Is Trump a white supremacist?

...But what do you think the reaction would be if Hillary shouted down a reporter by yelling "Go back to Fox!" at them?
Oh, there would be great fun, watching the Right trying to flay HildaBeast alive, for suppressing Opposition Opinion.

But it would not have taken-on a Racism context, nor could that be sustained, if HildaBeast allowed the Fox guy back into the room, later, for a better-sequenced exchange.

Oh please the reporter was being an asshole and a disruption to the news conference. He was their to spew his personal opinions not ask questions of the candidate. So he got thrown out, the pissy little twerp deserved to get tossed.

Ramos is beloved by Hispanics. It only matters how they perceived it.
So, you are saying that like Harry Reid, Ramos is a lying piece of shit?

Is Harry Reid Hispanic? I didn't know that...
...Ramos was summing up his original questions before he was then going to ask them but as usual T-Rump interrupted before he could complete them...
Well, that's one way of looking at it.

...Oh, and if you are gullible enough to believe those inane responses then you deserve to have a liar like T-Rump as your mouthpiece...
Nope. I don't believe he will deport 11-12 million. But I believe he'll come around to suggest "Self-Deportation Industrial Strength", rather than "Lite", as Romney tried.

Nope. If he senses that Self-Deportation Industrial Strength will make a Wall unnecessary, then he wont' advocate trying to build it. Give it time.

Nope. I don't have any faith in his lightweight response to date; I simply want him to keep up the pressure on the other Pubs, to take harsh action against the Illegals.

...1. It would take a constitutional amendment to overturn the 14th...
Or dividing "jurisdiction of the United States" into convenient subsets (police jurisdiction vs. citizenship jurisdiction, etc.), then re-try the issue in the courts using that angle.

Obtain a ruling that Illegal Aliens are (1) under police (law-enforcement) jurisdiction but (2) NOT under citizenship jurisdiction, and we have the Magic Key to the problem.

The US Constitution is not a suicide pact.

And there's ALWAYS an angle, for the imaginative and bold.

...2. Deporting 11 million people would be crime against humanity especially given that some of them are children with American citizenship and the parents of children who are American citizens...
Disagree about the crime against humanity opinion, and, if your Opposition gets the chance, they're going to put that to the test, as well.

And, in the final analysis, those parents should have thought of that before they trespassed into our country and tried to dig themselves in like tics.

They should not be rewarded with a path to citizenship; otherwise, we commit suicide by encouraging future and even larger tidal waves of invaders.

...3. You obviously never understood what Ramos was saying because he pointed out that the wall would be meaningless in the light of illegals reaching the USA by train...
Details... details... obstructive details... and lions and tigers and bears, oh my.

Hand-in-hand with any Wall would be the attendant and accompanying New and Improved spectrum of Controlled Access Portals - including portals for trains.

...Furthermore that wall would be a treaty violation which is something that neither you nor T-Rump are aware of...
No problem. Repudiate whatever treaty covers such things; in whole or in part; as needed; to remove the Constitutional obstruction.

...Simply because T-Rump says that he wants to do something doesn't mean that it is feasible or even realistic...

...T-Rump was just pandering to racists like yourself.
1. I'm not a racist.

2. I don't advocate racist behaviors on the part of Americans; in whole or in part.

3. "Mexican" is not a race.

4. It is not racism to sound the alarm over an invasion of 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens, and to agree with one's countrymen, that those Invaders should go home.

5. Durable in-it-for-the-long-run Anti-Illegals cannot afford to be bogged down by charges of racism, so they rarely (if ever) manifest or support any such behaviors.

6. Durable in-it-for-the-long-run Anti-Illegals must develop and sustain the courage to take the brickbats and phony accusations of racism and bigotry in pursuit of their objective.

7. I have no illusions about Trump's ability to deliver on some of what he is proposing; at least not in the whole; but I am enjoying the renewed stern response to the Illegals.
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...But what do you think the reaction would be if Hillary shouted down a reporter by yelling "Go back to Fox!" at them?
Oh, there would be great fun, watching the Right trying to flay HildaBeast alive, for suppressing Opposition Opinion.

But it would not have taken-on a Racism context, nor could that be sustained, if HildaBeast allowed the Fox guy back into the room, later, for a better-sequenced exchange.

Oh please the reporter was being an asshole and a disruption to the news conference. He was their to spew his personal opinions not ask questions of the candidate. So he got thrown out, the pissy little twerp deserved to get tossed.

