Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport – Syrian state TV

Standard pre-war propaganda and demonization to get people accustomed to the latest "made-up" bad boy, Assad. This same bullshit was said about Iraq; is said about Iran; is said about Afghanistan; is said about the Palestinian's and is nothing more than Israeli bullshit. Israel and its dumbass minions, seem to think they can tell others how to live their lives.

I just wish one of them fuckers would come over to my house and try to pull that shit with me.
"Dear Jesus, Son of God, please send one of those fuckers to my home and have them try to tell me what to do under my own roof. Please Dear Lord, grant me this one wish and I will never ask for anything again. Amen."
For the sake of being complete----there are some people from
the middle east who consider themselves Christians who are
BAATHISTS----just as there are some people who consider themselves Christians who are Nazis.
Correct. Hanaan Ashrawi, Sadam, Naser, Assad, these are all Baathists who formed their ideologies to mimic the German Nazis, thanks to the Nazi Mufti of Palestine.

Now I always thought that the Nazi's formed their ideology to mimic the Islamic sharia one, right down to the wearing of distinguishing clothing.
Standard pre-war propaganda and demonization to get people accustomed to the latest "made-up" bad boy, Assad. This same bullshit was said about Iraq; is said about Iran; is said about Afghanistan; is said about the Palestinian's and is nothing more than Israeli bullshit. Israel and its dumbass minions, seem to think they can tell others how to live their lives.

I just wish one of them fuckers would come over to my house and try to pull that shit with me.
"Dear Jesus, Son of God, please send one of those fuckers to my home and have them try to tell me what to do under my own roof. Please Dear Lord, grant me this one wish and I will never ask for anything again. Amen."

More NAZI JEW HATRED being spewed out and this POS ask for evidence of his Jew hatred all the time.
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Syria and Israel have technically been at war since 1967 and by arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria has continued that state of war.

So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

Scuds are unreliable and very inaccurate. And Syria is anything but wise, otherwise they wouldn't be in the mess they are in today.
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Syria and Israel have technically been at war since 1967 and by arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria has continued that state of war.

So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

Scuds are unreliable and very inaccurate. And Syria is anything but wise, otherwise they wouldn't be in the mess they are in today.
They are in that mess because of the devilish behavior of the Wests power brokers that fucking clowns here aboard work for.
There cannot be a better government for Syria. Its still working and has the support of the population.

Yeah right. And that's why Assad unleashed the country's military on its own people killing tens of thousands of Syrians so far. Because "there cannot be a better government for Syria".
What do you consider 'his own people'? ISIS?

You can't be that thick. Assad has been killing thousands of Syrians. ISIS was a group formed in Iraq which made its way into Syria late in the game, way after Assad had already killed over 100,000 of his own people. You need to get your propaganda straight.

Assad was brutalizing his people and others long before the civil war began with his killing protesters in the streets. He picked up where his father left off.
Syria and the middle east have been suffering under the Assad led baath for the better part of fifty years.
The son has outdone the father in being a genocidal maniac by a long shot. It looks like he used all the money the father spent on his medical education to kill his own people more efficiently.

medical internship is no fun------long working hours---frustration-----but most people who get thru it ----if they
go nuts ------simply overdose and end it all. It is difficult for
me to understand how a person who treated patients -----
manages to slaughter them
Israeli airstrikes have hit targets near Damascus International Airport and in the town of Dimas near the Lebanon border, Syrian state TV reports.

"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," the report said, adding that there were no casualties.

The airstrikes targeted an arms depot, a source in Syrian army's Joint Staff told Sputnik news agency on Sunday. "The Israeli Air Force have conducted airstrikes on an arms depot, which caused huge blasts near the [Damascus] International Airport," the source said in a phone conversation.
Israeli airstrikes hit near Damascus airport Syrian state TV RT News
Another provocation for war

Syria and Israel have technically been at war since 1967 and by arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria has continued that state of war.

So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

Scuds are unreliable and very inaccurate. And Syria is anything but wise, otherwise they wouldn't be in the mess they are in today.

