Is it okay to say we lost in Iraq because GWB was the president?

President Obama's astonishing failure to secure an orderly transition in Iraq has unnecessarily put at risk the victories that were won through the blood and sacrifice of thousands of American men and women," he said. "The unavoidable question is whether this decision is the result of a naked political calculation or simply sheer ineptitude in negotiations with the Iraqi government. The American people deserve to hear the recommendations that were made by our military commanders in Iraq."

A deal to withdraw all troops from Iraq by the end of 2011 was negotiated in 2008, under the administration of former President George W. Bush. Over the past few months, Obama administration Iraqi officials reportedly worked on a deal to leave a few thousand military trainers in the country past the end of the year, but they could not come to an agreement because the Iraqis refused to grant U.S. troops immunity from prosecution in Iraqi courts.

The Obama reelection campaign responded to Romney's statement by saying Mr. Obama "kept his pledge to the nation to end the war in Iraq in a responsible way," and also by criticizing Romney.

"Mitt Romney didn't lay out a plan to end the war in Iraq in his foreign policy agenda - he barely even mentioned Iraq - but he is apparently willing to leave American troops there without identifying a new mission," said Obama for American Press Secretary Ben LaBolt. "Mitt Romney's foreign policy experience is limited to his work as a finance executive shipping American jobs overseas."

Romney, Perry hammer Obama over Iraq pullout - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Romeny is an idiot, but the issue was not as you said it was as usual. no-one has denied the 2008 agreement
you tried to ignore and got caught

By the way, you accused me of calling you a name, you should at least tell me what it was

I think you must have reading comprehension issues.

No I think you have issues with the truth
1) You tried to credit Obama for ending the war, you got called out on it
2) Then you claimed the GOP over the weekend "blamed" Obama for ending the war, using Jon Stewart as your source

There concern is stated above and is warranted. Obama decided it was not. I hope he was right

"Most of the detractors are claiming it is a loss because it is President Obama who is ordering them to pull out."

Is not trying to credit President Obama with ending the war.

Fact of the matter is it was the Iraqis who ended it. But then again that was their first order of business way back when.
I think you must have reading comprehension issues.

No I think you have issues with the truth
1) You tried to credit Obama for ending the war, you got called out on it
2) Then you claimed the GOP over the weekend "blamed" Obama for ending the war, using Jon Stewart as your source

There concern is stated above and is warranted. Obama decided it was not. I hope he was right

"Most of the detractors are claiming it is a loss because it is President Obama who is ordering them to pull out."

Is not trying to credit President Obama with ending the war.

Fact of the matter is it was the Iraqis who ended it. But then again that was their first order of business way back when.

Your right about the Iraqis

No my friend what they did was cover GWB and there butts. This thing has been on the back page because it went according to plan and looks to be a huge success. What those people are saying is it better be in that good of shape because Obama has not said a word and neither has the generals, which is scary, one way or the other

It is time to leave, but as usual Obama ignored us and did what he thought was best and ignored the people who we elected to represent us

Obama has no back-bone, just look at his comment on this situtation
You R all over the place some-times
But I agree with you here. This was 12 years past due in 2003

All over the place? Not really. I just tend to think for myself instead of getting my opinions from any media. You follow your leader... I march to my own drum.

Never do I follow the leader
I am very simple, my values are simple,
I mean no dis respect, but I am a conservative libertarian. In the world I live in, complicated is to messy and to time consuming

It is strange you would think I do not think for my-self, your skills in assessing people are off 180 degrees here. That's ok

I know what you are. Naive.... that's ok.... a lot of Libertarians are. The world is a complex place and naivety is dangerous.

I see no evidence of your independent thought. I see evidence that you regurgitate the thoughts of others. That's ok. Lots of people do that, it saves them from the complexity of individual thought.
All over the place? Not really. I just tend to think for myself instead of getting my opinions from any media. You follow your leader... I march to my own drum.

Never do I follow the leader
I am very simple, my values are simple,
I mean no dis respect, but I am a conservative libertarian. In the world I live in, complicated is to messy and to time consuming

It is strange you would think I do not think for my-self, your skills in assessing people are off 180 degrees here. That's ok

I know what you are. Naive.... that's ok.... a lot of Libertarians are. The world is a complex place and naivety is dangerous.

I see no evidence of your independent thought. I see evidence that you regurgitate the thoughts of others. That's ok. Lots of people do that, it saves them from the complexity of individual thought.

