Is Hillary's e-mail scandal falling apart?

Time to circle the wagons, Hillary lovers! People aren't buying the bullshit anymore. Which leaves you with who? Bernie Sanders? Joe Biden? Martin O'Malley? What you thought was going to be a cake walk against a weak GOP field looks like it might turn into your worst nightmare. Just saying...

The only people concerned are the right wingers who would never vote Democratic any way. It's still a cake walk against the weakest GOP field I have ever seen for which ever Democrat wins the nomination.

Trump has poisoned the waters with his bellicose speeches and insults. The establishment at the RNC is going crazy. Valium for everyone!
yeah but he has money!
Are you three living under a rock without access to cable? In case you hadn't noticed, Trump is GAINING ground with Hispanics! Could it possibly be that the Hispanics have seen through the far left's false narrative that the GOP somehow hates them because they want to secure the border? That the Democrats talk a good game with this whole income inequality thing but they don't have a clue how to stimulate the economy and create jobs? Gee, what's next...will blacks finally figure out that the welfare society they've been sold by liberals is keeping them on an "entitlement plantation" and decide to vote for someone who will REALLY help them?
Are you three living under a rock without access to cable? In case you hadn't noticed, Trump is GAINING ground with Hispanics! Could it possibly be that the Hispanics have seen through the far left's false narrative that the GOP somehow hates them because they want to secure the border? That the Democrats talk a good game with this whole income inequality thing but they don't have a clue how to stimulate the economy and create jobs? Gee, what's next...will blacks finally figure out that the welfare society they've been sold by liberals is keeping them on an "entitlement plantation" and decide to vote for someone who will REALLY help them?
Ohhhh no not the democrats keeping the brothers down ploy!
Are you three living under a rock without access to cable? In case you hadn't noticed, Trump is GAINING ground with Hispanics! Could it possibly be that the Hispanics have seen through the far left's false narrative that the GOP somehow hates them because they want to secure the border? That the Democrats talk a good game with this whole income inequality thing but they don't have a clue how to stimulate the economy and create jobs? Gee, what's next...will blacks finally figure out that the welfare society they've been sold by liberals is keeping them on an "entitlement plantation" and decide to vote for someone who will REALLY help them?
Ohhhh no not the democrats keeping the brothers down ploy!

Ohhhh no not the Democrats are really helping the brothers myth!
Are you three living under a rock without access to cable? In case you hadn't noticed, Trump is GAINING ground with Hispanics! Could it possibly be that the Hispanics have seen through the far left's false narrative that the GOP somehow hates them because they want to secure the border? That the Democrats talk a good game with this whole income inequality thing but they don't have a clue how to stimulate the economy and create jobs? Gee, what's next...will blacks finally figure out that the welfare society they've been sold by liberals is keeping them on an "entitlement plantation" and decide to vote for someone who will REALLY help them?
Ohhhh no not the democrats keeping the brothers down ploy!

Ohhhh no not the Democrats are really helping the brothers myth!
Original much?
Are you three living under a rock without access to cable? In case you hadn't noticed, Trump is GAINING ground with Hispanics! Could it possibly be that the Hispanics have seen through the far left's false narrative that the GOP somehow hates them because they want to secure the border? That the Democrats talk a good game with this whole income inequality thing but they don't have a clue how to stimulate the economy and create jobs? Gee, what's next...will blacks finally figure out that the welfare society they've been sold by liberals is keeping them on an "entitlement plantation" and decide to vote for someone who will REALLY help them?
Ohhhh no not the democrats keeping the brothers down ploy!

Ohhhh no not the Democrats are really helping the brothers myth!
Original much?

That's parody, Sparky...try and keep up!
Are you three living under a rock without access to cable? In case you hadn't noticed, Trump is GAINING ground with Hispanics! Could it possibly be that the Hispanics have seen through the far left's false narrative that the GOP somehow hates them because they want to secure the border? That the Democrats talk a good game with this whole income inequality thing but they don't have a clue how to stimulate the economy and create jobs? Gee, what's next...will blacks finally figure out that the welfare society they've been sold by liberals is keeping them on an "entitlement plantation" and decide to vote for someone who will REALLY help them?
Ohhhh no not the democrats keeping the brothers down ploy!