Scuds are like Kassams-----no actual military value----they are adaptable to the HOLY JIHAD endeavor------terrorism
For the sake of being complete----there are some people from
the middle east who consider themselves Christians who are
BAATHISTS----just as there are some people who consider themselves Christians who are Nazis.
Correct. Hanaan Ashrawi, Sadam, Naser, Assad, these are all Baathists who formed their ideologies to mimic the German Nazis, thanks to the Nazi Mufti of Palestine.

Now I always thought that the Nazi's formed their ideology to mimic the Islamic sharia one, right down to the wearing of distinguishing clothing.

no-----the Nazis formed the third reich-----as a mimic of
the first-------that of CONSTANTINE---------It is actually
the romans who founded the political ideology of islam----
what hitler admired about the muslims is their "PURITY"---
they kept the brutality of Rome pure.------it was that jesus guy who screwed things up in the Middle East with his promulgation of HILLEL's ideology. Sorry folks----the ideological conflict in our world------is ROME VS HILLEL----
------that "book of revulsions" is sublime. Persons of Italian
background I have known------and even jews of Italian
background see the alliance between Mussolini and
Hitler as really weird------as did Charlie Chaplin------Italy
had moved way past Constantine by the 20th century-----
and ultimately and FULLY rejected him--------

I find it interesting that among the heros of the UMMA----
is-----<believe it or not>------the EMPIRE BUILDER-----
ALEXANDER---------some muslims claim that he, too,-----
was a MUSLIM (like adam, noah, moses, -----uhm etc
etc.) Such a concept is very consistent-----muslims emulated Alexander's method's of conquest including
INCORPORATING-------the women of the conquered nations into their harems. Alexander was a TOTOLITARIAN
UTOPIAN IDEOLOGUE -----but died young. good thing.
Syria and Israel have technically been at war since 1967 and by arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria has continued that state of war.

So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

Scuds are unreliable and very inaccurate. And Syria is anything but wise, otherwise they wouldn't be in the mess they are in today.

Scuds are like Kassams-----no actual military value----they are adaptable to the HOLY JIHAD endeavor------terrorism
If you can use scuds as if they were artillery shells, no army tries to invade.
Syria and Israel have technically been at war since 1967 and by arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria has continued that state of war.

So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

Scuds are unreliable and very inaccurate. And Syria is anything but wise, otherwise they wouldn't be in the mess they are in today.
They are in that mess because of the devilish behavior of the Wests power brokers that fucking clowns here aboard work for.

I do wish you muslims would get together and get your stories straight, half say it is a fight for democracy and the other half blame Isreal/the west
So if Syria responds in kind that would be Kosher?

Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

Scuds are unreliable and very inaccurate. And Syria is anything but wise, otherwise they wouldn't be in the mess they are in today.
They are in that mess because of the devilish behavior of the Wests power brokers that fucking clowns here aboard work for.

I do wish you muslims would get together and get your stories straight, half say it is a fight for democracy and the other half blame Isreal/the west
I am a Muslim?
Standard pre-war propaganda and demonization to get people accustomed to the latest "made-up" bad boy, Assad. This same bullshit was said about Iraq; is said about Iran; is said about Afghanistan; is said about the Palestinian's and is nothing more than Israeli bullshit...

:lmao: You Nazi types are a hoot. You manage to blame Israel for everything under the sun.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Human rights in Saddam Hussein s Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Iran and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Standard pre-war propaganda and demonization to get people accustomed to the latest "made-up" bad boy, Assad. This same bullshit was said about Iraq; is said about Iran; is said about Afghanistan; is said about the Palestinian's and is nothing more than Israeli bullshit...

:lmao: You Nazi types are a hoot. You manage to blame Israel for everything under the sun.

Report Syria tortured and executed 11 000 - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Human rights in Saddam Hussein s Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Iran and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I see, you keep repeating your bogus shit. We saw your link already and dont need it to be posted over and over again. Doesnt make it more true, anyway. I know, the truth - that your leaderships are a bunch of unscrupulous thugs for those human lifes simply dont count - must be hard for you to take, but it isnt going to be better if your reaction is to make even false accusations towards others.
Last edited:
For the sake of being complete----there are some people from
the middle east who consider themselves Christians who are
BAATHISTS----just as there are some people who consider themselves Christians who are Nazis.
Correct. Hanaan Ashrawi, Sadam, Naser, Assad, these are all Baathists who formed their ideologies to mimic the German Nazis, thanks to the Nazi Mufti of Palestine.

