islam is a horrible ideology for human rights

As the number of muslims continues to grow in America.

Politicians will begin to pander to them and champion their issues in order to get the muslim votes. :cool:

Not true. Americans are slowly gaining in knowledge of islamism and as that knowledge grows, there is a growing awareness of the dangers of a fascist politico-religious ideology.

What islamists cannot do is roll back the constitution.

American Muslims: Sharia v. Freedom v

UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh e-mailed me to raise legitimate concerns about the “representativeness” of the n=600 US Muslim sample assessed by Wenzel Strategies, during October 22 to 26, 2012. Due to sampling limitations, Professor Volokh cast doubt on the salient findings, which I summarized, as follows:

When asked, “Do you believe that criticism of Islam or Muhammad should be permitted under the Constitution’s First Amendment?, 58% replied “no,” while only 42% affirmed this most basic manifestation of freedom of speech, i.e., to criticize religious, or any other dogma. Indeed, oblivious to US constitutional law, as opposed to Islam’s Sharia, a largely concordant 45% of respondents agreed “…that those who criticize or parody Islam in the U.S. should face criminal charges,” while 38% did not, and 17% were “unsure”. Moreover, fully 12% of this Muslim sample even admitted they believed in application of the draconian, Sharia-based punishment for the non-existent crime of “blasphemy” in the US code, answering affirmatively, “…that Americans who criticize or parody Islam should be put to death.”

Also, consistent with such findings 43% of these US Muslims rejected the right of members of other faiths to proselytize to adherents of Islam, disagreeing, “…that U.S. citizens have a right to evangelize Muslims to consider other faiths.” Additional confirmatory data revealed that nearly two-fifths (39%) agreed “…that Shariah law should be considered when adjudicating cases that involve Muslims, ” while nearly one-third (32%) of this American Muslim sample believed “…Shariah law should be the supreme law of the land in the US.”

And lastly, you, as a goofy convert promoting a fascist politico-religious ideology you choose not to live under, don't understand that folks who may lean right or left, but ultimately vote with our head and our conscience, rather than toeing the line of an ill-thought-out and fascist ideology which only ends up getting people hurt. We are the proverbial silent majority. We appreciate diversity, but within the bounds of unity. We care about our fellow man, but not enough to let him kill us so that we may maintain respect for his cultural differences. We want a government that takes care of us, but not to the point where we can't take care of ourselves. We understand that the best way to assure security for ourselves and for all other nations in a shrinking global village, is to be honest about the world we live in. This means that we will need to declare plainly that societies which are not free are indeed inferior because they deprive their people of the freedom that is for all men.
That will change as the years go by due to high muslim birth rates. :cool:

So... you're suggesting that uncontrolled breeding is a mechanism whereby moslems will eventually be able to exercise their wish to strip away rights and freedoms?

Why do you think a majority islamist population in the U.S. would make this nation any different than the typical islamist backwaters we see in the islamist Middle East? :cool:
As the number of muslims continues to grow in America.

Politicians will begin to pander to them and champion their issues in order to get the muslim votes. :cool:

That would be an obvious problem for you as you have exploited the advantages of a society not ravaged by islamist ideology.

It seems, with a majority islamist population in the U.S., you would need to move to a nation that offers the freedoms and opportunities not available under the strictures of islamism.
Islam = Freedom for all people. :cool:

That's false. In not a single moslem majority nation is that true. :cool:

Do you believe that others are as ignorant about islamism as you are? :cool:

Islam = denigration for all non-moslems.
Islam = Freedom for all people. :cool:

Oh you poor, sunni boy.

Challenges to your lies about islamism causes you to neg rep me and leave vile comments.

Here's a bit of a life lesson for goofy converts: democracy espouses the right for all people to live freely under the protection of the rule of law—laws which they themselves decide upon. This is anathema to Moslems because it elevates man to a position of sovereignty in how he shall live. Moslems believe that it is for their Pope/king muhammud (swish) alone to make such decrees, as are set down in the principles of the koran and sunnah. Secondly, democracy is the one force that the Islamic jihad will never be able defeat. Arrogant delusions of entitlement notwithstanding, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness will always be more appealing than death, oppression, and and the protraction of misery. :cool:
Islam offers the blue print for all people and nations to have a perfect society. :cool:

Only if you believe that a perfect society is one that promotes ignorance, fascism, intolerance... and of course, leadership toward those goals.

Goofy converts to a fascist politico-religious ideology, (and who have never known anything but freedom offered in Western nations), hate liberal democracy so much that they dedicate their lives to protecting fascism, socialism and the retrograde ideology invented by muhammud (swish). They will spend endless hours spewing conspiratorial claptrap about the evil West, while availing themselves of a lifestyle that is only dreamt of by the oppressed people in totalitarian states which they employ as handy one-liners in their half-baked polemics. No matter what good the West does in the world, they will always blame the world's ills on America. And Israel. They are the useful idiots of the stillborn folly of the hateful ideology that muhammud (swish) invented, and more recently they are also the useful idiots of the oldest totalitarian ideology of them all: Islam. :cool:
Islam = Freedom for all people. :cool:

How typical that for the reality addled such as yourself, you aren't aware how silly you appear by making such nonsensical comments.

