Is Obama a Christian!

This is the problem with America.
People are more concerned with the religion of people than how good a person they are.
The Founders warned against this.
Obama's Faith And Spirituality Have Changed Since Becoming President

Every year on Aug. 4, the president's birthday, Obama convenes a group of pastors by phone to receive their prayers for him for the year to come. During the most challenging of times, prayer circles are organized with prominent religious figures such as megachurch pastor Joel Hunter, Bishop Vashti McKenzie of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Rev. Joseph Lowery, a civil rights activist.

And each morning for the past five years, before most of his aides even arrive at the White House, Obama has read a devotional written for him and sent to his BlackBerry, weaving together biblical scripture with reflections from literary figures like Maya Angelou and C.S. Lewis.

"I've certainly seen the president's faith grow in his time in office," said Joshua DuBois, an informal spiritual adviser to Obama who writes the devotionals and ran Obama's faith-based office until earlier this year. "When you cultivate your faith, it grows."


"This office tends to make a person pray more," Obama said last year in an interview with Cathedral Age magazine. "And as President Lincoln once said, 'I have been driven to my knees many times by the overwhelming conviction that I had no place else to go.'"

I think those who are judging whether or not to believe him when he says he is a man of faith should probably start checking themselves on that front.

The key is in the quote:
And each morning for the past five years, before most of his aides even arrive at the White House, Obama has read a devotional written for him and sent to his BlackBerry, weaving together biblical scripture with reflections from literary figures like Maya Angelou and C.S. Lewis.

On the recommendation of God, Christians don't weave. Adding Maya and CS Lewis, and Plato, and Lincoln, and Moe, and whoever else Obama wants to elevate to scripture status is not Christianity, it is everything but the word of God. Weaving weakens the Word. Taking away from and adding to God's word is what produces tapestries like Chrislam and Bongs for Jesus.

Anybody can kneel.
When Obama gets on His knees and thanks God for Jesus Christ, I'll believe He is on his knees as a Christian.
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I would say no, for the same reason I would say he could not be a Muslim.

There is simply no way that Obama would hold any being as higher than himself.

Obama believes that he alone is god.
When was the last time you slipped up and said "My muslim faith"?

Obama: "My Muslim Faith" - YouTube

I am no fan of Barack Obama, but it is VERY clear that his is speaking about allegations made by others, "John McCain has not talked about my Muslims faith" - i.e. McCain had not accused him of being a Muslim.

Obama has followed Black Liberation Theology most of his adult life, a vile and racist creed that is more about hating whites than anything to do with god. I strongly doubt that he believes in any god, but he is no Muslim.

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