Ohhhh no not the Democrats are really helping the brothers myth!
Original much?

That's parody, Sparky...try and keep up!
Sorry but no it's not .
The fact is that after almost seven years of a black liberal sitting in the Oval Office...blacks are just as bad off now as they were before Obama took office. Talk is always cheap with you on the left, promise the world and it's always going to be some other person that's going to pay the tab...only when push comes to shove things never seem to work out the way you promised they would.
The fact is that after almost seven years of a black liberal sitting in the Oval Office...blacks are just as bad off now as they were before Obama took office. Talk is always cheap with you on the left, promise the world and it's always going to be some other person that's going to pay the tab...only when push comes to shove things never seem to work out the way you promised they would.
Cue weepy music.
The fact is that after almost seven years of a black liberal sitting in the Oval Office...blacks are just as bad off now as they were before Obama took office. Talk is always cheap with you on the left, promise the world and it's always going to be some other person that's going to pay the tab...only when push comes to shove things never seem to work out the way you promised they would.
Cue weepy music.

Is that the best comeback you've got? Pretty telling...
Falling apart?....Falling Apart! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Now They have that muslim bitch Huma Weiner in their sights.... she'll fold like an old wallet!

State Dept.-released Clinton email had classified intel from 3 agencies, in possible violation

FoxNews ^ | August 26, 2015 | Catherine Herridge
Agencies say info in Clinton emails was classified when sent One of the emails contained classified intelligence from three different agencies, which could mean the State Department violated a President Obama-signed executive order by authorizing its release. That 2009 order, EO 13526, lays out the rules for "classifying, safeguarding and declassifying national security information." It states that the authority to declassify rests with the intelligence agency that originated the information. One of the two emails that sparked the FBI probe was an April 2011 email from Clinton confidant Huma Abedin that contained intelligence from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the...
The fact is that after almost seven years of a black liberal sitting in the Oval Office...blacks are just as bad off now as they were before Obama took office. Talk is always cheap with you on the left, promise the world and it's always going to be some other person that's going to pay the tab...only when push comes to shove things never seem to work out the way you promised they would.
Cue weepy music.

Is that the best comeback you've got? Pretty telling...
Sure is's rock solid evidence you can't tell the difference between a non issue and the real thing.
The fact is that after almost seven years of a black liberal sitting in the Oval Office...blacks are just as bad off now as they were before Obama took office. Talk is always cheap with you on the left, promise the world and it's always going to be some other person that's going to pay the tab...only when push comes to shove things never seem to work out the way you promised they would.
Cue weepy music.

Is that the best comeback you've got? Pretty telling...
Sure is's rock solid evidence you can't tell the difference between a non issue and the real thing.

Since we've now learned that high level people in the State Department, the IRS and the EPA all used private e-mail accounts in what appears to be an attempt to hide how they conducted themselves from the people who we elected and sent to Washington to keep tabs on them...then YES...I'd say it's an "issue"!
Yesterday three other departments (NSA , CIA and the folks in charge of imaging) say she did violate top secret protocols. And the three departments involved own the rules, according to the ukaze signed by 0bama in 2009. The State department has no say in the matter, according to the Ukaze

Can you imagine the state department saying the head of the state department violated no laws? Imagine that. Whodathunkit.
The fact is that after almost seven years of a black liberal sitting in the Oval Office...blacks are just as bad off now as they were before Obama took office. Talk is always cheap with you on the left, promise the world and it's always going to be some other person that's going to pay the tab...only when push comes to shove things never seem to work out the way you promised they would.
Cue weepy music.

Is that the best comeback you've got? Pretty telling...
Sure is's rock solid evidence you can't tell the difference between a non issue and the real thing.

Since we've now learned that high level people in the State Department, the IRS and the EPA all used private e-mail accounts in what appears to be an attempt to hide how they conducted themselves from the people who we elected and sent to Washington to keep tabs on them...then YES...I'd say it's an "issue"!
not surprised.

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