CDZ Is There a Such Thing As a Fair Election Anymore, In America ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
In America, we pride ourselves on our democracy. Our democratic republic, that we (in theory), have a govt of the people, by the people, and for the people, created by free and fair elections. Oh, remember how Obama and Hillary Clinton were crowing about "free & fair elections" during the Arab Spring days ?

In reality, our electoral process is very mixed between fair, semi-fair, and downright unfair. Over the years, on every level of govt, there have been instances of electoral tampering, in a whole host of ways. In the 2000 election, untold numbers of Gore votes were destroyed by punch card ballots being double punched (and therefore trashed). In the 2004 presidential election, Kerry lost out on some ungodly number of votes, as a result of computer vote-flipping. A rent control proposition in a small town I once lived in, got crushed, when landlords from all over the state, ganged up on the little rent control committee, and outspent it on promotion 20 to 1, turning an election into an auction.

Previously, Republicans have been often on the villain side of all this. But now in 2015, we're seeing a whole new picture. The practice of cheating is still there, but now it's the Democrats who are doing it, and I mean really big time. Their MO has a number of different techniques, but the really big one revolves around one thing >> illegal immigration. Oh yeah, a few Republicans paralyzed with fear of the so-called "Hispanic vote", have joined up with the Dems pushing illegal immigration. And some Republicans support it to get money from businesses and other special interests who gain from illegals. But overall, support for illegal immigration (in many ways) comes from the Democrats, and they do all they can to squash voter ID, to keep the illegals voting (for them of course). This coupled with New Black Panther guys carrying clubs to intimidate conservative voters.

So, since the whole scenario of election politics has turned dirty, favoring Democrats, is there any reason why the Republicans should follow the pure and honest path ? I think Republicans ought to fight just as dirty as the Democrats are doing. I hate to say it, but it looks like pure, clean politics is dead in the water, and decency has been replaced with whoever finds whatever way to just win, in whatever way possible. It's like the guy in the movie "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" said, when Mel Gibson was getting ready to fight his opponent in that weird arena they had >> "You know the rules. There are none." So the Democrats are playing total dirty. No doubt there. But two can play this game. I'd like to see Donald Trump spend a massive record-breaking fortune in promotion, and outspend Hillary or Bernie, or whoever, 100 to 1, and turn the Democrats' illegal alien voting legion into a mere pittance, by comparison. I wouldn't even mind seeing Trump pay people to vote for him. Maybe even import some in from France, Denmark, Italy, and other countries beseiged with nasty immigration, and wanting to get away from it. When free & fair is done and dead, the sky's the limit now. Gloves are off.

Hey, you want to play dirty, Demmies ? You got it. Break out the electric knuckles.

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The first step toward establishing a democratic process in our elections is to abolish party affiliation. Voters should not be required to disclose affliliation, and neither should politicians.

The same is true of race and ethnicity in federally-created surveys and forms.
"In America, we pride ourselves on our democracy."

That is often wrong. Democracy is the opposite of "majority rule," and most people in America are led (falsely) to believe that democracy is "majority rule," and clearly the word "democracy" is not a word that means the majority of "voters" rule because they "vote" and therefore that majority of voters rule.

Voting is a method by which the minority (who participate) claim that the "majority" gives this minority absolute power over everyone.

The Athenian

"The practice of selecting government officials randomly (and the Athenians developed some fairly sophisticated mechanical gadgets to ensure that the selection really was random, and to make cheating extremely difficult) is one of the most distinctive features of the Athenian constitution. We think of electoral politics as the hallmark of democracy; but elections were almost unknown at Athens, because they were considered paradigmatically anti-democratic. Proposals to replace sortition with election were always condemned as moves in the direction of oligarchy."

Voting is a scam even before the scam artists take over the voting process with electronic voting machines.

So in America, where "we pride ourselves on our democracy" the idea is demonstrably wrong when the idea is that democracy means majority rules. It is a demonstrable fraud.

"You know the rules. There are none."

That is clearly a case of failing to see precisely what happens when the criminals take over government. When the criminals take over government they, the criminals, fight each other for the top of the heap of criminals. They fight each other for exclusive access to criminal power hidden behind a false flag of legitimate government.

This is not news.

Of the Origin and Design of Government in General with Concise Remarks on the English Constitution

"Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer."

A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates 1774 - 1875

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."
"In America, we pride ourselves on our democracy."

