Is it moral for God to punish us?

Either we are a fluke
Or someone made us and put us here

One or the other...
I think the question is dumb.

(1) If there IS a God, he DEFINES morality, and it's impossible for Him to be immoral
(2) If there IS NO God, it's self defined (think Ayn Rand)
Why would god have to define morality? He could have created us and just let us go on our own way to see what happens.

The Creator by default sets the rules.

I would not consider a being a "God" if he created people that was flawed or where beings could become better than Himself.

Our minds can conjure up all kinds of things - maybe if you believe God as perhaps someone like us, yet, superior in intellect, but also fallible.....?
You have no idea what god's default setting is. We are possibly nothing like god, and he probably couldn't give a rat's ass what we do.
I think the question is dumb.

(1) If there IS a God, he DEFINES morality, and it's impossible for Him to be immoral
(2) If there IS NO God, it's self defined (think Ayn Rand)
Why would god have to define morality? He could have created us and just let us go on our own way to see what happens.

The Creator by default sets the rules.

I would not consider a being a "God" if he created people that was flawed or where beings could become better than Himself.

Our minds can conjure up all kinds of things - maybe if you believe God as perhaps someone like us, yet, superior in intellect, but also fallible.....?
You have no idea what god's default setting is. We are possibly nothing like god, and he probably couldn't give a rat's ass what we do.

If you created something, wouldn't you be interested?
You have to even consider certain things to have this conversation.....

The better question is. What DO you believe?
If you're not sure, it's best to read and explore all options - listening to the voice in you saying what is real even though your brain wants to reject it....
Anyone who thinks that the bible is factual is insane.

Think about that.

Now thats a scary thought.

If its true then there are a legion of people out there who have infiltrated all levels of local, state and federal government usurping authority and establishing and enforcing laws and customs that favor believers and punish unbelievers according to the wisdom and morality of the insane.
To say nothing of the millions, if not billions throughout history that, while supposedly insane, lived wonderful, giving, loving lives. To claim belief = insanity is, to put it mildly, insane.

Mudda said those who believe that the bible is factual are insane. I said that if that were true,,,etc.

Seriously, some people actually profess to believe that a collection of books that begins with what is in effect 'once upon a time' and has a talking serpent, mythological creatures flying through the air and the dead coming out of their graves is a historical document,

IMO they are either pretending to believe, (morally corrupt), in a state of cognitive dissonance, (mentally ill), or just plain stupid, (intellectually deficient).

What would you call it?
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Anyone who thinks that the bible is factual is insane.

Think about that.

Now thats a scary thought.

If its true then there are a legion of people out there who have infiltrated all levels of local, state and federal government usurping authority and establishing and enforcing laws and customs that favor believers and punish unbelievers according to the wisdom and morality of the insane.
To say nothing of the millions, if not billions throughout history that, while supposedly insane, lived wonderful, giving, loving lives. To claim belief = insanity is, to put it mildly, insane.

Mudda said those who believe that the bible is factual are insane. I said that if that were true,,,etc.

Seriously, some people actually profess to believe that a collection of books that begins with what is in effect once upon a time and has a talking serpent and mythological creatures flying through the air is a historical document,

IMO they are either pretending to believe, in a state of cognitive dissonance, (mentally ill), or just plain stupid.

What would you call it?
You left out another option, which is none of the above.
Either we are a fluke
Or someone made us and put us here

One or the other...
There is nothing surprising about our being a fluke. The vast history of evolution has many, many flukes. Most of the species that have evolved have become extinct. Natural selection selects from contestants whose design is by random mutation. Many more fail than pass on their genetic code and even the winners are often wiped out by environmental change, new competitors etc. and all of this takes very large amounts of time a few hundred thousand years is but the blink of an evolutionary eye.

Our own hominid contestant seems to have taken the gamble of going all in on the cerebral cortex rather than other anatomical features. The gamble paid off handsomely with the discovery of fire and language and it wasn't until just a few thousand years ago that our special evolutionary advantage began to show its darker side.

