Is killing abortion doctors a moral right?

A fetus till the last trimester has not rights they are not living breathing recognized people.

Our State and Federal Fetal Homicide say you are wrong about that.

By the third trimester there is a chance for them outside the womb. Till then a fetus is not formed or developed enough.

Yeah. Our fetal homicide laws don't care about that.

Abortion is a privacy issue and you or anyone else has not right to the medical records or to interfere with the treatment of the woman.

No one has the right to violate the rights of a child and then to shield or to hide that violation behind a so called "right to privacy (sic)"

Till the birth, she is the patient, not the fetus.

Let's talk about "birth."

Does "birth" include surgical deliveries like a Cesarean Section? If it does, then what is the difference between the surgical removal of a child by "C-section" and the surgical removal of (figuratively) that same child in an abortion procedure?

In either case, the mother, the child and the doctor could all be the same. The surgical procedure is essentially the same too.

So, what then is the difference between the surgical delivery of a child in a "C section" and one surgically delivered in an abortion?

An aborted child is just as "born" as is any other child that is forcibly removed from the womb. The only difference is that the aborted child is "born" into the hand of those who wanted it dead.

Her life is her own and if she does not want to share her body for nine months to a fetus, that is her freedom to decide.

Unless the woman was raped, the child was put into that situation by the woman (with help from her partner) herself. So, the claim that the child is invading HER space is ludicrous and easily dismissed.

She is not a slave and you are not her master. You have no right to even know what she decides let alone dictate or interfere.

That's fine. I am fairly certain that the laws which will be written to protect children from abortions will not be named after me or managed by me personally anyway.

If you don't believe in abortion, that is fine for your life, but not if you take action in the choices of others.

The first amendment says:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Got a problem with any of that?

The law does not apply to conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law, or to a person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child.

>>(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the prosecution—
(1) of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;
(2) of any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or
(3) of any woman with respect to her unborn child.
zaa: that I don't think to kill someone will solve the problem abortion.

the problem is not abortion that is being solved and has immeasurable other components employed for the same outcome including the last line of defense, something as simple as simply not having sex has the same result as administering an abortion.

are you as willing to murder an abstentionist for the same reason or is physical intimidation what you reserve for pregnant women only ?

I disagree I have confused your answers ... Bully.


I guess I understand what and how you think. But the problem is abortion. Abortion is every year more than a civil war. If every year someone in the world would kill a million US-Americans then "you" (= the USA) would nuke down the half planet.

Why is a german so concerned with the laws in the US?

I'm not concerned about any laws. We need justice - but we should not need laws, even if this laws would be indeed a mirror of the real justice. But sometimes laws have less than nothing to do with justice. You are for example able to defend your rights. An aborted baby is not able to defend the right not to be aborted. Instead of such a baby I try to defend their rights.

The law in the US says

¿"Whatever the USA is doing is good - whatever anyone else is doing is bad, except it is good for the USA"?

abortion is a private matter and up to the woman.

So the USA denies the human rights. The human right to live is not a private matter.

We also sell pills over the counter at any pharmacy which can be taken up to 70 days.

Pills? - I guess you mean pills which cause an abort up to the 70th day of gestation. I heard such pills have very heavy collateral effects. By the way - Here is a picture of a human being in the 10th week (=70 days):


Where I grew up, I would teach women what herbs and food to take. It was a matter in most cases of saving their lives. They had been abused enough. I've een too many girls and women killed and too many that nearly died in child birth.

What? Where do you come from?

Under the circumstances it was far from the right conditions to raise a child or their lives.

You have no right

¿to live?

to tell others they cannot seek a legal abortion.

Ah - so you think I have no right to say what I think - but I guess you think the same time you have the right to say what you think. Hmm - this remembers me to Erdogan now. I guess soon everyone in Turkey will have the right to say, what Erdogan thinks what's right and wrong and economically good for his own clan.

If it is against your principles, don't get one. Others have the right to decide what is best for their life.

Neglect 62.8%

What do you call "neglect" in context with children? Neglect is a problem in context of very old people.

Physical abuse 16.6%

Includes this corporal punishement of antiquated forms of education theories too - or is this only a result of blind agressions of violent people?

Sexual abuse 9.3%

Very very high. But what's here the context?

Emotional/psychological abuse 7.1%

What means this?

