Is it OK to refer to someone as "QUEER"?


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2017
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)


Ms. Ivanka Trump has a lifestyle website. It recently wanted to profile a female chef. That person, however, declined the invitation, writing:

"As a queer [emphasis mine] person of color and daughter of immigrant parents, I am not interested in being profiled as an aspirational figure for those that support a brand and President that slyly disparages female empowerment."

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (print edition) of June 18, 2018, page 80.
I don't know why some people say Trump "disparages female empowerment.", when he is a pioneer in female empowerment, having given executive management jobs to women, as far back as the 1970s, well before it became popular to do that. If anything, in this regard, Trump could be seen as a hero.

He has also given high-rank jobs in his own administration to women >>

Elaine Chao (also "person of color") - Sect of Transportation

2. Betsy DeVos - Sect of Education

Nicky Haley (also "person of color") - UN Ambassador

4. Linda McMahon - Small Business Administration

5. Kelly Anne Conway - Counselor

Gina Haspel - CIA Director
Last edited:
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)

Why? It's a perfectly serviceable English word, and who is anyone to determine what one can and cannot say?
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)


Ms. Ivanka Trump has a lifestyle website. It recently wanted to profile a female chef. That person, however, declined the invitation, writing:

"As a queer [emphasis mine] person of color and daughter of immigrant parents, I am not interested in being profiled as an aspirational figure for those that support a brand and President that slyly disparages female empowerment."

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (print edition) of June 18, 2018, page 80.
adjective: queer; comparative adjective: queerer; superlative adjective: queerest
  1. 1.
    strange; odd.
    "she had a queer feeling that they were being watched"
    synonyms: odd, strange, unusual, funny, peculiar, curious, bizarre, weird, uncanny, freakish, eerie, unnatural; More
    unconventional, unorthodox, unexpected, unfamiliar, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, untypical, out of the ordinary, incongruous, irregular;
    puzzling, perplexing, baffling, unaccountable;
    informalfishy, spooky, bizarro, freaky
    "his diction is archaic and queer"
    antonyms: normal
    • Britishinformaldated
      slightly ill.
  2. 2.
    (of a person) homosexual.
    • denoting or relating to a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms.
      "queer geek culture has featured gay themes since the 1980s"
noun: queer; plural noun: queers
  1. 1.
    a homosexual man.
verb: queer; 3rd person present: queers; past tense: queered; past participle: queered; gerund or present participle: queering
  1. 1.
    spoil or ruin (an agreement, event, or situation).
    "Reg didn't want someone meddling and queering the deal at the last minute"

early 16th century: considered to be from German quer ‘oblique, perverse,’ but the origin is doubtful.
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)


Ms. Ivanka Trump has a lifestyle website. It recently wanted to profile a female chef. That person, however, declined the invitation, writing:

"As a queer [emphasis mine] person of color and daughter of immigrant parents, I am not interested in being profiled as an aspirational figure for those that support a brand and President that slyly disparages female empowerment."

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (print edition) of June 18, 2018, page 80.

Sometimes using a word that denotes something negative is a middle finger up to those who will use such language.

For someone who isn't gay to use such language is to be disrespectful, deliberately so.
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)


Ms. Ivanka Trump has a lifestyle website. It recently wanted to profile a female chef. That person, however, declined the invitation, writing:

"As a queer [emphasis mine] person of color and daughter of immigrant parents, I am not interested in being profiled as an aspirational figure for those that support a brand and President that slyly disparages female empowerment."

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (print edition) of June 18, 2018, page 80.

Sometimes using a word that denotes something negative is a middle finger up to those who will use such language.

For someone who isn't gay to use such language is to be disrespectful, deliberately so.
Purée, It's your opinion, but it's unnatural to be homosexual whether you like it or not.

The good god to create Adam and Eve just to open the Bible and you will have the information.
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)


Ms. Ivanka Trump has a lifestyle website. It recently wanted to profile a female chef. That person, however, declined the invitation, writing:

"As a queer [emphasis mine] person of color and daughter of immigrant parents, I am not interested in being profiled as an aspirational figure for those that support a brand and President that slyly disparages female empowerment."

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (print edition) of June 18, 2018, page 80.

Sometimes using a word that denotes something negative is a middle finger up to those who will use such language.

