Israel the Monster: Mass-murder of Innocents

In other words you have no answers to those questions and will just ignore them. Thanks for being crystal clear you bigot.

In other words asshole, you are an ignorant clown who does not know how to engage in civil conversation .. and I don't give a fuck what you think.

Is that clear enough for your stupid ass?

Grow the fuck up.. you aren't in the military anymore.
So you are for Hamas or any terror group hiding among civilians, then calling foul when civilians are hurt? In an earlier post you cited bringing in 'policeman', but the UN has been there for years, watching the stockpiling of weapons, they do the same in Bekka Valley, yet when was the last time they sought sanctions against Hamas or Hizbollah?

The answer is never. Read what he posted, they want to create a "peace Keeping force" who will be responsible for JUST preventing Israel from doing anything, they will do absolutely NOTHING about the missiles, rockets or mortars, nor the suicide Bombers.

One sided bullshit that is DESIGNED to protect Terrorists and allow them free reign to more easily commit their terror.

Go ahead ask BAC why that is?
Homemade BB guns do not reach that far at to hit me, my home and my vehicles. So fact is the neighbors need to attempt to be decent or they may find themselves moving when I decide enough is enough.

Will it be them that ends up moving, or will it be you that is moving to a jail cell?
In other words asshole, you are an ignorant clown who does not know how to engage in civil conversation .. and I don't give a fuck what you think.

Is that clear enough for your stupid ass?

Grow the fuck up.. you aren't in the military anymore.

Lets check our posts shall we? Who is using foul language and refusing to answer specific valid questions? That would be you, you coward.
You should take your case above the heads of the local police.

What city do you live in that would not protect you from someone shooting at you?
Southern Iowa.

I went to the state police and then the AG's office when a dozer was stolen from me. I had been threaten by the local sheriff with arrest for reporting the stolen dozer (unaware he had assisted in the theft when I went in to make a report).

It is actually pretty wild there. You would not think these kind of things would be going on in such a place but there are gun shot holes still in the side of the building.
So you are for Hamas or any terror group hiding among civilians, then calling foul when civilians are hurt? In an earlier post you cited bringing in 'policeman', but the UN has been there for years, watching the stockpiling of weapons, they do the same in Bekka Valley, yet when was the last time they sought sanctions against Hamas or Hizbollah?

Like most of the world, I see the Israelis as the terrorists.

Yes, I said the police should step in and I also said the UN and the international community should step in and force the Israelis to return to their legal borders.

Do you have a problem with the Israelis returning to their legal borders and a UN military force being put in place to guarantee the safety of both Israelis and the Palestinians?

Irrespective of the smoke and mirrors, this is about Israel's grab for more land than it was GIVEN.
Like most of the world, I see the Israelis as the terrorists.

Yes, I said the police should step in and I also said the UN and the international community should step in and force the Israelis to return to their legal borders.

Do you have a problem with the Israelis returning to their legal borders and a UN military force being put in place to guarantee the safety of both Israelis and the Palestinians?

Irrespective of the smoke and mirrors, this is about Israel's grab for more land than it was GIVEN.

Do you believe, that a return of Israel to the 'legal borders' would restore safety or peace? Would it change anything, other than putting the terrorists within the distance of causing more effective bombings?
Southern Iowa.

I went to the state police and then the AG's office when a dozer was stolen from me. I had been threaten by the local sheriff with arrest for reporting the stolen dozer (unaware he had assisted in the theft when I went in to make a report).

It is actually pretty wild there. You would not think these kind of things would be going on in such a place but there are gun shot holes still in the side of the building.

Southern Iowa explains it.

If the local police are against you .. I don't believe getting into a gun battle with your neighbors would end in your best interest.

Perhaps you should consider going to your US Congressperson and the media .. outside of your community.
Will it be them that ends up moving, or will it be you that is moving to a jail cell?
I suppose we will wait and see what transpires. Since we have the patented deed to the land the attorneys tell me that the neighbors will be the ones to move. I am more of the non violent type. Yet I do understand the fustrations that Israel feels.
Buildings?? :confused:

I saw pictures of small damage to a couple of houses.

