Is it time to start prepping and what will the SHTF scenario look like?

Lol, you idiots are not smart enough to know who the bad actors are Gates and Soros are small potatoes 🥔. Corporations have been buying up the family farms long before Gates and Soros came on the scene.

Hey idiot, we all know that this isn't anything brand new. That's irrelevant. Do you have anything relevant to contribute?

Free market economy? Lol, bull shit just about every industry is controlled by 5 companies or less. Has been since the 1980s. Kill citizens united and the patriot act or life as we know it are done. They were the final nail in the coffin. Lack of inforcement of anti monopoly laws was the start way back when Ike was president. He warned us we did nothing. Lol, blame it on the democrats is hilarious. Every law benefitting the monopoly in the past 100 years was introduced by the Republicans. This does not relieve the Dems from responsibility they have had majorities over the years where they could have repealed some these laws and did not do it. The fact is if you spent time looking through campaign finance reports both sides are beholden to the same contributors. As far as prepping goes you are delaying the inevitable. Don't get me wrong I am all for it. Just long term ability to sustain way of life is a laughable goal. The best you can hope for is striking some small wounds to those who are taking control.

Apparently you don't.
Well I think maybe you have watched too many TV shows if you think that protecting yourself in chaos has primacy in a survival situation. Food, water and shelter are always going to be number 1 and you are almost always going to be better off to bunker in place where you already know what you know about most things related to your surroundings. People with no food and water aren't going to last a week to 10 days at most and will be targeting each other at the dollar store for the last case of water. Just lay low and wait it out.

You obviously didn't read my OP. I am covering all scenarios and not just apocalyptic ones or ones that are only chaotic. If you think that it comes from too much TV then you aren't paying attention to what's going on.

Now, all that said, in your post apocalyptic vision come to life, I know where the closest fresh water sources are to me in the way of springs. People can be fighting it out on the creekbank and I will be up in the woods where the old springs in this area are at getting mine. I have a pretty good knowledge of the edibles v. nonedibles in my area as far as foraging. I have land; I have a variety of seeds that take different times to maturity; I have skills beyond those which I employ because generally I am lazy, but I can turn that if necessary; and we usually have enough crap about the place to keep is going awhile even with no store-bought food and water. I know which neighbors I can band together with if need be. I have a lot of upright wood that can harvested. My wife has medical skills as does the lady across the road and the EMT around the corner which would be handy to have available. Just being ecologically aware and bolstering up the wildlife on my property could be a benefit in the doomsday scenario. All that said, I would probably just rather be taken out than to face a dark ages future.

That's a plan. OTOH, many of us would prefer to weather the dark times too.
We have enough, between us and a neighbor who we've partnered with....I just don't usually talk about it.

In fact this prepping is now just a way of life, a way of thinking when making purchases of improvement, it is hardly discussed.... And we upped it after moving to Maine...because we learned about an ice storm that knocked all poles from Canada.... electricity was out in my area for a month and a half.... Most people in my area of the woods are just natural preppers, it is like said, simply a way of life. We lose electric, a lot due to weather in the winter.

Maine recently passed a law that no govt, can stop you from growing food in your yard or deck or balcony, and you can barter among friends with food, without needing FDA or Maine State approval and crap....something like that.....

I see the shit hitting the fan as more of a natural disaster like Yellowstone massive eruption, a CMT, droughts etc ...but am prepared for any world political event as well.... Though I'm certain I could be even more prepared as my older sister is.... We both are democrats. My hubby is a republican though...

That's cool for Maine but when the Federal Government makes cash illegal and bartering too, it'll be a whole new ball game.
Rural areas know how to hunt. They will have far fewer problems than urban areas which will run out of food in a couple of days.

Do they all? Everyone knows how to hunt? How long will the game last if everyone is hunting them?

I'm not trying to be a PITA, just trying to imagine all scenarios and make people aware that no plan is perfect. It seems you have a good set up but I would caution you to think about "what if?".
Hey idiot, we all know that this isn't anything brand new. That's irrelevant. Do you have anything relevant to contribute?

Apparently you don't.
Lol, retard what is relevant is fighting the true cause of the situation ya fucking retard. I am fine with ya just prepping to be a rabbit during rabbit season. It's what ya deserve. Lol, I have no problem with retards ending up in a stew. Or ya grow a fucking brain unite get rid of citizens united, get rid if the patriot act, demand enforcement of anti monopoly laws and maintain the American way of life. But you go ahead and keep canning retard.

The point is, don't talk. You want to protect your shit? Shut the fuck up and nobody knows what you have or where it is.

I don't talk. There might be a risk in posting here but I doubt it. You're going to attempt to invade my home knowing I'm prepped and armed? Doubt it. You'll pick the low hanging fruit most likely. most people would.
Lol, retard what is relevant is fighting the true cause of the situation ya fucking retard. I am fine with ya just prepping to be a rabbit during rabbit season. It's what ya deserve. Lol, I have no problem with retards ending up in a stew. Or ya grow a fucking brain unite get rid of citizens united, get rid if the patriot act, demand enforcement of anti monopoly laws and maintain the American way of life. But you go ahead and keep canning retard.

