Isn’t anti Trump anti American?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.
There is nothing more American than this administrations policies and agenda....
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.
His consistently America-First words and actions are as satisfying and gratifying to other America-Firsters as they are annoying and infuriating to those who hate the US, our flag, our Anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, our ... well ... our everything.

Other than repairing our badly leftarded federal courts - including the USSC - exposing our seething, hate-filled leftarded 5th column (pronounced: Democrats) has been his most important accomplishment. Here are a a few more:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder our bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems awful to them. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.
The squat, because women cant stand up to pee, has used every violent word against this president since he took the office. Where is the lame stream media denouncing these petulant bitches(sorry dogs for comparing them to you) and telling them to take back their words, or yet having Nancy Pelosi censor them? Then when thousands of angry US citizens who are fed up with the loud mouthed kuuunts start yelling "send her back" oh, the high and righteous fags of the news covers it as it was something bad. This is why no one likes liberals, especially the LSM, which has lower ratings than congress.
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.
Opposing Trump’s failed, hateful, bigoted, racist, wrongheaded agenda is the epitome of patriotism.

To demonize and vilify those who appropriately oppose Trump is un-American.
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.
If you don't like how America works and it's Cosrirurion you should probably consider finding a new country to live in.
He is a throw back to another era, an era I experienced as a kid but one some didn't experience at all.

Take a millenial, or an approx year of birth around that time. All they know is GWB and Obama. They would have been too young to appreciate anything about GWB except war in Iraq and they would have heard Obama apologize profusely and essentially tell Americans "we are all the same in this world and we have been bad to so many. Feel the guilt!".

Trump is bringing back Exceptionalism. He viewed himself as exceptional, and he likes others who drive themselves for similar goals. So, the younger generation is saying, "hey, we aren't a nice nation, we've heard this all of our life". Now Trump is telling them, "you can chase your dream, have a job, pursue your happiness. And you know what? You do so in the greatest nation on earth".

It's a complete 180 and all the media who themselves are often not impressive people, intellectually or morally, now are having fits at his American Arrogance.

Yes, anti-Trump is anti-American, at least in theory. Nobody is above criticism in life, but, if you are going to tackle his agenda and policies you have to make one argument "are they good for U.S citizens or not?". When some say "free healthcare for illegal immigrants, Open Borders, we will increase your taxes and spend trillions on Green boondoggles that will hurt our economy and your opportunities". Well, clearly it's a very tough sell to Americans, especially when Trump is saying "forget these crazy socialists who want to control your speech and opportunities, we offer you capitalism and liberty. America First."
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There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.
LOL kissing Israel's ass,sending boys to die in Syria soon Iran,interfering in Venezuela is "pro american" now....LMAO what a crock of shit. Wanting the MOST number of legal invaders ever is pro american now folks! Who knew!
He is a throw back to another era, an era I experienced as a kid but one some didn't experience at all.

Take a millenial, or an approx year of birth around that time. All they know is GWB and Obama. They would have been too young to appreciate anything about GWB except war in Iraq and they would have heard Obama apologize profusely and essentially tell Americans "we are all the same in this world and we have been bad to so many. Feel the guilt!".

Trump is bringing back Exceptionalism. He viewed himself as exceptional, and he likes others who drive themselves for similar goals. So, the younger generation is saying, "hey, we aren't a nice nation, we've heard this all of our life". Now Trump is telling them, "you can chase your dream, have a job, pursue your dreams. And you k now what? You do so in the greatest nation on earth".

It's a complete 180 and all the media who themselves are often not impressive people, intellectually or morally, now are having fits at his American Arrogance.

Yes, anti-Trump is anti-American, at least in theory. Nobody is above criticism in life, but, if you are going to tackle his agenda and policies you have to make one argument "are they good for U.S citizens or not?". When some say "free healthcare for illegal immigrants, Open Borders, we will increase your taxes and spend trillions on Green boondoggles that will hurt our economy and your opportunities". Well, clearly it's a very tough sell to Americans.

