Isn't one million barrels more damaging the 300 barrels of OIL???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I've asked this forum several times and YET not ONE environmentalist supporter has answered this question:

Why would you environmentalists WANT 1 million barrels per day in tankers at risk for shipwreck due to weather, crew errors, equipment problems versus less then 300 barrels per day at risk in a one mile length of buried pipeline?

I mean ask ANYONE on the street .. which is a larger number:
1 million barrels or 300 barrels?

Which would have a Greater damage to the environment.. one million barrels on the ocean on 300 barrels from a buried pipeline?

Which would have the greater CHANCE of spilling one million barrels from a shipwreck (consider the current cruise ship spilling 11,000 barrels right now) or 300 barrels in one mile of pipeline.

I have always been taught 1 million is a lot more then 300!
:eusa_hand: Whatever do you mean? :confused: Ships never crash :booze:

YES you are right!
And pipelines have gremlins inside that flow up and down the pipeline digging holes and spring leaks!
OR yes ...this is it.. some mysterious ghostly indians riding on top of the buried pipeline will shoot arrows and set the entire 2,147 miles on FIRE! Oh boy I like this imagining activity!

Maybe some anti-pipeline environmentalists will ACTUALLY prove that
1 million barrels is LESS then 300 barrels!
In their bizzaro world I wouldn't doubt it!
Too bad the real world injects itself with the Chinese ready to buy!

When asked how serious Ottawa is about selling oil to China, and run the risk of compromising Canada's relationship with the United States, Harper replied: "I am very serious about selling our oil off this continent, selling our energy products off to Asia."

But the prime minster also said that on a recent trip to the U.S., he was told by a number of senior officials that the Keystone XL pipeline will be approved, thereby opening a new route for Canadian oil to be sent to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

"I ran into several senior Americans, who all said, ‘Don't worry, we'll get Keystone done. You can sell all of your oil to us.' I said, ‘Yeah we'd love to but the problem is now we're on a different track.'"

The pipeline has been delayed as U.S. President Barack Obama seeks more environmental assessments before deciding whether to give the project the green light. He has put off making a decision until after next year's elections.

Read more: Harper warns Americans he will ship oil elsewhere | CTV News
I've asked this forum several times and YET not ONE environmentalist supporter has answered this question:

Why would you environmentalists WANT 1 million barrels per day in tankers at risk for shipwreck due to weather, crew errors, equipment problems versus less then 300 barrels per day at risk in a one mile length of buried pipeline?

I mean ask ANYONE on the street .. which is a larger number:
1 million barrels or 300 barrels?

Which would have a Greater damage to the environment.. one million barrels on the ocean on 300 barrels from a buried pipeline?

Which would have the greater CHANCE of spilling one million barrels from a shipwreck (consider the current cruise ship spilling 11,000 barrels right now) or 300 barrels in one mile of pipeline.

I have always been taught 1 million is a lot more then 300!
You are neglecting one huge factor in this equation...the environmentalist movement consists of a scant few true environmentalists that are truly interested in protecting the environment, joined by a great number of displaced communist sympathizers interested only in the derailment of private enterprise and capitalism. They are not interested in numbers at all...just keeping the drilling, pipe line construction and nuclear plant construction from happening.

Obama has delayed the pipeline decision until after the election (to keep the favor [and votes] of the environmentalists). As I understand it, this keeps at least 20,000 jobs off the table. And that lying bastard says he's trying to create jobs!
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I've asked this forum several times and YET not ONE environmentalist supporter has answered this question:

Why would you environmentalists WANT 1 million barrels per day in tankers at risk for shipwreck due to weather, crew errors, equipment problems versus less then 300 barrels per day at risk in a one mile length of buried pipeline?

I mean ask ANYONE on the street .. which is a larger number:
1 million barrels or 300 barrels?

Which would have a Greater damage to the environment.. one million barrels on the ocean on 300 barrels from a buried pipeline?

Which would have the greater CHANCE of spilling one million barrels from a shipwreck (consider the current cruise ship spilling 11,000 barrels right now) or 300 barrels in one mile of pipeline.

I have always been taught 1 million is a lot more then 300!
You are neglecting one huge factor in this equation...the environmentalist movement consists of a scant few true environmentalists that are truly interested in protecting the environment, joined by a great number of displaced communist sympathizers interested only in the derailment of private enterprise and capitalism. They are not interested in numbers at all...just keeping the drilling, pipe line construction and nuclear plant construction from happening.

