Is Dilbert Comic Racist?

Sarcasm against stupid shit in media cartoons and comics is the "bread and butter" of these artists.
This is what they are good at, known for, and get paid for. This is why they have a fan following.

Americans are basically all narcissistic and refuse to admit the truth about anything. These cartoonists do it for us, and Americans love it because WE are the ones that didn't have to say it.

The ONLY ones that oppose such truths are the ones that cannot handle truth, reality, or logic and reason.

I read comments like "why he would jeopardize millions of dollars and do something stupid as such"...

I believe it is absolutely rational to put truth above money and desires. That is actually THE pinnacle of rationality, where rationality itself is the motive; completely unmitigated by irrational impulses like fear, egocentrism (need for being well-regarded at the expense of truth) and so forth.

What leftists don’t understand the most basic meaning of “reason” and “rationalism” (which were once widely understood by classical liberals). Socrates literally died for the truth. That is the even higher pinnacle of reason: where the truth is fully realized to be more valuable than not only objects and money, but may be worth the sacrifice of life itself. Of course it’s not supposed to necessarily end that way. Socrates didn’t die for being rational, he died because he was dealing with retards, such as today's left. He acted in reason rather than fear.

But of course, this is why people refused the jab, and majority of the left got it. Fear is what separates us. Fear has never been rational, it’s just a signal or impulse they let rule over them, which is why they might be too afraid to risk their worthless shit that they’ll lose anyway when they die, but Scott obviously isn’t.

Newsflash: everyone dies and loses all their money and power. Not everyone lives. Leftists choose to be dead their whole lives, but don’t ever call themselves “rational” for that.

It is fundamentally irrational to deny reason and truth because “muh empire (of lies)” and “muh money.”
Re read that sentence. Was it edited? I ask, because it doesn’t seem to make sense.

It doesn't?

He's being cancelled for this...

Hey, when you, (ie an employer) talks about "increasing diversity" or some such shit, that means that they will be hiring people primarily for their skin color.

It looks shocking, because it should be.
Reverse racism. You hire people of color because they are not White.

Back in the days when MLK was leading the Civil Rights movement the object was that people would not be judged by their skin color.

There were people back in those days that predicted reverse racism would happen. I thought that would never happen. I was wrong.
I read comments like "why he would jeopardize millions of dollars and do something stupid as such"...

I believe it is absolutely rational to put truth above money and desires. That is actually THE pinnacle of rationality, where rationality itself is the motive; completely unmitigated by irrational impulses like fear, egocentrism (need for being well-regarded at the expense of truth) and so forth.

What leftists don’t understand the most basic meaning of “reason” and “rationalism” (which were once widely understood by classical liberals). Socrates literally died for the truth. That is the even higher pinnacle of reason: where the truth is fully realized to be more valuable than not only objects and money, but may be worth the sacrifice of life itself. Of course it’s not supposed to necessarily end that way. Socrates didn’t die for being rational, he died because he was dealing with retards, such as today's left. He acted in reason rather than fear.

But of course, this is why people refused the jab, and majority of the left got it. Fear is what separates us. Fear has never been rational, it’s just a signal or impulse they let rule over them, which is why they might be too afraid to risk their worthless shit that they’ll lose anyway when they die, but Scott obviously isn’t.

Newsflash: everyone dies and loses all their money and power. Not everyone lives. Leftists choose to be dead their whole lives, but don’t ever call themselves “rational” for that.

It is fundamentally irrational to deny reason and truth because “muh empire (of lies)” and “muh money.”
Scott Adams probably has FU money....
Not a good way to say it. I'd like to know what he meant by it with a bit more context from him. And he's probably at the age and money, that he doesn't care.
It was a PC way to say it, but for those that don't adhere to PC what he said was perfectly fine.
It doesn't?

He's being cancelled for this...

I disagree with his statement, but let’s get real: it is the very same thing that many black people say they want. This “woke” bullshit, ironically, sometimes insists on segregation as a reasonable cure for racism and hurt feelings.

Why should anyone be “cancelled” for speaking such things out loud? It’s not like any of us are obliged to agree.
I read a lot of anti white rants from lib’s pet minority that lefties have little or nothing to say about
Scott Adams probably has FU money....

Yeah, he's $70-80 million worth.

When I wrote things above, I thought he finally opened his eyes and stopped sucking the leftist cocks.
It seems I was wrong. He continued to be a cocksucking anti-white faggot. His YT stream was blowing up with "who owns the media" and now he has to cuck like this.

