Is it really THIS easy to let Biden off the hook?


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2008
I distinctly remember the wailing about how dangerous it was for Trump to have documents at Mara Lago. It was a national security threat! He might in fact be selling secrets to our enemies! He cant run for POTUS anymore because of this horrendous crime!

Then i read this garbage article....

Biden needs to more fully explain how and why classified records dating back to his vice presidency wound up in his garage and a private office in Washington, D.C., according to Democratic strategists, lawmakers and even administration officials.

“He’s got to say, ‘I messed up, I apologize,’” said Lanny Davis, who handled various investigations as a lawyer in the Clinton White House.

“With the wisdom of hindsight, it’s not too late for President Biden to own up to mishandling this,” said Davis, who now works in crisis management. “Own it!”

That's it? He just has to say "i messed up" and its all good? If he just "owns it" all is forgiven and the national security threat stuff is water under the bridge? Does that work for you democrats?
I distinctly remember the wailing about how dangerous it was for Trump to have documents at Mara Lago. It was a national security threat! He might in fact be selling secrets to our enemies! He cant run for POTUS anymore because of this horrendous crime.

Then i read this garbage article....

Biden needs to more fully explain how and why classified records dating back to his vice presidency wound up in his garage and a private office in Washington, D.C., according to Democratic strategists, lawmakers and even administration officials.

“He’s got to say, ‘I messed up, I apologize,’” said Lanny Davis, who handled various investigations as a lawyer in the Clinton White House.

“With the wisdom of hindsight, it’s not too late for President Biden to own up to mishandling this,” said Davis, who now works in crisis management. “Own it!”

That is? He just has to say "i messed up" and its all good? If he just "owns it" all is forgiven and the national security threat stuff is water under the bridge? Does that work for you democrats?

I distinctly remember the wailing about how dangerous it was for Trump to have documents at Mara Lago. It was a national security threat! He might in fact be selling secrets to our enemies! He cant run for POTUS anymore because of this horrendous crime!

Then i read this garbage article....

Biden needs to more fully explain how and why classified records dating back to his vice presidency wound up in his garage and a private office in Washington, D.C., according to Democratic strategists, lawmakers and even administration officials.

“He’s got to say, ‘I messed up, I apologize,’” said Lanny Davis, who handled various investigations as a lawyer in the Clinton White House.

“With the wisdom of hindsight, it’s not too late for President Biden to own up to mishandling this,” said Davis, who now works in crisis management. “Own it!”

That's it? He just has to say "i messed up" and its all good? If he just "owns it" all is forgiven and the national security threat stuff is water under the bridge? Does that work for you democrats?
I distinctly remember the wailing about how dangerous it was for Trump to have documents at Mara Lago. It was a national security threat! He might in fact be selling secrets to our enemies! He cant run for POTUS anymore because of this horrendous crime!

Then i read this garbage article....

Biden needs to more fully explain how and why classified records dating back to his vice presidency wound up in his garage and a private office in Washington, D.C., according to Democratic strategists, lawmakers and even administration officials.

“He’s got to say, ‘I messed up, I apologize,’” said Lanny Davis, who handled various investigations as a lawyer in the Clinton White House.

“With the wisdom of hindsight, it’s not too late for President Biden to own up to mishandling this,” said Davis, who now works in crisis management. “Own it!”

That's it? He just has to say "i messed up" and its all good? If he just "owns it" all is forgiven and the national security threat stuff is water under the bridge? Does that work for you democrats?
The Democrats control the Attorney General and the FBI. We'll see how this plays out, but it smells like another Democrat made for TV production to me. Make it appear that Biden is being raked over the coals, ultimately do nothing and say they proved that the DOJ is working for America.
The Democrats control the Attorney General and the FBI. We'll see how this plays out, but it smells like another Democrat made for TV production to me. Make it appear that Biden is being raked over the coals, ultimately do nothing and say they proved that the DOJ is working for America.
We may be at the point now where Democrats controlling the AG and the FBI is a bad thing for Biden. If they just actually follow the law, Biden would fall quickly. Do you think the DNC wants that boat anchor around their necks in 2024? That is bad news for Biden.
I distinctly remember the wailing about how dangerous it was for Trump to have documents at Mara Lago. It was a national security threat! He might in fact be selling secrets to our enemies! He cant run for POTUS anymore because of this horrendous crime!

Then i read this garbage article....

Biden needs to more fully explain how and why classified records dating back to his vice presidency wound up in his garage and a private office in Washington, D.C., according to Democratic strategists, lawmakers and even administration officials.

“He’s got to say, ‘I messed up, I apologize,’” said Lanny Davis, who handled various investigations as a lawyer in the Clinton White House.

“With the wisdom of hindsight, it’s not too late for President Biden to own up to mishandling this,” said Davis, who now works in crisis management. “Own it!”

That's it? He just has to say "i messed up" and its all good? If he just "owns it" all is forgiven and the national security threat stuff is water under the bridge? Does that work for you democrats?
Your point is Biden a honorable man doing this and scum bag literally the most hate man in the world doing it , A man you can trust compared to a piece of shit that is a certified criminal.
I distinctly remember the wailing about how dangerous it was for Trump to have documents at Mara Lago. It was a national security threat! He might in fact be selling secrets to our enemies! He cant run for POTUS anymore because of this horrendous crime!

