ISIS Attacks US: The Day After


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
We have learned what the pain threshold is for the "home of the brave". It is 129 Frenchmen. Using my conversion table that translates to 4 or 5 Americans.

If and when ISIS succeeds in perptrating a terror attack in the United States, they will only need to take out 4 or 5 Americans for the weakminded to collectively lose their shit.

After 9/11, we went nuts. Torture; imprisoning US citizens without habeas corpus; flag pin blacklists; wiretapping US citizens by the millions; three wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror), including the pre-emptive invasion of another country; the creation of a massive new Cabinet level police agency; the militarization of state, county, and local police; and so forth.

The day after ISIS attacks the Vaterland, Trump will say, "You know, not all of Hitler's ideas were wrong", and his followers will cheer and don their armbands.

The day after that, Congress will unveil Patriot Act II: This Time We REALLY Mean Business.™

Meter maids will be shooting double-parkers. The FBI will be doing "drop-ins" to ask why there has been a sudden spike in the amount of milk you put in your cereal. Swastikas will be the new black. Sean Hannity will be denying bamboo shoots under your fingernails is torture.

I think deep down inside, the tards are wishing for an ISIS attack so they can finally remove their masks and let loose their inner Nazi.

But how will we deal with ISIS after that day?

Invasion. Boots on the ground. In force. All that Hollywood fantasy shit to which the tards are masturbating every night.

But what they do not realize is that such an operation will require at least a ten year occupation. After the collapse of ISIS, we will need to occupy Syria to prevent another terrorist organization filling the vacuum. As we learned in Iraq, it takes a very long time, and a lot of troops, to establish stability in a power vacuum.

"Let the Arab nations provide most of the ground troops", the fools say. How soon they have forgotten that ISIS went through the Iraqi defense forces like a hot knife through butter.

No, my friends, there is no Arab nation which has the capability to stabilize the region. We are it. It will have to be us.

But America will tire of the occupation just like we did in Iraq.

You won't find any of the chickenhawks who are going around saying we need to "wipe out ISIS" talking about the realities on the ground. They have a Hollywood movie in their heads. A big thrilling picture that climaxes in two hours and then everyone goes home.

So here's the thing:

If an attack by ISIS in the United States is as near a certainty as a lot of people are saying, then we should not wait for that day before going after ISIS in force. We should be doing it now.

But you see, all the tough talkers don't have the real guts it takes. They don't have the courage to roger up on committing the next two or three Presidents to a Syrian occupation.

Sadly, it will take an actual attack on the US before we get the momentum to go after ISIS in force. But even then, the chickenhawks will never commit to the real long term effort it will require, and so they will be right back to square one in less than ten years, shitting their pants over ISIS's bastard child.

The only real advantage to attacking ISIS now is that it will pre-empt our domestic Nazis who are waiting for an excuse to burn down mosques and pummel the first Muslims they see.

Now, there is an alternative outcome...

If ISIS perpetrates a massive terror attack on the Soviet Union Russia first, then Putin will do the job, and he will not only go after ISIS, he will slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocents to the loud cheers of the Putin-fellaters here at home. You know who you are.
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And the Democrats will immediately try to use American deaths for political gain...

But good luck with that, since Obungles and the Democrats will bear responsibility for the attack...
So now you are for the long-term occupation of Syria and Iraq. Make up you mind leftist. Are you for a long-term commitment to security and freedom in the Middle East or not. You can't have it both ways as that is what got you ISIS. When you abandon young allied nations, you throw them to the wolves. Your policies of effecting regime change at arms length through the use of armed terrorists has been an utter failure in Libya, Egypt, and Syria. Maybe you are starting to learn but I still doubt it. You guys on the left are so perfect in your armchair quarterbacking after the fact. We'll drop you guys in behind the lines next time in your lazy boy armchairs ahead of the next operation so we can get it right next time.

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We have learned what the pain threshold is for the "home of the brave". It is 129 Frenchmen. Using my conversion table that translates to 4 or 5 Americans.

If and when ISIS succeeds in perptrating a terror attack in the United States, they will only need to take out 4 or 5 Americans for the weakminded to collectively lose their shit.

After 9/11, we went nuts. Torture; imprisoning US citizens without habeas corpus; flag pin blacklists; wiretapping US citizens by the millions; three wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror), including the pre-emptive invasion of another country; the creation of a massive new Cabinet level police agency; the militarization of state, county, and local police; and so forth.

The day after ISIS attacks the Vaterland[/s], Trump will say, "You know, not all of Hitler's ideas were wrong", and his followers will cheer and don their armbands.

