Israel to build 800 new housing units in West Bank

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Did Moses Exist The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver D. M. Murdock Acharya S 9780979963186 Books do some reading,.

No one is tunneling into Israel, although if they are smart they are building more tunnels for bomb shelters and to be able to get around unseen by Israel air force and drones.

Better idea. They could just go home to Egypt and quit terrorizing the nation of Israel.

Well they are home. There was never a nation of Israel in history.
lol. Don't tell that to King David, and his Temple building son!

David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

I'd love it if you'd learn how to read. King David and who? His Temple building son.

You don't believe all those stories do you. But if so, King David was an adulterer and a first degree murderer, and King Solomon was an idolizer and worshipped other Gods, see not monotheistic. There is also no historical evidence.
God first announced His covenant with Abraham in Genesis 12:2-3. In this and later affirmations, He established an everlasting covenant with Abraham in response to the patriarch’s incredible faith. This covenant is first spiritual. It applies to everyone who is the spiritual seed of Abraham by obedience (Galatians 3). But it is also physical. It promises a covenant land to an obedient Jewish race.
Better idea. They could just go home to Egypt and quit terrorizing the nation of Israel.

Well they are home. There was never a nation of Israel in history.
lol. Don't tell that to King David, and his Temple building son!

David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

I'd love it if you'd learn how to read. King David and who? His Temple building son.

King David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

because you are hard of reading, again:
King David (1.) and his Temple building son. (2) Two different men. Same locale. One raised the money, the other built.
No slip, I'm in jeans, and not a comrade, obobovitch.
Well they are home. There was never a nation of Israel in history.
lol. Don't tell that to King David, and his Temple building son!

David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

I'd love it if you'd learn how to read. King David and who? His Temple building son.

King David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

because you are hard of reading, again:
King David (1.) and his Temple building son. (2) Two different men. Same locale. One raised the money, the other built.
No slip, I'm in jeans, and not a comrade, obobovitch.

God has never canceled His promise to Abraham that he would father a vast multitude and that his physical, obedient seed will occupy Palestine.

Yet St. Paul says clearly in Romans 8 that apostate Jews have broken God’s covenant. They can’t receive God’s covenant promises because they do not hold up their end of the bargain: giving God the faith of Abraham. Consider:

  • Genesis 17:9, 18:19 and 24:4 say Abraham’s seed must keep the covenant through obedience.

  • Genesis 17:14 says covenant breaking means being cut off.

  • Genesis 17:19 says Jews only find covenant blessing by keeping the way of the Lord.

  • Genesis 26:4 reinforces that the covenant exists because of obedience.

  • Deuteronomy 1:37 details how Joshua’s obedience empowered Israel to inherit the covenant promise of occupying Canaan.

  • Deuteronomy 7:12 is particularly definitive: “If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the LORD your God will keep his covenant of love with you, as he swore to your ancestors.”

  • So is Deuteronomy 28:1: “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth (i.e. He will fulfill His covenant promises).”
This is the only jewish homeland we are entitled to.

God didn't give Abraham Russia. lol. Israel is. The Jews left Russia for their homeland. To the land of the King David, not Stalin.

What were they doing in Russia? Why were they in the land of milk and honey, darn the Palestinians were there.


yes they chose to leave and most never returned when able to. Only when they ran out of places , did they want to go to Palestine, and most didn't want to, except that is where Britain said some could go an live, but there was a limit on to how many. Of course with all countries they have lived in they try to take control. They will never be happy for satisfied.

Pure bullshit and you know it. The few Egyptians and Syrians that moved to Israel when it became a nation, left when the Arabs told them to prior to the Arabs invading Israel.

They were exiled to Babylon, so the story goes, and when God anointed King Cyrus he said they could return, only 44000 did so along with their slaves and singers. (sounds like they had a real hard time in Babylon hey) ,that is when they became monotheistic due to the Persian influence.
Those Biblical quotes are just a handful of the many, many verses that spell out the conditional and reciprocal nature of God’s relationship with the Jews.