517 babies were dumped

Dumped ... "weggeworfen", "Im Stich gelassen" ... hmm ... there could perhaps be a deeper psychiatric background behind this behavior ...

287 of those were found dead
million are waiting for home

Lots of Germans like to adopt babies but our state allows them not to do so. Perhaps we can help. Or what about if we would call this children "refugees" and bring them to Germany? Last year we had more than a million refugees from the arabian world. This year not many Arabs seem to come.

How is it right to put children in put in such situation? What of all the children having children. Girls not ready to be a parent?

No one is ready to be parents.

Not you place to judge or criticize

Abortion is legal

... and legal is good as long as it is your legal - otherwise bad.

Abortion is not an just law, it is a right of freedom of choice, freedom of the woman to control her own body, freedom to determine her life, a right to not be a slave to others.

What you say is absurde. Even if every human being would think so, it would not change anything in the fact that a human being has to die in case of abortion. Normally a man and a woman are not forced to do sex with each other and to abort afterwards their common child. It's no ones right to kill a human being on absurde reasons. To live in fear of the own unborn babies and to kill them is nothing else than only ... absurde ... I don't know whatelse to say. And not to care about human life - specially not the life of the own children - is more than only absurde. "Devilish" could perhaps be a good description. Abortion is an expression of the insanity of complete human societies.

>>(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the prosecution—
(1) of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;
(2) of any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or
(3) of any woman with respect to her unborn child.
You are still trying to impost "your" belief on people who do not share them.

Life liberty and pursuit of happiness........... for the women.
she had the right to privacy of her medical records. She has the right to control her body and make decisions.

You don't get a say in what she does.
Abortion is not an just law, it is a right of freedom of choice, freedom of the woman to control her own body, freedom to determine her life, a right to not be a slave to others.

What you say is absurde. Even if every human being would think so, it would not change anything in the fact that a human being has to die in case of abortion. Normally a man and a woman are not forced to do sex with each other and to abort afterwards their common child. It's no ones right to kill a human being on absurde reasons. To live in fear of the own unborn babies and to kill them is nothing else than only ... absurde ... I don't know whatelse to say. And not to care about human life - specially not the life of the own children - is more than only absurde. "Devilish" could perhaps be a good description. Abortion is an expression of the insanity of complete human societies.

A fetus isn't a human being. Shit man, YOU'RE barely a human being. Now please shut the fuck up.

No comment, Nazi.

That's it, shut up.

No comment, Nazi.

Your defeat is noted.
Till the baby is at least a month old, it is not even worth the 5 boy, 3 girl, shekels.

"Cogito ergo sum" "Je pense, donc je suis" "I think, therefore I am"

>>thalamo-cortical complex that provides consciousness with its highly elaborate content, begins to be in place between the 24th and 28th week of gestation.<<

6 months till there is consciousness

at 7 months there is a chance for the fetus to live outside the womb, but there are many risks.

Third trimester is when you might begin to think of it as a child, almost.

Most women don't feel the movement till around the 24th week.

What you believe is immaterial. Law, science, religion, a woman can choose to abort in the first half of pregnancy, if that is her wish.

It is none of your business what she does
zaa: that I don't think to kill someone will solve the problem abortion.

the problem is not abortion that is being solved and has immeasurable other components employed for the same outcome including the last line of defense, something as simple as simply not having sex has the same result as administering an abortion.

are you as willing to murder an abstentionist for the same reason or is physical intimidation what you reserve for pregnant women only ?

I disagree I have confused your answers ... Bully.


I guess I understand what and how you think. But the problem is abortion. Abortion is every year more than a civil war. If every year someone in the world would kill a million US-Americans then "you" (= the USA) would nuke down the half planet.

Why is a german so concerned with the laws in the US?

I'm not concerned about any laws. We need justice - but we should not need laws, even if this laws would be indeed a mirror of the real justice. But sometimes laws have less than nothing to do with justice. You are for example able to defend your rights. An aborted baby is not able to defend the right not to be aborted. Instead of such a baby I try to defend their rights.

The law in the US says

¿"Whatever the USA is doing is good - whatever anyone else is doing is bad, except it is good for the USA"?

abortion is a private matter and up to the woman.

So the USA denies the human rights. The human right to live is not a private matter.

We also sell pills over the counter at any pharmacy which can be taken up to 70 days.