That is often wrong. Democracy is the opposite of "majority rule," and most people in America are led (falsely) to believe that democracy is "majority rule," and clearly the word "democracy" is not a word that means the majority of "voters" rule because they "vote" and therefore that majority of voters rule.

Voting is a method by which the minority (who participate) claim that the "majority" gives this minority absolute power over everyone.

The Athenian

"The practice of selecting government officials randomly (and the Athenians developed some fairly sophisticated mechanical gadgets to ensure that the selection really was random, and to make cheating extremely difficult) is one of the most distinctive features of the Athenian constitution. We think of electoral politics as the hallmark of democracy; but elections were almost unknown at Athens, because they were considered paradigmatically anti-democratic. Proposals to replace sortition with election were always condemned as moves in the direction of oligarchy."

Voting is a scam even before the scam artists take over the voting process with electronic voting machines.

So in America, where "we pride ourselves on our democracy" the idea is demonstrably wrong when the idea is that democracy means majority rules. It is a demonstrable fraud.

"You know the rules. There are none."

That is clearly a case of failing to see precisely what happens when the criminals take over government. When the criminals take over government they, the criminals, fight each other for the top of the heap of criminals. They fight each other for exclusive access to criminal power hidden behind a false flag of legitimate government.

This is not news.

Of the Origin and Design of Government in General with Concise Remarks on the English Constitution

"Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer."

A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates 1774 - 1875

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."
I mentioned the abuses of past election methodology, only as supporting preludes to the actual TOPIC of this thread which is Democrats' use of illegal immigration, to stack the electoral system in their favor. To, beyond that, talk about past elections, is mucking up the thread with unecessary, essentially off topic waste posting. Please keep to the topic of the 2016 election and illegal immigration. Thanks
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For future reference, the topic is not election fraud. It is THE election fraud that the Republican Party is facing in 2016, from Democrats using illegal immigration, combined with their assault on voter ID practice, and the point we are at where seemingly anything goes.

The gloves are off. Donald is going to be the Republican candidate, and he's just the right guy to give them the hell that they are asking for.
"For future reference, the topic is not election fraud."

I think that the Topic here, demonstrated well enough, is a Campaign (false) Advertisement. One of the evil gang always claims that the other evil gang justifies reactionary evil.

Good luck with whatever you think "Donald" is going to give to you for your services rendered in this False Advertisement Campaign hidden behind a very thin, and thinning, claim of "Debate."
"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." - Joseph Stalin

"There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel." - Vladimir Lenin
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"For future reference, the topic is not election fraud."

I think that the Topic here, demonstrated well enough, is a Campaign (false) Advertisement. One of the evil gang always claims that the other evil gang justifies reactionary evil.

Good luck with whatever you think "Donald" is going to give to you for your services rendered in this False Advertisement Campaign hidden behind a very thin, and thinning, claim of "Debate."
Well if you can call me liar, I guess I can call you an idiot, who is either incapable of discerning the point of the OP, or would rather pretend that you don't.
"Well if you can call me liar, I guess I can call you an idiot, who is either incapable of discerning the point of the OP, or would rather pretend that you don't."

That appears to be an unsupported accusation.

If anyone is demonstrated as someone who misunderstands the topic then there is in that demonstration a precise way to know where someone went off track.

"Is There a Such Thing As a Fair Election Anymore, In America ?"

The moment the criminals took over in America is knowable. It has already happened. Since it already happened the answer to the topic question (unless I misunderstand the topic question) is demonstrably no, in fact no, categorically no, the concept of fairness does not apply to elections in America.

The Athenian Constitution information offered already can help clue anyone in on why there is no fairness in elections in America. If anyone thinks otherwise, they can demonstrate why they think otherwise.

Name calling is another topic.
"Well if you can call me liar, I guess I can call you an idiot, who is either incapable of discerning the point of the OP, or would rather pretend that you don't."

That appears to be an unsupported accusation.

If anyone is demonstrated as someone who misunderstands the topic then there is in that demonstration a precise way to know where someone went off track.

"Is There a Such Thing As a Fair Election Anymore, In America ?"

The moment the criminals took over in America is knowable. It has already happened. Since it already happened the answer to the topic question (unless I misunderstand the topic question) is demonstrably no, in fact no, categorically no, the concept of fairness does not apply to elections in America.

The Athenian Constitution information offered already can help clue anyone in on why there is no fairness in elections in America. If anyone thinks otherwise, they can demonstrate why they think otherwise.

