Islam is evil...

rtwngAvngr said:
I'd say you're wrong in every conclusion. Actual evidence proves this to be the case. Our god would never endorse a religion as barbaric and backward as Islam. Which of the archeological evidence do you doubt?

Did you even look at the secondary link? Do you believe that most Americans are possessed by a demon?
As far as your God goes, I'd say he's been passive to the nth degree in allowing all sorts of atrocities to be carried out in his name. I see no reason why the Muslim barbarism and backwardness precludes them from worshipping your God.

But let's say that everything you believe is true and the Muslims are worshipping a what?
Arabian said:
Hi sir
Actually I can't accept your article head for lots of reasons it summarized in
I can make tomorrow a group and I will call it for the sake of Jesus and I will kill and rape and kidnap ;

THere is a difference. If you cant see it, then you are blinded by some agenda, and dont want to see the truth.

If you did that, and it does happen, then you would be roundly denounced by virtually all major Christian leaders and followers.

This does not happen when Islamists cut the heads off of civlians on video.

THAT is the difference sir. Think about it, then get back to me.
MissileMan said:
So, the fact that it's not the same God automatically equates to "an evil demon"?


And as for Christians and Jews worshipping the same God, thats false also.

Christians recognize Jesus as God, Islam doesnt.

Jews recognize the God of the Torah, Islam recognizes the god of the Koran.
They are differenct books and differenct dieties.

You can reject that if you want, but about 4 BILLION Jews, Christians and Muslims would disagree with you, but hey, if you like you can tell them all that they dont know which god they worship.
MissileMan said:
So, the fact that it's not the same God automatically equates to "an evil demon"?

Then mohammed being merely the last in a line of prophets of the the same god is a huge fat lie. The evil demon part is my opinion, based on the evil apparent in the religion.

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