Pills? - I guess you mean pills which cause an abort up to the 70th day of gestation. I heard such pills have very heavy collateral effects. By the way - Here is a picture of a human being in the 10th week (=70 days):


Where I grew up, I would teach women what herbs and food to take. It was a matter in most cases of saving their lives. They had been abused enough. I've een too many girls and women killed and too many that nearly died in child birth.

What? Where do you come from?

Under the circumstances it was far from the right conditions to raise a child or their lives.

You have no right

¿to live?

to tell others they cannot seek a legal abortion.

Ah - so you think I have no right to say what I think - but I guess you think the same time you have the right to say what you think. Hmm - this remembers me to Erdogan now. I guess soon everyone in Turkey will have the right to say, what Erdogan thinks what's right and wrong and economically good for his own clan.

If it is against your principles, don't get one. Others have the right to decide what is best for their life.

Neglect 62.8%

What do you call "neglect" in context with children? Neglect is a problem in context of very old people.

Physical abuse 16.6%

Includes this corporal punishement of antiquated forms of education theories too - or is this only a result of blind agressions of violent people?

Sexual abuse 9.3%

Very very high. But what's here the context?

Emotional/psychological abuse 7.1%

What means this?

517 babies were dumped

Dumped ... "weggeworfen", "Im Stich gelassen" ... hmm ... there could perhaps be a deeper psychiatric background behind this behavior ...

287 of those were found dead
million are waiting for home

Lots of Germans like to adopt babies but our state allows them not to do so. Perhaps we can help. Or what about if we would call this children "refugees" and bring them to Germany? Last year we had more than a million refugees from the arabian world. This year not many Arabs seem to come.

How is it right to put children in put in such situation? What of all the children having children. Girls not ready to be a parent?

No one is ready to be parents.

Not you place to judge or criticize

Abortion is legal

... and legal is good as long as it is your legal - otherwise bad.

Abortion is not an just law, it is a right of freedom of choice, freedom of the woman to control her own body, freedom to determine her life, a right to not be a slave to others.

What you say is absurde. Even if every human being would think so, it would not change anything in the fact that a human being has to die in case of abortion. Normally a man and a woman are not forced to do sex with each other and to abort afterwards their common child. It's no ones right to kill a human being on absurde reasons. To live in fear of the own unborn babies and to kill them is nothing else than only ... absurde ... I don't know whatelse to say. And not to care about human life - specially not the life of the own children - is more than only absurde. "Devilish" could perhaps be a good description. Abortion is an expression of the insanity of complete human societies.


and "people" die in accidents, natural disasters, war, gang violence, terrorism, illness, abuse, allergies and even drinking the water and breathing the air can be dangerous.

Till the fetus is old enough to survive outside the womb, it is not patient, the woman is.
I and countless others are making it 'our business' to defend the rights of the children that you and your ilk are in denial of.

And there ain't shit you can or ever will do about it.
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I and countless others are making it 'our business' to defend the rights of thevchildren that you and your ilk are in denial of.

And there ain't shit you can or ever will do about it.

You want babies, give birth. What women across the country or around the world want is none of your business. Her medical visits are private.
I and countless others are making it 'our business' to defend the rights of thevchildren that you and your ilk are in denial of.

And there ain't shit you can or ever will do about it.

You want babies, give birth. What women across the country or around the world want is none of your business. Her medical visits are private.

You dont want children? Don't make any. If you decide to risk it anyway..? Like I said, you can count on me and a whole lot of others to be defending their rights against the likes of you.
I and countless others are making it 'our business' to defend the rights of the children that you and your ilk are in denial of.

And there ain't shit you can or ever will do about it.


COLORADO SPRINGS — A gun battle erupted inside a Planned Parenthood center here on Friday when a man armed with an assault-style rifle opened fire and began shooting at officers as they rushed to the scene. The authorities reported that three people were killed, a police officer and two civilians, and nine were wounded before the suspect finally surrendered more than five hours after the first shots were fired.

The authorities reported that three people were killed, a police officer and two civilians ...

one of your ilk, Chuzy -

* not really, just someone who listened to your "ilk's" lies ... a gullible and foolish victim himself.

