IS Threatens Hamas

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Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF in a very small area and with precious little public support. I'm guessing they are about to bite off way more than can chew and their fighters may be thinking about going home. It would be the beginning of IS's end.

Islamic State insurgents threatened on Tuesday to turn the Gaza Strip into another of their Middle East fiefdoms, accusing Hamas, the organization that rules the Palestinian territory, of being insufficiently stringent about religious enforcement.
Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF in a very small area and with precious little public support. I'm guessing they are about to bite off way more than can chew and their fighters may be thinking about going home. It would be the beginning of IS's end.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzODJwZmVsBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVklQNjIwXzEEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1435732282/RO=10/RU=

Islamic State insurgents threatened on Tuesday to turn the Gaza Strip into another of their Middle East fiefdoms, accusing Hamas, the organization that rules the Palestinian territory, of being insufficiently stringent about religious enforcement.
Israel helped give birth to ISIS by starting a Religious War... People willing to die for their beliefs have no fear...ISIS is a reaction to Israeli and Western Colonialism, expect a future confrontation, ISIS is growing.
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Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF in a very small area and with precious little public support. I'm guessing they are about to bite off way more than can chew and their fighters may be thinking about going home. It would be the beginning of IS's end.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzODJwZmVsBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVklQNjIwXzEEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1435732282/RO=10/RU=

Islamic State insurgents threatened on Tuesday to turn the Gaza Strip into another of their Middle East fiefdoms, accusing Hamas, the organization that rules the Palestinian territory, of being insufficiently stringent about religious enforcement.

I believe the Sunni Group ( ISIL ) is going to discover they're no match for Hamas and Hezbollah!

I may not agree with Hamas but I will support them kicking ISIL in the balls and whipping their ass all the way back to the whore that birthed the first ISIL member!
Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF...
Israel helped give birth to ISIS by starting a Religious War...

Woo ... IS threatens Hamas and some dimwitted PBrain blames Israel. Go figure.
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Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF in a very small area and with precious little public support. I'm guessing they are about to bite off way more than can chew and their fighters may be thinking about going home. It would be the beginning of IS's end.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzODJwZmVsBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVklQNjIwXzEEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1435732282/RO=10/RU=

Islamic State insurgents threatened on Tuesday to turn the Gaza Strip into another of their Middle East fiefdoms, accusing Hamas, the organization that rules the Palestinian territory, of being insufficiently stringent about religious enforcement.

I believe the Sunni Group ( ISIL ) is going to discover they're no match for Hamas and Hezbollah!

I may not agree with Hamas but I will support them kicking ISIL in the balls and whipping their ass all the way back to the whore that birthed the first ISIL member!

Yeah, you're probably right but I wouldn't want to be an IS fighter if they succeed. Their will be no honeymoon, no grace period and no time-out with Israel.
Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF in a very small area and with precious little public support. I'm guessing they are about to bite off way more than can chew and their fighters may be thinking about going home. It would be the beginning of IS's end.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzODJwZmVsBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVklQNjIwXzEEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1435732282/RO=10/RU=

Islamic State insurgents threatened on Tuesday to turn the Gaza Strip into another of their Middle East fiefdoms, accusing Hamas, the organization that rules the Palestinian territory, of being insufficiently stringent about religious enforcement.

I believe the Sunni Group ( ISIL ) is going to discover they're no match for Hamas and Hezbollah!

I may not agree with Hamas but I will support them kicking ISIL in the balls and whipping their ass all the way back to the whore that birthed the first ISIL member!

ISIS may be evil but they're tough. So I don't know about your assessment, Bruce.
Palestinian foot soldiers have been fighting against the IDF, out gunned and outnumbered and they hold their own. ISIS would have a rude awakening in a fire fight with Palestinian militia.
Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF in a very small area and with precious little public support. I'm guessing they are about to bite off way more than can chew and their fighters may be thinking about going home. It would be the beginning of IS's end.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzODJwZmVsBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVklQNjIwXzEEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1435732282/RO=10/RU=

Islamic State insurgents threatened on Tuesday to turn the Gaza Strip into another of their Middle East fiefdoms, accusing Hamas, the organization that rules the Palestinian territory, of being insufficiently stringent about religious enforcement.

I believe the Sunni Group ( ISIL ) is going to discover they're no match for Hamas and Hezbollah!

I may not agree with Hamas but I will support them kicking ISIL in the balls and whipping their ass all the way back to the whore that birthed the first ISIL member!

ISIS may be evil but they're tough. So I don't know about your assessment, Bruce.

I am going to agree with the other poster and Hamas along with the Palestinian people have fought Israel for years and fighting Israel is not a walk in the park, so ISIL is not going to have it easy!