For someone who isn't gay to use such language is to be disrespectful, deliberately so.
Purée, It's your opinion, but it's unnatural to be homosexual whether you like it or not.View attachment 199278
The good god to create Adam and Eve just to open the Bible and you will have the information.


It's "unnatural" to drive a car. It's "unnatural" to fly in an airplane. It's "unnatural" to buy food surrounded by plastic.

We could go on all day about what is "unnatural".

Is gay "unnatural"?

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia

Seems not.
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)


Ms. Ivanka Trump has a lifestyle website. It recently wanted to profile a female chef. That person, however, declined the invitation, writing:

"As a queer [emphasis mine] person of color and daughter of immigrant parents, I am not interested in being profiled as an aspirational figure for those that support a brand and President that slyly disparages female empowerment."

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (print edition) of June 18, 2018, page 80.
Queer just means out of the ordinary. Gays are certainly numerically out of the ordinary. Ergo...
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)


Ms. Ivanka Trump has a lifestyle website. It recently wanted to profile a female chef. That person, however, declined the invitation, writing:

"As a queer [emphasis mine] person of color and daughter of immigrant parents, I am not interested in being profiled as an aspirational figure for those that support a brand and President that slyly disparages female empowerment."

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (print edition) of June 18, 2018, page 80.

You do understand that the term is LBGTQ, not LBGT. So yes, it's perfectly acceptable.

And the queers that object to it are free to remove the Q at any time, but the damage is already done.
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)


Ms. Ivanka Trump has a lifestyle website. It recently wanted to profile a female chef. That person, however, declined the invitation, writing:

"As a queer [emphasis mine] person of color and daughter of immigrant parents, I am not interested in being profiled as an aspirational figure for those that support a brand and President that slyly disparages female empowerment."

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (print edition) of June 18, 2018, page 80.

Sometimes using a word that denotes something negative is a middle finger up to those who will use such language.

For someone who isn't gay to use such language is to be disrespectful, deliberately so.
Purée, It's your opinion, but it's unnatural to be homosexual whether you like it or not.View attachment 199278
The good god to create Adam and Eve just to open the Bible and you will have the information.


It's "unnatural" to drive a car. It's "unnatural" to fly in an airplane. It's "unnatural" to buy food surrounded by plastic.

We could go on all day about what is "unnatural".

Is gay "unnatural"?

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia

Seems not.

Heterosexuals are responsible for creating every human life on this planet. Even those that are created through alternative methods have heterosexuals to thank for creating the Doctors and Scientists that created those methods.

So yes, Heterosexuality is natural, and all other sexualities, being unnecessary to sustain population, is not.
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)


Ms. Ivanka Trump has a lifestyle website. It recently wanted to profile a female chef. That person, however, declined the invitation, writing:

"As a queer [emphasis mine] person of color and daughter of immigrant parents, I am not interested in being profiled as an aspirational figure for those that support a brand and President that slyly disparages female empowerment."

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (print edition) of June 18, 2018, page 80.

Sometimes using a word that denotes something negative is a middle finger up to those who will use such language.

For someone who isn't gay to use such language is to be disrespectful, deliberately so.
Purée, It's your opinion, but it's unnatural to be homosexual whether you like it or not.View attachment 199278
The good god to create Adam and Eve just to open the Bible and you will have the information.


It's "unnatural" to drive a car. It's "unnatural" to fly in an airplane. It's "unnatural" to buy food surrounded by plastic.

We could go on all day about what is "unnatural".

Is gay "unnatural"?

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia

Seems not.

Fudge packing is pretty unnatural.
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)


Ms. Ivanka Trump has a lifestyle website. It recently wanted to profile a female chef. That person, however, declined the invitation, writing:

"As a queer [emphasis mine] person of color and daughter of immigrant parents, I am not interested in being profiled as an aspirational figure for those that support a brand and President that slyly disparages female empowerment."

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (print edition) of June 18, 2018, page 80.

Sometimes using a word that denotes something negative is a middle finger up to those who will use such language.

For someone who isn't gay to use such language is to be disrespectful, deliberately so.
Purée, It's your opinion, but it's unnatural to be homosexual whether you like it or not.View attachment 199278
The good god to create Adam and Eve just to open the Bible and you will have the information.


It's "unnatural" to drive a car. It's "unnatural" to fly in an airplane. It's "unnatural" to buy food surrounded by plastic.