The day after that, Congress will unveil Patriot Act II: This Time We REALLY Mean Business.™

Meter maids will be shooting double-parkers. The FBI will be doing "drop-ins" to ask why there has been a sudden spike in the amount of milk you put in your cereal. Swastikas will be the new black. Sean Hannity will be denying bamboo shoots under your fingernails is torture.

I think deep down inside, the tards are wishing for an ISIS attack so they can finally remove their masks and let loose their inner Nazi.

But how will we deal with ISIS after that day?

Invasion. Boots on the ground. In force. All that Hollywood fantasy shit to which the tards are masturbating every night.

But what they do not realize is that such an operation will require at least a ten year occupation. After the collapse of ISIS, we will need to occupy Syria to prevent another terrorist organization filling the vacuum. As we learned in Iraq, it takes a very long time, and a lot of troops, to establish stability in a power vacuum.

"Let the Arab nations provide most of the ground troops", the fools say. How soon they have forgotten that ISIS went through the Iraqi defense forces like a hot knife through butter.

No, my friends, there is no Arab nation which has the capability to stabilize the region. We are it. It will have to be us.

But America will tire of the occupation just like we did in Iraq.

You won't find any of the chickenhawks who are going around saying we need to "wipe out ISIS" talking about the realities on the ground. They have a Hollywood movie in their heads. A big thrilling picture that climaxes in two hours and then everyone goes home.

So here's the thing:

If an attack by ISIS in the United States is as near a certainty as a lot of people are saying, then we should not wait for that day before going after ISIS in force. We should be doing it now.

But you see, all the tough talkers don't have the real guts it takes. They don't have the courage to roger up on committing the next two or three Presidents to a Syrian occupation.

Sadly, it will take an actual attack on the US before we get the momentum to go after ISIS in force. But even then, the chickenhawks will never commit to the real long term effort it will require, and so they will be right back to square one in less than ten years, shitting their pants over ISIS's bastard child.

The only real advantage to attacking ISIS now is that it will pre-empt our domestic Nazis who are waiting for an excuse to burn down mosques and pummel the first Muslims they see.

Now, there is an alternative outcome...

If ISIS perpetrates a massive terror attack on the Soviet Union Russia first, then Putin will do the job, and he will not only go after ISIS, he will slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocents to the loud cheers of the Putin-fellaters here at home. You know who you are.

You are a prime example of why I do not consider Democrats to be viable candidates for political office.
So now you are for the long-term occupation of Syria and Iraq.

I am simply acquainting you with reality. If you want to "wipe out ISIS", then you have to commit to at least a ten year occupation of Syria. The next two or three Presidents will have to send tens of thousands of Americans to serve there.

Are you game? If so, when? Before or after an attack?
Every month we have a mass shooting and no one does shut cause we can't have gun control,!! But if the perp is a Muslim!? Oh then we have to round them all up into camps !

Why fear Isis , we Have domestic terror that's far more likely .
So now you are for the long-term occupation of Syria and Iraq.

I am simply acquainting you with reality. If you want to "wipe out ISIS", then you have to commit to at least a ten year occupation of Syria. The next two or three Presidents will have to send tens of thousands of Americans to server there.

Are you game?


Destroy Tehran. They are the source. Six or seven daisy cutters. Then tell the Islamic world the next peep out of them will result in the total destruction of Mecca and Medina without further ado.

Then stand by it. They understand force.

"You wanna go see God? Let's go see him together."
Reality. That is something you know nothing about. The reality already hit pal. Your pansy assed President abandoned our ally and funded the growth of terrorism. It isn't an if so statement pal. It is when. That is after this a-hole in command is out and we elect a Republican to clean up this mess. You guys suck. No really, the left sucks big camel balls.

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Make up you mind leftist.
I'm a natural born conservative. I was a conservative a long time before it was cool. I know you tards have been led to believe you are conservatives, but you aren't.

As for "make up you [sic] mind", that's pretty hilarious considering the GOP has never put a plan on the table to deal with ISIS and has been satisfied to just carp about what Obama was doing. They have hidden their collective heads in their asses for well over a year and refused to approve an AUMF against ISIS.

Any coward can say, "Whatever Obama is doing, we are against that." It takes balls to say what should be done, and I have been asking your fellow pants shitters for a very long time what should be done. They have invariably run to their hidey holes.

Now that France has suffered an attack, the chickenhawks have started talking tough about exterminating refugees and Muslims in general. But none of them has still put forth an actual viable plan.

