Is this what you want for a president?


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
A lying piece of shit?
How the truth hurts

Hence, White House avoids it
In the era of battling fact-checkers, I’ve developed a new standard for testing the truth of claims being made by politicians:

Would I believe what they’re saying if I heard it coming from the mouth of my teenage son?

It works like this:

Four Americans, including local hero Glen Doherty, are killed in an attack on our consulate in Libya. The White House immediately insists that their deaths have — and I’m quoting White House spokesman Jay Carney — “nothing to do with U.S. policy.” It’s all just a reaction to an offensive, anti-Muhammad YouTube video.

So I look Carney in the eye and I think to myself: “Let me see if I’ve got this straight: A group of men armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades just happens to gather outside our consulate for a “spontaneous” protest, they just happen to organize a successful two-wave attack on the compound and, by sheer coincidence, someone inside lets them know where Ambassador Christopher Stevens is hiding. Oh, and all this happened on the anniversary of 9/11 and you’re telling me it wasn’t a planned attack?”

How the truth hurts -
So, partisans of both sides want us to vote for a liar?

Where are the other choices?

How can it be permissible that only two parties get any attention?

obama protecting his Muslim buddies in libya and you're defending that?

I'm saying Obama is an amateur liar - Romney is a professional liar.

I trust Obama to protect us.

When has obama been truthful?
A piece of shit who wished for the assassination of Bill and Hillary Clinton on national TV.

Michael Graham is an American talk radio host, writer, and conservative political commentator. His daily talk show, The Natural Truth, airs on WTKK. He also appears on George Hooks The Right Hook on Mondays in Ireland on Newstalk. Graham is the author of several books and is a columnist for the Boston Herald.

  • In July 2005, Graham used Islam and terrorism as the basis for a multi-day discussion on his WMAL talk radio show. A number of Graham's comments prompted over one hundred complaints to the station and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued action alerts to its subscribers encouraging them to contact WMAL to urge that "Graham be reprimanded for his anti-Islam statements", ultimately prompting WMAL to suspend him. After 28 days, WMAL elected to terminate Graham stating that he violated station policy and disregarded "management direction" to redress the situation.
  • Graham attended a rally to protest the Real ID Act, sponsored by Casa de Maryland in May 2005. He was photographed in an INS shirt, and was blocked from entering the event even as he showed ABC Radio credentials, with officials citing public safety. An altercation ensued, and police were called, with a second altercation occurring following their arrival. After questioning, Graham was allowed to enter the event with his shirt turned inside out.

  • Graham was fired from his first commercial talk-radio job at WBT in Charlotte, North Carolina, after comments he made on-air in the wake of the Columbine massacre in 1999.

  • Graham drew criticism from blogs on the Left and the Right for comments about Bill and Hillary Clinton made on CNN Headline News' Glenn Beck Show on June 20, 2007. Referring to a Clinton campaign ad based on the final episode of The Sopranos, Graham said "...didn't you at some point want to see, like, Paulie Walnuts, somebody come in here and just whack them both right there? Wouldn't that have been great?...Come on! Where's "Big Pussy"? Come on! Let's make it happen...I wanted that."
  • Graham was arrested Friday, February 13, 2009, after being pulled over at about 5:30 AM for failing to stop at a red light in Framingham, Massachusetts. He was charged with driving with a revoked license. Graham denies receiving a revocation letter, although RMV spokeswoman Ann Dufresne claims one was sent in October 2008. His license was revoked in November 2008 for failing to notify Virginia that he had relocated to Massachusetts in 2006. Graham has had a Massachusetts license since February 2006.

  • Assistant District Attorney Darina Belot filed for a nolle prosequi on June 19, writing that the Registry of Motor Vehicles reinstated Graham's Massachusetts driver's license on February 19. Graham was scheduled for a jury trial on Monday, June 29.

  • During a debate on the Irish radio channel Newstalk on 28 May 2010, the future President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, accused Graham of indulging in "the radio of hysterical ignorance" and urged him to "be proud to be a decent American rather than being just a wanker whipping up fear."
A piece of shit who wished for the assassination of Bill and Hillary Clinton on national TV.

Michael Graham is an American talk radio host, writer, and conservative political commentator. His daily talk show, The Natural Truth, airs on WTKK. He also appears on George Hooks The Right Hook on Mondays in Ireland on Newstalk. Graham is the author of several books and is a columnist for the Boston Herald.

  • In July 2005, Graham used Islam and terrorism as the basis for a multi-day discussion on his WMAL talk radio show. A number of Graham's comments prompted over one hundred complaints to the station and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued action alerts to its subscribers encouraging them to contact WMAL to urge that "Graham be reprimanded for his anti-Islam statements", ultimately prompting WMAL to suspend him. After 28 days, WMAL elected to terminate Graham stating that he violated station policy and disregarded "management direction" to redress the situation.
  • Graham attended a rally to protest the Real ID Act, sponsored by Casa de Maryland in May 2005. He was photographed in an INS shirt, and was blocked from entering the event even as he showed ABC Radio credentials, with officials citing public safety. An altercation ensued, and police were called, with a second altercation occurring following their arrival. After questioning, Graham was allowed to enter the event with his shirt turned inside out.