Now our increasing disharmony with the environment and capacity for mass devastation are raising the possibility that we have played out our string and may be going the way of the dodo bird or the dinosaurs. Going for the big brain was a clever strategy but, like most evolutionary strategies, it may not work out. Nothing flukey about the prospect though.
If you are trying to prove that Jesus claimed to be God you might as well be trying to prove that Jesus was insane.

you will not find anything written to prove that Jesus ever claimed to be God that could not be interpreted in a more intelligent and rational way.
Rationalize John 8:58,
“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “beforeAbraham was born, I am!”

keeping in mind Exodus 3:14.
God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham! “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

Context is important. By finding it ridiculous that Jesus had seen Abraham before he was fifty years old the pharisees implied that if Jesus was fifty years old he could have seen Abraham which shows that seeing Abraham was about understanding Abraham and knowing intimate things between Abraham and God..

The answer Jesus gave , before Abraham was born I am, is not a claim of being God. he was saying that even though he was so young he understood Abraham because God, I am, has existed since even before Abraham was born and was with him as corresponds to his claim being the awaited Messiah and Deuteronomy 18:18 which shows that the messiah would speak for God about things that only God could know.

Yes, context is indeed important. Note the following verse:

At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.

What was punishable by death in what Jesus said? Think it over.

Someone who they considered froward uttering the name of God would have been considered blasphemy. And according to scripture there was always some people who wanted to stone Jesus almost every time he said anything, and it wasn't because he was guilty of something.

His enemies were trying to discredit Jesus. Twisting what he said into a claim of divinity was one sure way to guarantee that every Jew would believe that he was insane and no one would take anything he said seriously.

By saying that Jesus claimed to be God you bring the name of Jesus into disrepute among all intelligent people and agree with what his enemies falsely accused him of..... being insane..

Think about that.
Anyone who thinks that the bible is factual is insane.

Think about that.
its insane to say that......
Rationalize John 8:58,
keeping in mind Exodus 3:14.

You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham! “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

Context is important. By finding it ridiculous that Jesus had seen Abraham before he was fifty years old the pharisees implied that if Jesus was fifty years old he could have seen Abraham which shows that seeing Abraham was about understanding Abraham and knowing intimate things between Abraham and God..

The answer Jesus gave , before Abraham was born I am, is not a claim of being God. he was saying that even though he was so young he understood Abraham because God, I am, has existed since even before Abraham was born and was with him as corresponds to his claim being the awaited Messiah and Deuteronomy 18:18 which shows that the messiah would speak for God about things that only God could know.

Yes, context is indeed important. Note the following verse:

At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.

What was punishable by death in what Jesus said? Think it over.

Someone who they considered froward uttering the name of God would have been considered blasphemy. And according to scripture there was always some people who wanted to stone Jesus almost every time he said anything, and it wasn't because he was guilty of something.

His enemies were trying to discredit Jesus. Twisting what he said into a claim of divinity was one sure way to guarantee that every Jew would believe that he was insane and no one would take anything he said seriously.

By saying that Jesus claimed to be God you bring the name of Jesus into disrepute among all intelligent people and agree with what his enemies falsely accused him of..... being insane..

Think about that.
Anyone who thinks that the bible is factual is insane.

Think about that.
its insane to say that......

There are some historic facts in the bible but it is far from factually or historically accurate. It was written by men faith to explain their past and the world around them from the belief in a god. They "blamed" god instead of understanding the science. It was primitive men dealing with their fears and their awe of the universe from their limited perceptive.

In today's terms we know there is much that is not factual. It was fact to the men who wrote it, they had nothing else. Now we can explain the "magic and miracles" and dispel the myths. Nature is still awesome, but a petty egotistical meddling god with schizophrenic mood swings read to destroy man but not save him from massacres, horrors of war and suffering is without fact. Even creation can now be explained with science.

Even the belief in a god has been explained by studying a particular over-stimulation in an area of the brain.

The writers were spinning tales to inspire the listening with a thread through it to remember where they came from as a tribe and events that had major impacts on who they are then/now. Much of the bible can be read in the stars as an outline or timeline of sorts. History as we progress through the age of the zodiac from bull to ram to fish and water. Even the story of Jesus, and other gods associated with similar lives, can be read in the stars, like reading book, on the names have been changed.

It is man's interpretation of the past and the unknown (or for them the yet to be known).
You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham! “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

Context is important. By finding it ridiculous that Jesus had seen Abraham before he was fifty years old the pharisees implied that if Jesus was fifty years old he could have seen Abraham which shows that seeing Abraham was about understanding Abraham and knowing intimate things between Abraham and God..