Obama has delayed the pipeline decision until after the election (to keep the favor [and votes] of the environmentalists). As I understand it, this keeps at least 20,000 jobs off the table. And that lying bastard says he's trying to create jobs!
yep, the luddites, freezniks and other Malthusians have collected under the junk science label of glowbull wurming. They make up the vast majority of the chicken little chorus that sings arias of how western civ is going to kill us all and we're gonna dieeeeeeee!!!

If you want to see real environmentalism in action, look to hunting groups who have the idea in a moderate and correct proportion. They understand man will never have 'zero impact' and shouldn't. They see manmade projects like pipelines and dams that can help nature be better as well as advance mankind's affluence. Restocking projects, hunting season regulation, ecological replanting for better, more healthy programs, forestry work. That's where your real true environmentalism... or as I prefer to call them, conservationists, are. Finding the line where man and nature live in more harmony, but never forgetting man is on top.
Oil is evil... haven't you heard?

Enviro Wackos Need to take their own advice.

I've asked this forum several times and YET not ONE environmentalist supporter has answered this question:

Why would you environmentalists WANT 1 million barrels per day in tankers at risk for shipwreck due to weather, crew errors, equipment problems versus less then 300 barrels per day at risk in a one mile length of buried pipeline?

I mean ask ANYONE on the street .. which is a larger number:
1 million barrels or 300 barrels?

Which would have a Greater damage to the environment.. one million barrels on the ocean on 300 barrels from a buried pipeline?

Which would have the greater CHANCE of spilling one million barrels from a shipwreck (consider the current cruise ship spilling 11,000 barrels right now) or 300 barrels in one mile of pipeline.

I have always been taught 1 million is a lot more then 300!

American politicians don’t understand the value of oil drilling. They have a trade embargo with their neighbor Cuba. Cuba have large deposits of oil and european, chinese and asian companaines have taken large contracts there.

Why not trade with Cuba, that have large deposits of oil. European and chinese companies gets away with the contracts. The buddy,neighbor and brother people at Cuba, why not trade with them when everyone else can?
I've asked this forum several times and YET not ONE environmentalist supporter has answered this question:

Why would you environmentalists WANT 1 million barrels per day in tankers at risk for shipwreck due to weather, crew errors, equipment problems versus less then 300 barrels per day at risk in a one mile length of buried pipeline?

I mean ask ANYONE on the street .. which is a larger number:
1 million barrels or 300 barrels?

Which would have a Greater damage to the environment.. one million barrels on the ocean on 300 barrels from a buried pipeline?

Which would have the greater CHANCE of spilling one million barrels from a shipwreck (consider the current cruise ship spilling 11,000 barrels right now) or 300 barrels in one mile of pipeline.

I have always been taught 1 million is a lot more then 300!
You are neglecting one huge factor in this equation...the environmentalist movement consists of a scant few true environmentalists truly interested in protecting the environment, joined by a great number of displaced communist sympathizers interested only in the derailment of private enterprise and capitalism. They are not interested in numbers at all...just keeping the drilling, pipe line construction and nuclear plant construction from happening.

Using your comment then it proves how DUMB Obama is!
Why else would he reject if a handful environmentalists are driving this with the remaining anti-pipeline as you said really anti-capitalists and using your premise then Obama IS anti-capitalist MORE then he is an environmentalist!

Obama rejection was NOT then environmentally driven from your perspective it was
anti-capitalism and that is where Dumbobama proves to the independents!

Realistically why cancel something LESS environmentally damaging then you independents???

Because Obama is ANTI-BUSINESS.. ANTI-OIL... ANTI-American independence!

YOU are right!!!
I've asked this forum several times and YET not ONE environmentalist supporter has answered this question:

Why would you environmentalists WANT 1 million barrels per day in tankers at risk for shipwreck due to weather, crew errors, equipment problems versus less then 300 barrels per day at risk in a one mile length of buried pipeline?

I mean ask ANYONE on the street .. which is a larger number:
1 million barrels or 300 barrels?

Which would have a Greater damage to the environment.. one million barrels on the ocean on 300 barrels from a buried pipeline?

Which would have the greater CHANCE of spilling one million barrels from a shipwreck (consider the current cruise ship spilling 11,000 barrels right now) or 300 barrels in one mile of pipeline.

I have always been taught 1 million is a lot more then 300!
You are neglecting one huge factor in this equation...the environmentalist movement consists of a scant few true environmentalists truly interested in protecting the environment, joined by a great number of displaced communist sympathizers interested only in the derailment of private enterprise and capitalism. They are not interested in numbers at all...just keeping the drilling, pipe line construction and nuclear plant construction from happening.