2 Abortion Foes Behind Planned Parenthood Videos Are Indicted

HOUSTON — A grand jury here that was investigating accusations of misconduct against Planned Parenthood has instead indicted two abortion opponents who made undercover videos of the organization.

more of your ilk's lies, Chuzy -

Roe v. Wade (1973)

Roe v. Wade (1973) ruled unconstitutional a state law that banned abortions except to save the life of the mother. The Court ruled that the states were forbidden from outlawing or regulating any aspect of abortion performed during the first trimester of pregnancy, could only enact abortion regulations reasonably related to maternal health in the second and third trimesters, and could enact abortion laws protecting the life of the fetus only in the third trimester.

just a reminder what the law of the land stipulates - as a sound and reasonable Judgement by the Supreme Court.

I and countless others are making it 'our business' to defend the rights of the children that you and your ilk are in denial of.

And there ain't shit you can or ever will do about it.

Medical records are private and if you try to access them............go to jail, do not pass go

You have not right to know if she is pregnant or if she wants an abortion. She might be seeing the dr for yeast infection, an implant or cysts, not for you to know. You don't own the women, no right to tell them what they can and cannot do.

If you have no access to her medical records how can you judge her or the doctor? If you are not in the room, how do you know who has an abortion and who is just getting a check up?

You assume you know every woman and what she says in the exam room.

If she has an ectopic pregnancy, how will you know?

If a woman get a home abortion kit how will you know if and when she might use it? You won't

If she orders one online, how will you know?

If she makes a tea or eats curtain foods, how will you know?

If she makes a poultice or uses an insert, how will you know?

Her privacy, her legal right

None of you damn noisy business.

Apart from rape or impairment, women should know what and how to make her own birth control or what to do afterwards to avoid pregnancy. Sadly women are not even taught the rhythm method properly or to know when they are ovulating. My daughter's friends had no even talked about their period before they start with their mothers. They would come and ask me about things their mother/parents should have told them much earlier. Even herbal or household items for birth control, I told them about, so they would not have unwanted pregnancies. My daughters would ask me for a copy of my notebooks and recipes for health care, birth control and home methods for after just incase. I started making small pocket note books for the girls to read and keep if they wanted. Even hand bound some of them for gifts.

My daughter became a nurse. She'd got upset and questioned the grading if she got a B+ on anything. She was taking special medical class and doing autopsie with Dr Baden while still in high school. She couldn't wait to get up each day

As far as I know, none of her friends had an unexpected pregnancy.
I and countless others are making it 'our business' to defend the rights of thevchildren that you and your ilk are in denial of.

And there ain't shit you can or ever will do about it.

You want babies, give birth. What women across the country or around the world want is none of your business. Her medical visits are private.

You dont want children? Don't make any. If you decide to risk it anyway..? Like I said, you can count on me and a whole lot of others to be defending their rights against the likes of you.

Their right? The women's right to free choice and control their own bodies.
I and countless others are making it 'our business' to defend the rights of the children that you and your ilk are in denial of.

And there ain't shit you can or ever will do about it.


COLORADO SPRINGS — A gun battle erupted inside a Planned Parenthood center here on Friday when a man armed with an assault-style rifle opened fire and began shooting at officers as they rushed to the scene. The authorities reported that three people were killed, a police officer and two civilians, and nine were wounded before the suspect finally surrendered more than five hours after the first shots were fired.

The authorities reported that three people were killed, a police officer and two civilians ...

one of your ilk, Chuzy -

* not really, just someone who listened to your "ilk's" lies ... a gullible and foolish victim himself.

2 Abortion Foes Behind Planned Parenthood Videos Are Indicted

HOUSTON — A grand jury here that was investigating accusations of misconduct against Planned Parenthood has instead indicted two abortion opponents who made undercover videos of the organization.

more of your ilk's lies, Chuzy -

Roe v. Wade (1973)

Roe v. Wade (1973) ruled unconstitutional a state law that banned abortions except to save the life of the mother. The Court ruled that the states were forbidden from outlawing or regulating any aspect of abortion performed during the first trimester of pregnancy, could only enact abortion regulations reasonably related to maternal health in the second and third trimesters, and could enact abortion laws protecting the life of the fetus only in the third trimester.

just a reminder what the law of the land stipulates - as a sound and reasonable Judgement by the Supreme Court.


None of that changes one word of what I said.
I and countless others are making it 'our business' to defend the rights of thevchildren that you and your ilk are in denial of.

And there ain't shit you can or ever will do about it.

You want babies, give birth. What women across the country or around the world want is none of your business. Her medical visits are private.

You dont want children? Don't make any. If you decide to risk it anyway..? Like I said, you can count on me and a whole lot of others to be defending their rights against the likes of you.