The answer Jesus gave , before Abraham was born I am, is not a claim of being God. he was saying that even though he was so young he understood Abraham because God, I am, has existed since even before Abraham was born and was with him as corresponds to his claim being the awaited Messiah and Deuteronomy 18:18 which shows that the messiah would speak for God about things that only God could know.

Yes, context is indeed important. Note the following verse:

At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.

What was punishable by death in what Jesus said? Think it over.

Someone who they considered froward uttering the name of God would have been considered blasphemy. And according to scripture there was always some people who wanted to stone Jesus almost every time he said anything, and it wasn't because he was guilty of something.

His enemies were trying to discredit Jesus. Twisting what he said into a claim of divinity was one sure way to guarantee that every Jew would believe that he was insane and no one would take anything he said seriously.

By saying that Jesus claimed to be God you bring the name of Jesus into disrepute among all intelligent people and agree with what his enemies falsely accused him of..... being insane..

Think about that.
Anyone who thinks that the bible is factual is insane.

Think about that.
its insane to say that......

There are some historic facts in the bible but it is far from factually or historically accurate. It was written by men faith to explain their past and the world around them from the belief in a god. They "blamed" god instead of understanding the science. It was primitive men dealing with their fears and their awe of the universe from their limited perceptive.

In today's terms we know there is much that is not factual. It was fact to the men who wrote it, they had nothing else. Now we can explain the "magic and miracles" and dispel the myths. Nature is still awesome, but a petty egotistical meddling god with schizophrenic mood swings read to destroy man but not save him from massacres, horrors of war and suffering is without fact. Even creation can now be explained with science.

Even the belief in a god has been explained by studying a particular over-stimulation in an area of the brain.

The writers were spinning tales to inspire the listening with a thread through it to remember where they came from as a tribe and events that had major impacts on who they are then/now. Much of the bible can be read in the stars as an outline or timeline of sorts. History as we progress through the age of the zodiac from bull to ram to fish and water. Even the story of Jesus, and other gods associated with similar lives, can be read in the stars, like reading book, on the names have been changed.

It is man's interpretation of the past and the unknown (or for them the yet to be known).
lets take for example the first ten words of the Bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"......are you saying that anyone who believes those ten words to be fact is insane?.......
Yes, context is indeed important. Note the following verse:

What was punishable by death in what Jesus said? Think it over.

Someone who they considered froward uttering the name of God would have been considered blasphemy. And according to scripture there was always some people who wanted to stone Jesus almost every time he said anything, and it wasn't because he was guilty of something.

His enemies were trying to discredit Jesus. Twisting what he said into a claim of divinity was one sure way to guarantee that every Jew would believe that he was insane and no one would take anything he said seriously.

By saying that Jesus claimed to be God you bring the name of Jesus into disrepute among all intelligent people and agree with what his enemies falsely accused him of..... being insane..

Think about that.
Anyone who thinks that the bible is factual is insane.

Think about that.
its insane to say that......

There are some historic facts in the bible but it is far from factually or historically accurate. It was written by men faith to explain their past and the world around them from the belief in a god. They "blamed" god instead of understanding the science. It was primitive men dealing with their fears and their awe of the universe from their limited perceptive.

In today's terms we know there is much that is not factual. It was fact to the men who wrote it, they had nothing else. Now we can explain the "magic and miracles" and dispel the myths. Nature is still awesome, but a petty egotistical meddling god with schizophrenic mood swings read to destroy man but not save him from massacres, horrors of war and suffering is without fact. Even creation can now be explained with science.

Even the belief in a god has been explained by studying a particular over-stimulation in an area of the brain.

The writers were spinning tales to inspire the listening with a thread through it to remember where they came from as a tribe and events that had major impacts on who they are then/now. Much of the bible can be read in the stars as an outline or timeline of sorts. History as we progress through the age of the zodiac from bull to ram to fish and water. Even the story of Jesus, and other gods associated with similar lives, can be read in the stars, like reading book, on the names have been changed.

It is man's interpretation of the past and the unknown (or for them the yet to be known).
lets take for example the first ten words of the Bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"......are you saying that anyone who believes those ten words to be fact is insane?.......