Now I always thought that the Nazi's formed their ideology to mimic the Islamic sharia one, right down to the wearing of distinguishing clothing.

They learned from each other. The Nazis learned institutional and systematic racism and persecution from Muslims, and after the demise of Nazi Germany, the Muslims carried on their legacy and made it part of the culture if the Muslim world.
Bill demonstrating his ignorance once again and inviting people to come to his trailer van. Ha ha ha.
Sure. In fact, I suggest you recommend just that type of action to Assad.
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

Scuds are unreliable and very inaccurate. And Syria is anything but wise, otherwise they wouldn't be in the mess they are in today.
They are in that mess because of the devilish behavior of the Wests power brokers that fucking clowns here aboard work for.

I do wish you muslims would get together and get your stories straight, half say it is a fight for democracy and the other half blame Isreal/the west
I am a Muslim?

You certainly act like one, or a fully fledged dhimmi at least
Syria has thousands of scuds that could wipe its enemies off the map in no time. But in sharp contrast to the warmongers of the Knesset, the Syrian government is wise and keeps its power for a major aggression that would be crushed and repelled in the first hour.

Scuds are unreliable and very inaccurate. And Syria is anything but wise, otherwise they wouldn't be in the mess they are in today.
They are in that mess because of the devilish behavior of the Wests power brokers that fucking clowns here aboard work for.

I do wish you muslims would get together and get your stories straight, half say it is a fight for democracy and the other half blame Isreal/the west
I am a Muslim?

You certainly act like one, or a fully fledged dhimmi at least
No way. I am just defending the good guys from being pelt with shit. Shit that should fly at the terrorists, not their victims.
For the sake of being complete----there are some people from
the middle east who consider themselves Christians who are
BAATHISTS----just as there are some people who consider themselves Christians who are Nazis.
Correct. Hanaan Ashrawi, Sadam, Naser, Assad, these are all Baathists who formed their ideologies to mimic the German Nazis, thanks to the Nazi Mufti of Palestine.

Now I always thought that the Nazi's formed their ideology to mimic the Islamic sharia one, right down to the wearing of distinguishing clothing.

They learned from each other. The Nazis learned institutional and systematic racism and persecution from Muslims, and after the demise of Nazi Germany, the Muslims carried on their legacy and made it part of the culture if the Muslim world.

My sense of the situation is that the basis for Nazism and
Shariah law together with islamo-Nazism has existed since the time of Constantine-------both in the middle east and thence to Europe------both went wherever islam and
Christianity went-------Christians gave it up------muslims retain
it. Adolf did not invent it------Muhummad eagerly incorporated it into his cult -----where it remains in force.-----
Today's Christians who continue to be Nazis are throwbacks
Scuds are unreliable and very inaccurate. And Syria is anything but wise, otherwise they wouldn't be in the mess they are in today.
They are in that mess because of the devilish behavior of the Wests power brokers that fucking clowns here aboard work for.

I do wish you muslims would get together and get your stories straight, half say it is a fight for democracy and the other half blame Isreal/the west
I am a Muslim?

You certainly act like one, or a fully fledged dhimmi at least
No way. I am just defending the good guys from being pelt with shit. Shit that should fly at the terrorists, not their victims.

There are many terrorist factions in the Middle east-----the Assad government is one of them
They are in that mess because of the devilish behavior of the Wests power brokers that fucking clowns here aboard work for.

I do wish you muslims would get together and get your stories straight, half say it is a fight for democracy and the other half blame Isreal/the west
I am a Muslim?

You certainly act like one, or a fully fledged dhimmi at least
No way. I am just defending the good guys from being pelt with shit. Shit that should fly at the terrorists, not their victims.

There are many terrorist factions in the Middle east-----the Assad government is one of them
No, it is one of the few reasonable powers in the region - if not the only one.

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