Ramos is beloved by Hispanics. It only matters how they perceived it.
So, Hispanic opinion on the subject is the only opinion that matters?

It will on election day!
Yes. Please feel free to continue deluding yourself that this is the case. It will make Election Night all the sweeter, when you cry-out in despair.
...The opening is unhearable. You can only hear Trumps replies.
I suggest you find a higher-quality or higher-volume audio rendering of those opening comments by Ramos. In all honesty, I did not catch every word myself, but I heard enough to (1) lead me to conclude that he was making preconceived and biased agenda-based statements in his opening remarks and (2) ascertain the nature of the content for each point.
...It is only your biased opinion that they were statements and not questions.
Then we're even... impasse... or... Mexican Standoff.
...Lol, Ramos was not called on, and did not wait his turn. Why are we not surprised! Seems that most illegals do the same thing, now don't they.

Is Trump a racist? No, but you want to paint him as one to protect your group of illegals. Nivce misdirection, but sorry, won't work.

Is Trump a white supremacist? No, he is an American supremacist. He wants Americans to be taken care of 1st in their own country. Didn't know there was anything wrong with that. Should we all go to some other country and demand they throw their people out of work so we can have their jobs? Tell them to give us free stuff?

All conservatives, please pay attention......................the democrats want this to go away. They want to talk about other things because it screws their plan all up, so shame on you. Remember when it was COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM? Oh, they couldn't quit talking about it could they? Oh no they couldn't, because it was about status quo, or something better for them, remember?

But now, the tables are turned and it is about status quo, or something not so good for them, and what do we hear? You can't say that, you are a racist, shut your mouth, you are a zenophobe, etc, etc.

You see, if the lefties aren't driving the question, they don't want a question, because their questions are either.........status quo, or something good for them. The worst thing that can happen to them from one of their questions is; status quo.

Just look at the OP question. How did it go exactly? Something like, "Is Trump a white supremacist or a panderer?." Notice, picking either is NEGATIVE. Of course, notice the name of the creator of the OP, and you figure out quickly, that was the exact intention.

The democrats are getting worried and need to get rid of Trump almost as much as the rinos do. If this topic keeps coming up, with almost 70% of the American public wanting something done to close the border and get rid of at least SOME illegals, it puts both democrats and rinos in a quandary. I am not a Trump supporter, but I love the fact that he is saying things that almost 70% of LEGAL Americans want to say. This ONE topic is a HUGE problem for democrats, and Jebster. Now we can't have that, now can we, lololol!
By Jove, I think you've "got it"...

Well.... he's successful.. what more do we need to know?

If you had been left that much money, you would be wealthy too.

If he had not started with an enormous fortune left by his daddy, he'd likely be middle or low level working class.

In fact, he has screwed over people many times. He doesn't pay his bills and often does not pay his staff (including the illegals he employs). Instead, he declares bankruptcy, fires, sues and LIES.
...But what do you think the reaction would be if Hillary shouted down a reporter by yelling "Go back to Fox!" at them?
Oh, there would be great fun, watching the Right trying to flay HildaBeast alive, for suppressing Opposition Opinion.

But it would not have taken-on a Racism context, nor could that be sustained, if HildaBeast allowed the Fox guy back into the room, later, for a better-sequenced exchange.

Oh please the reporter was being an asshole and a disruption to the news conference. He was their to spew his personal opinions not ask questions of the candidate. So he got thrown out, the pissy little twerp deserved to get tossed.

Ramos is beloved by Hispanics. It only matters how they perceived it.

I don't give a shit. If some/most Hispanics expect us to just sit by and say nothing while illegals poor across our borders by the millions they can kiss our ass. We are not going to be threatened into silence and inaction by their threats to vote for Democrats.

Bash them at your peril. Their votes have consequences.

Newflash we are not going to be intimidated into silence and inaction by Hispanics threatening to vote for Democrats. We are not going to just sit here and allow illegals flood across our borders, raping, robbing, murdering our citizens. Your side is courting the mother of all bitch slaps.
Trump is not a white supremacist, he just stands against illegals. There are many politicians who stand against illegal immigration and yet everyone is bashing Trump for some reason.
I don't believe so, but I don't know. I do know he is right about one thing, these Hispanic gangs have got to be disbanded, and he is all for legal immigration by the way it sounds , just not illegals. We do need to know who is in the country best we can, and if they work they need to pay taxes or if they don't work, why not?

