Israel fears break of Hamas isolation

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman, said that the Israeli protest message to Russia over its president Dmitry Medvedev's meeting with Hamas leader Khaled Mishaal pointed to its fear of a break on Hamas's international isolation.

Abu Zuhri in a press release on Sunday said that the meeting between Medvedev and Mishaal is an endorsement of the significant role of the movement and its political weight in the region and in any possible future settlement.

Israeli is disturbed at the movement's ability to break the international and political siege imposed on it, the spokesman elaborated.

Medvedev later on announced during a visit to Turkey that Hamas should be included in the peace process in the region.

Abu Zuhri: Israel fears break of Hamas isolation
GAZA, (PIC)-- Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahhar, a political bureau member of Hamas, has revealed that his movement would soon have contacts with a number of European countries to brief them on Hamas's stands.

He mentioned as an example of those countries Switzerland and Norway.

Zahhar told reporters on the sidelines of the "right of return" ceremony in Gaza on Saturday that those countries received mistaken information on his movement.

Zahhar: Hamas to brief European countries on its stands
GAZA, (PIC)-- A seven-member American delegation comprising academics and activists arrived in Gaza Strip on Friday night for a 48-hour visit.

The crossings and borders department in Gaza said that the delegation of the American Association for International Conciliation was received by Ahmed Yousef, the foreign undersecretary and head of the government committee to break the siege and receive delegations, along with UNRWA officials.

Egyptian sources, who coordinated the passage of the group, said the Americans were to hold a series of meetings with Hamas officials, as part of a mission to bridge views between the Palestinian factions, and help achieve national conciliation.

American delegation in Gaza
Look the Anti semite Jew hater at it again. Remind us how you support Hamas a KNOWN terror organization because they only murder Jews in Israel.
Look the Anti semite Jew hater at it again. Remind us how you support Hamas a KNOWN terror organization because they only murder Jews in Israel.

You are playing an anti-Semite card and a terrorist card in the same post.

WOW, such power.
You are playing an anti-Semite card and a terrorist card in the same post.

WOW, such power.

You going to deny you said since Hamas only kills Jews in Israel they are not terrorists?

Link to the post.

You are BENEATH contempt. You announce that Hamas is not a terror organization because they only kill Jews in Israel and now want to change your story? Fuck you. Whine some more and make it clear you are denying you said it and then maybe I will go link it to show everyone what a lying tool you are.
You going to deny you said since Hamas only kills Jews in Israel they are not terrorists?

Link to the post.

You are BENEATH contempt. You announce that Hamas is not a terror organization because they only kill Jews in Israel and now want to change your story? Fuck you. Whine some more and make it clear you are denying you said it and then maybe I will go link it to show everyone what a lying tool you are.

I am not changing any story. You, sir, are a liar.

Link to the post.
Link to the post.

You are BENEATH contempt. You announce that Hamas is not a terror organization because they only kill Jews in Israel and now want to change your story? Fuck you. Whine some more and make it clear you are denying you said it and then maybe I will go link it to show everyone what a lying tool you are.

I am not changing any story. You, sir, are a liar.

Link to the post.

The only Liar here is you. You claimed that Hamas was not a terror organization because it only killed Jews in "Palestine" . Which is what I said since you think Israel is in this fictional place. Keep denying it.
Anyone interested in seeing the lies this man will tell read this thread. He first states that Israel is Palestine so Hamas is not a terror organization because it only KILLS Jews in Palestine. He goes on to repeat it after I put it into words for him.

Hamas does not attack anyone outside of Palestine. ~ P F Tinmore
Your response.
So you have no problem with those murderous scum killing Jews as long as they are in Israel right? ~ RetiredGySgt

You are the one who is confused. Israel is not Palestine. Israel is an occupation force inside Palestine. It is not located in any defined place.
Anyone interested in seeing the lies this man will tell read this thread. He first states that Israel is Palestine so Hamas is not a terror organization because it only KILLS Jews in Palestine. He goes on to repeat it after I put it into words for him.

Your response.
So you have no problem with those murderous scum killing Jews as long as they are in Israel right? ~ RetiredGySgt

You are the one who is confused. Israel is not Palestine. Israel is an occupation force inside Palestine. It is not located in any defined place.

You denied you ever stood up for Hamas. YOU have said in this thread you did not claim Hamas was not a terror organization. You stated in this thread you did not say murdering Jews in Israel was ok. Proven wrong on both counts and now you are trying to spin again. Whether you LIKE it or NOT, Israel is a RECOGNIZED INDEPENDENT COUNTRY and has been since 1948. Your lies do not change that.
Anyone interested in seeing the lies this man will tell read this thread. He first states that Israel is Palestine so Hamas is not a terror organization because it only KILLS Jews in Palestine. He goes on to repeat it after I put it into words for him.