Not every Christian believes Jews still have a covenant with God. Hebrews 8 is cited by “displacement” theologians to say the Abrahamic covenant has been replaced by a “new covenant” which makes all Christians the inheritors of God’s promises. God says "I will effect a new covenant with the house of Israel… not like the covenant which I made with their fathers…" (Hebrews 8:8-9)

Yet this passage actually is from Jeremiah 31:31-34, whose context makes it very clear that the old covenant applies to obedient, physical Jews for all time. Apostate Jews may break God's covenant with Abraham, but God will never end it. At Christ’s second coming, remnant Jews will repent and inherit its blessings.
Better idea. They could just go home to Egypt and quit terrorizing the nation of Israel.

Well they are home. There was never a nation of Israel in history.
lol. Don't tell that to King David, and his Temple building son!

David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

I'd love it if you'd learn how to read. King David and who? His Temple building son.

You don't believe all those stories do you. But if so, King David was an adulterer and a first degree murderer, and King Solomon was an idolizer and worshipped other Gods, see not monotheistic. There is also no historical evidence.

Tons of evidence. They dig it up almost daily. And not only do I believe it, I can watch prophesy unfold on the evening news. Wild asses with their hand against everybody and all nations rising up against Israel. The U.S. just announced to the world that we will back Iran if Israel tries to prevent Iran from nuclear capabilities.
God didn't give Abraham Russia. lol. Israel is. The Jews left Russia for their homeland. To the land of the King David, not Stalin.

What were they doing in Russia? Why were they in the land of milk and honey, darn the Palestinians were there.


yes they chose to leave and most never returned when able to. Only when they ran out of places , did they want to go to Palestine, and most didn't want to, except that is where Britain said some could go an live, but there was a limit on to how many. Of course with all countries they have lived in they try to take control. They will never be happy for satisfied.

Pure bullshit and you know it. The few Egyptians and Syrians that moved to Israel when it became a nation, left when the Arabs told them to prior to the Arabs invading Israel.

They were exiled to Babylon, so the story goes, and when God anointed King Cyrus he said they could return, only 44000 did so along with their slaves and singers. (sounds like they had a real hard time in Babylon hey) ,that is when they became monotheistic due to the Persian influence.

Pen, why is it you get to pick and chose which Bible history you rely on and which you claim are manufactured?
Well they are home. There was never a nation of Israel in history.
lol. Don't tell that to King David, and his Temple building son!

David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

I'd love it if you'd learn how to read. King David and who? His Temple building son.

You don't believe all those stories do you. But if so, King David was an adulterer and a first degree murderer, and King Solomon was an idolizer and worshipped other Gods, see not monotheistic. There is also no historical evidence.

Tons of evidence. They dig it up almost daily. And not only do I believe it, I can watch prophesy unfold on the evening news. Wild asses with their hand against everybody and all nations rising up against Israel. The U.S. just announced to the world that we will back Iran if Israel tries to prevent Iran from nuclear capabilities.

Tons of evidence. They dig it up almost daily. And not only do I believe it, I can watch prophesy unfold on the evening news. Wild asses with their hand against everybody and all nations rising up against Israel. The U.S. just announced to the world that we will back Iran if Israel tries to prevent Iran from nuclear capabilities = False claim supported by strawman argument.

LMAO....there hasn't been ONE thing dug up in Palestine, or Egypt, or Iraq, that verifies anything contained in the OT. Just like every other shill pretending to be that which you are can make the claim, but you never EVER back up your claim.

As Paul affirms, even the present depths of Jewish apostasy cannot frustrate the Almighty in His majestic determination to restore a believing Jewish remnant to obedience at His second coming. This is why “the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the service of God and the promises” still pertains to the Jewish nation, says Romans 9:1-8.

Yet Paul reinforces that not all who claim Jewish blood are “Israel.”

Some “which are the children of the flesh are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.” Unbelieving Jews, he says, are "enemies of the gospel" (11:28) and are "broken off" (11:17). Taking his theology from the Old Testament, Paul thus opposes the prevailing American evangelical mentality that anyone with Jewish ancestry is worthy of blessing and non-criticism.
lol. Don't tell that to King David, and his Temple building son!

David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

I'd love it if you'd learn how to read. King David and who? His Temple building son.

King David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

because you are hard of reading, again:
King David (1.) and his Temple building son. (2) Two different men. Same locale. One raised the money, the other built.
No slip, I'm in jeans, and not a comrade, obobovitch.