what "Hispanic gangs"? -----there are lots of criminals in the USA----
Donald Trump is from New York City------crime is not specifically an
HISPANIC thing in New York City and DRUG crime-----according to
some of my informants is------SPECIFICALLY galvanized by islamo Nazi interests including the drug trade which "goes thru" Mexico.
The cops of the city of New York have been criticized for focusing
on Islamic terrorism---the focusing has been termed "profiling" <<<a racist thing. Petty crime is rampant amongst the impoverished---
what else is new? A specific program focusing on Hispanics who are out of work------is racist-----lots of white trash are out
of work too. Focus on "Hispanic crime" seems to me to be a preoccupation with the people of the south-west USA.
Google "Gangs that keep the FBI up at night". I give Trump credit for finally someone bringing up the topic of gangs in the US.
Well.... he's successful.. what more do we need to know?

If you had been left that much money, you would be wealthy too.

If he had not started with an enormous fortune left by his daddy, he'd likely be middle or low level working class.

In fact, he has screwed over people many times. He doesn't pay his bills and often does not pay his staff (including the illegals he employs). Instead, he declares bankruptcy, fires, sues and LIES.

He's also been down and built his way back up.
I'm sure there is plenty of mud to sling around, but in the end the "usual" politicians are not getting the job done, so I'm glad to see some "outside the box" candidates getting serious support......
Well.... he's successful.. what more do we need to know?

If you had been left that much money, you would be wealthy too.

If he had not started with an enormous fortune left by his daddy, he'd likely be middle or low level working class.

In fact, he has screwed over people many times. He doesn't pay his bills and often does not pay his staff (including the illegals he employs). Instead, he declares bankruptcy, fires, sues and LIES.

He's also been down and built his way back up.
I'm sure there is plenty of mud to sling around, but in the end the "usual" politicians are not getting the job done, so I'm glad to see some "outside the box" candidates getting serious support......

Isn't it an oxymoron to use the term serious about T-Rump supporters who are just recycled Tea Partiers without their silly hats?
Well.... he's successful.. what more do we need to know?

If you had been left that much money, you would be wealthy too.

If he had not started with an enormous fortune left by his daddy, he'd likely be middle or low level working class.

In fact, he has screwed over people many times. He doesn't pay his bills and often does not pay his staff (including the illegals he employs). Instead, he declares bankruptcy, fires, sues and LIES.

He's also been down and built his way back up.
I'm sure there is plenty of mud to sling around, but in the end the "usual" politicians are not getting the job done, so I'm glad to see some "outside the box" candidates getting serious support......

Isn't it an oxymoron to use the term serious about T-Rump supporters who are just recycled Tea Partiers without their silly hats?

Good morning DT,

Actually I said serious support (not serious supporters) - also, my reference was to all "outside the box" candidates.... either way I'm sure they view themselves as serious.... and their support.

But I know what you're saying ;)

For the record, I don't like any group that gets behind a candidate just because they are the "flavor of the day" (normally "determined" by CNN or FOX)
Well.... he's successful.. what more do we need to know?

If you had been left that much money, you would be wealthy too.

If he had not started with an enormous fortune left by his daddy, he'd likely be middle or low level working class.

In fact, he has screwed over people many times. He doesn't pay his bills and often does not pay his staff (including the illegals he employs). Instead, he declares bankruptcy, fires, sues and LIES.

He's also been down and built his way back up.
I'm sure there is plenty of mud to sling around, but in the end the "usual" politicians are not getting the job done, so I'm glad to see some "outside the box" candidates getting serious support......

Isn't it an oxymoron to use the term serious about T-Rump supporters who are just recycled Tea Partiers without their silly hats?

Well, let me think about serious questions and people! Hmmmmmmmm.

Wait, I know, I know, it is to hard to build a wall, can't happen, and throwing anybody out is impossible. That is what the lefties say anyway, and they are serious.

Well, do the lefties know we sent a man(many more than one) to the moon? Do they know we built the Hoover dam? The interstate system? That was pretty hard too! We build nuclear power plants, don't we? Won the cold war, didn't we, when all you far lefties said America couldn't!

All these wonderful accomplishments, and the best you lefties can come up with is, "it is to HARD to build a wall?" "It is to hard to deport people?" It is to hard to stop illegals from ILLEGALLY crossing our borders?" Do you actually think you are convincing ANYBODY who is not already a lefty with such wimpy, defeatist, ridiculous, debate points?

Do you people know the last 4 letter in AMERICAN? In case you can't spell, it is "I CAN!" Yes I can, and yes we can, and if you lose the election, we WILL! It is the American way. Law and order; something you lefties know nothing about it seems.

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