But buildings knocked down:confused:???

Please provide a link to pictures of these demolished buildings.

Thank You

You are to stupid to believe. I repeat, since you do not mind if Arab Muslims lob missiles into Israel what would your take be on Israel lobbing the same number back into Gaza? I mean they are only bottle rockets after all, right?
The problem with your logic is that you believe this has been going on since the beginning of 2008. It hasn't. It's been going on for YEARS and we've stood idly by and done little to nothing about it.

This is the total number of rockets fired into Israel THIS year.

Qassam Rocket and Mortar Fire (Combined), 2008 - The Israel Project

And this is the total number of rockets fired at Israel since 2003.

Qassam Rockets and Mortars Fired from Gaza, 2003-2008 - The Israel Project

Nearly10,000 rockets have been fired so far.

Let that number sink into you.


What would you do if 10,000 rockets landed near your home and your government refused to lift a finger?

This war is long overdue.

Nothing like using a site called "The Israel Project" to present unbiased information.

Hey, I also found some stats from a site called "PLO Forever". How about we compare? :rolleyes:
I guess when your single definition of "terrorist" is "arab muslim non-jew" that it's easy to swallow the bombing of civilians.

I wonder how jews would react to being blockaded for a year from necessary resources.. hmmm.. clearly, they would have given their oppressors macaroni murals and dandelion wreaths instead of react with desperate violence. Lord knows this isn't just another chapter of a transparent strategy to make palis give israel an excuse to exterminate them. Americans saw the same process used to rationalize manifest destiny with land that THEY wanted too. We are witnessing nothing less than repeated history.
Do you believe, that a return of Israel to the 'legal borders' would restore safety or peace? Would it change anything, other than putting the terrorists within the distance of causing more effective bombings?

Without question I believe it.

More than 75% of Palestinians want a two-state solution and less than 20% think all Palestinian land should be restored.

By Israel adhering to UN Resolutions, it puts the onus on the Palestinians to keep the peace .. AND, with a UN force there to protect the Israelis from further attacks, it presents a FAR better solution than has been reached in the past.
I guess when your single definition of "terrorist" is "arab muslim non-jew" that it's easy to swallow the bombing of civilians.

I wonder how jews would react to being blockaded for a year from necessary resources.. hmmm.. clearly, they would have given their oppressors macaroni murals and dandelion wreaths instead of react with desperate violence. Lord knows this isn't just another chapter of a transparent strategy to make palis give israel an excuse to exterminate them. Americans saw the same process used to rationalize manifest destiny with land that THEY wanted too. We are witnessing nothing less than repeated history.

Provide evidence the Israelis have yet to target a civilian structure.
I guess when your single definition of "terrorist" is "arab muslim non-jew" that it's easy to swallow the bombing of civilians.

I wonder how jews would react to being blockaded for a year from necessary resources.. hmmm.. clearly, they would have given their oppressors macaroni murals and dandelion wreaths instead of react with desperate violence. Lord knows this isn't just another chapter of a transparent strategy to make palis give israel an excuse to exterminate them. Americans saw the same process used to rationalize manifest destiny with land that THEY wanted too. We are witnessing nothing less than repeated history.

One, I should have said, Hamas and it's participants.

Two, what caused the formation of the checkpoints, flying checkpoints, and the eventual construction of the wall?
I suppose we will wait and see what transpires. Since we have the patented deed to the land the attorneys tell me that the neighbors will be the ones to move. I am more of the non violent type. Yet I do understand the fustrations that Israel feels.

I don't think a patented deed to any land gives you the right to attack your neighbors, which is what you appear to be saying is your intent.
Nothing like using a site called "The Israel Project" to present unbiased information.

Hey, I also found some stats from a site called "PLO Forever". How about we compare? :rolleyes:

careful.. you are awfully close to achieving the Scarlet A merit badge.

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