God has never canceled His promise to Abraham that he would father a vast multitude and that his physical, obedient seed will occupy Palestine.

Yet St. Paul says clearly in Romans 8 that apostate Jews have broken God’s covenant. They can’t receive God’s covenant promises because they do not hold up their end of the bargain: giving God the faith of Abraham. Consider:

  • Genesis 17:9, 18:19 and 24:4 say Abraham’s seed must keep the covenant through obedience.

  • Genesis 17:14 says covenant breaking means being cut off.

  • Genesis 17:19 says Jews only find covenant blessing by keeping the way of the Lord.

  • Genesis 26:4 reinforces that the covenant exists because of obedience.

  • Deuteronomy 1:37 details how Joshua’s obedience empowered Israel to inherit the covenant promise of occupying Canaan.

  • Deuteronomy 7:12 is particularly definitive: “If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the LORD your God will keep his covenant of love with you, as he swore to your ancestors.”

  • So is Deuteronomy 28:1: “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth (i.e. He will fulfill His covenant promises).”

Bobby the NT also says that God would gather His people home. And He has.
He said he would increase their rain and make them fruitful. And He has.
The Jews have the only land deeded to a people by God, and by God is the only way they are going to be able to keep it, because all Nations ARE coming against Israel. Carnage is going to ensue.
David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

I'd love it if you'd learn how to read. King David and who? His Temple building son.

King David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

because you are hard of reading, again:
King David (1.) and his Temple building son. (2) Two different men. Same locale. One raised the money, the other built.
No slip, I'm in jeans, and not a comrade, obobovitch.

God has never canceled His promise to Abraham that he would father a vast multitude and that his physical, obedient seed will occupy Palestine.

Yet St. Paul says clearly in Romans 8 that apostate Jews have broken God’s covenant. They can’t receive God’s covenant promises because they do not hold up their end of the bargain: giving God the faith of Abraham. Consider:

  • Genesis 17:9, 18:19 and 24:4 say Abraham’s seed must keep the covenant through obedience.

  • Genesis 17:14 says covenant breaking means being cut off.

  • Genesis 17:19 says Jews only find covenant blessing by keeping the way of the Lord.

  • Genesis 26:4 reinforces that the covenant exists because of obedience.

  • Deuteronomy 1:37 details how Joshua’s obedience empowered Israel to inherit the covenant promise of occupying Canaan.

  • Deuteronomy 7:12 is particularly definitive: “If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the LORD your God will keep his covenant of love with you, as he swore to your ancestors.”

  • So is Deuteronomy 28:1: “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth (i.e. He will fulfill His covenant promises).”

Bobby the NT also says that God would gather His people home. And He has.
He said he would increase their rain and make them fruitful. And He has.
The Jews have the only land deeded to a people by God, and by God is the only way they are going to be able to keep it, because all Nations ARE coming against Israel. Carnage is going to ensue.

God didn't gather his people home, Irish. God will gather his people home by sending the Messiah.

Christ confirms that unbelieving “Jews,” though physical descendants of Abraham or converts, are “liars,” pseudo-Jews who are actually the “synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 3:9). In fact, Paul denies that God’s blessing on the “seed” of Abraham ever applied to Abraham’s physical descendants! It only applies to Jesus and those who trust in Him.
lol. Don't tell that to King David, and his Temple building son!

David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

I'd love it if you'd learn how to read. King David and who? His Temple building son.

You don't believe all those stories do you. But if so, King David was an adulterer and a first degree murderer, and King Solomon was an idolizer and worshipped other Gods, see not monotheistic. There is also no historical evidence.

Tons of evidence. They dig it up almost daily. And not only do I believe it, I can watch prophesy unfold on the evening news. Wild asses with their hand against everybody and all nations rising up against Israel. The U.S. just announced to the world that we will back Iran if Israel tries to prevent Iran from nuclear capabilities.

Tons of evidence. They dig it up almost daily. And not only do I believe it, I can watch prophesy unfold on the evening news. Wild asses with their hand against everybody and all nations rising up against Israel. The U.S. just announced to the world that we will back Iran if Israel tries to prevent Iran from nuclear capabilities = False claim supported by strawman argument.

