Is Obama a Christian!

And presidents should have not prostitute themselves to the faith of atheism.
Of course he's not a Christian. Real Christians don't act like he does.

Too universally empathetic? Too much "I am my brothers keeper" nonsense? Too much love thy neighbory rhetoric?

I think you really mean he is not enough an eye for an eye smite their first-born Old Testament Deuteronomic leaning type leader;

"The LORD will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them; and you shall become troublesome to all the kingdoms of the earth. Your carcasses shall be food for all the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and no one shall frighten them away. The LORD will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors, with the scab, and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed. The LORD will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart."

That's just a guess.

I was thinking more along the lines that a Christian President who supports groups as a matter of foreign policy that target, torture, and murder Christians is not a Christian and that's just getting started.
Yep, I believe pres is a Christian. He is not of the evangelical or fundamentalist brand, I think.

And, yes, the electorate prefers a professed Christian.

He sat under the Rev. (?) Wright for 20 years. Rev. (?) Wright did not preach religious fundamentalism. He taught racist fundamentalism. And Obama bought the lwhole oad.
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

The Bible says that "ye shall know them by their fruits." In other words, his actions define him. So ... if race-baiting is a Christian action then perhaps he's a Christian. If stealing from successful Americans is a Christian act then perhaps he's a Christian.

But let's allow him to speak for himself:

[ame=]Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Barack Obama attacks religion - YouTube[/ame]

I think it's obvious he is a Muslim, the question is, why is he hiding it?
Of course he's not a Christian. Real Christians don't act like he does.

Too universally empathetic? Too much "I am my brothers keeper" nonsense? Too much love thy neighbory rhetoric?

I think you really mean he is not enough an eye for an eye smite their first-born Old Testament Deuteronomic leaning type leader;

"The LORD will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them; and you shall become troublesome to all the kingdoms of the earth. Your carcasses shall be food for all the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and no one shall frighten them away. The LORD will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors, with the scab, and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed. The LORD will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart."

That's just a guess.

Where's all that Obama luv when he is telling old people he is going to cut off their Social Security?
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

Barack Hussein Obama: Once a Muslim, Always A Muslim

The Bible says that "ye shall know them by their fruits." In other words, his actions define him. So ... if race-baiting is a Christian action then perhaps he's a Christian. If stealing from successful Americans is a Christian act then perhaps he's a Christian.

But let's allow him to speak for himself:

[ame=]Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Barack Obama attacks religion - YouTube[/ame]

I think it's obvious he is a Muslim, the question is, why is he hiding it?

In the muslim world, if your father is a muslim you are a muslim. Obama's father was a muslim. He knows to them he is also a muslim. He HAS to keep them happy. If he doesn't they will find him and cut off his ugly head.
Yep, I believe pres is a Christian. He is not of the evangelical or fundamentalist brand, I think.

And, yes, the electorate prefers a professed Christian.

He sat under the Rev. (?) Wright for 20 years. Rev. (?) Wright did not preach religious fundamentalism. He taught racist fundamentalism. And Obama bought the lwhole oad.

BHO left Wright's church. Carter left the Southern Baptists.

Both, in my opinion, were morally correct in so doing.
One, he is not a Muslism.

Two, he did not say he was going to "cut off" SS to old people.

This is why our GOP loses elections, folks.
I have no clue what's in Obama's heart. So that's up for God to decide. If He believes in Christ He doesnt appear understand the scriptures well. But that's true of far too many nowadays.
One, he is not a Muslism.

Two, he did not say he was going to "cut off" SS to old people.

This is why our GOP loses elections, folks.

Yes, he did. He didn't seem to know that SS is protected. And he continues to talk of cuts to SS, but never any cuts to welfare. Sad, really, since those on SS actually paid into the fund that is paying them. And yeah, welfare folk may pay a little state sales tax, but they do NOT pay federal income tax, FICA, or Medicare tax. They get it all free. No deductibles.
Are you a Christian and did his answer satisfy you? To me it doesn't matter one way or another. Although as a non-believer I think it's unfortunate that this is still a litmus test for eligibility to the Office. It was a big deal when a Catholic was first elected President. It will be an even bigger deal if an avowed atheist is ever elected. Might surprise me even more than the election of a black man.

The true "litmus test" revolves around a person's honesty. Obama claims to be a Christian but I don't believe he is based on his actions and other statements he's made. I believe the OP is concerned that Obama claimed to be a Christian as a means to garner votes. I tend to agree.
Alfred E. Neuman came out of the closet yesterday and is making a run for '16.
We could do worse than Alfred and always have.
Of course he's not a Christian. Real Christians don't act like he does.

Too universally empathetic? Too much "I am my brothers keeper" nonsense? Too much love thy neighbory rhetoric?

I think you really mean he is not enough an eye for an eye smite their first-born Old Testament Deuteronomic leaning type leader;

"The LORD will cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you shall go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them; and you shall become troublesome to all the kingdoms of the earth. Your carcasses shall be food for all the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and no one shall frighten them away. The LORD will strike you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors, with the scab, and with the itch, from which you cannot be healed. The LORD will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of heart."

That's just a guess.

I was thinking more along the lines that a Christian President who supports groups as a matter of foreign policy that target, torture, and murder Christians is not a Christian and that's just getting started.

So Reagan was not a Christian.
I want a President that does not go by the Bible.
Love thy neighbor is a FUCKED UP foreign policy.
Hate thy neighbor and work backwards.
Real world.
every pol will tell you what you want to hear to get your vote

they will tell the public what they think most of them want to hear to get the most votes

dems will have the media spin it for them everyone else will have it spun against them
If a midget gay atheist was running on a platform of fiscal conservatism that would restructure social security and Medicare, force men to feed and clothe and house all their kids and put an end to the growth of the moocher class he would be my candidate.
Politicians that wear the big "C" on their forehead SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME.
Rural southerners can spot those bull shitters from a mile away.

Or, in this case, rural southerners, conservative west-coasters, smart east-coasters, and Coloradans.

For the record, I didn't trust the last President's claim any more than the current one's claim.
There shall be no religious test for the election of a candidate to the office of the President of the United States of America.

Article 6 of the Constitution..

This is not a religious test you stupid motherfucker!
The Constitution does not deny me the right to make religion a factor in who I vote for, nor can it!
Religion was a factor in the 2012 election, made a factor by the Democrats who labeled the Mormon Church as a false religion, a cult that didn't really believe in Jesus Christ
Would be a lot more comfortable if people with access to nuclear weapons were hardcore atheists than any kind of theist. If you believe in alife after death, you may be less inclined not to use such weapons in conflict since to you all the people you're about to murder will go to heaven if good. Whereas an atheist has the opinion when we die that's simply the end of experience and thus something to avoid.

Can emulate Yeshua's 'good upright ways' independent of the overall beliefs in life after death and heaven like. As a literary device, Yeshua is indeed admirable. Whether he existed or not, was divine or not doesn't ultimately matter.
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