Israel Admits Harvesting Organs Without Families' Permission

Then we can have an honest conversation about how Israel tramples human rights, in the context of what is normal and accepted for that region.

I'd support government-toppling revolutions in all of the countries you listed. Now, let's return our focus to Israel, the only human rights abuser in the region that is commonly regarded as one of America's "greatest allies" and that has a fanatical fifth column lobbying for its sake in the USA.

I suppose these are the lame attempts at diversion I should expect from a poster so delusional that he's convinced he knows more about Islam than I do. Fuck off, Jew.

Israel is one of America's greatest allies. The Shah was one of America's greatest allies too. So is Saudi Arabia. Their status as allies has little to do with their human rights record.
But I give you points for being able to hold out three pages without revealing your true colors as a Jew-hater. Not that I doubted it for a second.
You muslims are a riot. You are the biggest hypocrites on earth. You pretend to fight for the Palestinians in Israel while kicking their asses to the ground and using them as slaves in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. You condemn the U.S. as the great satan and then take refuge under our Constitution. You call for the withdrawl of all infidels from the dar el salaam and then invite us in to save your asses from your brother Arabs. There is not one Arab country that has a tenth of the human rights that Israel accords to its own Arab minority.
You all make me sick.

"You muslims" ??

I am not one of those who said they did.

The newspaper should have issued a retraction and thier actions deserved condemnation.

The Israeli officials, however, were still out of line to call the report anti-Semitic if the report only referenced actions or alleged actions by Israel.

What else do you call a report like that that was obviously published in defiance of the facts? It appeared to be agenda-driven. And what was that agenda?
Anti Israel does not equal ant-Semite. No matter how much you wish it would.

They are equivalent about 90% of the time. The burden is on you to show this is the exception.
Of course the filthy bastards did it. It was obvious when they denied Sweden's allegations so vehemently -- methought they didst protest too much. :lol:

No matter, the pro-Israel crowd will be along shortly to remind us that Israel is the freest and most moral nation in the Middle East, if not the entire world.

So free that you can harvest organs without permission! :eek:
They can do that since they are The Chosen. Self chosen.
......and damn good real estate thieves to boot !
They don't have to. Israel attacked Palestine in 1947 and that war has never ended.

Learn some history.
the Arab nations attacked Israel in 1947. Israel had almost no military at that time but managed to drive off the invading armies from Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq.
The signed armistices with the invaders and the war ended in 1949.

Try your lies on less educated people.
The burden is on you to prove your allegations.

That anti-zionism is frequently a code word for anti-semitism? This is obvious, and has been for years. Just check GHook's sig line.


you betcha!

well, you might not like where the quote comes from, but there really isn't any question that people OFTEN (not always) say they are "anti-zionist", not anti-jewish. you see how convincing that is when sunni creep says it, right?

i mean it's not like he hates jews or anything.

but... if you don't believe me, well, maybe the state department study will help

Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism:A Report Provided to the United States Congress

ultimately, it's the same old song and dance --- just a different tune.
i'm sorry, but i find the idea of citing Ghook funny.

in the extreme.

no problem. lol. Regardless of my agreements/disagreements with GH, that particular statement happens to be true.... not that one has to be blind to any country's faults, but I think it's pretty clear who the people are who use every opportunity to say anti-israel things are the same ones who don't ever comment on the murders of jews and are the same ones who use the word "jew" as an insult. they are also the ones who are just peachy keen with holocaust denial and/or "revisionism", which they couch in terms like "why isn't it ok to question the holocaust"... despite the nazis own documentation of their work.

read the study... and you and GH have all the fun you want playing with each other. and you know i love ya, del, but the truth is what it is.... regardless of where it comes from.
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i'm sorry, but i find the idea of citing Ghook funny.

in the extreme.

no problem. lol. Regardless of my agreements/disagreements with GH, that particular statement happens to be true.... not that one has to be blind to any country's faults, but I think it's pretty clear who the people are who use every opportunity to say anti-israel things are the same ones who don't ever comment on the murders of jews and are the same ones who use the word "jew" as an insult.

read the study... and you and GH have all the fun you want playing with each other. and you know i love ya, del, but the truth is what it is.... regardless of where it comes from.

love you, too, but don't mistake mocking for denial. ;)
i'm sorry, but i find the idea of citing Ghook funny.

in the extreme.

