Is the government to lenient on Muslims? Another possible shooter.


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
U.S. soldier arrested with bomb-making materials

Thursday, July 28, 2011

IMO, Killeen, Texas -- Naser Jason Abdo, 21, a Muslim had a clean record until he went A.W.O.L., over the July 4th weekend from Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Abdo ended up in a motel room near Fort Hood in Texas with possible "bomb-making materials." Authorities said on Thursday that the deserter is being held on an unrelated child pornography charge. Abdo is from the Texas.

It has been said on national cable news that Abdo had child pornography in his possession and jihad materials in his backpack when they found him and that he was trying to buy a lot of weapons from the same gun store that the Fort Hood Shooter bought his weapons from. I think this is just a little more than suspicious.

Fort Hood is where another Muslim in the military, Major Nidal Malik Hasan murdered 13 people and wounded 32 more in the name of Allah in 2009.

“Nasar was arrested around 2 p.m. local time on Wednesday after a "concerned citizen" reported that he had firearms and smokeless gunpowder in his motel room in Killeen.”

"A search of his motel room revealed that he had some components which could be considered bomb-making materials."

“In June, the U.S. military approved Nasar as a conscientious objector to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but that status was put on hold after he was charged with child pornography in Kentucky.” (What a pervert!)

“Nasar applied for conscientious objector status in 2010 after he decided Islamic standards would prohibit his service in the U.S. Army in any war, military officials said.”

It seems Naser Jason Abdo wanted to kill a little closer to home where he felt the infidels really are. Is this another Anchor Baby run amuck OR just another homegrown terrorist Or both? Are we going to have to worry about getting on public transportation or putting your child on a school bus or getting on a flight? It seems the Mosques (Muslim churches), no matter what country they're in are creating terrorists. This garbage has to stop one way or another. :evil:
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FBI: AWOL soldier had bomb materials near Ft. Hood

Pfc. Naser Abdo “Arrived at Guns Galore LLC by taxi Tuesday and bought 6 pounds of smokeless gunpowder, three boxes of shotgun ammunition and a magazine for a semi-automatic pistol, paying about $250. Greg Ebert (owner and ex-cop) said he became concerned when the man asked questions indicating he didn't know much about the items.”

"(We) felt uncomfortable with his overall demeanor and the fact he didn't know what the hell he was buying," Ebert said. "I thought it prudent to contact the local authorities, which I did."

Abdo has been charged with possessing child pornography and was up for a possible military court-martial at the Fort Campbell military base in Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

On cable news they said they found 16 – 18 pounds of sugar and Christmas tree lights in his hotel room which they thought could be component parts of making an explosive device. It was speculated that the Christmas tree lights would be a possible timer.

I suppose Abdo thought he would make his family proud and die a martyr and finally get to his promised 72 virgins that Allah had promised him. I imagine that Abdo made special prayers that his virgins should be under the age of six-years-old. :evil:
I think this country has become to political correct and afraid of offending everyone. Sorry to the people that are Muslims but those are the people trying to kill us if that is profiling OH WELL. Quit trying to kill us and maybe we wouldnt profile you .
FBI: AWOL soldier had bomb materials near Ft. Hood

Pfc. Naser Abdo “Arrived at Guns Galore LLC by taxi Tuesday and bought 6 pounds of smokeless gunpowder, three boxes of shotgun ammunition and a magazine for a semi-automatic pistol, paying about $250. Greg Ebert (owner and ex-cop) said he became concerned when the man asked questions indicating he didn't know much about the items.”

"(We) felt uncomfortable with his overall demeanor and the fact he didn't know what the hell he was buying," Ebert said. "I thought it prudent to contact the local authorities, which I did."

Abdo has been charged with possessing child pornography and was up for a possible military court-martial at the Fort Campbell military base in Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

On cable news they said they found 16 – 18 pounds of sugar and Christmas tree lights in his hotel room which they thought could be component parts of making an explosive device. It was speculated that the Christmas tree lights would be a possible timer.