  • Graham was fired from his first commercial talk-radio job at WBT in Charlotte, North Carolina, after comments he made on-air in the wake of the Columbine massacre in 1999.

  • Graham drew criticism from blogs on the Left and the Right for comments about Bill and Hillary Clinton made on CNN Headline News' Glenn Beck Show on June 20, 2007. Referring to a Clinton campaign ad based on the final episode of The Sopranos, Graham said "...didn't you at some point want to see, like, Paulie Walnuts, somebody come in here and just whack them both right there? Wouldn't that have been great?...Come on! Where's "Big Pussy"? Come on! Let's make it happen...I wanted that."
  • Graham was arrested Friday, February 13, 2009, after being pulled over at about 5:30 AM for failing to stop at a red light in Framingham, Massachusetts. He was charged with driving with a revoked license. Graham denies receiving a revocation letter, although RMV spokeswoman Ann Dufresne claims one was sent in October 2008. His license was revoked in November 2008 for failing to notify Virginia that he had relocated to Massachusetts in 2006. Graham has had a Massachusetts license since February 2006.

  • Assistant District Attorney Darina Belot filed for a nolle prosequi on June 19, writing that the Registry of Motor Vehicles reinstated Graham's Massachusetts driver's license on February 19. Graham was scheduled for a jury trial on Monday, June 29.

  • During a debate on the Irish radio channel Newstalk on 28 May 2010, the future President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, accused Graham of indulging in "the radio of hysterical ignorance" and urged him to "be proud to be a decent American rather than being just a wanker whipping up fear."
Everything points to the fact obama is covering up the attack
“Let me see if I’ve got this straight: A group of men armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades just happens to gather outside our consulate for a “spontaneous” protest, they just happen to organize a successful two-wave attack on the compound and, by sheer coincidence, someone inside lets them know where Ambassador Christopher Stevens is hiding. Oh, and all this happened on the anniversary of 9/11 and you’re telling me it wasn’t a planned attack?”
Got it........ Aaban was out taking a evening walk with his RGP and AK47, he bumped into Abdul Baari which also had an AK 47 with some frag grenades so they started walking together on a fine libyan evening and just happen to meet up with Abdul Rabb who also had an Ak 47. They decided to walk together and just happen to be in the same area as the U.S. embassy. THEY DECIDED TO AT THAT TIME TOO HAVE A PROTEST. GOT IT.

obama protecting his Muslim buddies in libya and you're defending that?

I'm saying Obama is an amateur liar - Romney is a professional liar.

I trust Obama to protect us.

You trust an amateur.
He said the protests had nothing to do with US Policy. Negged for lying.

Shit for brains what lie was I supposed to have said? My words are lying piece of shit the rest is cut and paste from the link.

A lying piece of shit?
How the truth hurts

Hence, White House avoids it
In the era of battling fact-checkers, I’ve developed a new standard for testing the truth of claims being made by politicians:

Would I believe what they’re saying if I heard it coming from the mouth of my teenage son?

It works like this:

Four Americans, including local hero Glen Doherty, are killed in an attack on our consulate in Libya. The White House immediately insists that their deaths have — and I’m quoting White House spokesman Jay Carney — “nothing to do with U.S. policy.” It’s all just a reaction to an offensive, anti-Muhammad YouTube video.

So I look Carney in the eye and I think to myself: “Let me see if I’ve got this straight: A group of men armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades just happens to gather outside our consulate for a “spontaneous” protest, they just happen to organize a successful two-wave attack on the compound and, by sheer coincidence, someone inside lets them know where Ambassador Christopher Stevens is hiding. Oh, and all this happened on the anniversary of 9/11 and you’re telling me it wasn’t a planned attack?”

How the truth hurts -
A piece of shit who wished for the assassination of Bill and Hillary Clinton on national TV.

Michael Graham is an American talk radio host, writer, and conservative political commentator. His daily talk show, The Natural Truth, airs on WTKK. He also appears on George Hooks The Right Hook on Mondays in Ireland on Newstalk. Graham is the author of several books and is a columnist for the Boston Herald.

  • In July 2005, Graham used Islam and terrorism as the basis for a multi-day discussion on his WMAL talk radio show. A number of Graham's comments prompted over one hundred complaints to the station and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued action alerts to its subscribers encouraging them to contact WMAL to urge that "Graham be reprimanded for his anti-Islam statements", ultimately prompting WMAL to suspend him. After 28 days, WMAL elected to terminate Graham stating that he violated station policy and disregarded "management direction" to redress the situation.
  • Graham attended a rally to protest the Real ID Act, sponsored by Casa de Maryland in May 2005. He was photographed in an INS shirt, and was blocked from entering the event even as he showed ABC Radio credentials, with officials citing public safety. An altercation ensued, and police were called, with a second altercation occurring following their arrival. After questioning, Graham was allowed to enter the event with his shirt turned inside out.

  • Graham was fired from his first commercial talk-radio job at WBT in Charlotte, North Carolina, after comments he made on-air in the wake of the Columbine massacre in 1999.