Too late to edit: I should have said it was NOT a PC way to say it.
I hate it when I type a mistake and don’t catch it fast enough to allow an edit.

I learned the lesson. Edit carefully.

I just fail to put that lesson into effect often enough.
Yeah, he's $70-80 million worth.

When I wrote things above, I thought he finally opened his eyes and stopped sucking the leftist cocks.
It seems I was wrong. He continued to be a cocksucking anti-white faggot. His YT stream was blowing up with "who owns the media" and now he has to cuck like this.

LOL.... He's not being anti-white, He is being anti-liberal-white..and the media that carries the narrative.
This was on the Dilbert Site todayView attachment 639319

I think it's very funny, but I suspect many will accuse Dilbert (Scott Adams) of being racist.

Trump toadies will defend racism and attack private enterprise wherever their disgraced deity is even peripherally implicated.

The reality is that cartoon boy's racist public outburst came after a long deterioration of his product as it had become an increasingly ideologically-deranged, humorless scree.

Adams became a vocal supporter of Trump, saying Trump had a hypnotist’s skill in attracting followers.

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.33.42 AM.png
The editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, which dumped “Dilbert” last year, said the comic strip “went from being hilarious to being hurtful and mean.” The Los Angeles Times, which joined dozens of other newspapers in dropping the comic following last week’s remarks, had quietly replaced four of Adams’ strips last year.
“He kind of ran out of office jokes and started integrating all this other stuff so after a while, it became hard to distinguish between Scott Adams and ‘Dilbert,’” said Mike Peterson, columnist for the industry blog The Daily Cartoonist...
In announcing that “Dilbert” would be cut from the Kansas City Star, the newspaper’s community engagement editor, Derek Donovan, said Adams’ “antagonistic, childishly macho persona” has been a constant for years.
At least, the Cry Baby Loser may have found a worthy Pence replacement who's now available:

Screen Shot 2023-02-28 at 8.26.56 AM.png
All the usual suspects congregating where you expect them to.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #AllRepublicansHaveForAmericaIsMORECultureWarBS
Trump toadies will defend racism and attack private enterprise wherever their disgraced deity is even peripherally implicated.

The reality is that cartoon boy's racist public outburst came after a long deterioration of his product as it had become an increasingly ideologically-deranged, humorless scree.

Adams became a vocal supporter of Trump, saying Trump had a hypnotist’s skill in attracting followers.

The editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, which dumped “Dilbert” last year, said the comic strip “went from being hilarious to being hurtful and mean.” The Los Angeles Times, which joined dozens of other newspapers in dropping the comic following last week’s remarks, had quietly replaced four of Adams’ strips last year.
“He kind of ran out of office jokes and started integrating all this other stuff so after a while, it became hard to distinguish between Scott Adams and ‘Dilbert,’” said Mike Peterson, columnist for the industry blog The Daily Cartoonist...
In announcing that “Dilbert” would be cut from the Kansas City Star, the newspaper’s community engagement editor, Derek Donovan, said Adams’ “antagonistic, childishly macho persona” has been a constant for years.
At least, the Cry Baby Loser may have found a worthy Pence replacement who's now available:

I agree that Adams at times seemed to be running out of material. It's hard to keep coming up with new material daily for 30 years about working in an office environment. I would also agree that Adams went from being somewhat neutral politically with his material to conservative/right leaning, thus making woke leftist ideologs unhappy with him. And of course conservative ideology is racist (note sarcasm), so Adams must also be racist if he adheres to such ideology.
This was on the Dilbert Site todayView attachment 639319

I think it's very funny, but I suspect many will accuse Dilbert (Scott Adams) of being racist.

Turn this comment he made into a cartoon and ask yourself if he's a racist.

“I don’t want to have anything to do with them,” Adams added. “And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people, just get the f**k away … because there is no fixing this.”
I interpret it as "hire and promote discriminating against whites, especially white males."

Two things. 1. Should he have the freedom to have this opinion and keep his job? And doesn't his employer have the right to fire him if he makes them look bad?

2. I actually kind of agree with him. Maybe I don't agree with there's no fixing this but the rest seems pretty spot on.

“If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with White people – according to this poll, not according to me, according to this poll – that’s a hate group,” Adams said Wednesday on his YouTube show “Real Coffee with Scott Adams.”

“I don’t want to have anything to do with them,” Adams added. “And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people, just get the f**k away … because there is no fixing this.”

47 percent of Black respondents were not willing to say it’s OK to be white.

“If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with white people—according to this poll, not according to me,” he said, “that’s a hate group.”

I wonder if we polled white people how many would say they like black people?

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