Also remember Iran and Russia back Hamas and Hezbollah with funds and weapons, so let not kid ourselves to believe Hamas will not have friends in Lebanon that will flood over to help them, and Israel will also get in this and with the three ( Hamas, Hezbollah, and Israel ) my bet is ISIL find a rude awakening in Gaza...
Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF...
Israel helped give birth to ISIS by starting a Religious War...

Woo ... IS threatens Hamas and some dimwitted PBrain blames Israel. Go figure.
The only dimwit is you because you refuse to see the cause and effect that Israel's cheering leading to destroy Iraq has brought to the ME...

Your stupidity is astounding, stop trying to act intelligent...
Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF...
Israel helped give birth to ISIS by starting a Religious War...

Woo ... IS threatens Hamas and some dimwitted PBrain blames Israel. Go figure.
The only dimwit is you because you refuse to see the cause and effect that Israel's cheering leading to destroy Iraq has brought to the ME...

Your stupidity is astounding, stop trying to act intelligent...
Bloggers: Edward Snowden leaked NSA documents show ...

Aug 19, 2014 - On July 16, Bahrain's Gulf Daily News reported that "Edward Snowden has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad (Israel's intelligence agency) worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)."
  • U.S. General: West Created ISIS | American Free Press 19, 2015 - The Snowden documents contend that British, American and Israeli intelligence created ISIS as “a terrorist organization capable of centralizing all extremist actions across the world,” using a strategy called Hornet's Nest, designed to “protect Israel.”
  • UN Report Reveals How Israel is Coordinating with ISIS ... 19, 2015 - When the United States began operations against ISIS, Israeli high command ... We have been blinded to the death and destruction created by our ..... older nations we have been devastating already did over the millennia as ...
  • Principal of Islamic school tells his pupils ISIS is a ...
    Home Daily Mail OnlineISI...
    Daily Mail

    Mar 22, 2015 - 'We don't believe Muslims are creating ISIS': Principal of Melbourne Islamic ... terror group is a conspiracy created by Israel and Western countries ... The principle's belief that IS is simply a plot caused by Israel and ...... as svelte as she did in her playing heyday after return to Wimbledon · zoolander.jpg ...
  • ISIS is a Creation of the Israeli Mossad - NODISINFO 6, 2014 - For the Zionists ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. ... Who could create such a sophisticated logo with all the necessary buzz words? ... Where did the terrorist get this other than from the Zionist cabal? He talks in ...


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Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF in a very small area and with precious little public support. I'm guessing they are about to bite off way more than can chew and their fighters may be thinking about going home. It would be the beginning of IS's end.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzODJwZmVsBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVklQNjIwXzEEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1435732282/RO=10/RU=

Islamic State insurgents threatened on Tuesday to turn the Gaza Strip into another of their Middle East fiefdoms, accusing Hamas, the organization that rules the Palestinian territory, of being insufficiently stringent about religious enforcement.

I believe the Sunni Group ( ISIL ) is going to discover they're no match for Hamas and Hezbollah!

I may not agree with Hamas but I will support them kicking ISIL in the balls and whipping their ass all the way back to the whore that birthed the first ISIL member!

ISIS may be evil but they're tough. So I don't know about your assessment, Bruce.

I am going to agree with the other poster and Hamas along with the Palestinian people have fought Israel for years and fighting Israel is not a walk in the park, so ISIL is not going to have it easy!

Also remember Iran and Russia back Hamas and Hezbollah with funds and weapons, so let not kid ourselves to believe Hamas will not have friends in Lebanon that will flood over to help them, and Israel will also get in this and with the three ( Hamas, Hezbollah, and Israel ) my bet is ISIL find a rude awakening in Gaza...

Israel will not be involved in an IS-Hamas conflict and I doubt Hezbollah will either but the P.A. may join in late looking to destroy the winner and reassert their authority.
Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF...
Israel helped give birth to ISIS by starting a Religious War...

Woo ... IS threatens Hamas and some dimwitted PBrain blames Israel. Go figure.
By Pete Papaherakles — General Wesley Kanne Clark, Sr., former Supreme Allied commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) during the war against Yugoslavia and presidential candidate, revealed recently on CNN that the Islamic State (ISIS) was “funded by our friends and allies in order to fight Hezbollah.” Although hailed by many as a whistleblower for this revelation, is it really possible that a man of his stature, who led NATO in slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent Serbs under the completely fabricated charges that they were genociding Muslims, really be telling the American people the truth now, or was this “leak” a half-truth designed to mislead? - See more at: U.S. General West Created ISIS American Free Press
If ISIS takes gaza, is anyone going to be surprised if Israel turns the place into a graveyard?

Playing footsy under the table with them is not going to stop their progress through the middle east or the world.

