Israeli marines were held during ship raid-witness

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
The truth is starting to come out.

Activists on a Gaza-bound Turkish ship seized four Israeli marines before other commandos stormed aboard using live ammunition, a Lebanese cameraman said in an account on Thursday that echoed elements of Israeli testimony. There were sharp differences in the versions of Monday's events at sea on the cruise liner Mavi Marmara. Witnesses freed after three days incommunicado in Israel accused troops of war crimes; Israel held to its line that they fired in self-defence. But the account from Andre Abu Khalil, a cameraman for Al Jazeera TV, echoed other testimony, from both sides, that after an initial landing by a small group of commandos armed with anti-riot weapons was overpowered by activists wielding sticks, a second wave of marines stormed in, killing those in their way.

Reuters AlertNet - Israeli marines were held during ship raid-witness
Abu Khalil said: "I'm happy and angry at the same time ... The most we had was a kitchen knife and sling shots."

And no one has ever been killed by a slingshot or a knife.

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