Is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history???

is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history

  • yes

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • are you fucking kidding me????

    Votes: 58 59.8%

  • Total voters
....stupid doesn't appeal to me.


That's right, you don't.....:badgrin:

You're not really fooling yourself. That's why you're trying too hard, moron.

You fool yourself every time you post..........idiot, and you don't even have to try very hard......:badgrin:

I can't tell if he's a Left Winger with a false profile trying to taint the Right Wing or if he's actually this stupid.
....stupid doesn't appeal to me.


That's right, you don't.....:badgrin:

You're not really fooling yourself. That's why you're trying too hard, moron.

You fool yourself every time you post..........idiot, and you don't even have to try very hard......:badgrin:

I can't tell if he's a Left Winger with a false profile trying to taint the Right Wing or if he's actually this stupid.

I'm sure you really are this stupid.
....stupid doesn't appeal to me.


That's right, you don't.....:badgrin:

You're not really fooling yourself. That's why you're trying too hard, moron.

You fool yourself every time you post..........idiot, and you don't even have to try very hard......:badgrin:

Nobody cares about your cry for help. Save it for your shrink.

You couldn't even help yourself, you have to admit your problem and you're too dumb to...................:badgrin:

You're not really fooling yourself. That's why you're trying too hard, moron.

You fool yourself every time you post..........idiot, and you don't even have to try very hard......:badgrin:

I can't tell if he's a Left Winger with a false profile trying to taint the Right Wing or if he's actually this stupid.

I'm sure you really are this stupid.

Only stupid would give themselves such a handle.

unkotare \ woon-ko-ta-re \ , noun;

Japanese. Roughly translated as dripping poop. This word is used to describe a pornographic genre commonly known as Scat.
....stupid doesn't appeal to me.


That's right, you don't.....:badgrin:

You're not really fooling yourself. That's why you're trying too hard, moron.

You fool yourself every time you post..........idiot, and you don't even have to try very hard......:badgrin:

I can't tell if he's a Left Winger with a false profile trying to taint the Right Wing or if he's actually this stupid.

He is this stupid........
Can anyone off the top of your head recall a memorable line from any of Obama's speeches?
"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period" and
"You didnt build that"
don't count because conservatives harped on them.

Kennedy-"Ask not what your country can do for you..."
Nixon "My wife Pat has a plain Republican cloth coat."
Reagan "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
Bush "Read my lips, no new taxes."
Clinton "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms Lewinsky
Bush "Freedom itself was attacked"

See. Many other presidents have delivered memorable lines you know right away. Obama? Not so much.

We need them to realize that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child – it’s the courage to raise one.
Barack Obama

Our enemies are innovative and resourceful...They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.
George W. Bush

Our nation is somewhat sad, but we’re angry. There’s a certain level of blood lust, but we won’t let it drive our reaction. We’re steady, clear-eyed and patient, but pretty soon we’ll have to start displaying scalps.
George W. Bush

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator.
George W. Bush

I think war is a dangerous place.
George W. Bush

I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace.
George W. Bush

If we don’t stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, we’re going to have a serious problem coming down the road.
George W. Bush

Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction.
George W. Bush

Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is.
George W. Bush

These people are trying to shake the will of the Iraqi citizens, and they want us to leave...I think the world would be better off if we did leave...
George W. Bush (on Iraqi Insurgency)
Anyone dispute my ranking?

Is Obama the best ever? No
FDR, JFK and Reagan were better
Obama is better than both Bush's, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Ike and Truman

Er, Obama comes out ahead of Reagan.......Reagan ranked #4....

I ranked Reagan higher because of his ability to appeal directly to the American people. He was folksy, great at wrapping an issue into a few key points and get the public behind him

Why did you join the clown club? You want to be like those other clowns around here?

Because a simple thing like that threw the USMB conservative clutch into a tizzy

Have you seen some of the Obama avatars?

It is so easy to push the buttons on conservatives. They have such a low threshold for ridicule
Anyone dispute my ranking?

Is Obama the best ever? No
FDR, JFK and Reagan were better
Obama is better than both Bush's, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Ike and Truman

Er, Obama comes out ahead of Reagan.......Reagan ranked #4....

I ranked Reagan higher because of his ability to appeal directly to the American people. He was folksy, great at wrapping an issue into a few key points and get the public behind him

Why did you join the clown club? You want to be like those other clowns around here?

Because a simple thing like that threw the USMB conservative clutch into a tizzy

Have you seen some of the Obama avatars?

It is so easy to push the buttons on conservatives. They have such a low threshold for ridicule

The clown club? That's funny.

The reason that so many of our USMB nutters have reacted to the clown avatars is that they KNOW that their leadership is a bunch of fucking clowns. It's embarrassing.

Nutters have rewarded people who throw red meat and say batshit crazy things for so long......that all of the potential leaders who aren't clowns have been marginalized.

