Is Fox News a net positive or negative for the GOP?

I think he makes a very good point. I don't know how you could have missed all the people here and in the right wing media predicting a landslide. In fact, I'm sure you didn't miss it. So I have to wonder why you wrote what you did.


as I said, OTHER polls had Romney close, tied and ahead some times..
so what if people thought he would win from that..
I NEVER saw any right media predicting any landslide for him..that is something you people have made up to attack fox with...

Maybe not a landslide, but they did assure their viewers he was going to win. I wonder how many votes over confidence cost Romney.

so you watch fox?
I sure didn't know anyone who thought Romney had it in the bag..

what horseshit

Here's a pretty good list:

  1. Peggy Noonan
  2. Morning Joe
  3. Newt
  4. Michael Barone
  5. Glenn Beck
  6. Wayne Root
  7. George Will
  8. Larry Kudlow
  9. Dick Morris
  10. Karl Rove
Top 10 Wrongest Election Predictions From Cable News Pundits | Mediaite

I would also add radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt, who was positively giddy in the days leading up to the election.

And let's not forget the big guy: Limbaugh: Everything But the Polls Point to Romney Landslide (from Newsmax, no less)


Not sure about Beck or Root and Morris did say it would be a landslide for Romney. But in the final analysis, just before the vote, every one of the others were acknowledging that there was a razor thin margin and it was too close to call with any confidence. But of course everybody was hopeful that his/her preferred candidate would prevail. Peggy leaned Romney only because he was so upbeat and Obama was so angry and that suggested to her that internal polls were in Romney's favor in both campaigns. Remember that 10 days before the election, before Sandy hit, even Gallup, nobody's idea of a rightwing rooting organization, had Romney up beyond the margin of error. But after Sandy, all the polls closed to margins within the margin of error again. So, unless somebody had been under a rock for the last several days before the election, I don't think many on either side were at all certain.

I suspect the popular vote might have been a bit better for Republicans if the solid blue states hadn't been called for Obama long before the election. I can imagine that would discourage at least some Republicans from voting at all.
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Were you in a coma when all your fellow wingnuts got on here and said that Obama was toast, doomed, going back to chicago, etc...

so, OTHER polls were showing him close.. what was wrong with hoping OBAMA was toast..

You mean other than the mean-spiritedness of it, and the fact you wanted to turn the country over to a corporate raider who belonged to an evil cult?

But strangely you don't see it as mean spirited to refer to a man many hold in high regard as a corporate raider who belonged to an evil cult?
that's why fox has the number one viewer ratings for a decade.. lollipop dreams and unicorn piss brother.
Do you think maybe it's because they're the only right leaning channel while the left's viewer share is divided amongst 142376783 channels?

No doubt. But on cable you can add up the ratings/viewership for CNN, HLN, CNBC, and MSBC and they don't total anything close to Fox's ratings in almost every time slot. I'm pretty sure you could add PBS in there too, and Fox would still beat them all added together. So that speaks for a large part of the American population who have only one source, on cable anyway, to hear their values and opinions expressed. That is also why conservative talk radio is so successful because it does express what so many Americans already think and believe.

Lefties hate Fox and conservative talk radio because they consider anything other than their own values and opinion to be dishonest or evil or coming from less nice or more hateful people. And conservative often look at the leftist media in the same way.

But the question is, why do you turn to a news source to have your opinions expressed? Don't you want JUST the news so you can form your own opinion?

Do you really need to have your TV tell you why Obama is so horrible and why right leaning politics are better? Don't you already think that anyway?
Do you think maybe it's because they're the only right leaning channel while the left's viewer share is divided amongst 142376783 channels?

No doubt. But on cable you can add up the ratings/viewership for CNN, HLN, CNBC, and MSBC and they don't total anything close to Fox's ratings in almost every time slot. I'm pretty sure you could add PBS in there too, and Fox would still beat them all added together. So that speaks for a large part of the American population who have only one source, on cable anyway, to hear their values and opinions expressed. That is also why conservative talk radio is so successful because it does express what so many Americans already think and believe.

Lefties hate Fox and conservative talk radio because they consider anything other than their own values and opinion to be dishonest or evil or coming from less nice or more hateful people. And conservative often look at the leftist media in the same way.

But the question is, why do you turn to a news source to have your opinions expressed? Don't you want JUST the news so you can form your own opinion?

Do you really need to have your TV tell you why Obama is so horrible and why right leaning politics are better? Don't you already think that anyway?

All of the 24/7 channels offer news and commentary. Why single out FoxNews? It amuses me greatly that network bias is apparently seen so readily at Fox by some but not on any other networks? Talk about partisan blinders.
Do you think maybe it's because they're the only right leaning channel while the left's viewer share is divided amongst 142376783 channels?

No doubt. But on cable you can add up the ratings/viewership for CNN, HLN, CNBC, and MSBC and they don't total anything close to Fox's ratings in almost every time slot. I'm pretty sure you could add PBS in there too, and Fox would still beat them all added together. So that speaks for a large part of the American population who have only one source, on cable anyway, to hear their values and opinions expressed. That is also why conservative talk radio is so successful because it does express what so many Americans already think and believe.

Lefties hate Fox and conservative talk radio because they consider anything other than their own values and opinion to be dishonest or evil or coming from less nice or more hateful people. And conservative often look at the leftist media in the same way.

But the question is, why do you turn to a news source to have your opinions expressed? Don't you want JUST the news so you can form your own opinion?

Do you really need to have your TV tell you why Obama is so horrible and why right leaning politics are better? Don't you already think that anyway?