A throwback, as you put it, is what was needed to throw Progressives a significant delay towards marching our Country towards giant Gov't control and the ensuing totalitarianism and erosion of individual liberty and freedom that is part of that package.
Trump in 2020. Keep the above delay going!
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.
LOL kissing Israel's ass,sending boys to die in Syria soon Iran,interfering in Venezuela is "pro american" now....LMAO what a crock of shit. Wanting the MOST number of legal invaders ever is pro american now folks! Who knew!

Israel is the holy land, possibly our greatest ally...located amongst our enemies in a key position geographically.
With regard to the usage of our military...I like to believe that people far more intelligent than myself and privy to far more information make those calls for good reason...I’d have to be a fucking idiot to believe I know what’s really going on.
What has the Trump administration done or said that would indicate they want the “greatest number of legal invaders ever”?
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.

There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.
If you don't like how America works and it's Cosrirurion you should probably consider finding a new country to live in.

He needs to pack and go to Russia.

LefTard Logic:
“Those committed to doing what’s best for America and Americans can just leave.”
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.

View attachment 270289

That’s teenagers engage in debate using memes.
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.

View attachment 270289

That’s teenagers engage in debate using memes.

They must pwn your idiotic dumbass, then.
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.

View attachment 270289

That’s teenagers engage in debate using memes.

They must pwn your idiotic dumbass, then.

This is an open forum’re welcome to add something of have my permission.
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.
LOL kissing Israel's ass,sending boys to die in Syria soon Iran,interfering in Venezuela is "pro american" now....LMAO what a crock of shit. Wanting the MOST number of legal invaders ever is pro american now folks! Who knew!
Do you feel your nose hurting from being so easily lead around by it. Trump has not started any war in Iran. Just as we have not had a nuclear war with North Korea as so many of you have been hoping and praying for.
Damn words are interfering with Venzezuela. I mean look at Russia with boots on the ground. But I guess they get a pass in your book.
Look at all the so called sancutuary cities and states. They are the reason why we have so many illegals wanting in. Those same places are giving away free things like healthcare, schooling, drivers licenses and even information on how to keep from being deported. I guess someone told you Trump demanded these sanctuary cities and states?

Syria Trump has talked about pulling out of that area that he did not start and so many went ballistic. Hardly his fault that we are there and still remain there. The U.S. has had a relationship with Israel since after the Second World War. If you are talking about changing the location of the embassy that was authorized by congress many years ago.

Stop letting people lead you around by the nose, shut of CNN or at least tune to some other channel once in a while.
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.

View attachment 270289

That’s teenagers engage in debate using memes.

They must pwn your idiotic dumbass, then.

This is an open forum’re welcome to add something of have my permission.

Your OP is retarded. It confuses cult of personality with patriotism. That’s common amongst the “poorly educated” as your messiah described you.

That’s value added.
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.
Opposing Trump’s failed, hateful, bigoted, racist, wrongheaded agenda is the epitome of patriotism.

To demonize and vilify those who appropriately oppose Trump is un-American.
How’s it going , “Welfare” Jones?
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.

View attachment 270289

That’s teenagers engage in debate using memes.

They must pwn your idiotic dumbass, then.

This is an open forum’re welcome to add something of have my permission.

Your OP is retarded. It confuses cult of personality with patriotism. That’s common amongst the “poorly educated” as your messiah described you.

That’s value added. dub the Trump phenomenon a “cult of personality” so therefore it is. You can’t be that foolish.
There is nothing more American than the policies and agenda of this administration...
The other guys are pitching free shit, no right to sovereignty, abortion is cool, sexual deviance, force Americans to compromise their quality of life for Mexico...etc etc
Standing in opposition of Trump is standing against America.

View attachment 270289

That’s teenagers engage in debate using memes.

They must pwn your idiotic dumbass, then.

This is an open forum’re welcome to add something of have my permission.

Your OP is retarded. It confuses cult of personality with patriotism. That’s common amongst the “poorly educated” as your messiah described you.

That’s value added.

Are the “poorly educated” always the highest earners?

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