Islamized slavery 2014: ‘Over 100,000 black Sudanese slaves under the Arabized Islam


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Now that a Muslim poster has brought up slaves, let's see how some of the slaves fare in the Muslim world.

Islamized slavery 2014: ‘Over 100,000 black Sudanese slaves under the Arabized Islamic Sudanese government’

Posted on July 16, 2014 by ADMIN1 Comment 3 Votes


[from] Testimony of a human trafficking victim in Egypt whose life was saved by Israel:

The following article was submitted to me by Yon X — that is the name we shall call him, because if his identity were to get out, he would be murdered by Islamic authorities in his country of origin.

The black slaves of Islam
As a black young man from Ethiopia, I have always felt angry at the West for the slavery colonization of the black continent. Many think that Christianity came to Africa from the West, but the irony is that we were actually the first Christians, from Egypt to Nubia to Ethiopia (including Eritrea), before the West even knew anything that was Christian.

I condemn anyone who would force someone to believe what they believe or enforce their way of life on others. This week it kind of amused me to see the world in chaos because the tiny Jewish state replied to the bombardment of Hamas. The worst of all was to see many black Muslims riot with the Arabs. I couldn’t believe what I saw, because the barbarian Arabic Islamic apartheid states to this day take pleasure in the suffering of our black brothers, both Muslim and non-Muslim. We have suffered for centuries before the West even arrived in Africa. They have destroyed our civilizations and raided our lands for booty and slaves for centuries, and no one talks about that.

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Islamized slavery 2014: ?Over 100,000 black Sudanese slaves under the Arabized Islamic Sudanese government? | The Muslim Issue
Inb4 the Tsunami of "Christians were/are just as bad!" posts.

Nah, Sally's just a Muslim-hater.

Mr. H., the new Dhimmi on this forum, doesn't care that the Muslims still have slaves. He just wants to make his silly remarks to show he is a Jew hater. And to think that he feels he is fooling anyone. I think the problem here is that Mr. H. is really hurting, being a Jew hater all his life, that his cousin have found out from their DNA samples that they have Jewish blood, which means that Mr. H. has it too and that thought is actually killing him. I guess the only thing for him to do is to have all his blood replaced so that all that Jewish blood is removed.
Inb4 the Tsunami of "Christians were/are just as bad!" posts.

We are talking about what is happening today. Why not read up about how the foreign workers have been treated in places like Dubai and Qatar. It is pretty much similar to slavery.
"Israel" is the first country of modern slavery and human traffiking in the world.

[ame=]Ori Keidar speaks about human trafficking in Israel - YouTube[/ame]
"Israel" is the first country of modern slavery and human traffiking in the world.

Ori Keidar speaks about human trafficking in Israel - YouTube

Israel does something about this, but your own Muslim world closes their eyes to it. In fact, I can think of two incidents here where Muslims have been persecuted for bringing their slaves to the U.S. By the way, those woman brought into Israel to work as prostitutes were brought into Israel by Arabs. Freeman leaves that part out.

Poor Freeman, such a joke he is -- pulling up old, old stuf that has been shown so many times in the past because he is so desperate while his own brethren are doing a number on innocent people in this world. I guess the bodies of those whom Freeman's brethren kill mean nothing at all to a devout Muslim as long as the bodies were put there by his own brethren. So tell us, Freeman, what old, old stuff are you going to drag up next -- stuff that has been dragged up many times before with those with your mind set?
No one cares, unless it is white people doing the enslaving.

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