Then i read this garbage article....

Biden needs to more fully explain how and why classified records dating back to his vice presidency wound up in his garage and a private office in Washington, D.C., according to Democratic strategists, lawmakers and even administration officials.

“He’s got to say, ‘I messed up, I apologize,’” said Lanny Davis, who handled various investigations as a lawyer in the Clinton White House.

“With the wisdom of hindsight, it’s not too late for President Biden to own up to mishandling this,” said Davis, who now works in crisis management. “Own it!”

That's it? He just has to say "i messed up" and its all good? If he just "owns it" all is forgiven and the national security threat stuff is water under the bridge? Does that work for you democrats?
Biden's stupidity destroyed the DOJ investigation on Trump and now Democrats are looking to save face.
I distinctly remember the wailing about how dangerous it was for Trump to have documents at Mara Lago. It was a national security threat! He might in fact be selling secrets to our enemies! He cant run for POTUS anymore because of this horrendous crime!

Then i read this garbage article....

Biden needs to more fully explain how and why classified records dating back to his vice presidency wound up in his garage and a private office in Washington, D.C., according to Democratic strategists, lawmakers and even administration officials.

“He’s got to say, ‘I messed up, I apologize,’” said Lanny Davis, who handled various investigations as a lawyer in the Clinton White House.

“With the wisdom of hindsight, it’s not too late for President Biden to own up to mishandling this,” said Davis, who now works in crisis management. “Own it!”

That's it? He just has to say "i messed up" and its all good? If he just "owns it" all is forgiven and the national security threat stuff is water under the bridge? Does that work for you democrats?
Of course, the Democrat Handmaiden Press will give their guy a pass and defend him.
What a hoot, the q anon bozos Deep state fantasy world.
Why do only the left-wing crackpots ever reference q anon?
No one else knows anything about.
Biden is a pathological liar and a crook.
He will either have to resign or be politically crippled by his stolen TS documents crime.
Biden is an embarrassment to humanity, but the crazy left-wingers are incapable of shame.
He has already ruined the 2024 election for the idiot Democrats.
I distinctly remember the wailing about how dangerous it was for Trump to have documents at Mara Lago. It was a national security threat! He might in fact be selling secrets to our enemies! He cant run for POTUS anymore because of this horrendous crime!

Then i read this garbage article....

Biden needs to more fully explain how and why classified records dating back to his vice presidency wound up in his garage and a private office in Washington, D.C., according to Democratic strategists, lawmakers and even administration officials.

“He’s got to say, ‘I messed up, I apologize,’” said Lanny Davis, who handled various investigations as a lawyer in the Clinton White House.

“With the wisdom of hindsight, it’s not too late for President Biden to own up to mishandling this,” said Davis, who now works in crisis management. “Own it!”

That's it? He just has to say "i messed up" and its all good? If he just "owns it" all is forgiven and the national security threat stuff is water under the bridge? Does that work for you democrats?
Was it that easy to let Trump off the hook? You did... please tell us.
I distinctly remember the wailing about how dangerous it was for Trump to have documents at Mara Lago. It was a national security threat! He might in fact be selling secrets to our enemies! He cant run for POTUS anymore because of this horrendous crime!

Then i read this garbage article....

Biden needs to more fully explain how and why classified records dating back to his vice presidency wound up in his garage and a private office in Washington, D.C., according to Democratic strategists, lawmakers and even administration officials.

“He’s got to say, ‘I messed up, I apologize,’” said Lanny Davis, who handled various investigations as a lawyer in the Clinton White House.

“With the wisdom of hindsight, it’s not too late for President Biden to own up to mishandling this,” said Davis, who now works in crisis management. “Own it!”

That's it? He just has to say "i messed up" and its all good? If he just "owns it" all is forgiven and the national security threat stuff is water under the bridge? Does that work for you democrats?
Brietbart is running a despicable AP story this evening grossly minimizing Biden's naked criminality, and going as far as repeatedly implying Trump's case was far more egregious for some inexplicable reason, literally stating that Biden will not face any serious criminal exposure, its just embarrassing for him. Trump did not mishandle classified anything, he was president, Biden was not, Biden was the VP, he possessed absolutely no authority to possess those documents, every one of which is a felony violation, and it is obvious what he was doing with them, he and Hunter! We need to line up every member of the fascist media machine and execute them, every fucking one of them!
Brietbart is running a despicable AP story this evening grossly minimizing Biden's naked criminality, and going as far as repeatedly implying Trump's case was far more egregious for some inexplicable reason, literally stating that Biden will not face any serious criminal exposure, its just embarrassing for him. Trump did not mishandle classified anything, he was president, Biden was not, Biden was the VP, he possessed absolutely no authority to possess those documents, every one of which is a felony violation, and it is obvious what he was doing with them, he and Hunter! We need to line up every member of the fascist media machine and execute them, every fucking one of them!
Lie he wasn't president when they got the documents back, you pigs are nothing but liars.

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