Is it possible to be a left winged libertarian?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian.

My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life.

Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.
Most Americans like to think of themselves as lovers of liberty but clearly liberals do not embrace freedom. When they say they're "libertarians", they're either confused or lying (most likely lying). Bill Maher claims to be a libertarian but he supports every left wing communist asshole in government.
I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian.

My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life.

Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.
The possibilities are endless when it comes to the human mind and human behavior. So, yes, it's possible.
I think anyone, regardless of their political leanings, can be a librarian...

I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian.

My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life.

Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.
The possibilities are endless when it comes to the human mind and human behavior. So, yes, it's possible.

I think that left winged libertarians, and those that defend them, are self deluded.

Left wingers are obsessed with social injustice, that is, what they perceive as social injustice. For example, gays can marry, but polygamist can't. Everyone should be treated equally, unless you are a conservative being audited by the IRS etc.

Every perceived injustice is then held up as they pass laws and regulations to "fix" them all. Unfortunately, there are a limitless source of injustice in this world, which creates a limitless amount of laws and regulations. Why last year alone the government passed well over 40,000 new laws and regulations. This is problematic because with every law and regulation that is passed, our freedoms wane.

This is one of my favorite quotes of all time, as it pretty much nails it on the head.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C. S. Lewis
Most Americans like to think of themselves as lovers of liberty but clearly liberals do not embrace freedom. When they say they're "libertarians", they're either confused or lying (most likely lying). Bill Maher claims to be a libertarian but he supports every left wing communist asshole in government.

Left wingers are at war with economic freedom because they see such freedom as a chance for inequality.

Well guess what, they are right. Freedom brings inequality.

Guess where everyone is equal? Jail.

It's like them lecturing us to forgo our freedoms for safety with such things as the Patriot Act and NDAA. They essentially now have the power to lock us in jail and throw away the key if they so choose without due process. This is all to "keep us safe" from terrorists.

Well guess what, if they do away with things like the Patriot Act and NDAA, we may be less safe, but then, that is the price of freedom.

If you want to be safe, go to jail. You are guarded 24/7 with iron bars to protect you.
I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian.

My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life.

Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.
Sure you can believe in economic conservatism and still lean left, as long as you don't hate brown people and teh gheys.
I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian.

My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life.

Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.
Sure you can believe in economic conservatism and still lean left, as long as you don't hate brown people and teh gheys.

Economic conservatism? What does that mean?

As for hating blacks and gays, do you really think all conservatives hate them?
I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian.

My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life.

Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.
Sure you can believe in economic conservatism and still lean left, as long as you don't hate brown people and teh gheys.

Economic conservatism? What does that mean?

As for hating blacks and gays, do you really think all conservatives hate them?
If you don't know what it means to be an economic conservative, then this conversation is pointless.
I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian.

My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life.

Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.
Sure you can believe in economic conservatism and still lean left, as long as you don't hate brown people and teh gheys.

Economic conservatism? What does that mean?

As for hating blacks and gays, do you really think all conservatives hate them?
If you don't know what it means to be an economic conservative, then this conversation is pointless.

The reason I question the term conservative is because it has become bastardized.

"W" spent like a drunken sailor and is said to be a conservative. I think anyone who wishes to cut the federal budget would be considered economically conservative, even if that means the deficit is running in the trillions of dollars.
Libertarians favor right wing economics and increasing the rights of citizens.

The confusion is due to the fact that liberals tend to fight for civil liberties for individuals than conservatives.

However, put them in the same room to talk economics, and it would seem no different than if it were a liberal and conservative talking.
I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian. My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life. Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.
Left-libertarians tend to anarchic side of things. Going right to the nanny-state meme says more about your biases than anything else. If you're really interested, check out this url.
Critiques Of Libertarianism Left-Libertarian and Anarchist Criticism.
I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian. My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life. Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.
Left-libertarians tend to anarchic side of things. Going right to the nanny-state meme says more about your biases than anything else. If you're really interested, check out this url.
Critiques Of Libertarianism Left-Libertarian and Anarchist Criticism.

When you talk of 'Anarchy', which type of anarchy?

Social Anarchy, or Economic Anarchy? They are not the same, but either can lead a nation to ruin!!
I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian. My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life. Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.
Left-libertarians tend to anarchic side of things. Going right to the nanny-state meme says more about your biases than anything else. If you're really interested, check out this url.
Critiques Of Libertarianism Left-Libertarian and Anarchist Criticism.
When you talk of 'Anarchy', which type of anarchy? Social Anarchy, or Economic Anarchy? They are not the same, but either can lead a nation to ruin!!
I don't espouse anarchy in any form. I was just providing info to someone who thought there was no such thing as a left-libertarian. The url does not espouse any particular flavor either. It's actually from a website that criticizes libertarianism in all its forms, right, left or Objectivist(Randite).
When I think about

Should there not exist a left wing version of social conservatism?
I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian.

My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life.

Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.

Libertarians are further to the rigth than "conservative republicans." Anyone id'ing as left-wing AND libertarian doesnt' know what either is I'd think.
I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian.

My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life.

Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.

Libertarians are further to the rigth than "conservative republicans." Anyone id'ing as left-wing AND libertarian doesnt' know what either is I'd think.
I never really got this view. On a typical right/left questionnaire we tend to score in the middle. The right left thing is kinda useless really.
I've often heard people say that they are left leaning, but also a libertarian.

My question is how? After all, left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life.

Perhaps the worst words you can utter is "FREE TRADE". I once saw a left winger go into convulsions when I said those words.

The main problem with your theory is the concept expressed above "left leaning people embrace socialism, which essentially is an all encompassing nanny state that has a hand in pretty much every facet of your life."
This simply isn't true.
Public schools, fire departments, Social Security, and interstate highways (in fact all public roads) are examples of of the type of "socialism" lefties approve of. Do you drive on roads? Use airports? Did you go to school? If you answer yes, than you utilize socialism. (you are a hypocrite).

I am a libertarian because; I am opposed to foreign military intervention, support the second ammendment, am in favor of ending the war on drugs, etc.
I am a leftist because I believe is social safety nets for the poor, elderly, underprivileged, etc.

Pretty much everyone who posted in this thread except one exception simply doesn't know what they are talking about.
Libertarians favor right wing economics and increasing the rights of citizens.

The confusion is due to the fact that liberals tend to fight for civil liberties for individuals than conservatives.

However, put them in the same room to talk economics, and it would seem no different than if it were a liberal and conservative talking.

Except Libertarians actually believe in economic freedom. Conservatives merely give lip service to it.

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