Have to suspend logic and reality to believe in a figure that is not matter was playing with hydrogen and rock to create earth and man in a matter of a few days .

Science proved man evolved over millions of year and the planet and life here over billions of years.

Ancient man might not have understood these things, but we do today.

We know there were thriving civilizations here more than 10,000 BCE and yet faith still tries to tell us the earth is only 5000+ yrs old.
Rationalize John 8:58,
keeping in mind Exodus 3:14.

You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham! “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

Context is important. By finding it ridiculous that Jesus had seen Abraham before he was fifty years old the pharisees implied that if Jesus was fifty years old he could have seen Abraham which shows that seeing Abraham was about understanding Abraham and knowing intimate things between Abraham and God..

The answer Jesus gave , before Abraham was born I am, is not a claim of being God. he was saying that even though he was so young he understood Abraham because God, I am, has existed since even before Abraham was born and was with him as corresponds to his claim being the awaited Messiah and Deuteronomy 18:18 which shows that the messiah would speak for God about things that only God could know.

Yes, context is indeed important. Note the following verse:

At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.

What was punishable by death in what Jesus said? Think it over.

Someone who they considered froward uttering the name of God would have been considered blasphemy. And according to scripture there was always some people who wanted to stone Jesus almost every time he said anything, and it wasn't because he was guilty of something.

His enemies were trying to discredit Jesus. Twisting what he said into a claim of divinity was one sure way to guarantee that every Jew would believe that he was insane and no one would take anything he said seriously.

By saying that Jesus claimed to be God you bring the name of Jesus into disrepute among all intelligent people and agree with what his enemies falsely accused him of..... being insane..

Think about that.
Anyone who thinks that the bible is factual is insane.

Think about that.
its insane to say that......
People who take the bible as true like to live in a fantasy world. That's kinda crazy, wouldn't you say?
Yes, context is indeed important. Note the following verse:

What was punishable by death in what Jesus said? Think it over.

Someone who they considered froward uttering the name of God would have been considered blasphemy. And according to scripture there was always some people who wanted to stone Jesus almost every time he said anything, and it wasn't because he was guilty of something.

His enemies were trying to discredit Jesus. Twisting what he said into a claim of divinity was one sure way to guarantee that every Jew would believe that he was insane and no one would take anything he said seriously.

By saying that Jesus claimed to be God you bring the name of Jesus into disrepute among all intelligent people and agree with what his enemies falsely accused him of..... being insane..

Think about that.
Anyone who thinks that the bible is factual is insane.

Think about that.
its insane to say that......

There are some historic facts in the bible but it is far from factually or historically accurate. It was written by men faith to explain their past and the world around them from the belief in a god. They "blamed" god instead of understanding the science. It was primitive men dealing with their fears and their awe of the universe from their limited perceptive.

In today's terms we know there is much that is not factual. It was fact to the men who wrote it, they had nothing else. Now we can explain the "magic and miracles" and dispel the myths. Nature is still awesome, but a petty egotistical meddling god with schizophrenic mood swings read to destroy man but not save him from massacres, horrors of war and suffering is without fact. Even creation can now be explained with science.

Even the belief in a god has been explained by studying a particular over-stimulation in an area of the brain.

The writers were spinning tales to inspire the listening with a thread through it to remember where they came from as a tribe and events that had major impacts on who they are then/now. Much of the bible can be read in the stars as an outline or timeline of sorts. History as we progress through the age of the zodiac from bull to ram to fish and water. Even the story of Jesus, and other gods associated with similar lives, can be read in the stars, like reading book, on the names have been changed.

It is man's interpretation of the past and the unknown (or for them the yet to be known).
lets take for example the first ten words of the Bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"......are you saying that anyone who believes those ten words to be fact is insane?.......
Nobody knows who or what is responsible for the Big Bang, to think you know is crazy batshit stuff.
lets take for example the first ten words of the Bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"......are you saying that anyone who believes those ten words to be fact is insane?.......

If you think that a book written a few thousand years ago by men who knew nothing about the universe is about the creation of the universe you are at best not too swift.