Using your comment then it proves how DUMB Obama is!
Why else would he reject if a handful environmentalists are driving this with the remaining anti-pipeline as you said really anti-capitalists and using your premise then Obama IS anti-capitalist MORE then he is an environmentalist!

Obama rejection was NOT then environmentally driven from your perspective it was
anti-capitalism and that is where Dumbobama proves to the independents!

Realistically why cancel something LESS environmentally damaging then you independents???

Because Obama is ANTI-BUSINESS.. ANTI-OIL... ANTI-American independence!

YOU are right!!!
Obama just wants the votes. He will say and do anything to get re-elected.

NO I'm trying to get totally fu...king idiots like YOU to at least ADMIT that
1 million barrels is MORE the 300 barrels!
AND you still won't!

DO YOU KNOW the difference?

YET YOU CAN ONLY criticize me for TRYING To get IDIOTS like YOU to admit that
the real world says 1 million barrels is MORE the 300 barrels!

So rather then answer the simple question which is ALL I'm ASKING the ONLY response from defenders of Obama, can do is criticize the efforts to get idiots to answer the question!

ONCE again.. you folks that are still quavering regarding Obama...
With idiots like G.T. attacking the simple effort to get the "G.T."s of the world to answer a simple
question (which is more 1 million barrels or 300 barrels, ?) isn't growing more and more obvious that Obama/supporters, ARE OUT of touch with reality??

I mean.. think about... here we have the guy who can push the button NOT recognizing that
shipping 1 million barrels a day is risky and sending it to China is a national security issue?
And this is the "smartest" President????

NO I'm trying to get totally fu...king idiots like YOU to at least ADMIT that
1 million barrels is MORE the 300 barrels!
AND you still won't!

DO YOU KNOW the difference?

YET YOU CAN ONLY criticize me for TRYING To get IDIOTS like YOU to admit that
the real world says 1 million barrels is MORE the 300 barrels!


The question, is fucking STOOPIT.

NO I'm trying to get totally fu...king idiots like YOU to at least ADMIT that
1 million barrels is MORE the 300 barrels!
AND you still won't!

DO YOU KNOW the difference?

YET YOU CAN ONLY criticize me for TRYING To get IDIOTS like YOU to admit that
the real world says 1 million barrels is MORE the 300 barrels!


The question, is fucking STOOPIT.

Is the question too hard for you to answer????
Or is it too big even if you take your shoes off to use your toes to count?
Or is it hard to count with your thumb in your mouth?

Point is why can't YOU EVEN YOU... answer the question..
Which is more dangerous and a bigger risk..
1 million barrels on a bouncing tanker in a hurricane holding 1 million barrels every day
less then 300 barrels flowing in one mile of BURIED pipe?

Is that concept TOO much for you to handle so YOU call it stupid???

How is it you can use the keyboard but you can't spell "stupid"???
NO I'm trying to get totally fu...king idiots like YOU to at least ADMIT that
1 million barrels is MORE the 300 barrels!
AND you still won't!

DO YOU KNOW the difference?

YET YOU CAN ONLY criticize me for TRYING To get IDIOTS like YOU to admit that
the real world says 1 million barrels is MORE the 300 barrels!


The question, is fucking STOOPIT.

Is the question too hard for you to answer????
Or is it too big even if you take your shoes off to use your toes to count?
Or is it hard to count with your thumb in your mouth?

Point is why can't YOU EVEN YOU... answer the question..
Which is more dangerous and a bigger risk..
1 million barrels on a bouncing tanker in a hurricane holding 1 million barrels every day
less then 300 barrels flowing in one mile of BURIED pipe?

Is that concept TOO much for you to handle so YOU call it stupid???

How is it you can use the keyboard but you can't spell "stupid"???

No, the question is fucking dumb because there's a fuck ton of other factors besides your lame assed HYPOTHETICAL "1 mil vs. 300."

You see things with the simple-mindedness of a 3 year old, and don't even realize the stupidity of the question STILL. Way to work it.
The question, is fucking STOOPIT.

Is the question too hard for you to answer????
Or is it too big even if you take your shoes off to use your toes to count?
Or is it hard to count with your thumb in your mouth?

Point is why can't YOU EVEN YOU... answer the question..
Which is more dangerous and a bigger risk..
1 million barrels on a bouncing tanker in a hurricane holding 1 million barrels every day
less then 300 barrels flowing in one mile of BURIED pipe?