I suppose Abdo thought he would make his family proud and die a martyr and finally get to his promised 72 virgins that Allah had promised him. I imagine that Abdo made special prayers that his virgins should be under the age of six-years-old. :evil:
Well, after the slaying of 13 people at Ft. Hood in 2009, that is not very comforting news, Wolfmoon.

CNN interviewed him in 2010 for his refusal to serve in Afghanistan after he joined the US military. AWOL Soldier, Pfc. Naser Abdo, Arrested Near Fort Hood With Guns And Ammo |
I think this country has become to political correct and afraid of offending everyone. Sorry to the people that are Muslims but those are the people trying to kill us if that is profiling OH WELL. Quit trying to kill us and maybe we wouldnt profile you .

So can we officially say it now? The Oslo shooter was a right wing christian nut who hated muslims? Or are they still saying its wrong to group every tea bagger or right winger because THIS guy is singular, not a group mentality?

All muslims because of this nut
Only this guy and not all tea baggers or right wing extremists because of the oslo shooter?

Hypocrisy, thy name is a righty.
I think this country has become to political correct and afraid of offending everyone. Sorry to the people that are Muslims but those are the people trying to kill us if that is profiling OH WELL. Quit trying to kill us and maybe we wouldnt profile you .

So can we officially say it now? The Oslo shooter was a right wing christian nut who hated muslims? Or are they still saying its wrong to group every tea bagger or right winger because THIS guy is singular, not a group mentality?

All muslims because of this nut
Only this guy and not all tea baggers or right wing extremists because of the oslo shooter?

Hypocrisy, thy name is a righty.

As soon as you can prove he yelled" God is Great" when he killed..
Officials: Soldier wanted to attack Fort Hood troops -

After Abdo's arrest, police searched his hotel room and backpack and found six pounds of smokeless powder, Christmas lights and battery-operated clocks -- which were apparently intended to create a timing and triggering device of some type -- sugar, shrapnel, a pressure cooker, and shotgun shells that were in the process of being dismantled for raw explosives.

The materials were enough to make two bombs, a Department of Defense official told CNN.

In the soldier's backpack, police also found "Islamic extremist literature," a .40-calliber pistol and a shopping list of components for a bomb, a law enforcement official said.
Quote from Naser Jason Abdo, 21

"When he first signed up for the military, Abdo did not think his religion would be an issue. "I was under the impression that I could serve both the U.S. Army and my God simultaneously," he said."

"Islam is a much more peaceful and tolerant religion than it is an aggressive religion," he said. "I don't believe that Islam allows me to operate in any kind of warfare at all, including the U.S. military and any war it partakes in. I believe that our first duty as a Muslim is to serve God."

Why are these Muslim kids dumb as a box of rocks?
UPDATE: Arrested Soldier Planning Attack on Fort Hood

RE: Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo

“Killeen police spokesperson Carroll Smith says Abdo was arrested Wednesday at the America's Best Value Inn & Suites. After searching his belongings police decided to evacuate the motel. Motel guests were allowed back in their rooms late Wednesday night.”

Now he's sure to get 3 hots and cot every night for a very long time. Let's hope it's a very, very, very long time!
Quote from Naser Jason Abdo, 21

"When he first signed up for the military, Abdo did not think his religion would be an issue. "I was under the impression that I could serve both the U.S. Army and my God simultaneously," he said."

"Islam is a much more peaceful and tolerant religion than it is an aggressive religion," he said. "I don't believe that Islam allows me to operate in any kind of warfare at all, including the U.S. military and any war it partakes in. I believe that our first duty as a Muslim is to serve God."

Why are these Muslim kids dumb as a box of rocks?

This guy filed for conscientious-objector status because he says he couldn't kill another muslim but on the other hand, he was perfectly capable and willing to kill American Christians. This was purely motivated by his Islamic religion and this is the problem with this type of people. They can't be trusted.

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