You're missing the point. We all go to news sources to get the daily news. And we want ALL the news. Those of us who watch Fox News for at least some of our news--I doubt any of us get all our information from Fox--want to get ALL the news about whatever is being reported. We believe Fox does a much better job of that than any other mainstream news media on television. The leftwing channels are notorious for burying stories or information unfavorable to Democrats or leftists while magnifying anything that makes somebody on the right look bad. Those on the left too often see that as fair and balanced because it fits their point of view. I don't see it as fair and balanced to omit facts and details that allow us to form an informed opinion. At least with Fox, I can usually count on getting ALL the facts, good and bad, on any given issue or event.

For instance, if it wasn't for the dedicated research and dogged persistance of Fox News, the leftist media would have reported the administration's version of Benghazi and then moved on. Fox has been getting the whole story out there and, usually days later, the rest of the media has to follow suit or look like idiots. But Fox also covers the scandals involving conservatives and Republicans too, and though we don't like to hear it, we get that information too.

But if you don't enjoy having your point of view vaildated now and then, too, then you are a very unusual person. Maybe even one of a kind.
first off, the American media is center right, exception, msnbc. Also the Libral media you speak of is what? when i turn on the TV i see this, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX, FOX NEWS, BOX BIZ. FOX POLITICAL, FOX SPECIAL, also TALK radio is DOMINIATED by the right wing, The Libral media complex is a myth. Also its a double edged sword. on one hand the fact the fox news actually supports a position that caters to the base, its a much needed boost for the right wing, with out the base, the 20 percent, they will never win another national election.
Now the other side of the coin here, Independet voters also tend to be the most informed voters as well, this hurts the republicans when FOX is seen as a propaganda tool, and it actually motivated the lefts base with the all the lies it told, or at least how the majority of the country saw it.
as I said, OTHER polls had Romney close, tied and ahead some times..
so what if people thought he would win from that..
I NEVER saw any right media predicting any landslide for him..that is something you people have made up to attack fox with...

Maybe not a landslide, but they did assure their viewers he was going to win. I wonder how many votes over confidence cost Romney.

so you watch fox?

also you want to talk about cover ups, two big ones come to mind here. 1 FOX wiretapped 911 families phones as well as dead soldiers families phones to try and get stories, hence they were found guild in britian and some of the outlets there were closed down, why was this NEVER even mentioned by ANY fox network? also if you watch the way that fox splices what people said to fit thier point of view its nuts here I will show you. watch this its an independent video put together
[ame=]FOX NEWS- LIES, LIES, LIES --See For Yourself (part 1 of 2) - YouTube[/ame] watch it. I can keep going here is another.
[ame=]Thom Hartmann: Why Fox News has the Right to Lie to Us - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Fox News Co-Host Exclaims: "Once Again, We Put Something On The Air That's A Flat-Out Lie" - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Fox News Lies About Atheism - YouTube[/ame]

I guess you guys are not looking at fox in a real light, I will post a fox lie vid every time someone posts on here, just so you get the idea, there are a million of them.
awe come on righties, I want to post more fox lies here just cause I feel like it

[ame=]Fox News Lies - YouTube[/ame]
here is another as promised.
[ame=]Fox Lies - Cenk Busts Fox News On MSNBC - YouTube[/ame]
Fox News is like the Special Olympics channel for political morons. Without Fox News, who would tell them what to think?
here is another one
[ame=]Fox News Lie "Wind Farms Cause Global Warming" - YouTube[/ame]
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Wow this thread has turned into another FoxNews bashathon and is showing a bad case of liberal dysentery. You poor obsessed darlings. It is just another TV network.
[ame=]O'Reilly Completely Busted on His Lies - YouTube[/ame]
there is another one
oh she spoke, here is aonther one

[ame=]Bill O'Reilly Tries To Explain His Lies - YouTube[/ame]

In the aftermath of The Great GOP Meltdown of 2012, I've now seen a couple of articles asking this question as the party begins a little self-inspection. Wow, never would I have expected this.

(Well, at least SOME of the party is doing some self-inspection. The rest of it is doubling down, proudly remaining in abject denial. But that's for a different thread)

Fox played a big part in the party somehow convincing itself that Romney was going to win in a landslide. It essentially created an information cocoon for conservatives, where no light was getting in, where the bad information inside the cocoon was allowed to fester and grow. The result? Conservatives were shocked at the outcome; no one else was.

So would the GOP be better off if Fox never existed? Or if it changed its approach and stopped being such a weird cartoon act? Is Fox hurting the GOP?

(And by the way, don't divert to MSNBC. I agree it's gone completely over the cliff for the Left. This is about Fox, how it created its own little world, and why the Right was so stunned by the election results)


This post mandates automatic consideration of the cult of the "other side" but I digress to your "and by the way" nevertheless. Fanatical pundits do detract from the message I suppose, in the same way as wikipedia twists burgeoning historical facts in the minds of those who read it as a source of absolute veracity.
Wow this thread has turned into another FoxNews bashathon and is showing a bad case of liberal dysentery. You poor obsessed darlings. It is just another TV network.

Yup. The intent of the thread was to consider the one very specific question that I asked, especially in the aftermath of the election. Disappointing but not terribly surprising that it turned into a bashathon.

I think it's fairly clear that Fox may be problematic for the GOP, but for people who swear by MSNBC to bash Fox is either pure denial or utter shamelessness. That's why I tried to steer the thread away from that.

And look, I just broke my own request, mentioning MSNBC. I'm INFECTED! AAUUUGHHH!

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