How passing the plate becomes the 'Sunday morning stickup'


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
I hear they call the stick up "love offerings"

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -
Last edited:
i hear they call the stick up love offerings

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -
If you are not a member of this church, it's really none of your concern, is it?
i hear they call the stick up love offerings

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -
How do you function in every day life with so much piss and vinegar.
i hear they call the stick up love offerings

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -
If you are not a member of this church, it's really none of your concern, is it?
So how much do YOU give every week?
i hear they call the stick up "love offerings"

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -

guno you would not believe the number of Pastors who abuse their positions to fleece the flock. Most Christians who trust only their Pastors to interpret the Word for them don't even know let alone understand the concept of tithing the way the Lord has commanded his people in the Old Testament.

Meant to add there is no concept of tithing in the NT. Giving when and if you can and in any amount.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7).
I think----having spoken to persons from many parts of the world and from different
religions------that all religions include a bit of "HOLD-UP" to obtain
contributions. ----even historically true.
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  • #7
I hear they call the stick up "love offerings"

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -

The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."
The organist then picked up the tempo, and the pastor shouted, "God says run!" The offering ended with people surging toward the altar like music fans rushing a concert stage.

Notice the organist is in on it to whip up the crowd, mob mentality, people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors and actions, the above is a perfect example of this at work
  • Thread starter
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  • #8
i hear they call the stick up "love offerings"

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -

guno you would not believe the number of Pastors who abuse their positions to fleece the flock. Most Christians who trust only their Pastors to interpret the Word for them don't even know let alone understand the concept of tithing the way the Lord has commanded his people in the Old Testament.

Meant to add there is no concept of tithing in the NT. Giving when and if you can and in any amount.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7).

In synagogues no offering plate is part of anything and no money is collected or asked during service , why do Christians say they have to give a ten percent tithing?
i hear they call the stick up "love offerings"

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -

guno you would not believe the number of Pastors who abuse their positions to fleece the flock. Most Christians who trust only their Pastors to interpret the Word for them don't even know let alone understand the concept of tithing the way the Lord has commanded his people in the Old Testament.

Meant to add there is no concept of tithing in the NT. Giving when and if you can and in any amount.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7).

In synagogues no offering plate is part of anything and no money is collected or asked during service , why do Christians say they have to give a ten percent tithing?

tithe is a jewish innovation------in the AGRICULTURAL laws of ancient Israel---
jews were obligated to give up ten percent of their crops to feed the poor----remember the laws of the "gleaners"
i hear they call the stick up "love offerings"

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -

guno you would not believe the number of Pastors who abuse their positions to fleece the flock. Most Christians who trust only their Pastors to interpret the Word for them don't even know let alone understand the concept of tithing the way the Lord has commanded his people in the Old Testament.

Meant to add there is no concept of tithing in the NT. Giving when and if you can and in any amount.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7).

In synagogues no offering plate is part of anything and no money is collected or asked during service , why do Christians say they have to give a ten percent tithing?

Because they don't read the Word themselves and let their pastors interpret the Bible as they see fit sadly.
i hear they call the stick up "love offerings"

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -

guno you would not believe the number of Pastors who abuse their positions to fleece the flock. Most Christians who trust only their Pastors to interpret the Word for them don't even know let alone understand the concept of tithing the way the Lord has commanded his people in the Old Testament.

Meant to add there is no concept of tithing in the NT. Giving when and if you can and in any amount.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7).

In synagogues no offering plate is part of anything and no money is collected or asked during service , why do Christians say they have to give a ten percent tithing?

Because they don't read the Word themselves and let their pastors interpret the Bible as they see fit sadly.

tithing is mentioned in the NT------I am posting that factoid from memory----do not
quote----but I do have a good memory.
If you are a member of a given congregation, you are obliged to contribute something to its maintenance. The amount is based on one's own circumstances, but collectively it must be enough to turn the lights on, so to speak. Also, most congregations have a number of charitable or "outreach" "ministries," and those who feel so inspired may contribute to the success of each (or none) of these. It is ALL voluntary and should be done with charity of spirit. Participation is also a form of giving, if you have no money to contribute.

But imagine this: I was at a BOWLING BANQUET yesterday at one of the bowlers' homes. The host also invited an acquaintance of his who is a missionary working in the Congo, and was visiting for one reason or another. The after-dinner conversation was gradually (and intentionally) moved to the work of his mission and how much they needed money, and how just a little donation would mean so much.

All of the bowlers in this league are church-going Christians who do give significantly to our churches and to other ministries, but we were all, apparently, so turned off by the deviousness of this solicitation that nothing was donated - at least at the dinner itself.