no problem. lol. Regardless of my agreements/disagreements with GH, that particular statement happens to be true.... not that one has to be blind to any country's faults, but I think it's pretty clear who the people are who use every opportunity to say anti-israel things are the same ones who don't ever comment on the murders of jews and are the same ones who use the word "jew" as an insult.

read the study... and you and GH have all the fun you want playing with each other. and you know i love ya, del, but the truth is what it is.... regardless of where it comes from.

love you, too, but don't mistake mocking for denial. ;)

fair enough, amigo. just figured i'd jump in.

now i have to get working or i'm going to be stuck at my desk over christmas!

spot you later.
no problem. lol. Regardless of my agreements/disagreements with GH, that particular statement happens to be true.... not that one has to be blind to any country's faults, but I think it's pretty clear who the people are who use every opportunity to say anti-israel things are the same ones who don't ever comment on the murders of jews and are the same ones who use the word "jew" as an insult.

read the study... and you and GH have all the fun you want playing with each other. and you know i love ya, del, but the truth is what it is.... regardless of where it comes from.

love you, too, but don't mistake mocking for denial. ;)

fair enough, amigo. just figured i'd jump in.

now i have to get working or i'm going to be stuck at my desk over christmas!

spot you later.

later, jillian.
i'm sorry, but i find the idea of citing Ghook funny.

in the extreme.

I wasn't citing GHook, just his sig line. If you want to mock ML King, go right ahead.

i wasn't aware i needed your permission, nor have i been apprised of MLK's infallability.

now i believe you were busy justifying clandestine organ harvesting by the israeli army...
They don't have to. Israel attacked Palestine in 1947 and that war has never ended.

Learn some history.
the Arab nations attacked Israel in 1947. Israel had almost no military at that time but managed to drive off the invading armies from Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq.
The signed armistices with the invaders and the war ended in 1949.

Try your lies on less educated people.

I believe you are speaking about the May 15, 1948 war. By that time the yet to be self proclaimed Israel had already driven about 300,00 indigenous Palestinians (about one third of which were Christians) out of their homes and off their land.

The 1948 war ended with an armistice agreement with those supposedly invading armies. The 1947 war against Palestine was not addressed in that peace agreement. There was, and there still is, no peace agreement ending the 1947 war.
anti-zionism may very well be anti-semitism 90% of the time.... BUT ZIONISM IS ANTI-NON JEW 100% OF THE TIME. You fucking jewish crybabies should probably stop hating on everyone else before you cry about being hated on. It's nothing less than grand irony that you both act like a victim while perpetuating israel's "only here for da joooos" mentality.
I believe you are speaking about the May 15, 1948 war. By that time the yet to be self proclaimed Israel had already driven about 300,00 indigenous Palestinians (about one third of which were Christians) out of their homes and off their land.

The 1948 war ended with an armistice agreement with those supposedly invading armies. The 1947 war against Palestine was not addressed in that peace agreement. There was, and there still is, no peace agreement ending the 1947 war.
Your time line is off.
First the Arabs defied the UN, in 1947, with one ambassador claiming "Woe to the loser" (though I am certain some of the Arab speakers will dispute that loose translation) and their intent to fight until one side or the other was destroyed (strangely, after they lost, they decided to not elect for their own destruction)
Then ~100,000 Arabs fled the area, then the fighting started and during the fighting another 150,000 fled or were forced out.
Let me rephrase; learn a few facts not biased by a pro-Arab slant.
I believe you are speaking about the May 15, 1948 war. By that time the yet to be self proclaimed Israel had already driven about 300,00 indigenous Palestinians (about one third of which were Christians) out of their homes and off their land.

The 1948 war ended with an armistice agreement with those supposedly invading armies. The 1947 war against Palestine was not addressed in that peace agreement. There was, and there still is, no peace agreement ending the 1947 war.
Your time line is off.
First the Arabs defied the UN, in 1947, with one ambassador claiming "Woe to the loser" (though I am certain some of the Arab speakers will dispute that loose translation) and their intent to fight until one side or the other was destroyed (strangely, after they lost, they decided to not elect for their own destruction)
Then ~100,000 Arabs fled the area, then the fighting started and during the fighting another 150,000 fled or were forced out.
Let me rephrase; learn a few facts not biased by a pro-Arab slant.

Why should anyone agree to outsiders giving away your country.

Hey Stucker! I talked to some of your neighbors. They said I could have your house.

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