Is moderation increasing?

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This place is wayyyy more permissive than most. Looking around this board full of haters and ragers posting ludicrous crap I sometimes wonder at the ones having battles with the mods. What the hell could they be posting that's over the line? Is there a line?

Thing is, there are many lines. They're inconsistent.
I have only had maybe 5 or 6 encounters with the mods the nine years I've been here and they seemed fair enough. Been on other boards where the mods were just horribly partisan and ended up killing the board. Amazed this place is still here after all this time.

As others pointed out the mods are human. I've had a mod literally follow me around so he could pounce on anything, obviously personal vendetta, and probably from being spanked in debate. Thankfully he's gone now, but it happens.
That's life on a message board. I do not post more than a dozen or so comments a day here so maybe my chance of exposure to bad moderation is much lower? Also I seriously try not to make anything too personal for too long. That's just asking for trouble. People have tried to have a personal feud with me but I just ignore them.
I had a message deleted yesterday for being off-topic. I have no idea what the message said because it's deleted. But one of the things that attracted me to this site was that the moderation seemed to not be heavy handed. Now I've had several posts deleted in the past couple months and I don't really know what's wrong with any of them. If I drift from a topic, it's never so far that it should be offensive. If I drift, it's almost always in response to something someone else posted so it seems that the post I responded to must have been off-topic, too.

Discussions drift. I could sit with any of you and talk about Linux. If we talk about Linux it will probably drift off-topic to Windows. And the weather. But that's not a thing to delete a post for.

I'm disappointed that the moderation seems to me to be excessive and, perhaps, arbitrary. I have no way to know what was deleted, by whom, or why so I can't say that it's done by certain moderators who get challenged frequently for their views.
Yup, gotta blame the mods for what we (collectively) are doing on the board. If the mods now appear to be heavy handed all we have to do is ask why then look in the mirror for the answer.
As the election draws closer the people on the board start getting more wild (for lack of a better word), Obviously, due to undeniable cause and effect the moderation ramps up and unfortunately some not so bad posts get tossed along with the seriously off topic posts. Sometimes the baby does get tossed with the bathwater, it's only human or are you expecting the mods to be perfect? Not human?
The moderation only seems heavy handed because the posters (in general) are getting out of control, happens every election cycle.

Curious --- my own speed bumps have been about the stock market, calling out child abuse, statistics, making jokes, and whether it's OK to affix a "like" or "dislike". None of them have been about elections or politics.
Not surprising with the ramped up moderation to meet the ramped up need for moderation, like we both said they're human. Heck I'm sometimes surprised I'm not more heavily moderated at times....... :)
Liberals can do whatever they wish. The conservatives are heavily monitored. Posts are deleted, and moved being a troll in an often cited reason. Racisim is rampant against whites. The left can run around scream “white motherfuckers.” Just be aware when posting that as a conservive
Liberals can do whatever they wish. The conservatives are heavily monitored. Posts are deleted, and moved being a troll in an often cited reason. Racisim is rampant against whites. The left can run around scream “white motherfuckers.” Just be aware when posting that as a conservive

You mean it’s subjective?
It isn't that moderation has increased, but more of we are enforcing a few rules more so than before. With the increase in membership lately, we have an increase in troll posts, flaming posts, people intentionally derailing threads, etc. If people take the bait on those posts and respond in kind, you can bet those posts will be removed. We usually send a note saying why the post was removed, but if there's a thread that is being overwhelmed with 'stupidiness' (see reasons above), then there isn't always time to send a note to every person having a post removed. The mods have been told to start issuing warnings and bans for report offenders. This can include thread bans and time off from the forum for a few days.

If you are worried about getting caught up in a warning or ban, then think twice before you post a reply in any thread upstairs. Make sure you are addressing the topic and not the person.
It isn't that moderation has increased, but more of we are enforcing a few rules more so than before. With the increase in membership lately, we have an increase in troll posts, flaming posts, people intentionally derailing threads, etc. If people take the bait on those posts and respond in kind, you can bet those posts will be removed. We usually send a note saying why the post was removed, but if there's a thread that is being overwhelmed with 'stupidiness' (see reasons above), then there isn't always time to send a note to every person having a post removed. The mods have been told to start issuing warnings and bans for report offenders. This can include thread bans and time off from the forum for a few days.

If you are worried about getting caught up in a warning or ban, then think twice before you post a reply in any thread upstairs. Make sure you are addressing the topic and not the person.

What you should be looking at is which mods are going after which posters.
It isn't that moderation has increased, but more of we are enforcing a few rules more so than before. With the increase in membership lately, we have an increase in troll posts, flaming posts, people intentionally derailing threads, etc. If people take the bait on those posts and respond in kind, you can bet those posts will be removed. We usually send a note saying why the post was removed, but if there's a thread that is being overwhelmed with 'stupidiness' (see reasons above), then there isn't always time to send a note to every person having a post removed. The mods have been told to start issuing warnings and bans for report offenders. This can include thread bans and time off from the forum for a few days.

If you are worried about getting caught up in a warning or ban, then think twice before you post a reply in any thread upstairs. Make sure you are addressing the topic and not the person.

What you should be looking at is which mods are going after which posters.

What you should be looking at is which mods are going after which posters.

If you feel you are being singled out, you need to DM me and FlaCalTenn with the details.
What you should be looking at is which mods are going after which posters.

If you feel you are being singled out, you need to DM me and FlaCalTenn with the details.

With all due respect Aye (and it's a lot), there are those of us who have tried that course and found it leads to


That's why I noted, it's like filing a complaint about the police --- with the police. There doesn't seem to be another avenue, that is, an unbiased one.
I don’t know why anyone would ever sign up to be a mod. Personally I would prefer everything goes and no mod interference. This site is close to that, but imo it could be better. If people want to troll let them troll. If people want to express vulgarities let them do it. But I of course am not a pussy that would run away from such speech.
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