effect on anti-semitism? Not really, other than to provide fuel and justification for an already existing attitude that is directed towards jews in general.

Is criticism of Israel's policies anti-semitism? There is legitimate criticism of Israel's policies and anger at Israel that is directed at Israel specifically, and is fueled by some of it's policies and actions, not by anti-semitism.

The distinction can get blurred because there can be an overlap (Israel's actions provide a mask of "legitimacy" to existing anti-semitic attitudes) - but it's there and it's important to make that distinction.

It is easy to distinguish anti-Semitism from criticism of Israel. Its all in the language used.

Anti-Semites who criticise Israel can't help themselves but to eventually start talking about the Talmud, denying the Holocaust, accusing Jews of running the USA, accusing Jews of blood libels, saying the Jews aren't "real" Jews, you know the drill. I think you do.

Yes...taking a plunge into the conspiracy theory/racial stereotype pool is a major red flag :)
I think anti - semites in Europe are just using this as an excuse to hate on the Jews

I agree - I think in those cases, the IP situation gives them an opportunity to "legitimize" their anti-semitism :doubt:

Yes, Jew haters will take advantage of certain events to fuel pre-existing hatred of Jews. But I'm not talking about Neo-Nazis and KKK kinds of people. Im talking about regular old moderate people that don't have strong opinions for or against Jews.

It is these people that I believe who's ideas about Jews are negatively or positively affected by Israel's acts. Just like how America's actions affects the attitude of folks who don't already love or hate the USA.
you condone murder; that says enough.

i condone attacks upon military personnel. That's it.

You however, like others here, have failed to even attempt to condemn frequent calls for ethnic cleansing against the non-jews of the west bank.

Your love of humanity is two faced.

you condone the murder of innocent children when you claim that palestinians only return fire.

If that's indeed the case, there is no point of arguing with this individual.

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