Is Obama a Christian!

This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

The Bible says that "ye shall know them by their fruits." In other words, his actions define him. So ... if race-baiting is a Christian action then perhaps he's a Christian. If stealing from successful Americans is a Christian act then perhaps he's a Christian.

But let's allow him to speak for himself:

[ame=]Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Barack Obama attacks religion - YouTube[/ame]

It's interesting that he says "Holly Quran"!

Yes I heard that, but I've never heard him say, "Holy Bible". I've heard him say, "the bible", but never "Holy Bible".
It's interesting that he says "Holly Quran"!

That video was an eye-opener for me when I first watched it a few years ago. It's my opinion that Obama is whatever you want him to be at any particular time (depending on the audience at that moment). In other words, he's a politician's politician. He's a chameleon. In the end, his policies, ideology, and actions define him. He's also the company he keeps.

2 Corinthians 6:14-15, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?"

And he keeps company with scoundrels, terrorists, Communists, Socialists, black racists, and Union thugs.
Of course he's not a Christian. Real Christians don't act like he does.

What politicians actually consistently act like Christians? One has to look real, real hard to find any politician that follows the Bible's directions even 60% of the time. It's like our two major ideologies, sometimes their ideological points are Christian and sometimes they defy God's will and teachings.
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

The Bible says that "ye shall know them by their fruits." In other words, his actions define him. So ... if race-baiting is a Christian action then perhaps he's a Christian. If stealing from successful Americans is a Christian act then perhaps he's a Christian.

But let's allow him to speak for himself:

[ame=]Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Barack Obama attacks religion - YouTube[/ame]

I think it's obvious he is a Muslim, the question is, why is he hiding it?

It's obvious, he must hide it to function as President. He claimed to be a Christian to get elected and must continue the facade at least until he dies or succeeds in his quest to turn America into a majority muslim Nation.
Just like with the Queer marriage thing.
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Hmmm...our prez has certainly shown true Christian values by caring for the poor and disadvantaged...much more so than those of his detractors whi question his faith....

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Hmmm...our prez has certainly shown true Christian values by caring for the poor and disadvantaged...much more so than those of his detractors whi question his faith....

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How does destroying the economy and our health care system help the poor and disadvantged?

The reason why so many have a hard time believing Obama's faith is geniune is specifically because his policies are making more people poor and disadvantaged.
I believe that Obama's declaration of his Christianity was a divisive ploy to get elected. His subsequent actions prove he is anything but Christian. I know of no Christian that shuns the cross, or feels the need to have it removed from the room he is about to walk into.

Rick Warren is a false prophet that wants to replace Christ with Mohammad. His new religion, Chrislam, is a corruption and an abomination. Shun it the way our Muslim president shuns the work Christ accomplished on the cross.
Hmmm...our prez has certainly shown true Christian values by caring for the poor and disadvantaged...much more so than those of his detractors whi question his faith....

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yeah, it's EASY to care for the poor and disadvantaged when it NOT THEIR money...what a joke...He cares so much now he's going around chastising people for not buying into his insurance scam...I don't think he has a Christian bone in his body, if he did he wouldn't go around lying to the people to sell his government programs
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Diverting $100 MILLION from the NASA budget to do "muslim outreach" and this...


Seems to indicate that he is NOT a Christian, but other subversive morons may not agree!
Are you a Christian and did his answer satisfy you? To me it doesn't matter one way or another. Although as a non-believer I think it's unfortunate that this is still a litmus test for eligibility to the Office. It was a big deal when a Catholic was first elected President. It will be an even bigger deal if an avowed atheist is ever elected. Might surprise me even more than the election of a black man.

The true "litmus test" revolves around a person's honesty. Obama claims to be a Christian but I don't believe he is based on his actions and other statements he's made. I believe the OP is concerned that Obama claimed to be a Christian as a means to garner votes. I tend to agree.

I guess you've never voted for any politician. (Although I'm not 100% sure, I might give you a pass if you voted for Ron Paul, anybody got any examples of a Ron Paul lie?)
What a discredit to the human race you are. Who in your life was most convinced you were the dumbest sack of shit in the room? Your grade school teachers? Your mother, your father? All of the above? Well you can put me at the top of that probably long and varied list. But here, I'll try to educate you even tho so many have tried and failed and it's truly the most hopeless task I have ever undertaken in my life... This is the context and these are the words;

Actual quote from "The Audacity of Hope" [pg. 261]: "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

I know, even with your comprehension problems, after reading this 5 or 10 times you can discover for yourself that he does not mention Muslims and that it has a rather "Love Thy Neighbor" Christian ring to it. Now take your black heart, consumptive drool, set of crayons and fuck off.
Yowza Smedly...Tis clear to me but doubt than any of those mindless black hearts will get ur point...
But keep on keeping on brother!