LMAO....there hasn't been ONE thing dug up in Palestine, or Egypt, or Iraq, that verifies anything contained in the OT. Just like every other shill pretending to be that which you are can make the claim, but you never EVER back up your claim.

As Paul affirms, even the present depths of Jewish apostasy cannot frustrate the Almighty in His majestic determination to restore a believing Jewish remnant to obedience at His second coming. This is why “the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the service of God and the promises” still pertains to the Jewish nation, says Romans 9:1-8.

Yet Paul reinforces that not all who claim Jewish blood are “Israel.”

Some “which are the children of the flesh are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.” Unbelieving Jews, he says, are "enemies of the gospel" (11:28) and are "broken off" (11:17). Taking his theology from the Old Testament, Paul thus opposes the prevailing American evangelical mentality that anyone with Jewish ancestry is worthy of blessing and non-criticism.

Just a quick one:
There was absolutely no proof of King David or his kingdom, before archeologists dug up stones with the writings of a king who warred against, "the house of David". Just like the Bible said.
Have you seen the planetary disk unearthed of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? Amazingly accurate.

Not only are they worthy, but God is going to ensure that members of all 12 tribes survive Armageddon. And Christ will also bless Abraham's Ishmael relatives when he returns and sets the boundaries once and for all:

"In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, 25whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance."
David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

I'd love it if you'd learn how to read. King David and who? His Temple building son.

You don't believe all those stories do you. But if so, King David was an adulterer and a first degree murderer, and King Solomon was an idolizer and worshipped other Gods, see not monotheistic. There is also no historical evidence.

Tons of evidence. They dig it up almost daily. And not only do I believe it, I can watch prophesy unfold on the evening news. Wild asses with their hand against everybody and all nations rising up against Israel. The U.S. just announced to the world that we will back Iran if Israel tries to prevent Iran from nuclear capabilities.

Tons of evidence. They dig it up almost daily. And not only do I believe it, I can watch prophesy unfold on the evening news. Wild asses with their hand against everybody and all nations rising up against Israel. The U.S. just announced to the world that we will back Iran if Israel tries to prevent Iran from nuclear capabilities = False claim supported by strawman argument.

LMAO....there hasn't been ONE thing dug up in Palestine, or Egypt, or Iraq, that verifies anything contained in the OT. Just like every other shill pretending to be that which you are can make the claim, but you never EVER back up your claim.

As Paul affirms, even the present depths of Jewish apostasy cannot frustrate the Almighty in His majestic determination to restore a believing Jewish remnant to obedience at His second coming. This is why “the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the service of God and the promises” still pertains to the Jewish nation, says Romans 9:1-8.

Yet Paul reinforces that not all who claim Jewish blood are “Israel.”

Some “which are the children of the flesh are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.” Unbelieving Jews, he says, are "enemies of the gospel" (11:28) and are "broken off" (11:17). Taking his theology from the Old Testament, Paul thus opposes the prevailing American evangelical mentality that anyone with Jewish ancestry is worthy of blessing and non-criticism.

Just a quick one:
There was absolutely no proof of King David or his kingdom, before archeologists dug up stones with the writings of a king who warred against, "the house of David". Just like the Bible said.
Have you seen the planetary disk unearthed of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? Amazingly accurate.

Not only are they worthy, but God is going to ensure that members of all 12 tribes survive Armageddon. And Christ will also bless Abraham's Ishmael relatives when he returns and sets the boundaries once and for all:

"In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, 25whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance."

Christ confirms that unbelieving “Jews,” though physical descendants of Abraham or converts, are “liars,” pseudo-Jews who are actually the “synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 3:9). In fact, Paul denies that God’s blessing on the “seed” of Abraham ever applied to Abraham’s physical descendants! It only applies to Jesus and those who trust in Him.

So then, those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer…Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to His seed. He does not say ‘and to seeds,’ as referring to many, but rather to one. And to your ‘seed,’ that is, Christ…And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:9, 16, 29)
I'd love it if you'd learn how to read. King David and who? His Temple building son.

King David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

because you are hard of reading, again:
King David (1.) and his Temple building son. (2) Two different men. Same locale. One raised the money, the other built.
No slip, I'm in jeans, and not a comrade, obobovitch.