Is that concept TOO much for you to handle so YOU call it stupid???

How is it you can use the keyboard but you can't spell "stupid"???

No, the question is fucking dumb because there's a fuck ton of other factors besides your lame assed HYPOTHETICAL "1 mil vs. 300."

You see things with the simple-mindedness of a 3 year old, and don't even realize the stupidity of the question STILL. Way to work it.

OF course it is a simple minded question BECAUSE simple minded people like YOU can't ANSWER IT!

Let's put it another way that you with your warped education might understand!

The Exxon Valdez tanker ran aground on the Prince William Sound on March 24, 1989, spilling 10.8 million gallons of crude oil into the sea, covering 1,300 square miles. It is still regarded as one of the most devastating human-caused contamination events, and the effects on wildlife populations and communities have been debated by biologists, ecologists, and the oil industry ever since.

And that was from just 250,000 barrels!
Everyday 1 million barrels on the high seas waiting for storms,drunk crews, equipment failure .. and the IDIOT YOU ARE DON" T THINK THAT's A PROBLEM??

YET The idiot you are think 300 barrels spilling in one mile is cause enough to stop the pipeline...
MAN.. where in the f..k... is your common sense?
You living PROOF of the term WACKO!

YOU honestly believe 300 barrels will do more damage then 1 million barrels?
ARE YOU just as STUPID as Obama then who cancelled the pipeline simply because
HE DIDN"T CONSIDER THE FACT each mile contains 300 barrels!
NOT ALL the pipeline WOULD EVER spill the equal to a TANKER spill! NEVER!

SO WHY are YOU AND THE IDIOT president IN FAVOR of killing more wildlife, destroying more of the environment??
KILLERS! THAT's what you are!
Is the question too hard for you to answer????
Or is it too big even if you take your shoes off to use your toes to count?
Or is it hard to count with your thumb in your mouth?

Point is why can't YOU EVEN YOU... answer the question..
Which is more dangerous and a bigger risk..
1 million barrels on a bouncing tanker in a hurricane holding 1 million barrels every day
less then 300 barrels flowing in one mile of BURIED pipe?

Is that concept TOO much for you to handle so YOU call it stupid???

How is it you can use the keyboard but you can't spell "stupid"???

No, the question is fucking dumb because there's a fuck ton of other factors besides your lame assed HYPOTHETICAL "1 mil vs. 300."

You see things with the simple-mindedness of a 3 year old, and don't even realize the stupidity of the question STILL. Way to work it.

OF course it is a simple minded question BECAUSE simple minded people like YOU can't ANSWER IT!

Let's put it another way that you with your warped education might understand!

The Exxon Valdez tanker ran aground on the Prince William Sound on March 24, 1989, spilling 10.8 million gallons of crude oil into the sea, covering 1,300 square miles. It is still regarded as one of the most devastating human-caused contamination events, and the effects on wildlife populations and communities have been debated by biologists, ecologists, and the oil industry ever since.

And that was from just 250,000 barrels!
Everyday 1 million barrels on the high seas waiting for storms,drunk crews, equipment failure .. and the IDIOT YOU ARE DON" T THINK THAT's A PROBLEM??

YET The idiot you are think 300 barrels spilling in one mile is cause enough to stop the pipeline...
MAN.. where in the f..k... is your common sense?
You living PROOF of the term WACKO!

YOU honestly believe 300 barrels will do more damage then 1 million barrels?
ARE YOU just as STUPID as Obama then who cancelled the pipeline simply because
HE DIDN"T CONSIDER THE FACT each mile contains 300 barrels!
NOT ALL the pipeline WOULD EVER spill the equal to a TANKER spill! NEVER!

SO WHY are YOU AND THE IDIOT president IN FAVOR of killing more wildlife, destroying more of the environment??
KILLERS! THAT's what you are!

No, it's that you can't reason, at all - - - - - and if you could, you'd see that the question is a fucking stupid one.

Let me try a question back to you, dipshit.

What was Obama's reasoning in his OWN WORDS?

Secondly - what do you expect our President to protect more - American soil, or International waters?

Lastly - who's tankers are they?

If you can't catch the hint of why your question is fucking dumb, and disengenuous, then you're the idiot you're pretending everyone else is.

It's not dumb that people aren't answering "what's more, 300 or a million,"

What's dumb, is that you think they're not answering because they can't do the math. YES, YOU'RE DUMB ENOUGH TO THINK THAT.