You are the one who is confused. Israel is not Palestine. Israel is an occupation force inside Palestine. It is not located in any defined place.

You denied you ever stood up for Hamas. YOU have said in this thread you did not claim Hamas was not a terror organization. You stated in this thread you did not say murdering Jews in Israel was ok. Proven wrong on both counts and now you are trying to spin again. Whether you LIKE it or NOT, Israel is a RECOGNIZED INDEPENDENT COUNTRY and has been since 1948. Your lies do not change that.

I think we have been through this before. In the 1949 armistice agreement Palestine was mentioned many times. Israel was not. Palestine's defined borders were confirmed. No borders were mentioned for Israel.

According to international norms, a country must have territory inside defined borders. Israel does not have this. The UN "recognizes" Israel inside the 1949 armistice lines but these lines were specifically not to be national or political borders. Israel has political recognition but it has no legal standing.
You are the one who is confused. Israel is not Palestine. Israel is an occupation force inside Palestine. It is not located in any defined place.

You denied you ever stood up for Hamas. YOU have said in this thread you did not claim Hamas was not a terror organization. You stated in this thread you did not say murdering Jews in Israel was ok. Proven wrong on both counts and now you are trying to spin again. Whether you LIKE it or NOT, Israel is a RECOGNIZED INDEPENDENT COUNTRY and has been since 1948. Your lies do not change that.

I think we have been through this before. In the 1949 armistice agreement Palestine was mentioned many times. Israel was not. Palestine's defined borders were confirmed. No borders were mentioned for Israel.

According to international norms, a country must have territory inside defined borders. Israel does not have this. The UN "recognizes" Israel inside the 1949 armistice lines but these lines were specifically not to be national or political borders. Israel has political recognition but it has no legal standing.

You really should quit pretending to have even a clue about "international norms", kid.

Shouldn't you be in your junior high school class, now?

The UN is not empowered to recognize borders.
You denied you ever stood up for Hamas. YOU have said in this thread you did not claim Hamas was not a terror organization. You stated in this thread you did not say murdering Jews in Israel was ok. Proven wrong on both counts and now you are trying to spin again. Whether you LIKE it or NOT, Israel is a RECOGNIZED INDEPENDENT COUNTRY and has been since 1948. Your lies do not change that.

I think we have been through this before. In the 1949 armistice agreement Palestine was mentioned many times. Israel was not. Palestine's defined borders were confirmed. No borders were mentioned for Israel.

According to international norms, a country must have territory inside defined borders. Israel does not have this. The UN "recognizes" Israel inside the 1949 armistice lines but these lines were specifically not to be national or political borders. Israel has political recognition but it has no legal standing.

You really should quit pretending to have even a clue about "international norms", kid.

Shouldn't you be in your junior high school class, now?

The UN is not empowered to recognize borders.

Look it up!

Palestine's borders were defined by the League of Nations when it divided Palestine into the state of Jordan and the state of Palestine. These are undisputed and unchanged borders between Lebanon and Palestine, Syria and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine, and Egypt and Palestine.
I think we have been through this before. In the 1949 armistice agreement Palestine was mentioned many times. Israel was not. Palestine's defined borders were confirmed. No borders were mentioned for Israel.

According to international norms, a country must have territory inside defined borders. Israel does not have this. The UN "recognizes" Israel inside the 1949 armistice lines but these lines were specifically not to be national or political borders. Israel has political recognition but it has no legal standing.

You really should quit pretending to have even a clue about "international norms", kid.

Shouldn't you be in your junior high school class, now?

The UN is not empowered to recognize borders.

Look it up!

Palestine's borders were defined by the League of Nations when it divided Palestine into the state of Jordan and the state of Palestine. These are undisputed and unchanged borders between Lebanon and Palestine, Syria and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine, and Egypt and Palestine.

Kid, study the UN Charter in-between your junior high school classes. Defining states' borders is not among the UN's duties.

You're just uttering gibberish, like a mental patient.
You really should quit pretending to have even a clue about "international norms", kid.

Shouldn't you be in your junior high school class, now?

The UN is not empowered to recognize borders.

Look it up!

Palestine's borders were defined by the League of Nations when it divided Palestine into the state of Jordan and the state of Palestine. These are undisputed and unchanged borders between Lebanon and Palestine, Syria and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine, and Egypt and Palestine.

Kid, study the UN Charter in-between your junior high school classes. Defining states' borders is not among the UN's duties.

You're just uttering gibberish, like a mental patient.

Did I say that the UN defines borders?

No, I did not say that the UN defines borders.

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