Their right? The women's right to free choice and control their own bodies.

Women do not have a right to violate the rights of children. No body does.
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I and countless others are making it 'our business' to defend the rights of thevchildren that you and your ilk are in denial of.

And there ain't shit you can or ever will do about it.

You want babies, give birth. What women across the country or around the world want is none of your business. Her medical visits are private.

You dont want children? Don't make any. If you decide to risk it anyway..? Like I said, you can count on me and a whole lot of others to be defending their rights against the likes of you.

Their right? The women's right to free choice and control their own bodies.

Women do not have a right to violate the rights of children. No body does.

It is her body, not the right of children. Till the last trimester, she is in full control to make her own choices.

If she wants, she has the right to seek and abortion, at home or clinic, in the first trimester.
We must not take the law into our own hands, but there needs to be a law against late term abortions, most abortions are done before 12 weeks. The only time one is justified to kill another is in self defense, that also goes for cops.

I guess I understand what and how you think. But the problem is abortion. Abortion is every year more than a civil war. If every year someone in the world would kill a million US-Americans then "you" (= the USA) would nuke down the half planet.

there is a difference zaang between dogma ... and the reality of Garden Earth.

No idea what you like to say with this words.

Christianity and Medicine - Bad News About Christianity

It was God who caused illness. He was responsible for cures just as he was responsible for death. Even church law mentioned, in passing, that diseases were attributable to God ...


abortion is not the problem it is only one component to solutions encompassing centuries of development that continues as an ongoing development where in the end choice will be entirely substituted for involuntary servitude for the woman as it is for the male, as simple as that - it is you and blind dogmatistism who are opposed to a woman deciding for herself to have or not have an offspring - that is the problem.

What you call "developement" could call the intergalactical communitiy of intelligent species: "The monsters of the third planet solar system who kill their own breed".

The Chronicles and Macbeth[edit]

A generic picture of Lords meeting Ladies used amongst other things for illustrating "Macbeth and Banquo encountering the witches" in the first edition of Holinshed's Chronicles.
Shakespeare used Holinshed's work extensively in Macbeth, but, in modified form. An instance is the Three Witches, whom Holinshed describes as "creatures of the elderwood ... nymphs or fairies". Nymphs and fairies are generally viewed as beautiful and youthful, but Shakespeare's three witches in Macbeth are ugly, dark, and bizarre. It is believed that he made the change to heighten the suspense and darkness of the play.[2] However, the Chronicles were lacking any description of Macbeth's character, so Shakespeare improvised on several points.[3] The characters Banquo and Fleance were also taken from Holinshed’s works, but they are now considered by many historians to be mythical, created by the rulers of Scotland at the time of the publication of the Chronicles.[4]

  1. Jump up ^ (King's College London) Holinshed's Chronicles February 2005. Accessed 1 June 2008. Archived July 6, 2009, at the Wayback Machine.
  2. Jump up ^ Shakespeare's Sources for Macbeth: Holinshed and Witches
  3. Jump up ^ Shakespeare's Sources for Macbeth: Holinshed and Witches
  4. Jump up ^ FAQ

Good that you understand Roman Polansky and why his wife Sharon Tate together with their common child were murdered from Charles Manson in the USA. And maybe you understand also the system of injustice of the USA. I don't. Maybe Ἑκάτη and the witches understand. But I don't know their prophecies for the american Borg-Queen.

Last edited:
I and countless others are making it 'our business' to defend the rights of the children that you and your ilk are in denial of.

And there ain't shit you can or ever will do about it.


COLORADO SPRINGS — A gun battle erupted inside a Planned Parenthood center here on Friday when a man armed with an assault-style rifle opened fire and began shooting at officers as they rushed to the scene. The authorities reported that three people were killed, a police officer and two civilians, and nine were wounded before the suspect finally surrendered more than five hours after the first shots were fired.

The authorities reported that three people were killed, a police officer and two civilians ...

one of your ilk, Chuzy -

* not really, just someone who listened to your "ilk's" lies ... a gullible and foolish victim himself.