It left a bad taste in my mouth, and if the same bowlers offer to host the event next year I will decline.
i hear they call the stick up love offerings

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -
If you are not a member of this church, it's really none of your concern, is it?
So how much do YOU give every week?
What possible business is that of yours?
i hear they call the stick up love offerings

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -
If you are not a member of this church, it's really none of your concern, is it?
So how much do YOU give every week?
What possible business is that of yours?
So you're ashamed to say? Got it.
i hear they call the stick up love offerings

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -
If you are not a member of this church, it's really none of your concern, is it?
So how much do YOU give every week?
What possible business is that of yours?
So you're ashamed to say? Got it.

public humiliation is the best way to GET THAT MONEY OUT OF THE
i hear they call the stick up love offerings

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -
If you are not a member of this church, it's really none of your concern, is it?
So how much do YOU give every week?
What possible business is that of yours?
So you're ashamed to say? Got it.
Nice try. Read Matthew. When you give to someone in need, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
i hear they call the stick up love offerings

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -
If you are not a member of this church, it's really none of your concern, is it?
So how much do YOU give every week?
What possible business is that of yours?
So you're ashamed to say? Got it.

public humiliation is the best way to GET THAT MONEY OUT OF THE
No it isn't.
i hear they call the stick up love offerings

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -
If you are not a member of this church, it's really none of your concern, is it?
So how much do YOU give every week?
What possible business is that of yours?
So you're ashamed to say? Got it.

No, I don't think you do 'got it' at all. How much anyone gives to their church is none of your business, Mrs. Kravitz.
i hear they call the stick up "love offerings"

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -

guno you would not believe the number of Pastors who abuse their positions to fleece the flock. Most Christians who trust only their Pastors to interpret the Word for them don't even know let alone understand the concept of tithing the way the Lord has commanded his people in the Old Testament.

Meant to add there is no concept of tithing in the NT. Giving when and if you can and in any amount.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7).

In synagogues no offering plate is part of anything and no money is collected or asked during service , why do Christians say they have to give a ten percent tithing?

Because they don't read the Word themselves and let their pastors interpret the Bible as they see fit sadly.

tithing is mentioned in the NT------I am posting that factoid from memory----do not
quote----but I do have a good memory.

But it's not law in the New Testament. The Catholic Church actually brought tithing to Christians in the fifth century.

This passage exemplifies how our giving is to be conducted in the NT.

Mark 12:41-44New International Version (NIV)
The Widow’s Offering
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

Bible Gateway passage: Mark 12:41-44 - New International Version

And here's the data on how tithing came to be AD.

"The Catholic Church knows its own history. Here is how tithing got back into the Church after being absent for nearly five centuries:

"As the Church expanded and various institutions arose, it became necessary to make laws which would insure the proper and permanent support of the clergy. The payment of tithes was adopted from the Old Law... The earliest positive legislation on the subject seems to be contained in the letter of the bishops assembled at Tours in 567 and the [canons] of the Council of Macon in 585."—The Catholic Encyclopedia."

L. Ray Smith - Tithing is Unscriptural Under the New Covenant

i hear they call the stick up "love offerings"

Seems like fleecing the flock

David Lee had just opened his wallet for two successive offerings at a church one Sunday morning when a pastor walked onto the pulpit to pass on a request.

"You all going to think I'm crazy, but God says give again," the pastor said.
The congregation rose from their seats to march to the front as the church organist played a soothing melody. As they dropped off their offerings at the altar, the pastor urged them on with, "God says give everything; don't hold nothing back."

How passing the plate becomes a 'Sunday morning stickup' -

guno you would not believe the number of Pastors who abuse their positions to fleece the flock. Most Christians who trust only their Pastors to interpret the Word for them don't even know let alone understand the concept of tithing the way the Lord has commanded his people in the Old Testament.

Meant to add there is no concept of tithing in the NT. Giving when and if you can and in any amount.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7).

In synagogues no offering plate is part of anything and no money is collected or asked during service , why do Christians say they have to give a ten percent tithing?

Because they don't read the Word themselves and let their pastors interpret the Bible as they see fit sadly.

tithing is mentioned in the NT------I am posting that factoid from memory----do not
quote----but I do have a good memory.

But it's not law in the New Testament. The Catholic Church actually brought tithing to Christians in the fifth century.

This passage exemplifies how our giving is to be conducted in the NT.

Mark 12:41-44New International Version (NIV)
The Widow’s Offering
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

Bible Gateway passage: Mark 12:41-44 - New International Version

And here's the data on how tithing came to be AD.

"The Catholic Church knows its own history. Here is how tithing got back into the Church after being absent for nearly five centuries:

"As the Church expanded and various institutions arose, it became necessary to make laws which would insure the proper and permanent support of the clergy. The payment of tithes was adopted from the Old Law... The earliest positive legislation on the subject seems to be contained in the letter of the bishops assembled at Tours in 567 and the [canons] of the Council of Macon in 585."—The Catholic Encyclopedia."

L. Ray Smith - Tithing is Unscriptural Under the New Covenant

your interpretation of charity by jewish law is tainted by your hatred. ----in fact very tiny contributions if any from the poor were the norm------and the RIGHTS of the poor to material support was actual law. Remember the rights of the "gleaners"?
In the context of the OT---the gleaners were people who had the legal right to
part of the harvest---------in fact---AT ALL TIMES ----picking stuff from planted
fields was legal for on the spot consumption.
Tithing is mentioned in the NT------in a way I will not describe-----because it is
far from FLATTERING------it is a remarkable and silly mistake by the writer of
that particular gospel

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