Is prophet beck a christian???


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
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Friend, make no mistake about it--Mormonism is a dangerous cult. In the eyes of man, the Mormons seem very respectable, but the light of God's word reveals ...
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After Smith's murder in 1844, Brigham Young took the cult to Utah, where there is now a major University named after him, and the number of Mormons exceed ...
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Evangelicals to Glenn Beck: a huge thank you

By Bryan Fischer

America at its founding was 99.8% Christian, and 98.4% Protestant. Not just Christianity but Protestant Christianity built the United States of America. It was not just a Judeo-Christian value system that provided the foundation for the Republic, but a specifically Protestant value system.

The theological foundation of America was explicitly Protestant. Just one Roman Catholic (Charles Carroll) signed the Declaration of Independence, and 52 of the 55 framers of the Constitution took a solemn oath expressing their agreement with an orthodox Protestant statement of faith. Thus the vast majority of the Founders believed in the inerrancy and authority of Scripture, the deity of Christ, his virgin birth, his sinless life, his vicarious and substitutionary death, his resurrection, and his eventual return.

Evangelicals to Glenn Beck: a huge thank you

Funny thing is the reason the Protestants came to the Americas was to escape religious persecution... If anything the founders were looking for a way to create a society where one religion didn't rule over the rest...
America at its founding was 99.8% Christian, and 98.4% Protestant. Not just Christianity but Protestant Christianity built the United States of America.

A question. Did that statistic count the slaves?
Beck isn't a prophet, he's a fucking idiot.

Then why the FUCK are you idiots so scared of him.....

Gawd... I ignore idiots. I dont tune into their shows just to go on message boards and whine about them... I just ignore them.

It amazes me how much time you libturds whine and moan about what Rush or beck say on their shows.

I never watch Keith Overbite, Katie Quoran, Chris thrill-up-leg, Anderson 420, or any of the other dumbasses... its a waste of my time, and it would waste the time of USMB for me to always whine about the shit they spew.... b/c I would never quit typing!

Thats right, I said it!
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You know......I never watch Beck's show, I just wait for his crazy to spill up onto the other news channels.

But.......he's very close to being considered a heretic, as well as a blasphemer.
You know......I never watch Beck's show, I just wait for his crazy to spill up onto the other news channels.

But.......he's very close to being considered a heretic, as well as a blasphemer.

By whom, may I ask?
Saying that he's gonna "let the Spirit and talk through him if the Spirit wishes" and then LYING ABOUT WASHINGTON'S INAUGURAL SPEECH?

How fucking stupid do you REALLY have to be Always A Babbling Bitch.

But then've stated that you use circumcision as a way to tell the animals from the humans.
Do you know of any animals who get circumcised?

I don't.

Anyway, back to the rest of your didn't answer my question. Who is going to declare him a heretic?
Beck isn't a prophet, he's a fucking idiot.

Then why the FUCK are you idiots so scared of him.....

Gawd... I ignore idiots. I dont tune into their shows just to go on message boards and whine about them... I just ignore them.

It amazes me how much time you libturds whine and moan about what Rush or beck say on their shows.

I never watch Keith Overbite, Katie Quoran, Chris thrill-up-leg, Anderson 420, or any of the other dumbasses... its a waste of my time, and it would waste the time of USMB for me to always whine about the shit they spew.... b/c I would never quit typing!

Thats right, I said it!

They are good for a few laughs anyway.:lol:
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