2 Abortion Foes Behind Planned Parenthood Videos Are Indicted

HOUSTON — A grand jury here that was investigating accusations of misconduct against Planned Parenthood has instead indicted two abortion opponents who made undercover videos of the organization.

more of your ilk's lies, Chuzy -

Roe v. Wade (1973)

Roe v. Wade (1973) ruled unconstitutional a state law that banned abortions except to save the life of the mother. The Court ruled that the states were forbidden from outlawing or regulating any aspect of abortion performed during the first trimester of pregnancy, could only enact abortion regulations reasonably related to maternal health in the second and third trimesters, and could enact abortion laws protecting the life of the fetus only in the third trimester.

just a reminder what the law of the land stipulates - as a sound and reasonable Judgement by the Supreme Court.


None of that changes one word of what I said.
None of that changes one word of what I said.

The authorities reported that three people were killed, a police officer and two civilians ...

" None of that changes one word of what I said " ... chuz

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

your a sad case Chuz ... good luck redressing your grievance after a homicide.

We must not take the law into our own hands, but there needs to be a law against late term abortions, most abortions are done before 12 weeks. The only time one is justified to kill another is in self defense, that also goes for cops.

I guess I understand what and how you think. But the problem is abortion. Abortion is every year more than a civil war. If every year someone in the world would kill a million US-Americans then "you" (= the USA) would nuke down the half planet.

there is a difference zaang between dogma ... and the reality of Garden Earth.

No idea what you like to say with this words.

Christianity and Medicine - Bad News About Christianity

It was God who caused illness. He was responsible for cures just as he was responsible for death. Even church law mentioned, in passing, that diseases were attributable to God ...


abortion is not the problem it is only one component to solutions encompassing centuries of development that continues as an ongoing development where in the end choice will be entirely substituted for involuntary servitude for the woman as it is for the male, as simple as that - it is you and blind dogmatistism who are opposed to a woman deciding for herself to have or not have an offspring - that is the problem.

What you call "developement" could call the intergalactical communitiy of intelligent species: "The monsters of the third planet solar system who kill their own breed".

The Chronicles and Macbeth[edit]

A generic picture of Lords meeting Ladies used amongst other things for illustrating "Macbeth and Banquo encountering the witches" in the first edition of Holinshed's Chronicles.
Shakespeare used Holinshed's work extensively in Macbeth, but, in modified form. An instance is the Three Witches, whom Holinshed describes as "creatures of the elderwood ... nymphs or fairies". Nymphs and fairies are generally viewed as beautiful and youthful, but Shakespeare's three witches in Macbeth are ugly, dark, and bizarre. It is believed that he made the change to heighten the suspense and darkness of the play.[2] However, the Chronicles were lacking any description of Macbeth's character, so Shakespeare improvised on several points.[3] The characters Banquo and Fleance were also taken from Holinshed’s works, but they are now considered by many historians to be mythical, created by the rulers of Scotland at the time of the publication of the Chronicles.[4]

  1. Jump up ^ (King's College London) Holinshed's Chronicles February 2005. Accessed 1 June 2008. Archived July 6, 2009, at the Wayback Machine.
  2. Jump up ^ Shakespeare's Sources for Macbeth: Holinshed and Witches
  3. Jump up ^ Shakespeare's Sources for Macbeth: Holinshed and Witches
  4. Jump up ^ FAQ

Good that you understand Roman Polansky and why his wife Sharon Tate together with their common child were murdered from Charles Manson in the USA. And maybe you understand also the system of injustice of the USA. I don't. Maybe Ἑκάτη and the witches understand. But I don't know their prophecies for the american Borg-Queen.

Tate was eight-and-a-half months pregnant, and she was married Polansky in London. I don't recall meeting them, but my mother knew them.
I and countless others are making it 'our business' to defend the rights of thevchildren that you and your ilk are in denial of.

And there ain't shit you can or ever will do about it.

You want babies, give birth. What women across the country or around the world want is none of your business. Her medical visits are private.

You dont want children? Don't make any. If you decide to risk it anyway..? Like I said, you can count on me and a whole lot of others to be defending their rights against the likes of you.

Their right? The women's right to free choice and control their own bodies.

Women do not have a right to violate the rights of children. No body does.

It is her body, not the right of children. Till the last trimester, she is in full control to make her own choices.

If she wants, she has the right to seek and abortion, at home or clinic, in the first trimester.

"To want something" and "free will" are different things. I doubt about that any woman in the world would decide on her own free will to become pregnant and to abort her baby. Why should this be the free will of anyone? I don't see anything what makes abortions reasonable - except pure psycho-physio-medical indications.

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