That's not the reason; however, for your lack of discussion surrounding this SIXTH thread on the subject. It's that the question is FUCKING STUPID, and it's unreasonable, disengenuous hyperbole that ignores ALL OTHER FACTORS, as though the President got on his desk a piece of paper that said "300 or a million." <--that's what your simple toad brain is telling you, and you're calling everyone else dumb. Get a fucking clue.
Cars crash
buildings crumble
planes fall to the ground

In my area there is a commercial running for the liar in chief saying 50% less dependent on foriegn oil ... HOW!?

There will be accidents no matter what course is taken to produce energy so although it took a while to cap the spill in the gulf its capped and we learned from it. Progress
No, the question is fucking dumb because there's a fuck ton of other factors besides your lame assed HYPOTHETICAL "1 mil vs. 300."

You see things with the simple-mindedness of a 3 year old, and don't even realize the stupidity of the question STILL. Way to work it.

OF course it is a simple minded question BECAUSE simple minded people like YOU can't ANSWER IT!

Let's put it another way that you with your warped education might understand!

The Exxon Valdez tanker ran aground on the Prince William Sound on March 24, 1989, spilling 10.8 million gallons of crude oil into the sea, covering 1,300 square miles. It is still regarded as one of the most devastating human-caused contamination events, and the effects on wildlife populations and communities have been debated by biologists, ecologists, and the oil industry ever since.

And that was from just 250,000 barrels!
Everyday 1 million barrels on the high seas waiting for storms,drunk crews, equipment failure .. and the IDIOT YOU ARE DON" T THINK THAT's A PROBLEM??

YET The idiot you are think 300 barrels spilling in one mile is cause enough to stop the pipeline...
MAN.. where in the f..k... is your common sense?
You living PROOF of the term WACKO!

YOU honestly believe 300 barrels will do more damage then 1 million barrels?
ARE YOU just as STUPID as Obama then who cancelled the pipeline simply because
HE DIDN"T CONSIDER THE FACT each mile contains 300 barrels!
NOT ALL the pipeline WOULD EVER spill the equal to a TANKER spill! NEVER!

SO WHY are YOU AND THE IDIOT president IN FAVOR of killing more wildlife, destroying more of the environment??
KILLERS! THAT's what you are!

No, it's that you can't reason, at all - - - - - and if you could, you'd see that the question is a fucking stupid one.

Let me try a question back to you, dipshit.

What was Obama's reasoning in his OWN WORDS?

Secondly - what do you expect our President to protect more - American soil, or International waters?

Lastly - who's tankers are they?

If you can't catch the hint of why your question is fucking dumb, and disengenuous, then you're the idiot you're pretending everyone else is.

It's not dumb that people aren't answering "what's more, 300 or a million,"

What's dumb, is that you think they're not answering because they can't do the math. YES, YOU'RE DUMB ENOUGH TO THINK THAT.

That's not the reason; however, for your lack of discussion surrounding this SIXTH thread on the subject. It's that the question is FUCKING STUPID, and it's unreasonable, disengenuous hyperbole that ignores ALL OTHER FACTORS, as though the President got on his desk a piece of paper that said "300 or a million." <--that's what your simple toad brain is telling you, and you're calling everyone else dumb. Get a fucking clue.


VALDEZ, AK - APRIL 6: A pylon marks the location of the Exxon Valdez shipwreck on Bligh Reef on April 6, 2004 near Valdez, Alaska. Fifteen years after the Exxon Valdez supertanker split open on a submerged reef and spilled 11 million gallons of crude oil into Prince William Sound, the legal fight continue. Experts thought the crude would be gone by 1995, but oil still clings to rocks on once-pristine beaches. Residents and scientists are pushing for a $100 million re-opening of the landmark $900 million civil settlement Exxon signed in 1991 to resolve environmental claims. The settlement expires in 2006 and some fear that the Bush administration will not attempt to secure the additional $100 million. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)

SO YOU still don't seem to understand...the two MAJOR FACTORS!!!
1 million barrels in a tanker has greater chance of accidents--1 tanker /day!
AND a thousands of times greater damage!
300 barrels less chance on dry land from buried pipe and definitely LESS DAMAGE!

DO YOU comprehend that is the REASON I'm trying to get RETARDS like you to understand it is totally unfathomable to understand why you IDIOTS like Obama are against a pipeline BUT totally willing to let 1 million barrels DAILY travel at risk on the ocean!

WHAT kind of sicko are you that you want to damage thousands of miles and kill hundreds of thousands of wild life being killed!

AND YOU want that????

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