"And the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light." Genesis 1:2,3

The story is about a time in human history, no more than a few thousand years ago, when God gave the law as a light to teach people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, right and wrong, true and false, the living and the dead, etc., in a world of people that had been for millions of years in complete darkness where superstition and ignorance covered the face of the deep - prevented people from knowing the true nature of things..
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lets take for example the first ten words of the Bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"......are you saying that anyone who believes those ten words to be fact is insane?.......

If you think that a book written a few thousand years ago by men who knew nothing about the universe is about the creation of the universe you are at best not too swift.

"And the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light." Genesis 1:2,3

The story is about a time in human history when God gave the law as a light to teach people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, right and wrong, true and false, the living and the dead, etc., in a world that had been for billions of years in complete darkness where superstition and ignorance covered the face of the deep - prevented people from knowing the true nature of things..
Interesting, though, that the Bible accurately said that light existed before stars, something that "modern" science thought was impossible until a few decades ago.
Someone who they considered froward uttering the name of God would have been considered blasphemy. And according to scripture there was always some people who wanted to stone Jesus almost every time he said anything, and it wasn't because he was guilty of something.

His enemies were trying to discredit Jesus. Twisting what he said into a claim of divinity was one sure way to guarantee that every Jew would believe that he was insane and no one would take anything he said seriously.

By saying that Jesus claimed to be God you bring the name of Jesus into disrepute among all intelligent people and agree with what his enemies falsely accused him of..... being insane..

Think about that.
Anyone who thinks that the bible is factual is insane.

Think about that.
its insane to say that......

There are some historic facts in the bible but it is far from factually or historically accurate. It was written by men faith to explain their past and the world around them from the belief in a god. They "blamed" god instead of understanding the science. It was primitive men dealing with their fears and their awe of the universe from their limited perceptive.

In today's terms we know there is much that is not factual. It was fact to the men who wrote it, they had nothing else. Now we can explain the "magic and miracles" and dispel the myths. Nature is still awesome, but a petty egotistical meddling god with schizophrenic mood swings read to destroy man but not save him from massacres, horrors of war and suffering is without fact. Even creation can now be explained with science.

Even the belief in a god has been explained by studying a particular over-stimulation in an area of the brain.

The writers were spinning tales to inspire the listening with a thread through it to remember where they came from as a tribe and events that had major impacts on who they are then/now. Much of the bible can be read in the stars as an outline or timeline of sorts. History as we progress through the age of the zodiac from bull to ram to fish and water. Even the story of Jesus, and other gods associated with similar lives, can be read in the stars, like reading book, on the names have been changed.

It is man's interpretation of the past and the unknown (or for them the yet to be known).
lets take for example the first ten words of the Bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"......are you saying that anyone who believes those ten words to be fact is insane?.......

Have to suspend logic and reality to believe in a figure that is not matter was playing with hydrogen and rock to create earth and man in a matter of a few days .

Science proved man evolved over millions of year and the planet and life here over billions of years.

Ancient man might not have understood these things, but we do today.

We know there were thriving civilizations here more than 10,000 BCE and yet faith still tries to tell us the earth is only 5000+ yrs old. doesn't try to tell us the earth is 5000 years old....a guy named Ussher back in the 16th Century tried to tell us the earth was only 5000 years old......why do you believe some things which are obviously not true but then say it is insane to believe things you cannot prove are not true.....
lets take for example the first ten words of the Bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"......are you saying that anyone who believes those ten words to be fact is insane?.......

If you think that a book written a few thousand years ago by men who knew nothing about the universe is about the creation of the universe you are at best not too swift.

"And the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light." Genesis 1:2,3

The story is about a time in human history when God gave the law as a light to teach people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, right and wrong, true and false, the living and the dead, etc., in a world that had been for billions of years in complete darkness where superstition and ignorance covered the face of the deep - prevented people from knowing the true nature of things..
so there are three billion insane people in the world but you are not one of them?.....
lets take for example the first ten words of the Bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"......are you saying that anyone who believes those ten words to be fact is insane?.......

If you think that a book written a few thousand years ago by men who knew nothing about the universe is about the creation of the universe you are at best not too swift.