If they threaten Israel, they will get a$$-kicked. For ISIS it is another conquest. For Israel it would be life or death.
Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF in a very small area and with precious little public support. I'm guessing they are about to bite off way more than can chew and their fighters may be thinking about going home. It would be the beginning of IS's end.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzODJwZmVsBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVklQNjIwXzEEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1435732282/RO=10/RU=

Islamic State insurgents threatened on Tuesday to turn the Gaza Strip into another of their Middle East fiefdoms, accusing Hamas, the organization that rules the Palestinian territory, of being insufficiently stringent about religious enforcement.

I believe the Sunni Group ( ISIL ) is going to discover they're no match for Hamas and Hezbollah!

I may not agree with Hamas but I will support them kicking ISIL in the balls and whipping their ass all the way back to the whore that birthed the first ISIL member!

ISIS may be evil but they're tough. So I don't know about your assessment, Bruce.

I am going to agree with the other poster and Hamas along with the Palestinian people have fought Israel for years and fighting Israel is not a walk in the park, so ISIL is not going to have it easy!

Also remember Iran and Russia back Hamas and Hezbollah with funds and weapons, so let not kid ourselves to believe Hamas will not have friends in Lebanon that will flood over to help them, and Israel will also get in this and with the three ( Hamas, Hezbollah, and Israel ) my bet is ISIL find a rude awakening in Gaza...

Israel will not be involved in an IS-Hamas conflict and I doubt Hezbollah will either but the P.A. may join in late looking to destroy the winner and reassert their authority.

Hezbollah and ISIL have already been at it for awhile in Iraq, so they also have a dog in this fight too. Sometimes your enemy become your closes ally when there is a greater threat and ISIL is a threat to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Israel, and believe me Israel is not foolish enough to allow ISIL to get it foot planted in Gaza and the same with Hezbollah.
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Palestinian foot soldiers have been fighting against the IDF, out gunned and outnumbered and they hold their own. ISIS would have a rude awakening in a fire fight with Palestinian militia.
Yeah, it's going to be who can hide behind their women and children the fastest, and I suspect the Palestinians are the best in the world at that. It's the Islamic version of musical chairs.

I am for ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah killing each other down to that last terrorist dirtbag. :clap2:
If ISIS takes gaza, is anyone going to be surprised if Israel turns the place into a graveyard?

Playing footsy under the table with them is not going to stop their progress through the middle east or the world.

If they threaten Israel, they will get a$$-kicked. For ISIS it is another conquest. For Israel it would be life or death.
There is no difference between ISIS and Hamas. One controls a region within Iraq and Syria, while the other controls Gaza.
Palestinian foot soldiers have been fighting against the IDF, out gunned and outnumbered and they hold their own. ISIS would have a rude awakening in a fire fight with Palestinian militia.

Lol this is nonsense. They blow up pizza parlors and school busses, they don't fight real wars. They wouldn't even enlist in King Abdullah's Jordanian army in '47-'48 .All they like to do is wait for the UN to send them stuff; then they complain how it isn't enough.

In any case, I hope they decimate each other.
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Palestinian foot soldiers have been fighting against the IDF, out gunned and outnumbered and they hold their own. ISIS would have a rude awakening in a fire fight with Palestinian militia.
Yeah, it's going to be who can hide behind their women and children the fastest, and I suspect the Palestinians are the best in the world at that. It's the Islamic version of musical chairs.

I am for ISIS, Hamas, and Hezbollah killing each other down to that last terrorist dirtbag. :clap2:

they're all sociopaths and psychos. Keeping the balance between them going so that none of them can achieve superiority over the others until they're down to a handful of degenerates hiding in holes in the ground is the best current policy. Let them keep going; they've pretty much killed most of the 'innocents' by now anyway.
Should IS attempt to overthrow the "duly elected" gov't in Gaza, their foreign fighters would quickly find themselves face-to-face with a heavily armed and well trained IDF in a very small area and with precious little public support. I'm guessing they are about to bite off way more than can chew and their fighters may be thinking about going home. It would be the beginning of IS's end.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzODJwZmVsBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVklQNjIwXzEEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1435732282/RO=10/RU=

Islamic State insurgents threatened on Tuesday to turn the Gaza Strip into another of their Middle East fiefdoms, accusing Hamas, the organization that rules the Palestinian territory, of being insufficiently stringent about religious enforcement.
Israel helped give birth to ISIS by starting a Religious War... People willing to die for their beliefs have no fear...ISIS is a reaction to Israeli and Western Colonialism, expect a future confrontation, ISIS is growing.

CRAP from the boards biggest CRAP ARTIST
Palestinian foot soldiers have been fighting against the IDF, out gunned and outnumbered and they hold their own. ISIS would have a rude awakening in a fire fight with Palestinian militia.

Only because Israel does not do what the US and EU would do in the same situation. Just look at how Russia is reacting to the Ukraine and Chechnya....................
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