We could go on all day about what is "unnatural".

Is gay "unnatural"?

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia

Seems not.

Heterosexuals are responsible for creating every human life on this planet. Even those that are created through alternative methods have heterosexuals to thank for creating the Doctors and Scientists that created those methods.

So yes, Heterosexuality is natural, and all other sexualities, being unnecessary to sustain population, is not.
Could not have said it better :thup:
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)


Ms. Ivanka Trump has a lifestyle website. It recently wanted to profile a female chef. That person, however, declined the invitation, writing:

"As a queer [emphasis mine] person of color and daughter of immigrant parents, I am not interested in being profiled as an aspirational figure for those that support a brand and President that slyly disparages female empowerment."

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (print edition) of June 18, 2018, page 80.

Sometimes using a word that denotes something negative is a middle finger up to those who will use such language.

For someone who isn't gay to use such language is to be disrespectful, deliberately so.
Purée, It's your opinion, but it's unnatural to be homosexual whether you like it or not.View attachment 199278
The good god to create Adam and Eve just to open the Bible and you will have the information.


It's "unnatural" to drive a car. It's "unnatural" to fly in an airplane. It's "unnatural" to buy food surrounded by plastic.

We could go on all day about what is "unnatural".

Is gay "unnatural"?

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia

Seems not.

Heterosexuals are responsible for creating every human life on this planet. Even those that are created through alternative methods have heterosexuals to thank for creating the Doctors and Scientists that created those methods.

So yes, Heterosexuality is natural, and all other sexualities, being unnecessary to sustain population, is not.
Could not have said it better :thup:

Nobody said heterosexuality wasn't natural. It's just not the only natural behavior.
Sometimes using a word that denotes something negative is a middle finger up to those who will use such language.

For someone who isn't gay to use such language is to be disrespectful, deliberately so.
Purée, It's your opinion, but it's unnatural to be homosexual whether you like it or not.View attachment 199278
The good god to create Adam and Eve just to open the Bible and you will have the information.


It's "unnatural" to drive a car. It's "unnatural" to fly in an airplane. It's "unnatural" to buy food surrounded by plastic.

We could go on all day about what is "unnatural".

Is gay "unnatural"?

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia

Seems not.

Heterosexuals are responsible for creating every human life on this planet. Even those that are created through alternative methods have heterosexuals to thank for creating the Doctors and Scientists that created those methods.

So yes, Heterosexuality is natural, and all other sexualities, being unnecessary to sustain population, is not.
Could not have said it better :thup:

Nobody said heterosexuality wasn't natural. It's just not the only natural behavior.
heterosexuality is the only natural way
Purée, It's your opinion, but it's unnatural to be homosexual whether you like it or not.View attachment 199278
The good god to create Adam and Eve just to open the Bible and you will have the information.


It's "unnatural" to drive a car. It's "unnatural" to fly in an airplane. It's "unnatural" to buy food surrounded by plastic.

We could go on all day about what is "unnatural".

Is gay "unnatural"?

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia

Seems not.

Heterosexuals are responsible for creating every human life on this planet. Even those that are created through alternative methods have heterosexuals to thank for creating the Doctors and Scientists that created those methods.

So yes, Heterosexuality is natural, and all other sexualities, being unnecessary to sustain population, is not.
Could not have said it better :thup:

Nobody said heterosexuality wasn't natural. It's just not the only natural behavior.
heterosexuality is the only natural way

Well, no. I know I'll never convince you, but your kind will eventually die off.
When I was a teenager in the 1950s, people who disliked or feared gay people would refer to them as "queers."

Nowadays, it seems that a few gay people proudly label themselves as "queers." (I think, however, that non-gay people would be wise NOT to use that word.)


Ms. Ivanka Trump has a lifestyle website. It recently wanted to profile a female chef. That person, however, declined the invitation, writing:

"As a queer [emphasis mine] person of color and daughter of immigrant parents, I am not interested in being profiled as an aspirational figure for those that support a brand and President that slyly disparages female empowerment."

Source: Bloomberg Businessweek (print edition) of June 18, 2018, page 80.
Queer just means out of the ordinary. Gays are certainly numerically out of the ordinary. Ergo...

So we should call everyone who is "numerically out of the ordinary" names?

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