That is interesting, you know nothing about me
exactly what is it you see in me that is regurgitated?
I know of only person on this message board that has stated we need a living wage in this country of 500.00 a week
what else?
Be care-full you might find out just how far off you area
No I think you have issues with the truth
1) You tried to credit Obama for ending the war, you got called out on it
2) Then you claimed the GOP over the weekend "blamed" Obama for ending the war, using Jon Stewart as your source

There concern is stated above and is warranted. Obama decided it was not. I hope he was right

"Most of the detractors are claiming it is a loss because it is President Obama who is ordering them to pull out."

Is not trying to credit President Obama with ending the war.

Fact of the matter is it was the Iraqis who ended it. But then again that was their first order of business way back when.

Your right about the Iraqis

No my friend what they did was cover GWB and there butts. This thing has been on the back page because it went according to plan and looks to be a huge success. What those people are saying is it better be in that good of shape because Obama has not said a word and neither has the generals, which is scary, one way or the other

It is time to leave, but as usual Obama ignored us and did what he thought was best and ignored the people who we elected to represent us

Obama has no back-bone, just look at his comment on this situtation

Well it's not so clear cut

"....“This deal was cut by the Bush administration, the agreement was always that at end of the year we would leave, but the Iraqis wanted additional troops to stay,” an administration official said. “We said here are the conditions, including immunities. But the Iraqis because of a variety of reasons wanted the troops and didn’t want to give immunity.”

Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough told reporters that the U.S. assessment determined that Iraqis were ready and they proved they could fully take over their security."

Obama Announces Complete Drawdown of U.S. Troops From Iraq by Year’s End - ABC News

Not too sure. Who is they and why were they covering GWB and their own butts?

What is "This thing"?

What is it the the President and the Generals have not said a word about and why is it scary?

President Obama has been too conciliatory but has shown much more resolve in the fight against muslim extremist than most expected.
It was warranted as Saddam had been given 12 years to provide proof that he had done away with the following
UN information

UNMOVIC, however, has information that conflicts with this account. There are indications that Iraq had worked on the problem of purity and stabilization, and that more had been achieved than has been declared. Indeed, even one of the documents provided by Iraq indicates that the purity of the agent, at least in laboratory production, was higher than declared.

There are also indications that the agent was weaponized. In addition, there are questions to be answered concerning the fate of the VX precursor chemicals, which Iraq states were lost due to bombing in the Gulf War or were unilaterally destroyed by Iraq.

Chemical bombs were being dropped after the Gulf War!
The document indicates that 13,000 chemical bombs were dropped by the Iraqi Air Force between 1983 and 1998, while Iraq has declared that 19,500 bombs were consumed during this period. Thus, there is a discrepancy of 6,500 bombs. The amount of chemical agent in these bombs would be in the order of about 1,000 tons. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we must assume that these quantities are now unaccounted for.

Rocket delivery systems for WMD were being worked on after the Gulf war – even very recently.
The discovery of a number of 122 mm chemical rocked warheads in a bunker at the storage depot 170 kilometers southwest of Baghdad was much-publicized. This was a relatively new bunker, and therefore the rockets must have been moved here in the past two years, at a time when Iraq should not have had such munitions. Investigation of these rockets is still proceeding. Iraq states that they were overlooked from 1991 from a batch of some 2,000 that were stored there during the Gulf War. This could be the case. They could also be the tip of a submerged iceberg. The discovery of a few rockets does not resolve, but rather points to the issue of several thousand of chemical rockets that are unaccounted for.

What about Bio- WMDs?
I turn to biological weapons. I mentioned the issue of anthrax to the council on previous occasion, and I come back to it, as it is an important one. Iraq has declared that it produced about 8,500 liters of this biological warfare agent, which, it states, it unilaterally destroyed in the summer of 1991. Iraq has provided little evidence for this production and no convincing evidence for its destruction.

There are strong indications that Iraq produced more anthrax than it declared and that at least some of this was retained after the declared destruction date. It might still exist.

Was Iraq falsifying WMD documents?
Iraq did not declare a significant quantity, some 650 kilos, of bacterial growth media, which was acknowledged, as reported, in Iraq's submissions to the Amorim panel in February of 1999. As a part of its 7 December 2002, declaration, Iraq resubmitted the Amorim panel document, but the table showing this particular import of media was not included. The absence of this table would appear to be deliberate, as the pages of the resubmitted document were renumbered….This is not evidence. I note that the quantity of the media involved would suffice to produce, for example, about 5,000 liters of concentrated anthrax.
The Politics of WAR

As far as being legal
Senate approves Iraq war resolution - CNN


We are leaving
Saddam is gone
There is a republic in place

Now you may not like this, but you people are going to have to learn to live with this

Good lord, he's spamming again with shit that was debunked in five different threads a month ago.

