Is Our Beloved President "Black"?

Our Beloved President is not reviled (to the extent he is reviled) because of the color of his skin, but rather because his political views and actions (including without limitation the people whom he appoints to high office) are the most extreme of any anyone who has ever held that office.

On the contrary, he is "given a pass" by the MSM on a lot of things because they fear being accused of racism when they would point out some error, lie, or stupid mistake. If you compare the treatment of Bush43 with that of Obama, it is not even close. Bush was accused of being a "liar" for years, for believing the information he was given by the American Intelligence Community, while Barry lies basically every time he opens his mouth, and the MSM NEVER calls him on it.

Because they think he is "Black," and don't want to appear racist.

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