Identify for us where, in any islamist majority nation, your comment would apply. Or, do we just assume you have no clue what you're talking about?
Oh you poor, sunni man.

Challenges to your lies about islamism causes you to neg rep me and leave vile comments.
As usual you are a blatant liar.

I only left you a single "period" to go along with your neg reg.

Here is the evidence..........

Thread Date Given To Comment
islam is a horrible ideology... 11-11-2012 06:40 AM Hollie .
Last edited:
Oh you poor, sunni man.

Challenges to your lies about islamism causes you to neg rep me and leave vile comments.
As usual you are a blatant liar.

I only left you a single "period" to go along with your neg reg.

Here is the evidence..........

Thread Date Given To Comment
islam is a horrible ideology... 11-11-2012 06:40 AM Hollie .

What is the term that grants moslems a built-in allowance for "lying for the sake of religion"?

Oh yeah: taqiyya.

Speaking of lying, you earlier comment was that "Islam = Freedom for all people."

I'm still waiting for a single example of where that is true in a moslem majority nation.

Taqiyya 2^?
As the number of muslims continues to grow in America.

Politicians will begin to pander to them and champion their issues in order to get the muslim votes. :cool:

Not true. Americans are slowly gaining in knowledge of islamism and as that knowledge grows, there is a growing awareness of the dangers of a fascist politico-religious ideology.

What islamists cannot do is roll back the constitution.

American Muslims: Sharia v. Freedom v

UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh e-mailed me to raise legitimate concerns about the “representativeness” of the n=600 US Muslim sample assessed by Wenzel Strategies, during October 22 to 26, 2012. Due to sampling limitations, Professor Volokh cast doubt on the salient findings, which I summarized, as follows:

When asked, “Do you believe that criticism of Islam or Muhammad should be permitted under the Constitution’s First Amendment?, 58% replied “no,” while only 42% affirmed this most basic manifestation of freedom of speech, i.e., to criticize religious, or any other dogma. Indeed, oblivious to US constitutional law, as opposed to Islam’s Sharia, a largely concordant 45% of respondents agreed “…that those who criticize or parody Islam in the U.S. should face criminal charges,” while 38% did not, and 17% were “unsure”. Moreover, fully 12% of this Muslim sample even admitted they believed in application of the draconian, Sharia-based punishment for the non-existent crime of “blasphemy” in the US code, answering affirmatively, “…that Americans who criticize or parody Islam should be put to death.”

Also, consistent with such findings 43% of these US Muslims rejected the right of members of other faiths to proselytize to adherents of Islam, disagreeing, “…that U.S. citizens have a right to evangelize Muslims to consider other faiths.” Additional confirmatory data revealed that nearly two-fifths (39%) agreed “…that Shariah law should be considered when adjudicating cases that involve Muslims, ” while nearly one-third (32%) of this American Muslim sample believed “…Shariah law should be the supreme law of the land in the US.”

And lastly, you, as a goofy convert promoting a fascist politico-religious ideology you choose not to live under, don't understand that folks who may lean right or left, but ultimately vote with our head and our conscience, rather than toeing the line of an ill-thought-out and fascist ideology which only ends up getting people hurt. We are the proverbial silent majority. We appreciate diversity, but within the bounds of unity. We care about our fellow man, but not enough to let him kill us so that we may maintain respect for his cultural differences. We want a government that takes care of us, but not to the point where we can't take care of ourselves. We understand that the best way to assure security for ourselves and for all other nations in a shrinking global village, is to be honest about the world we live in. This means that we will need to declare plainly that societies which are not free are indeed inferior because they deprive their people of the freedom that is for all men.

Sorry to disagree. The voting block that voted for Obama doesn't care about islam. They have been taught to be intolerant and insulting towards "Christianity". Read some of the threads here, and watch liberal, after democrat, after progressive "blame" Christians (and Jews) for all the problems with islam. Watch the same people defend islam and deny that there is any wrong doing. So it has been done with each dictator in history: find an "enemy" (the ones that have been productive, and have accumulated some wealth), declare them an enemy, and encourage the population to embrace envy and greed, murder said "enemy", confiscate the wealth, give a tiny portion to the "people", tell the people that it is all gone, make the people slaves. The dictator and his circle get all the wealth and the "people" are left with less than they started with before wiping out the "enemy". In this case, the dictator has not been revealed. I suspect George Soros, but he may not live long enough to claim it; maybe he will name his successor. It is ironic that the muslim world hates Soros, yet are his willing dupes in the destruction of this country.

"Honesty" is not part of leadership, in today's politics. Honor and Integrity are rarely mentioned. Deceit is a big part of islam, and islam has exported deceit into most political systems, today. The "voters" (especially the dead ones) believe only what they want to believe. They ignore truth. They embrace corruption. We can try to reach people with the truth. We can try to educate people about what is happening; most do not want to hear it, let alone acknowledge it (that would make them responsible for their own "inactions"). We can only hope, when it starts to get ugly, that there are still enough people that are willing to stand against evil, and protect the world from a dictator that tells people what they want to here, yet cares nothing about them, and let's his "servants" die, needless deaths.

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