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What a discredit to the human race you are. Who in your life was most convinced you were the dumbest sack of shit in the room? Your grade school teachers? Your mother, your father? All of the above? Well you can put me at the top of that probably long and varied list. But here, I'll try to educate you even tho so many have tried and failed and it's truly the most hopeless task I have ever undertaken in my life... This is the context and these are the words;

Actual quote from "The Audacity of Hope" [pg. 261]: "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

I know, even with your comprehension problems, after reading this 5 or 10 times you can discover for yourself that he does not mention Muslims and that it has a rather "Love Thy Neighbor" Christian ring to it. Now take your black heart, consumptive drool, set of crayons and fuck off.

When was the last time you slipped up and said "My muslim faith"?

[ame=]Obama: "My Muslim Faith" - YouTube[/ame]
The president will allow anyone who wants to enter this country walk across our borders.
But his America is off limits to a Christian family that has fled Germany in an effort to home school their children. Instead of going through the proper channels, the family should have walked from Mexico to Arizona and pretended to be Muslim.
Obama's Faith And Spirituality Have Changed Since Becoming President

Every year on Aug. 4, the president's birthday, Obama convenes a group of pastors by phone to receive their prayers for him for the year to come. During the most challenging of times, prayer circles are organized with prominent religious figures such as megachurch pastor Joel Hunter, Bishop Vashti McKenzie of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Rev. Joseph Lowery, a civil rights activist.

And each morning for the past five years, before most of his aides even arrive at the White House, Obama has read a devotional written for him and sent to his BlackBerry, weaving together biblical scripture with reflections from literary figures like Maya Angelou and C.S. Lewis.

"I've certainly seen the president's faith grow in his time in office," said Joshua DuBois, an informal spiritual adviser to Obama who writes the devotionals and ran Obama's faith-based office until earlier this year. "When you cultivate your faith, it grows."


"This office tends to make a person pray more," Obama said last year in an interview with Cathedral Age magazine. "And as President Lincoln once said, 'I have been driven to my knees many times by the overwhelming conviction that I had no place else to go.'"

I think those who are judging whether or not to believe him when he says he is a man of faith should probably start checking themselves on that front.
This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

Not sure what it takes to be in the Christian Club. And Christians sure do alot of cherry picking.

Other religions, like Judaism, are more cut and dry.

Just glad I never belong to any of the clubs.

This is not an Obama is a Muslim thread!

When Rick Warren was interviewing Obama at Saddleback church, Obama said that he is a Christian. His answer to the faith question is about 14:50 into the following vid.

Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency - YouTube

The answer he gave during this interview would be satisfactory to most evangelical Christians. He didn't claim to be a Christian because he went to church or because he is a good person. It is because of his faith in Christ how died for the sins of Man.

I think many politicians on both sides of the isle claim to be Christian because that's what it takes for then to be elected, not because they truly believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Is Obama truly a Christian, or does he simply make the claim for political purposes?

Not sure what it takes to be in the Christian Club. And Christians sure do alot of cherry picking.

Other religions, like Judaism, are more cut and dry.

Just glad I never belong to any of the clubs.


There are probably more CINOs *Christians in Name Only* than RINOs.
lol, so the hufferpost know all his religious transformation huh?

is there any damn thing Obama hasn't changed about himself in six years?

we have a frikken programmed robot as President....whatever way the wind blows they can switch his dials and that's what he becomes

I see him more as a snake in grass....He speaks all rosy to your face then slithers in behind you and bites you for the he did with OscamCare

neither the Obama's have a Christian bone or heart in their bodies
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One, he is not a Muslism.

Two, he did not say he was going to "cut off" SS to old people.

This is why our GOP loses elections, folks.

Yes, he did. He didn't seem to know that SS is protected. And he continues to talk of cuts to SS, but never any cuts to welfare. Sad, really, since those on SS actually paid into the fund that is paying them. And yeah, welfare folk may pay a little state sales tax, but they do NOT pay federal income tax, FICA, or Medicare tax. They get it all free. No deductibles.

I used "cut off" from above. That is different than cuts and reforms, which some on the far right are screaming for, until the Dems suggest it. Our GOP loses seniors' votes because we talk stupidly about SS reform.

SS: (1) increase the yearly cut off to $175000 and raise the early retirement from 62 to 64; (2) SS taxes can only be used for SS benefits.

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