John Huntsman or Tom Ridge are two who come to mind.
USMB Conservative response to clown avis

I say hell no. LoneLaugher thinks he is. Hahahahaha
It figures lone laughter and RW would think it's important , tbe gift of gab don't mean shit unless your say, a used car salesman, A Gruber type trying to outbullshit on Obama care , or trying to get in a girls pants. The best ones talk the talk and walk the walk and Obama was a pussy on Syria, got bitch slapped by Putin over Ukraine, got bitch slapped by China when they said they could beat they US in a war and on and on and on. The dude couldn't even Get a hostage released right when he was getting fucked over by the V.A. Scandal.
I say hell no. LoneLaugher thinks he is. Hahahahaha
It figures lone laughter and RW would think it's important , tbe gift of gab don't mean shit unless your say, a used car salesman, A Gruber type trying to outbullshit on Obama care , or trying to get in a girls pants. The best ones talk the talk and walk the walk and Obama was a pussy on Syria, got bitch slapped by Putin over Ukraine, got bitch slapped by China when they said they could beat they US in a war and on and on and on. The dude couldn't even Get a hostage released right when he was getting fucked over by the V.A. Scandal.
What a rambling bunch of nothingness
Anyone dispute my ranking?

Is Obama the best ever? No
FDR, JFK and Reagan were better
Obama is better than both Bush's, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Ike and Truman

Er, Obama comes out ahead of Reagan.......Reagan ranked #4....

I ranked Reagan higher because of his ability to appeal directly to the American people. He was folksy, great at wrapping an issue into a few key points and get the public behind him

Why did you join the clown club? You want to be like those other clowns around here?

Because a simple thing like that threw the USMB conservative clutch into a tizzy

Have you seen some of the Obama avatars?

It is so easy to push the buttons on conservatives. They have such a low threshold for ridicule

The clown club? That's funny.

The reason that so many of our USMB nutters have reacted to the clown avatars is that they KNOW that their leadership is a bunch of fucking clowns. It's embarrassing.

Nutters have rewarded people who throw red meat and say batshit crazy things for so long......that all of the potential leaders who aren't clowns have been marginalized.

John Huntsman or Tom Ridge are two who come to mind.

Whatever, its a very partisan club.
Anyone dispute my ranking?

Is Obama the best ever? No
FDR, JFK and Reagan were better
Obama is better than both Bush's, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Ike and Truman

Er, Obama comes out ahead of Reagan.......Reagan ranked #4....

I ranked Reagan higher because of his ability to appeal directly to the American people. He was folksy, great at wrapping an issue into a few key points and get the public behind him

Why did you join the clown club? You want to be like those other clowns around here?

Because a simple thing like that threw the USMB conservative clutch into a tizzy

Have you seen some of the Obama avatars?

It is so easy to push the buttons on conservatives. They have such a low threshold for ridicule

I think the way some of you behave when it comes to this stuff is just silly. Why do you feel that you have to protect Obama? Why do you want to? It's weird the attachment that some of you seem to have to political figures who don't give a crap about you. Lol.
Anyone dispute my ranking?

Is Obama the best ever? No
FDR, JFK and Reagan were better
Obama is better than both Bush's, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Ike and Truman

Er, Obama comes out ahead of Reagan.......Reagan ranked #4....

I ranked Reagan higher because of his ability to appeal directly to the American people. He was folksy, great at wrapping an issue into a few key points and get the public behind him

Why did you join the clown club? You want to be like those other clowns around here?

Because a simple thing like that threw the USMB conservative clutch into a tizzy

Have you seen some of the Obama avatars?

It is so easy to push the buttons on conservatives. They have such a low threshold for ridicule

You old avatar was cuter. :D
Anyone dispute my ranking?

Is Obama the best ever? No
FDR, JFK and Reagan were better
Obama is better than both Bush's, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Ike and Truman

Er, Obama comes out ahead of Reagan.......Reagan ranked #4....

I ranked Reagan higher because of his ability to appeal directly to the American people. He was folksy, great at wrapping an issue into a few key points and get the public behind him

Why did you join the clown club? You want to be like those other clowns around here?

Because a simple thing like that threw the USMB conservative clutch into a tizzy

Have you seen some of the Obama avatars?

It is so easy to push the buttons on conservatives. They have such a low threshold for ridicule

I think the way some of you behave when it comes to this stuff is just silly. Why do you feel that you have to protect Obama? Why do you want to? It's weird the attachment that some of you seem to have to political figures who don't give a crap about you. Lol.

Why do I protect Obama?

Because I believe in truth, justice and the American Way
Anyone dispute my ranking?

Is Obama the best ever? No
FDR, JFK and Reagan were better
Obama is better than both Bush's, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ, Ike and Truman

Er, Obama comes out ahead of Reagan.......Reagan ranked #4....

I ranked Reagan higher because of his ability to appeal directly to the American people. He was folksy, great at wrapping an issue into a few key points and get the public behind him

Why did you join the clown club? You want to be like those other clowns around here?

Because a simple thing like that threw the USMB conservative clutch into a tizzy

Have you seen some of the Obama avatars?

It is so easy to push the buttons on conservatives. They have such a low threshold for ridicule

You old avatar was cuter. :D

Hey....chicks dig Ed Norton
Er, Obama comes out ahead of Reagan.......Reagan ranked #4....

I ranked Reagan higher because of his ability to appeal directly to the American people. He was folksy, great at wrapping an issue into a few key points and get the public behind him

Why did you join the clown club? You want to be like those other clowns around here?

Because a simple thing like that threw the USMB conservative clutch into a tizzy

Have you seen some of the Obama avatars?

It is so easy to push the buttons on conservatives. They have such a low threshold for ridicule

I think the way some of you behave when it comes to this stuff is just silly. Why do you feel that you have to protect Obama? Why do you want to? It's weird the attachment that some of you seem to have to political figures who don't give a crap about you. Lol.

Why do I protect Obama?

Because I believe in truth, justice and the American Way

And you think Obama represents truth, justice, and the American way? Lol. I think you've been shystered. :D

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