Is "Post racialism" a white conspiracy to pacify Black Americans


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I here a lot of talk about this so called "Post Racial" America that we are supposed to be living in now.

My question is, is this some kind of plot by liberal White Americans to confuse or to pacify
black Americans?

Your thoughts on this issue please.
White and Black Racists please respond.!

Skank weed is a white conspiracy to pacify black americans. :thup:
And crack was a conspiracy to give us all heart attacks.
I thought it was Heroin that was supposed to pacify us all or was it Methodon :eek:
I here a lot of talk about this so called "Post Racial" America that we are supposed to be living in now.

My question is, is this some kind of plot by liberal White Americans to confuse or to pacify
black Americans?

Your thoughts on this issue please.
White and Black Racists please respond.!


Post-Racialism is a code name for Globalism, One-World-Government and the death of National Sovereignty.

We're all now living in ChinAfrica / AfriChina.
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I here a lot of talk about this so called "Post Racial" America that we are supposed to be living in now.

My question is, is this some kind of plot by liberal White Americans to confuse or to pacify
black Americans?

Your thoughts on this issue please.
White and Black Racists please respond.!


Post-Racialism is a code name for Globalism, One-World-Government and the death of National Sovereignty.

We're all now living in ChinAfrica / AfriChina.

So you say a "code name for globalism and one world government and the death of racial sovereignty" very interesting.:razz:
The OP demonstrates one thing.... stupidity knows no racial boundaries.

And someone that calls herself a "Tricky Bitch" is supposed to be some kind of genius?
Bitch get off of my thread.!:eek:


I agree 52nd. Why even post if that's all she had to say. Odd.

Anyway, the media is throwing out a phrase we are just supposed to clamp on to and take it as a fact. Like a proclaimation that seemingly came out of the far left from somewhere. It would be nice if it were true and hopefully can be but many things need to happen before it is true. One thing I think would help blacks most is:

Blacks need to really get a grip on the inner city thug attitudes and explain to these guys that they need to stop using racist white people as excuses and focus on themselves and get educated as much as possible. The basketball star dream only comes true for the few.

And believe me, if this phrase were aimed at pacifying anyone it would be more aimed at whites.
You see the Elites don't like when their slaves fight each other.

Any time the slaves spend fighting is the time they do not spend slaving.

The elites are perfectly fine with taking all the wealth from white middle class and giving it to blacks on welfare. They WANT that to happen.

It has nothing to do with RACE and everything to do with CONTROL. Hungry people are hard to control. The elites want every negroe to have his playstation, his XBOX 360 his Cable with 800 channels so he can just sit at home and STFU.

Think about it - if you were a billionaire - would you want to get killed one day by a crackhead who was missing 20 bucks for a fix ? Probably not. You would simply order a law that made professionals work harder so they can pay for the crackhead's health care which would in turn pay for his drugs ( with prescription, of course ).
I here a lot of talk about this so called "Post Racial" America that we are supposed to be living in now.

My question is, is this some kind of plot by liberal White Americans to confuse or to pacify
black Americans?

Your thoughts on this issue please.
White and Black Racists please respond.!

I think on some level it is wishful thinking by those who WISH it was really a "Post Racial" America.

Or that if we call it "Post Racial" long enough it will become a reality.

A centralized plot? I doubt it. Now if white folks start making laws against blacks owning businesses that would be a plot.
I here a lot of talk about this so called "Post Racial" America that we are supposed to be living in now.

My question is, is this some kind of plot by liberal White Americans to confuse or to pacify
black Americans?

Your thoughts on this issue please.
White and Black Racists please respond.!

I'll back you on this to some extent. I think many whites -- liberal, conservative, white nationalist, etc. -- are sick of black complaints. I'm sure many whites voted for Obama thinking, "this should shut everyone up about race, right?"

But as Louis Andrews of the National Policy Institute says, "there is no such thing as post-racial." Races still exist. They are always in conflict.

I think we need to consider racial separation as a humane alternative for ALL RACIAL GROUPS.
How come only racists get to reply?

Why do so many things in American contain some element of conspiracy? Some one said 'post racial' because Obama was elected - having to talk 24x7 all things are eventually said - that does not make us post anything or pre either. Nor does it contain some hidden agenda. But it does contain a wonderful excuse for the racists to say you lazy [pick your favorite group to dislike or blame] that makes lots of people feel good. Blaming the other is a universal trait.

By the way for those of us old enough to remember separate facilities or the lack of Blacks on TV or the insanity when a Black man hugged or held the hand of a white woman on TV, or civil rights marches, or the first Black in a TV commercial, we have traveled a bit down some road.

Conspiracy thinking puzzles the hell outta me.
So who is behind this so called "Post Racialism" that I keep hearing about. What is their agenda.
Are they trying to disarm black people?.
I here a lot of talk about this so called "Post Racial" America that we are supposed to be living in now.

My question is, is this some kind of plot by liberal White Americans to confuse or to pacify
black Americans?

Your thoughts on this issue please.
White and Black Racists please respond.!

I'll back you on this to some extent. I think many whites -- liberal, conservative, white nationalist, etc. -- are sick of black complaints. I'm sure many whites voted for Obama thinking, "this should shut everyone up about race, right?"

But as Louis Andrews of the National Policy Institute says, "there is no such thing as post-racial." Races still exist. They are always in conflict.

I think we need to consider racial separation as a humane alternative for ALL RACIAL GROUPS.

Why do you keep harping on racial separation? I don't get it! You did not create or have anything to do with the creation of human life and if God decided that all humans regardless of race, creed, color, ethnic origin should live TOGETHER why are you so against it? Are you an atheist?
Why do you keep harping on racial separation? I don't get it! You did not create or have anything to do with the creation of human life and if God decided that all humans regardless of race, creed, color, ethnic origin should live TOGETHER why are you so against it? Are you an atheist?

Yo, ghosty:

GOD isn't deciding that races should live together.


It was MAN who forced them together.

Are you an idiot?

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