Your accusations of spamming is a lie
if you can debunk what is right in front of your face
if not
go away
you dont like the truth, live with it

By the way, I got notified you were accusing me of spamming, I have U on ignore
Now put up, or shut up


It was already debunked in your many threads on the same subject, and ALSO, as I correctly pointed out and predicted,

you would keep making new threads on the subject with the same debunked crap in them as if no one had ever proven it to be bullshit.

You are performing right on cue.
You people who claim we lost the war in Iraq as we leave there and they are doing fine with a republic in place better think twice or at best look who is standing around you when you claim we lost that war just because GWB was the president and it was his war

I am not kidding. I know some gung ho marines who do not feel that way and I am clueless as to why any of you would feel that way


Clueless? I agree.

Ask the women of Iraq how "free" they are. Then, if you can find any, ask the Christians that used to live in Iraq how free it was. Them come back and explain what a "success" Iraq was.

What's hilarious. Republicans helped move millions of jobs from this country to China. Then the Chinese got the Iraqi oil that was going to "pay for the war".

Hey, how come Iraq doesn't proclaim "America Appreciation Day"? After all, we liberated them, right?

So many things the shout "failure" and Republicans refuse to see a single one. Hilarious!
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You people who claim we lost the war in Iraq as we leave there and they are doing fine with a republic in place better think twice or at best look who is standing around you when you claim we lost that war just because GWB was the president and it was his war

I am not kidding. I know some gung ho marines who do not feel that way and I am clueless as to why any of you would feel that way


You are an idiot. I have not seen one poster on this board claim that we "lost" that war. The claim that America was led into that war under false information has been said rightly by many including myself.

It is amazing you have gotten this far in life with a brain that processes information so poorly.
You people who claim we lost the war in Iraq as we leave there and they are doing fine with a republic in place better think twice or at best look who is standing around you when you claim we lost that war just because GWB was the president and it was his war

I am not kidding. I know some gung ho marines who do not feel that way and I am clueless as to why any of you would feel that way


Clueless? I agree.

Ask the women of Iraq how "free" they are. Then, if you can find any, ask the Christians that used to live in Iraq how free it was. Them come back and explain what a "success" Iraq was.

What's hilarious. Republicans helped move millions of jobs from this country to China. Then the Chinese got the Iraqi oil that was going to "pay for the war".

Hey, how come Iraq doesn't proclaim "America Appreciation Day"? After all, we liberated them, right?

So many things the shout "failure" and Republicans refuse to see a single one. Hilarious!

The left made the war about everything except for what it really was about
forming a republic

What they do with the republic is there choice

And as far as the women go, I am not sure what your talking about with that one
4,000 women run for office in Iraq - CNN

Is this the new tactic? to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?
You people who claim we lost the war in Iraq as we leave there and they are doing fine with a republic in place better think twice or at best look who is standing around you when you claim we lost that war just because GWB was the president and it was his war

I am not kidding. I know some gung ho marines who do not feel that way and I am clueless as to why any of you would feel that way


You are an idiot. I have not seen one poster on this board claim that we "lost" that war. The claim that America was led into that war under false information has been said rightly by many including myself.

It is amazing you have gotten this far in life with a brain that processes information so poorly.

When the liberal mind has no where else to go, make it personal
Why do you do that?
My god there has been so many that stated we lost this war, just look
jrk is a troll.

Then G.T. if I am a troll, ignore me okay?
Your not doing your reputation any good to make that claim in a rebuttle

Like I told ypou 45 threads ago about the same topic -

If you keep running away from your original threads where you got schooled like a little bitch who puts his fingers in his ears like a pussy 5-year old when he's presented with opposing facts - - - - and flooding the board daily with new threads about the same topics not even CLOSE to disguised in any sort of way.

I will be here.

To let everybody know.

I will troll a troll - scorched earth policy - until you look in the mirror and see green face covered in warts and the slime from Double Dare.
jrk is a troll.

Then G.T. if I am a troll, ignore me okay?
Your not doing your reputation any good to make that claim in a rebuttle

Like I told ypou 45 threads ago about the same topic -

If you keep running away from your original threads where you got schooled like a little bitch who puts his fingers in his ears like a pussy 5-year old when he's presented with opposing facts - - - - and flooding the board daily with new threads about the same topics not even CLOSE to disguised in any sort of way.

