Is sex ed working? Risky gay sex increasing as well as HIV infections

Any lib here even going to acknowledge there's a behavioral problem in the gay community or will you just pretend it's not happening and hope that will fix everything?
Gays having unprotected sex is worse than a gun owner getting his gun stolen, but you hold the gun owner too a different standard.

Is it worse than heterosexuals having unprotected sex, of which there are far more occurrences of?
Gays having unprotected sex is worse than a gun owner getting his gun stolen, but you hold the gun owner too a different standard.

Is it worse than heterosexuals having unprotected sex, of which there are far more occurrences of?

Heterosexuals are much less likely to get HIV from barebacking.

Interesting how gay men are 2% of the population but are 61% of all new HIV infections.

CDC touts testing on National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - HealthPop - CBS News
Gays having unprotected sex is worse than a gun owner getting his gun stolen, but you hold the gun owner too a different standard.

Is it worse than heterosexuals having unprotected sex, of which there are far more occurrences of?

Unless a person is already infected with HIV or aids when did you hear about a straight male or female giving aids to a straight male or female?
Writer of Wrongs :

Shilts never set out to be a pariah in the gay community either—bill that's what he became in the early years of covering the AIDS epidemic for the Chronicle. I le was branded "a gay Uncle Tom" when he called for the closing of bathhouses and an end to gay promiscuity. "There was a time when he would walk down Castro Street and people would spit on him," says Ann Neuenschwander, Shilts' closest friend. "It hurt him a lot." Adds Shilts: "No one ever questioned the truth of what I wrote but just whether the dirty little secrets should be told to heterosexuals." For him, gelling the facts out on AIDS was paramount. "It was hard on him, but he thought he was doing the right thing," says Neuenschwander.

I'm posting from either left wing sources like the Huff Po but reporting FACTS or news sources. You are posting something with a clear political agenda.

I didn't know CDC had a political agenda. Think Progress links the following:


CDC: Rates of diagnoses of HIV infection among adults and adolescents, by area of residence, 2011—United States and 6 dependent areas

I'm posting from either left wing sources like the Huff Po but reporting FACTS or news sources. You are posting something with a clear political agenda.

I didn't know CDC had a political agenda. Think Progress links the following:


CDC: Rates of diagnoses of HIV infection among adults and adolescents, by area of residence, 2011—United States and 6 dependent areas

more from think progress:eusa_whistle:

I'm posting from either left wing sources like the Huff Po but reporting FACTS or news sources. You are posting something with a clear political agenda.

I didn't know CDC had a political agenda. Think Progress links the following:


CDC: Rates of diagnoses of HIV infection among adults and adolescents, by area of residence, 2011—United States and 6 dependent areas
A lot of those areas are liberal areas. Virginia and Florida both elected obama 2x in a row.

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