God has never canceled His promise to Abraham that he would father a vast multitude and that his physical, obedient seed will occupy Palestine.

Yet St. Paul says clearly in Romans 8 that apostate Jews have broken God’s covenant. They can’t receive God’s covenant promises because they do not hold up their end of the bargain: giving God the faith of Abraham. Consider:

  • Genesis 17:9, 18:19 and 24:4 say Abraham’s seed must keep the covenant through obedience.

  • Genesis 17:14 says covenant breaking means being cut off.

  • Genesis 17:19 says Jews only find covenant blessing by keeping the way of the Lord.

  • Genesis 26:4 reinforces that the covenant exists because of obedience.

  • Deuteronomy 1:37 details how Joshua’s obedience empowered Israel to inherit the covenant promise of occupying Canaan.

  • Deuteronomy 7:12 is particularly definitive: “If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the LORD your God will keep his covenant of love with you, as he swore to your ancestors.”

  • So is Deuteronomy 28:1: “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth (i.e. He will fulfill His covenant promises).”

Bobby the NT also says that God would gather His people home. And He has.
He said he would increase their rain and make them fruitful. And He has.
The Jews have the only land deeded to a people by God, and by God is the only way they are going to be able to keep it, because all Nations ARE coming against Israel. Carnage is going to ensue.

God didn't gather his people home, Irish. God will gather his people home by sending the Messiah.

Christ confirms that unbelieving “Jews,” though physical descendants of Abraham or converts, are “liars,” pseudo-Jews who are actually the “synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 3:9). In fact, Paul denies that God’s blessing on the “seed” of Abraham ever applied to Abraham’s physical descendants! It only applies to Jesus and those who trust in Him.

Not only did He gather them home after 2,000 years of not having one, but He predicted that the Nation would be born in a day. They went to bed and woke up the next day in Israel. God said once He gathered them back, they would never lose Israel again.
Bobby, God will never forsake His chosen people. NEVER. When Christ returns it won't be to St. Petersburg or Dublin, or Kansas. He'll be touching down at the Mt. of Olives. He will take His place in the Temple, and there will be an addition to it. The seven lampstand. The Gentile church.

I don't mean to pry, but are you a Jew, a Christian, or a Messianic Jew?
King David didn't build the Temple. I love it when semi-literate atheists like yourself "quote" the Bible.

Your "slip" is showing, Comrade. LOL

because you are hard of reading, again:
King David (1.) and his Temple building son. (2) Two different men. Same locale. One raised the money, the other built.
No slip, I'm in jeans, and not a comrade, obobovitch.

God has never canceled His promise to Abraham that he would father a vast multitude and that his physical, obedient seed will occupy Palestine.

Yet St. Paul says clearly in Romans 8 that apostate Jews have broken God’s covenant. They can’t receive God’s covenant promises because they do not hold up their end of the bargain: giving God the faith of Abraham. Consider:

  • Genesis 17:9, 18:19 and 24:4 say Abraham’s seed must keep the covenant through obedience.

  • Genesis 17:14 says covenant breaking means being cut off.

  • Genesis 17:19 says Jews only find covenant blessing by keeping the way of the Lord.

  • Genesis 26:4 reinforces that the covenant exists because of obedience.

  • Deuteronomy 1:37 details how Joshua’s obedience empowered Israel to inherit the covenant promise of occupying Canaan.

  • Deuteronomy 7:12 is particularly definitive: “If you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them, then the LORD your God will keep his covenant of love with you, as he swore to your ancestors.”

  • So is Deuteronomy 28:1: “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth (i.e. He will fulfill His covenant promises).”

Bobby the NT also says that God would gather His people home. And He has.
He said he would increase their rain and make them fruitful. And He has.
The Jews have the only land deeded to a people by God, and by God is the only way they are going to be able to keep it, because all Nations ARE coming against Israel. Carnage is going to ensue.

God didn't gather his people home, Irish. God will gather his people home by sending the Messiah.

Christ confirms that unbelieving “Jews,” though physical descendants of Abraham or converts, are “liars,” pseudo-Jews who are actually the “synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 3:9). In fact, Paul denies that God’s blessing on the “seed” of Abraham ever applied to Abraham’s physical descendants! It only applies to Jesus and those who trust in Him.