I will be here.

To let everybody know.

I will troll a troll - scorched earth policy - until you look in the mirror and see green face covered in warts and the slime from Double Dare.

your are sick dude, I will pray for you to get some help
jrk - you are sick.
you cant stop making threads about iraq and bush.
keep it to one fuckin thread, huh?
jrk - you are sick.
you cant stop making threads about iraq and bush.
keep it to one fuckin thread, huh?

You know why I put these threads out there? Because I get to about the 10th time some-one will say something that I disagree with and It becomes a thread
There has never been a thread wrote about this subject. It makes no sense to me why we are pretending as country that Iraq is not only over, it looks to have been a success
Now you choose to let it effect you for some reason that makes no sense to me. People are informing me of your harsh attacks and am advised to ask you to stop, so what ever reason you feel you need to attack me, stop
If not, well i am not sure what to say except I wish you find some help, what your doing is not normal
jrk - you are sick.
you cant stop making threads about iraq and bush.
keep it to one fuckin thread, huh?

You know why I put these threads out there? Because I get to about the 10th time some-one will say something that I disagree with and It becomes a thread
There has never been a thread wrote about this subject. It makes no sense to me why we are pretending as country that Iraq is not only over, it looks to have been a success
Now you choose to let it effect you for some reason that makes no sense to me. People are informing me of your harsh attacks and am advised to ask you to stop, so what ever reason you feel you need to attack me, stop
If not, well i am not sure what to say except I wish you find some help, what your doing is not normal

Are you serious? Are you honestly claiming you've never started any other thread on the issue of whether we won or lost the Iraq war?
jrk - you are sick.
you cant stop making threads about iraq and bush.
keep it to one fuckin thread, huh?

You know why I put these threads out there? Because I get to about the 10th time some-one will say something that I disagree with and It becomes a thread
There has never been a thread wrote about this subject. It makes no sense to me why we are pretending as country that Iraq is not only over, it looks to have been a success
Now you choose to let it effect you for some reason that makes no sense to me. People are informing me of your harsh attacks and am advised to ask you to stop, so what ever reason you feel you need to attack me, stop
If not, well i am not sure what to say except I wish you find some help, what your doing is not normal

Are you serious? Are you honestly claiming you've never started any other thread on the issue of whether we won or lost the Iraq war?

That is not what i have claimed. understanding why it is there is shame in what we have done in Iraq and why it is being ignored has not
Look you got an issue with it, go away. all your trying to do is silence me with those who monitor the board because what I say makes you look bad
I just do not understand why it is this great success is being treated like it is
! death is to many
1 million is way to many

Oil is abundant right here, that's just a story the left got started and here we are keeping it going
GWB attacked Somalia? I just wrote a thread about shit the left state and cannot back it up
I goggled bush attack Somalia and got one hit from US Launches Missile Attack In Somalia
if you say so

Thank you for agreeing that Bush attacked Somalia and providing a link that proves me right.

You can continue to think it's a coincidence that we're always "saving" people in oil rich areas, I'll live in reality.

Dude I did not agree with anything, the only link I can find that agrees with you is not exactly Fox or CNN, thats why I posted it
And you jumped right on it
You guys have become very desperate. If you had proof that he attacked Somalia then why not use it?

How many sources do you need? You yourself provided one.

Battle of Ras Kamboni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This stuff isn't hard to find. Who's desperate again?
Thank you for agreeing that Bush attacked Somalia and providing a link that proves me right.

You can continue to think it's a coincidence that we're always "saving" people in oil rich areas, I'll live in reality.

Dude I did not agree with anything, the only link I can find that agrees with you is not exactly Fox or CNN, thats why I posted it
And you jumped right on it
You guys have become very desperate. If you had proof that he attacked Somalia then why not use it?

How many sources do you need? You yourself provided one.

Battle of Ras Kamboni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This stuff isn't hard to find. Who's desperate again?

I goggled Bush, missile attack Somalia and that never came up. I have nothing to be desperate about bud
Let me add something to this. If the Somalia pirates had attacked any ship carrying an american flag prior to that, then legally the president has the power to do that
I am not saying they did, he did, nor do I even care. IF we used a drone against the Somalia people during GWB term, it was once and was not a repeated event as Egypt and Libya has/had become

On January 10, Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman identified Somalia as part of the war on terror:
from your link, kind of like me saying it was OK to go into Pakistan and get OBL, big difference
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