Fuck off idiot, you have nothing to contribute. Go play in the street.
If there is an limited or unrestricted nuclear exchange there's going to be a nuclear winter and no power to help with heating. Wood will not be a viable heat source as most firewood will release more radioactive fallout in the immediate area it is burned in.

So....heating is going to be necessary as well as lots of winter clothing to be able to move about. Nevermind all of water/food supplies necessary to sustain people.
If there is an limited or unrestricted nuclear exchange there's going to be a nuclear winter and no power to help with heating. Wood will not be a viable heat source as most firewood will release more radioactive fallout in the immediate area it is burned in.

So....heating is going to be necessary as well as lots of winter clothing to be able to move about. Nevermind all of water/food supplies necessary to sustain people.

You are talking of an apocalyptic scenario. That is certainly something that needs to be considered, but it's far from the only scenario we may face. IMO an important part of being prepared is to try to cover as many scenarios as possible and at least be aware of the others.
In the
I don't talk. There might be a risk in posting here but I doubt it. You're going to attempt to invade my home knowing I'm prepped and armed? Doubt it. You'll pick the low hanging fruit most likely. most people would.
first post I made in this thread, I started out by saying " if I was a bad guy".
You either missed that or are so wrapped up in gaining attention you assumed I would be one to attack.
You are talking now. You can't dispute that.
Look, I'll go through this in a manner even you can understand it;
Don't tell anyone what you have or what your plans are to hold it.
A defensive position is much stronger than an offensive one. Therefore it makes sense to put yourself in a strong defensive position.
In the

first post I made in this thread, I started out by saying " if I was a bad guy".
You either missed that or are so wrapped up in gaining attention you assumed I would be one to attack.
You are talking now. You can't dispute that.
Look, I'll go through this in a manner even you can understand it;
Don't tell anyone what you have or what your plans are to hold it.
A defensive position is much stronger than an offensive one. Therefore it makes sense to put yourself in a strong defensive position.

You put out a scenario and I responded.

As I stated (you were probably so wrapped up in gaining attention that you missed it), I doubt anyone would try to break into my house in a SHTF scenario after tracing my IP address having read that I have weapons and can use them. You'd pick the numerous easy targets you'd meet long before you got to me.

FYI you can make valid and important points without being a dick, try it.
You put out a scenario and I responded.

As I stated (you were probably so wrapped up in gaining attention that you missed it), I doubt anyone would try to break into my house in a SHTF scenario after tracing my IP address having read that I have weapons and can use them. You'd pick the numerous easy targets you'd meet long before you got to me.

FYI you can make valid and important points without being a dick, try it.
Lol, waiting on that retard story time there pred. Love the laughs ya give me. To busy voting for people that feed the monopoly and subjugate ya?
Rural areas will see marauders shot to pieces in minutes. I don't think you have ever been to a rural area in your life if you think that way.

Hell in LA during the Rodney king riots there were neighborhood streets that were shut down so that rioters couldn't loot in the suburbs.

In rural areas it is far worse for marauding scumbags. EVERYONE knows they don't belong in the area, and EVERYONE knows what they are there to do.

And EVERYONE is armed.

No, your marauders will stay in the cities where they have always been.

Yeah. Pretty much that, WW. Pretty much that...
You put out a scenario and I responded.

As I stated (you were probably so wrapped up in gaining attention that you missed it), I doubt anyone would try to break into my house in a SHTF scenario after tracing my IP address having read that I have weapons and can use them. You'd pick the numerous easy targets you'd meet long before you got to me.

FYI you can make valid and important points without being a dick, try it.
I did try it. You responded as a giant prick first.
So you admit you can be traced by your op address.
What steps have you taken to prevent that?
I won't say what steps I have taken, but I assure you you won't find anything by tracing mine but a private repeater.
I have been at it over 20 years. You newbies are amusing, but still I will be sad to hear about it when you die.
You are talking of an apocalyptic scenario. That is certainly something that needs to be considered, but it's far from the only scenario we may face. IMO an important part of being prepared is to try to cover as many scenarios as possible and at least be aware of the others.
Even a limited nuclear exchange is going to cause a lot of smoke fallout from a city. Because of the nature of a nuclear detonation the "smoke " goes well above the clouds into LEO (low earth orbit) and requires time for it to fall back to will but it's going to be a while.

Then there's going to be a LOT of panic and disruption to the economy. Things will eventually calm down from the initial chaos but there's going to be a restoration of society regardless.'s not going to be a picnic by any stretch of the imagination.
Fear and the proliferation of firearms is going to kill as many as any nuclear device. (So many don't understand fire control) Also the lack of medicines and disease are going to kill many as well. From diabetics to those with gastric bypass surgery to heart medications and etc. Cholera will get many too.
People on an individual basis are ok....but en-masse they are very destructive when scared or hungry for something. And people are going to be looking for the peppers. EVERYONE has visions of hiding in the mountains....but the traveling is going to kill a bunch.

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