Not only did He gather them home after 2,000 years of not having one, but He predicted that the Nation would be born in a day. They went to bed and woke up the next day in Israel. God said once He gathered them back, they would never lose Israel again.
Bobby, God will never forsake His chosen people. NEVER. When Christ returns it won't be to St. Petersburg or Dublin, or Kansas. He'll be touching down at the Mt. of Olives. He will take His place in the Temple, and there will be an addition to it. The seven lampstand. The Gentile church.

I don't mean to pry, but are you a Jew, a Christian, or a Messianic Jew?

Christians are God's Chosen People, Irish. Christians are the people God made HIS new Covenant with.

Scripture clearly rejects all “Israel-first” misinterpretations of God’s covenant with Abraham. It says God only blessed Abraham and his spiritual, not apostate, descendants. Unbelieving Jews have no right to occupy Palestine as a nation in unbelief.

They never did. They never will.

God’s curse is not on those (like the Hebrew prophets) who criticize wicked Jews. Rather it is on those who curse Jesus through their Talmud—apostate, pro-Zionist Jews. Similarly, God’s curse is on evangelicals who ignore God’s law and instead bid Godspeed to the synagogue of Satan. Such “become partakers of their evil deeds.” (2 John 1:11)
Gentiles were grafted into the Jewish line, but the distinction is still evident. We are the bride of Christ. But God's covenant to Abraham still exists:

"For the LORD will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the LORD has been pleased to make you a people for Himself.

For the LORD will not abandon His people, Nor will He forsake His inheritance

"No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you".

"Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."

You can't read Hebrews without realizing that God loves Abraham and his children:

Hebrews 13:5
Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, "I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU,"
Gentiles were grafted into the Jewish line, but the distinction is still evident. We are the bride of Christ. But God's covenant to Abraham still exists:

"For the LORD will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the LORD has been pleased to make you a people for Himself.

For the LORD will not abandon His people, Nor will He forsake His inheritance

"No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you".

"Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."

You can't read Hebrews without realizing that God loves Abraham and his children:

Hebrews 13:5
Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, "I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU,"

Paul is talking about Christians.

Like Calvin’s doctrine of eternal security, which promises heaven to “sinning saints,” so these misinterpretations of Abraham’s covenant promises are based on fleshly not spiritual criterion. Both Calvinist and Zionist heresies flourish because of the pervasive inability of the church today to comprehend that God is transcendently holy and will not bless wickedness, in heaven or on earth.

How can heresies this deeply rooted in evangelical Christianity and Judaism be ended?

Fear of a holy God who insists on worship and obedience in sincerity— without formulas—must be revived in the church. With a return to authentic spirituality, these heresies will automatically retreat. If the church cannot return, it will be devoured by Babylon the Great
Christians are Gentiles Bobby. If we were God's chosen people then God lied to Abraham, and Christ wouldn't be taking His place in the Jewish Temple, and there would be no reason to seal 12,000 from 12 tribes to get them through the trib period.
Christ didn't graft Jews into the gentile line, it was the opposite. God didn't turn His back on the Jews by sending His Son to Rome. Christ was sent to the Jews. And as per their laws, became their sacrifice. We were included only because the Jews didn't receive Him. When He sends the two prophets, they will be sent to Israel. Christ returns to Israel. They will remain His chosen because God and Abraham remain friends to this day.
Christians are Gentiles Bobby. If we were God's chosen people then God lied to Abraham, and Christ wouldn't be taking His place in the Jewish Temple, and there would be no reason to seal 12,000 from 12 tribes to get them through the trib period.
Christ didn't graft Jews into the gentile line, it was the opposite. God didn't turn His back on the Jews by sending His Son to Rome. Christ was sent to the Jews. And as per their laws, became their sacrifice. We were included only because the Jews didn't receive Him. When He sends the two prophets, they will be sent to Israel. Christ returns to Israel. They will remain His chosen because God and Abraham remain friends to this day.

If you were a genuine Christian, you would already be familiar with the NEW Covenant. The fact you are not, suggests you are a poseur.

Now you're sounding like rosie w/ her jibber jabber.
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