Islamophobia, Antisemitism and the Demonized ‘Other’


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
The new national pastime for right-wing America is "Smearcasting".

It doesn't matter if you're into anti-semitism or Islamaphobia, if you pledge your allegeince to God or Allah, or whether your enemy is muslim or jew, or your fanatical extremists are jihadists or members of the NRA, you're more like two peas in a pod, than you are a clash of civilizations. There's no difference between the caliphate for supporters of Sharia Law and Christian Dominionists, in what their endgame is.

The techniques you use to promote phobia are the same....
The Four Tools of Fear

• Dualistic division: The world is divided into a good “Us” and a bad “Them.”

• Demonizing rhetoric: Our opponents are evil and subversive...maybe subhuman.

• Targeting scapegoats: “They” are causing all our troubles—we are blameless.

• Apocalyptic aggression: Time is running out, and we must act immediately to stave off a cataclysmic event.
The only thing that changes, is the target audience.
The "islamophobia" word is commonly used to stifle free speech/debate about islam and negatively smear pro-freedom/anti-islam supporters. Double standards always suck and libtarts routine slamming of judaism & xnity while somehow justifying to themselves that the sacred cow islam & protected species mooselimbs are beyond reproach is political manipulation, willful ignorance, delusional thinking or just plain cluelessness.

Instead of discussing islamic theology & history as the root cause of violence against non-muslims and instead of relying on hard facts & knowledge about this evil ideology, the happy campers from multiculturalism land keep pushing their blue sky platitudes of peaceful equality and moral relativism. This naive approach to reality directly plays into islams repeatedly & unequivocably stated goals for world domination via jihad.

Even a brief review of islamic theology & history quickly reveals the deadly roots of this horrible ideology. Starting with the life of it's founder mohamhead, a 7th century murdering warlord, and continuing with the history of his followers, islam combines the worst attributes of human nature with approval from some mythical sky fairy to create the worst ideology to ever appear on planet earth and cause the worst ever crimes against humanity so far in all of recorded history.

Further objective comparisons with other religions & ideologies also clearly show islams complete dominance of violent, hate-filled statements & actions against infidels, unbelievers, apostates, mockers and basically anybody & everybody who disagrees with and is opposed to submitting to the b.s. will of allah, the mythical sky fairy of islam.
Islamophobia is a fear of losing life or liberty to Islamic rule merely because the laws, sacred texts, and traditional practices of Islam demand the submission of culture, politics, religion and all social expression. It tends to afflict those most familiar with the religion, while sparing the more gullible.

Unlike Infidelophobia (Quranically-inspired hatred for non-Muslims), Islamophobia doesn't involve dead bodies, but rather bruised Muslim feelings, which, according to the teachings of the faith, are far more important than the lives of infidels...
The Long Time national pastime for Left-Wing America is "Smearcasting".
The Four Tools of Fear:

• Dualistic division: The world is divided into a good “Us” and a bad “Them.”

• Demonizing rhetoric: Our opponents are evil and subversive...maybe subhuman.

• Targeting scapegoats: “They” are causing all our troubles—we are blameless.

• Apocalyptic aggression: Time is running out, and we must act immediately to stave off a cataclysmic event.
The techniques you use to promote phobia are the same....
The Four Tools of Fear

• Dualistic division: The world is divided into a good “Us” and a bad “Them.”

• Demonizing rhetoric: Our opponents are evil and subversive...maybe subhuman.

• Targeting scapegoats: “They” are causing all our troubles—we are blameless.

• Apocalyptic aggression: Time is running out, and we must act immediately to stave off a cataclysmic event.

Sounds like the Democrat party to me.
The Four Tools of Fear:

• Dualistic division: The world is divided into a good “Us” and a bad “Them.”

• Demonizing rhetoric: Our opponents are evil and subversive...maybe subhuman.

• Targeting scapegoats: “They” are causing all our troubles—we are blameless.

• Apocalyptic aggression: Time is running out, and we must act immediately to stave off a cataclysmic event.

Sounds like the rhetoric of Islam to me.

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It would seem the poster is talking about the questionable ethics of merely demonizing what is opposed instead of honest intellectual engagement.
The new national pastime for right-wing America is "Smearcasting".

It doesn't matter if you're into anti-semitism or Islamaphobia, if you pledge your allegeince to God or Allah, or whether your enemy is muslim or jew, or your fanatical extremists are jihadists or members of the NRA, you're more like two peas in a pod, than you are a clash of civilizations. There's no difference between the caliphate for supporters of Sharia Law and Christian Dominionists, in what their endgame is.

The techniques you use to promote phobia are the same....
The Four Tools of Fear

• Dualistic division: The world is divided into a good “Us” and a bad “Them.”

• Demonizing rhetoric: Our opponents are evil and subversive...maybe subhuman.

• Targeting scapegoats: “They” are causing all our troubles—we are blameless.

• Apocalyptic aggression: Time is running out, and we must act immediately to stave off a cataclysmic event.
The only thing that changes, is the target audience.

such spew

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