Name calling is another topic.
Of course the answer is no. Why do you act like you are telling me something ?... when this is what I've been telling, since I wrote it in the OP.
In America, we pride ourselves on our democracy. Our democratic republic, that we (in theory), have a govt of the people, by the people, and for the people, created by free and fair elections. Oh, remember how Obama and Hillary Clinton were crowing about "free & fair elections" during the Arab Spring days ?

In reality, our electoral process is very mixed between fair, semi-fair, and downright unfair. Over the years, on every level of govt, there have been instances of electoral tampering, in a whole host of ways. In the 2000 election, untold numbers of Gore votes were destroyed by punch card ballots being double punched (and therefore trashed). In the 2004 presidential election, Kerry lost out on some ungodly number of votes, as a result of computer vote-flipping. A rent control proposition in a small town I once lived in, got crushed, when landlords from all over the state, ganged up on the little rent control committee, and outspent it on promotion 20 to 1, turning an election into an auction.

Previously, Republicans have been often on the villain side of all this. But now in 2015, we're seeing a whole new picture. The practice of cheating is still there, but now it's the Democrats who are doing it, and I mean really big time. Their MO has a number of different techniques, but the really big one revolves around one thing >> illegal immigration. Oh yeah, a few Republicans paralyzed with fear of the so-called "Hispanic vote", have joined up with the Dems pushing illegal immigration. And some Republicans support it to get money from businesses and other special interests who gain from illegals. But overall, support for illegal immigration (in many ways) comes from the Democrats, and they do all they can to squash voter ID, to keep the illegals voting (for them of course). This coupled with New Black Panther guys carrying clubs to intimidate conservative voters.

So, since the whole scenario of election politics has turned dirty, favoring Democrats, is there any reason why the Republicans should follow the pure and honest path ? I think Republicans ought to fight just as dirty as the Democrats are doing. I hate to say it, but it looks like pure, clean politics is dead in the water, and decency has been replaced with whoever finds whatever way to just win, in whatever way possible. It's like the guy in the movie "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome" said, when Mel Gibson was getting ready to fight his opponent in that weird arena they had >> "You know the rules. There are none." So the Democrats are playing total dirty. No doubt there. But two can play this game. I'd like to see Donald Trump spend a massive record-breaking fortune in promotion, and outspend Hillary or Bernie, or whoever, 100 to 1, and turn the Democrats' illegal alien voting legion into a mere pittance, by comparison. I wouldn't even mind seeing Trump pay people to vote for him. Maybe even import some in from France, Denmark, Italy, and other countries beseiged with nasty immigration, and wanting to get away from it. When free & fair is done and dead, the sky's the limit now. Gloves are off.

Hey, you want to play dirty, Demmies ? You got it. Break out the electric knuckles.


Presidential elections are basically massive popularity contests with the candidates spending excessive amounts of money on advertising, basically telling people what to think, so they'll vote for them.

Democracy died a long time ago, probably before it was even born in the US.
Some politicians have been speaking out against the money in politics...and have offered solutions.

Some politicians have recently begun speaking out about the money in politics, but have not offered solutions.

Some politicians haven't spoken out about the money in politics.

The choice is clear.
"Why do you act like you are telling me something ?..."

The subject turned to Donald Trump, then turned to baseless accusations of calling someone a liar, then an attempt was made to return back to the subject of the topic, now there is a baseless accusation of someone acting "like you are telling me something," which is in a word: unfair.

So returning to the topic:

"Is There a Such Thing As a Fair Election Anymore, In America ?"

Donald Trump has every opportunity to blow the whistle on unfairness in Elections just as Ross Perot and Ron Paul had when their viewpoints somehow managed to gain currency during those Elections. None of them do so. The closest any one of them did was Ron Paul in this last unfair event called an Election.

The criminals took over when they claimed that they were above the law (fairness) and that was done before the Bill of Rights vainly attempted to Amend the criminal Constitution of 1787. The criminals reinstituted British Admiralty Law immediately after the fraudulent take-over of the existing federation was ratified, also done fraudulently, when they enACTed the Judiciary edicts of 1789. From then on Elections were methods by which the worst criminals climbed up their pyramid to gain control over all the slaves.

If Donald Trump dares to defend fairness (law) in America he will be eliminated in some way. If that routine result of Election, so called, is upset, and fairness returns to American elections, then other heads will roll once people are exposed to the accurate accounts of what the criminals have been busy doing in their unfair, criminal, process from the top on down.

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