The best part is that the socialist surrender monkeys of France are the people who suffered the attack, and yet they are still going to take in Syrian refugees while you pants shitters cower in fear of them.

So much for the "home of the brave".
Reality. That is something you know nothing about. The reality already hit pal. Your pansy assed President abandoned our ally and funded the growth of terrorism. It isn't an if so statement pal. It is when. That is after this a-hole in command is out and we elect a Republican to clean up this mess. You guys suck. No really, the left sucks big camel balls.

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Oh please ! Like the conservatives FEEL for France . Please , you use their pain as political fuel fir your Muslim hatred .

Remember the "freedom fries " days ? France wouldn't let us use their airspace to invade Iraq . How right they were . That invasion lead to the Isis we have today .
So now you are for the long-term occupation of Syria and Iraq.

I am simply acquainting you with reality. If you want to "wipe out ISIS", then you have to commit to at least a ten year occupation of Syria. The next two or three Presidents will have to send tens of thousands of Americans to server there.

Are you game?


Destroy Tehran. They are the source. Six or seven daisy cutters. Then tell the Islamic world the next peep out of them will result in the total destruction of Mecca and Medina without further ado.

Then stand by it. They understand force.

"You wanna go see God? Let's go see him together."
Yeah. Bomb Mecca, even threaten to bomb Mecca, and alienate every Muslim on the planet. Brilliant.
Reality. That is something you know nothing about. The reality already hit pal. Your pansy assed President abandoned our ally and funded the growth of terrorism. It isn't an if so statement pal. It is when. That is after this a-hole in command is out and we elect a Republican to clean up this mess. You guys suck. No really, the left sucks big camel balls.

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Iraq wanted us out. So we left. Now they have paid the price for their folly.

Like I said in my OP, the failure of the Iraqi army to stop ISIS is all the evidence you need that letting Arab nations carry the bulk of the fighting and occupation is an idiot's pipe dream.
It was 130 French lives lost. Not 129.
Okay, that rounds up to 5 Americans.
Why are you blaming the GOP for not having a plan on the table for dealing with ISIS. The president is a Democrat and it is his own people who are stating that his strategy is smoke and mirrors. Am I right? So why would the GOP be expected to have the game plan on dealing with them? Here is a novel idea. Let Syria come up with their own game plan and let's leave it alone. Isn't it time we let these nations work out their own problems?
It was 130 French lives lost. Not 129.
Okay, that rounds up to 5 Americans.
Why are you blaming the GOP for not having a plan on the table for dealing with ISIS.
Like I said, anyone can be a critic. So cough up a better idea.

Here is a novel idea. Let Syria come up with their own game plan and let's leave it alone. Isn't it time we let these nations work out their own problems?

So do I understand you correctly in that you believe we should totally withdraw from the Middle East?
It was 130 French lives lost. Not 129.
Okay, that rounds up to 5 Americans.
Why are you blaming the GOP for not having a plan on the table for dealing with ISIS.
Like I said, anyone can be a critic. So cough up a better idea.

Here is a novel idea. Let Syria come up with their own game plan and let's leave it alone. Isn't it time we let these nations work out their own problems?

So do I understand you correctly in that you believe we should totally withdraw from the Middle East?

I'm not being a critic. I am merely telling you ISIS is his baby ( no pun intended). Not ours. As for totally withdrawing from the Middle East? Yes! And Asia, and Africa and anywhere else we happen to be! Yes! Yes! And Yes Again!! We need to bring our guys home, tell INTERPOL and UN foreign troops presently here - nice meeting you all - time for you boys to go home - have a safe trip home -----> and then? Then we get our country covered before the enemy has an opportunity to hit us hard. Its' time protect our home front.
This is insane. Liberals are up in arms over the Colorado shooting and wringing their hands, yet thousands of innocents slaughtered by ISIS hasn't got their attention. The Paris attacks came as no surprise after all the Christians, gays and other innocents that were tortured and murdered by ISIS. I guess the OP isn't counting all the victims before the Paris attacks. Those who have been paying attention as ISIS has gained strength have been concerned.

The left wets their pants over a cop shooting a thug in a justified shooting, then turn the other way when radical Muslims behead innocents.

What number of ISIS victims will get the left to stand up and fight? A million? Two million? Or does it depend on what color or religion the victims are?

Right now the left is in a tizzy over the Colorado Springs shooting, yet dismiss 130 dead in Paris?

I guess it all depends on who is doing the killing and who the victims are. I'd like to see the same concern over the slaughtered Christians as I see from you guys over Michael Brown.

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