"And the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light." Genesis 1:2,3

The story is about a time in human history when God gave the law as a light to teach people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, right and wrong, true and false, the living and the dead, etc., in a world that had been for billions of years in complete darkness where superstition and ignorance covered the face of the deep - prevented people from knowing the true nature of things..
Interesting, though, that the Bible accurately said that light existed before stars, something that "modern" science thought was impossible until a few decades ago.
on the other hand, that which differentiates day and night might be something other than light.......such as time.......
You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham! “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

Context is important. By finding it ridiculous that Jesus had seen Abraham before he was fifty years old the pharisees implied that if Jesus was fifty years old he could have seen Abraham which shows that seeing Abraham was about understanding Abraham and knowing intimate things between Abraham and God..

The answer Jesus gave , before Abraham was born I am, is not a claim of being God. he was saying that even though he was so young he understood Abraham because God, I am, has existed since even before Abraham was born and was with him as corresponds to his claim being the awaited Messiah and Deuteronomy 18:18 which shows that the messiah would speak for God about things that only God could know.

Yes, context is indeed important. Note the following verse:

At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.

What was punishable by death in what Jesus said? Think it over.

Someone who they considered froward uttering the name of God would have been considered blasphemy. And according to scripture there was always some people who wanted to stone Jesus almost every time he said anything, and it wasn't because he was guilty of something.

His enemies were trying to discredit Jesus. Twisting what he said into a claim of divinity was one sure way to guarantee that every Jew would believe that he was insane and no one would take anything he said seriously.

By saying that Jesus claimed to be God you bring the name of Jesus into disrepute among all intelligent people and agree with what his enemies falsely accused him of..... being insane..

Think about that.
Anyone who thinks that the bible is factual is insane.

Think about that.
its insane to say that......
People who take the bible as true like to live in a fantasy world. That's kinda crazy, wouldn't you say?
not really.....I would say that people who reject it are matter of fact, the Bible itself says that.......
lets take for example the first ten words of the Bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"......are you saying that anyone who believes those ten words to be fact is insane?.......

If you think that a book written a few thousand years ago by men who knew nothing about the universe is about the creation of the universe you are at best not too swift.

"And the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light." Genesis 1:2,3

The story is about a time in human history when God gave the law as a light to teach people to distinguish between clean and unclean, good and evil, right and wrong, true and false, the living and the dead, etc., in a world that had been for billions of years in complete darkness where superstition and ignorance covered the face of the deep - prevented people from knowing the true nature of things..
so there are three billion insane people in the world but you are not one of them?.....

Thats the way the cookie crumbles.
Someone who they considered froward uttering the name of God would have been considered blasphemy. And according to scripture there was always some people who wanted to stone Jesus almost every time he said anything, and it wasn't because he was guilty of something.

His enemies were trying to discredit Jesus. Twisting what he said into a claim of divinity was one sure way to guarantee that every Jew would believe that he was insane and no one would take anything he said seriously.

By saying that Jesus claimed to be God you bring the name of Jesus into disrepute among all intelligent people and agree with what his enemies falsely accused him of..... being insane..

Think about that.
Anyone who thinks that the bible is factual is insane.

Think about that.
its insane to say that......

There are some historic facts in the bible but it is far from factually or historically accurate. It was written by men faith to explain their past and the world around them from the belief in a god. They "blamed" god instead of understanding the science. It was primitive men dealing with their fears and their awe of the universe from their limited perceptive.

In today's terms we know there is much that is not factual. It was fact to the men who wrote it, they had nothing else. Now we can explain the "magic and miracles" and dispel the myths. Nature is still awesome, but a petty egotistical meddling god with schizophrenic mood swings read to destroy man but not save him from massacres, horrors of war and suffering is without fact. Even creation can now be explained with science.

Even the belief in a god has been explained by studying a particular over-stimulation in an area of the brain.

The writers were spinning tales to inspire the listening with a thread through it to remember where they came from as a tribe and events that had major impacts on who they are then/now. Much of the bible can be read in the stars as an outline or timeline of sorts. History as we progress through the age of the zodiac from bull to ram to fish and water. Even the story of Jesus, and other gods associated with similar lives, can be read in the stars, like reading book, on the names have been changed.

It is man's interpretation of the past and the unknown (or for them the yet to be known).
lets take for example the first ten words of the Bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"......are you saying that anyone who believes those ten words to be fact is insane?.......
Nobody knows who or what is responsible for the Big Bang, to think you know is crazy batshit stuff.
I guess that includes a lot of secular scientists........

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