  • Graham drew criticism from blogs on the Left and the Right for comments about Bill and Hillary Clinton made on CNN Headline News' Glenn Beck Show on June 20, 2007. Referring to a Clinton campaign ad based on the final episode of The Sopranos, Graham said "...didn't you at some point want to see, like, Paulie Walnuts, somebody come in here and just whack them both right there? Wouldn't that have been great?...Come on! Where's "Big Pussy"? Come on! Let's make it happen...I wanted that."
  • Graham was arrested Friday, February 13, 2009, after being pulled over at about 5:30 AM for failing to stop at a red light in Framingham, Massachusetts. He was charged with driving with a revoked license. Graham denies receiving a revocation letter, although RMV spokeswoman Ann Dufresne claims one was sent in October 2008. His license was revoked in November 2008 for failing to notify Virginia that he had relocated to Massachusetts in 2006. Graham has had a Massachusetts license since February 2006.

  • Assistant District Attorney Darina Belot filed for a nolle prosequi on June 19, writing that the Registry of Motor Vehicles reinstated Graham's Massachusetts driver's license on February 19. Graham was scheduled for a jury trial on Monday, June 29.

  • During a debate on the Irish radio channel Newstalk on 28 May 2010, the future President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins, accused Graham of indulging in "the radio of hysterical ignorance" and urged him to "be proud to be a decent American rather than being just a wanker whipping up fear."
Everything points to the fact obama is covering up the attack
“Let me see if I’ve got this straight: A group of men armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades just happens to gather outside our consulate for a “spontaneous” protest, they just happen to organize a successful two-wave attack on the compound and, by sheer coincidence, someone inside lets them know where Ambassador Christopher Stevens is hiding. Oh, and all this happened on the anniversary of 9/11 and you’re telling me it wasn’t a planned attack?”
Got it........ Aaban was out taking a evening walk with his RGP and AK47, he bumped into Abdul Baari which also had an AK 47 with some frag grenades so they started walking together on a fine libyan evening and just happen to meet up with Abdul Rabb who also had an Ak 47. They decided to walk together and just happen to be in the same area as the U.S. embassy. THEY DECIDED TO AT THAT TIME TOO HAVE A PROTEST. GOT IT.

Maybe you need to send a copy of your bullshit article to Representative Mike Rogers , a Michigan Republican and chairman of the House intelligence committee. That way he can lie like you.


Representative Mike Rogers , a Michigan Republican and chairman of the House intelligence committee, told CNN there was no sign of intelligence “chatter” leading up to the Benghazi consulate attack that would have warned U.S. officials to take extra precautions. Photographer: Rich Clement/Bloomberg

U.S. Diplomatic Security Tightened With Few Good Options

Within hours of learning about the killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya, President Barack Obama ordered tighter security at diplomatic posts around the world.

While 50 Marines were sent to Libya, even the increased military presence can’t guarantee security for U.S. personnel, according to veteran diplomats such as Richard Murphy, a former ambassador to Syria and Saudi Arabia.

“They’re not bodyguards,” Murphy said in an interview yesterday, referring to the Marines who stand guard at U.S. embassies. “Their mission is to safeguard the classified material.”

When it comes to providing security for U.S. embassies and consulates, the U.S. doesn’t have sole responsibility.

The 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations established that the host country of an embassy or consulate “is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage.”

In the case of Libya’s government, Murphy said, “They were not up to the job.”

The U.S. bolsters local security with its own forces. The State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, which protects U.S. personnel on official duty abroad, has almost 800 special agents at more than 250 posts worldwide, according to the State Department’s website.

Classified Material

The Marines provide internal protection for U.S. diplomatic posts “to prevent the compromise of classified material vital to the national security of the United States,” said Captain Gregory Wolf, a Marine spokesman. The Marines also can provide protection for U.S. citizens and property during “urgent temporary circumstances which require immediate aid or action,” he said.

Marines aren’t always stationed at consulates. There were none at the Benghazi consulate in Libya at the time of the deadly attack by protesters two days ago, according to a defense official who requested anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly.

“The plain fact is we can’t have an army at every diplomatic establishment in the world,” said David Mack, a former deputy assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs who has served in diplomatic posts across the Middle East and North Africa, including Libya.

All U.S. embassies were ordered to conduct a security review in preparation for the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and were told to enhance their security if needed, according to a senior administration official who briefed reporters yesterday on condition of anonymity.

No ‘Chatter’

Security at the Libyan facilities was considered adequate, the official said.

Representative Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican and chairman of the House intelligence committee, told CNN there was no sign of intelligence “chatter” leading up to the Benghazi consulate attack that would have warned U.S. officials to take extra precautions.

While the U.S. could have followed the British lead in closing its consulate in eastern Libya, Mack and Murphy said such a move would be a mistake.

“This would be a terrible time to do it,” Mack said. “Libyans are in the middle of settling major constitutional issues.” Closing the consulate would be seen “as taking a side in the formation of a government and the constitution of the country,” he said.

The State Department has wrestled for decades with how to build embassies that are both safe and accessible to the public.

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