Is there a crisis on the US-Mexico border?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
CBP made a total of 396,579 apprehensions on the south-western border in fiscal year 2018, and 303,916 in 2017. How many got across without being comprehended? How many are at the border waiting to get across and a caravan of 15,000 in on it's way to the border. I believe this is a humanitarian and national security crisis. Nip it in the bud before it becomes a national security and humanitarian tragedy as we do not have the resources to process all who want to come across. The money Trump is asking for is not only for a " wall" but for border patrols, immigration judges, housing, medical and processing. Dumb ass Dumcrates want to do nothing. They do not believe illegal immigration is a problem. Drugs legally coming through the points of entrance? Drugs cartels entering by jumping the border not entering legally at points of entry.
Dumcrates want Comprehensive Immigration Reform with a path to citizenship for the 11 million that are here. DACA program and open borders which is really amnesty and we all know that is a welcome mat for more to enter illegally or under the guise of asylum. If we are not going to secure the border let us stop wasting money on attempting to secure it. Or pretending to secure it.
The report, obtained by USA TODAY, is the first analysis of a population that is largely unknown. The so-called "visa overstays" represent an estimated 40% of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the country, but are overshadowed by undocumented immigrants who sneak across the nation's southwest border with Mexico.
“There are at least 4.5 million anchor babies in the U.S. under the age of 18,” Binder recounted from a report published last December. “This estimate does not include the potential millions of anchor babies who are older than 18-years-old, nor does it include the anchor babies who are living overseas with their deported foreign parents.”

Even more staggering about this statistic is that there are currently more youth in the U.S. today who were illegally brought into the country than the total number of babies born annually in America.

“The 4.5 million anchor babies estimate exceeds the 4 million American children born every year,” Binder pointed out. “In the next decade, the CBO estimates that there will be at least another 600,000 anchor babies born in the U.S., which would put the anchor baby population on track to exceed annual American births – should the U.S. birth rate not increase – by more than one million anchor babies.
In 5 mos., 600 pregnant illegals used 'anchor babies'' to stay in US
Another reason for a wall and a secure border. These babies will grow up and take jobs away from native-born Americans. A national security crisis.
“There are at least 4.5 million anchor babies in the U.S. under the age of 18,” Binder recounted from a report published last December. “This estimate does not include the potential millions of anchor babies who are older than 18-years-old, nor does it include the anchor babies who are living overseas with their deported foreign parents.”

Even more staggering about this statistic is that there are currently more youth in the U.S. today who were illegally brought into the country than the total number of babies born annually in America.

“The 4.5 million anchor babies estimate exceeds the 4 million American children born every year,” Binder pointed out. “In the next decade, the CBO estimates that there will be at least another 600,000 anchor babies born in the U.S., which would put the anchor baby population on track to exceed annual American births – should the U.S. birth rate not increase – by more than one million anchor babies.
In 5 mos., 600 pregnant illegals used 'anchor babies'' to stay in US
Another reason for a wall and a secure border. These babies will grow up and take jobs away from native-born Americans. A national security crisis.

OMG!! American citizens taking jobs away from American citizens! That is so unAmerican!
CBP made a total of 396,579 apprehensions on the south-western border in fiscal year 2018, and 303,916 in 2017. How many got across without being comprehended? How many are at the border waiting to get across and a caravan of 15,000 in on it's way to the border. I believe this is a humanitarian and national security crisis. Nip it in the bud before it becomes a national security and humanitarian tragedy as we do not have the resources to process all who want to come across. The money Trump is asking for is not only for a " wall" but for border patrols, immigration judges, housing, medical and processing. Dumb ass Dumcrates want to do nothing. They do not believe illegal immigration is a problem. Drugs legally coming through the points of entrance? Drugs cartels entering by jumping the border not entering legally at points of entry.
Dumcrates want Comprehensive Immigration Reform with a path to citizenship for the 11 million that are here. DACA program and open borders which is really amnesty and we all know that is a welcome mat for more to enter illegally or under the guise of asylum. If we are not going to secure the border let us stop wasting money on attempting to secure it. Or pretending to secure it.

Your figures inflate each and every time they are reported. it taints the whole thing.
CBP made a total of 396,579 apprehensions on the south-western border in fiscal year 2018, and 303,916 in 2017

Waiting for a valid link or should I pretend you had one-?
Southwest Border Migration FY 2019 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

The figures are for all classes. This includes people that have applied for Visas and been turned down as well as illegals. There are many more that are already here that have refiled for Visas and Green Cards and been turned down that decided to go ghost than cross the border illegally. Your figures have nothing to do with illegal border crossings and border security.
The report, obtained by USA TODAY, is the first analysis of a population that is largely unknown. The so-called "visa overstays" represent an estimated 40% of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the country, but are overshadowed by undocumented immigrants who sneak across the nation's southwest border with Mexico.

You are going to have to give us verifiable support on those figures. So far, the supporting data shows that there are more Visa Overstays than any other category.
The report, obtained by USA TODAY, is the first analysis of a population that is largely unknown. The so-called "visa overstays" represent an estimated 40% of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the country, but are overshadowed by undocumented immigrants who sneak across the nation's southwest border with Mexico.

You are going to have to give us verifiable support on those figures. So far, the supporting data shows that there are more Visa Overstays than any other category.
I find nothing to support your claim. The report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that 40-45 percent of the total population of illegal immigrants—4 to 5 million people— stayed past their visa expiration dates. That is not half the 11 million in the country illegally. The issue in supporting the wall is that more than half are crossing the border illegally. If they overstayed their visas they are illegal aliens.....It makes sense that more entry illegally at the border from south of the border because they cannot afford to pay the visa application fee.

Majority Media | Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee | Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee
The report, obtained by USA TODAY, is the first analysis of a population that is largely unknown. The so-called "visa overstays" represent an estimated 40% of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the country, but are overshadowed by undocumented immigrants who sneak across the nation's southwest border with Mexico.

You are going to have to give us verifiable support on those figures. So far, the supporting data shows that there are more Visa Overstays than any other category.
I find nothing to support your claim. The report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that 40-45 percent of the total population of illegal immigrants—4 to 5 million people— stayed past their visa expiration dates. That is not half the 11 million in the country illegally. The issue in supporting the wall is that more than half are crossing the border illegally. If they overstayed their visas they are illegal aliens.....It makes sense that more entry illegally at the border from south of the border because they cannot afford to pay the visa application fee.

Majority Media | Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee | Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee

That they can prove. Since only 3% of the resources of ICE is spent on this, the number is higher than 40%. They CATCH and return 40% or about 4 to 5 million out of 11 million that way. The Article you gave says that but you just reached in and grabbed the raw number without the qualifier. There are MORE overstayed Visas than illegal border crossers. And then you have to figure in the false ID visas issued which chips away at the 11 million once again. But I will admit that it's a huge problem that is hardly touched and not going to get any better unless it gets funded.

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